/** * @desc The ETSI MEC ISG MEC011 Application Enablement API described using OpenAPI * @see http://www.etsi.org/deliver/etsi_gs/MEC/001_099/011/01.01.01_60/gs_mec011v010101p.pdf */ module UEAppInterfaceAPI_Templates { // JSON import from JSON all; // LibCommon import from LibCommon_BasicTypesAndValues all; // LibMec/AppEna import from UEAppInterfaceAPI_TypesAndValues all; template (present) ProblemDetails mw_problem_details( template (present) JSON.String p_type := ?, template (present) JSON.String p_title := ?, template (present) UInt32 p_status := ?, template (present) JSON.String p_detail := ?, template (present) JSON.String p_instance := ? ) := { type_ := p_type, title := p_title, status := p_status, detail := p_detail, instance := p_instance } // End of template mw_problem_details template (value) ApplicationList m_application_list( in template (value) AppInfo p_app_info, in template (value) VendorSpecificExt p_vendor_specific_ext ) := { appInfo := p_app_info, vendorSpecificExt := p_vendor_specific_ext } // End of template m_application_list template (present) ApplicationList mw_application_list( template (present) AppInfo p_app_info := ?, template (present) VendorSpecificExt p_vendor_specific_ext := ? ) := { appInfo := p_app_info, vendorSpecificExt := p_vendor_specific_ext } // End of template mw_application_list template (omit) AppContext m_app_context( in template (value) ContextId p_context_id, in template (value) AssociateUeAppId p_associate_ue_app_id, in template (value) RequiredAppInfo p_app_info, in template (omit) CallbackReference p_callbackReference := omit ) := { contextId := p_context_id, associateUeAppId := p_associate_ue_app_id, appInfo := p_app_info, callbackReference := p_callbackReference } // End of template m_app_context template (present) AppContext mw_app_context( template (present) ContextId p_context_id := ?, template (present) AssociateUeAppId p_associate_ue_app_id := ?, template (present) RequiredAppInfo p_app_info := ? ) := { contextId := p_context_id, associateUeAppId := p_associate_ue_app_id, appInfo := p_app_info, callbackReference := * } // End of template mw_app_context template (value) NotificationEvent m_notification_event( in template (value) ReferenceURL p_reference_uri ) := { referenceURI := p_reference_uri } // End of template m_notification_event template (present) NotificationEvent mw_notification_event( template (present) ReferenceURL p_reference_uri := ? ) := { referenceURI := p_reference_uri } // End of template mw_notification_event template (value) VendorSpecificExt m_vendor_specific_ext( in template (value) VendorId p_vendor_id ) := { vendorId := p_vendor_id } // End of template m_vendor_specific_ext template (present) VendorSpecificExt mw_vendor_specific_ext( template (present) VendorId p_vendor_id := ? ) := { vendorId := p_vendor_id } // End of template mw_vendor_specific_ext template (value) AppInfoList m_appInfo_list( in template (value) AppName p_app_name, in template (value) AppProvider p_app_provider, in template (value) AppDescription p_app_description ) := { appName := p_app_name, appProvider := p_app_provider, appDescription := p_app_description, appSoftVersion := omit, appCharcs := omit } // End of template m_appInfo_list template (present) AppInfoList mw_appInfo_list( template (present) AppName p_app_name := ?, template (present) AppProvider p_app_provider := ?, template (present) AppDescription p_app_description := ? ) := { appName := p_app_name, appProvider := p_app_provider, appDescription := p_app_description, appSoftVersion := *, appCharcs := * } // End of template mw_appInfo_list template (value) RequiredAppInfo m_required_app_info( in template (value) AppName p_app_name, in template (value) AppProvider p_app_provider, in template (value) ReferenceURL p_reference_url ) := { appName := p_app_name, appProvider := p_app_provider, referenceURL := p_reference_url, appSoftVersion := omit, appDescription := omit, appPackageSource := omit } // End of template m_required_app_info template (present) RequiredAppInfo mw_required_app_info( template (present) AppName p_app_name := ?, template (present) AppProvider p_app_provider := ?, template (present) ReferenceURL p_reference_url := ? ) := { appName := p_app_name, appProvider := p_app_provider, referenceURL := p_reference_url, appSoftVersion := *, appDescription := *, appPackageSource := * } // End of template mw_required_app_info template (value) AppCharcs m_app_charcs( in template (value) Memory p_memory, in template (value) Storage p_storage, in template (value) Latency p_latency, in template (value) Bandwidth p_bandwidth, in template (value) ServiceCont p_service_cont ) := { memory := p_memory, storage := p_storage, latency := p_latency, bandwidth := p_bandwidth, serviceCont := p_service_cont } // End of template m_app_charcs template (present) AppCharcs mw_app_charcs( template (present) Memory p_memory := ?, template (present) Storage p_storage := ?, template (present) Latency p_latency := ?, template (present) Bandwidth p_bandwidth := ?, template (present) ServiceCont p_service_cont := ? ) := { memory := p_memory, storage := p_storage, latency := p_latency, bandwidth := p_bandwidth, serviceCont := p_service_cont } // End of template mw_app_charcs } // End of module UEAppInterfaceAPI_Templates