/** * @desc The ETSI MEC ISG MEC011 Application Enablement API described using OpenAPI * @see http://www.etsi.org/deliver/etsi_gs/MEC/001_099/011/01.01.01_60/gs_mec011v010101p.pdf */ module AppEnablementAPI_Templates { // JSON import from JSON all; // LibCommon import from LibCommon_BasicTypesAndValues all; // LibMec/AppEna import from AppEnablementAPI_TypesAndValues all; import from AppEnablementAPI_Pixits all; template (value) SecurityInfo m_security_info( in GrantTypesList p_grantTypes := { OAUTH2_CLIENT_CREDENTIALS }, in TokenEndpoint p_tokenEndpoint := "/mecSerMgmtApi/security/MyTokenEndPoint" ) := { oAuth2Info := { grantTypes := p_grantTypes, tokenEndpoint := p_tokenEndpoint } } // End of template m_security_info template (present) SecurityInfo mw_security_info( template (present) GrantTypesList p_grantTypes := ?, template (present) TokenEndpoint p_tokenEndpoint := ? ) := { oAuth2Info := { grantTypes := p_grantTypes, tokenEndpoint := p_tokenEndpoint } } // End of template mw_security_info template (value) TransportInfo_Endpoint m_end_point_uris( in template (value) EndPointInfo_UriList p_uris ) := { uris := p_uris } // End of template m_end_point_uris template (present) TransportInfo_Endpoint mw_end_point_uris( template (present) EndPointInfo_UriList p_uris := ? ) := { uris := p_uris } // End of template mw_end_point_uris template (omit) ServiceInfo m_service_info( in SerName p_serName, in ServiceInfo_Version p_version := PX_SERVICE_INFO_VERSION, in ServiceInfo_State p_state := PX_SERVICE_INFO_STATE, in SerializerTypes p_serializer := PX_SERIALIZER, in template (omit) SerInstanceId p_serInstanceId := omit, in template (omit) TransportId p_transportId := omit, in template (omit) TransportInfo p_transportInfo := omit, in template (omit) CategoryRef p_serCategory := omit ) := { serInstanceId := p_serInstanceId, serName := p_serName, serCategory := p_serCategory, version := p_version, state := p_state, transportId := p_transportId, transportInfo := p_transportInfo, serializer := p_serializer, scopeOfLocality := omit, consumedLocalOnly := omit, isLocal := omit } // End of template m_service_info template ServiceInfo mw_service_info( template (present) SerName p_serName := ?, template (present) ServiceInfo_Version p_version := ?, template (present) ServiceInfo_State p_state := ?, template (present) SerializerTypes p_serializer := ?, template SerInstanceId p_serInstanceId := *, template TransportId p_transportId := *, template TransportInfo p_transportInfo := *, template CategoryRef p_serCategory := * ) := { serInstanceId := p_serInstanceId, serName := p_serName, serCategory := p_serCategory, version := p_version, state := p_state, transportId := p_transportId, transportInfo := p_transportInfo, serializer := p_serializer, scopeOfLocality := *, consumedLocalOnly := *, isLocal := * } // End of template mw_service_info template (omit) SubscriptionLinkList m_subscription_link_list( in template (value) Links p_links, in template (omit) Subscriptions p_subscription := omit ) := { links := p_links, subscription := p_subscription } // End of template m_subscription_link_list template SubscriptionLinkList mw_subscription_link_list( template (present) Links p_links := ?, template Subscriptions p_subscription := * ) := { links := p_links, subscription := p_subscription } // End of template mw_subscription_link_list template (value) Self m_self( in template (value) LinkType p_self_, in template (value) JSON.Bool p_readOnly := false ) := { self_ := p_self_, readOnly := p_readOnly } // End of template m_self template (value) AppTerminationNotificationSubscription m_app_termination_notif_subscription( in template (value) AppTerminationNotificationSubscription_CallbackReference p_callbackReference, in template (value) Self p_links, in template (value) AppInstanceId p_appInstanceId ) := { subscriptionType := "AppTerminationNotificationSubscription", callbackReference := p_callbackReference, links := p_links, appInstanceId := p_appInstanceId } // End of template m_app_termination_notif_subscription template (value) AppTerminationNotificationSubscription m_app_termination_notif_subscription_invalid( in template (value) AppTerminationNotificationSubscription_CallbackReference p_callbackReference, in template (value) Self p_links, in template (value) AppInstanceId p_appInstanceId ) modifies m_app_termination_notif_subscription := { subscriptionType := "InvalidAppTerminationNotificationSubscription" } // End of template m_app_termination_notif_subscription_invalid template (present) AppTerminationNotificationSubscription mw_app_termination_notif_subscription( template (present) AppTerminationNotificationSubscription_CallbackReference p_callbackReference := ?, template (present) Self p_links := ?, template (present) AppInstanceId p_appInstanceId := ? ) := { subscriptionType := "AppTerminationNotificationSubscription", callbackReference := p_callbackReference, links := p_links, appInstanceId := p_appInstanceId } // End of template mw_app_termination_notif_subscription template (value) TransportInfo m_transport_info( in TransportInfo_Id p_id, in TransportInfo_Name p_name, in TransportTypes p_type_, in TransportInfo_Protocol p_protocol, in TransportInfo_Version p_version, in template (value) TransportInfo_Endpoint p_endpoint, in template (value) SecurityInfo p_security ) := { id := p_id, name := p_name, description := omit, type_ := p_type_, protocol := p_protocol, version := p_version, endpoint := p_endpoint, security := p_security, implSpecificInfo := omit } // End of template m_transport_info template (present) TransportInfo mw_transport_info( template (present) TransportInfo_Id p_id := ?, template (present) TransportInfo_Name p_name := ?, template (present) TransportTypes p_type_ := ?, template (present) TransportInfo_Protocol p_protocol := ?, template (present) TransportInfo_Version p_version := ?, template (present) TransportInfo_Endpoint p_endpoint := ?, template (present) SecurityInfo p_security := ? ) := { id := p_id, name := p_name, description := *, type_ := p_type_, protocol := p_protocol, version := p_version, endpoint := p_endpoint, security := p_security, implSpecificInfo := * } // End of template mw_transport_info template (value) DnsRule m_dns_rule( in DnsRule_Id p_dnsRuleId := PX_DNS_RULE_ID, in DomainName p_domainName := PX_DOMAIN_NAME, in DnsRule_IpAddressType p_ipAddressType := PX_IP_ADDRESS_TYPE, in DnsRule_IpAddress p_ipAddress := PX_IP_ADDRESS, in Ttl p_ttl := PX_TTL, in DnsRule_State p_state := ACTIVE ) := { dnsRuleId := p_dnsRuleId, domainName := p_domainName, ipAddressType := p_ipAddressType, ipAddress := p_ipAddress, ttl := p_ttl, state := p_state } // End of template m_dns_rule template (present) DnsRule mw_dns_rule( template (present) DnsRule_Id p_dnsRuleId := ?, template (present) DomainName p_domainName := ?, template (present) DnsRule_IpAddressType p_ipAddressType := ?, template (present) DnsRule_IpAddress p_ipAddress := ?, template (present) Ttl p_ttl := ?, template (present) DnsRule_State p_state := ? ) := { dnsRuleId := p_dnsRuleId, domainName := p_domainName, ipAddressType := p_ipAddressType, ipAddress := p_ipAddress, ttl := p_ttl, state := p_state } // End of template mw_dns_rule template (omit) SerAvailabilityNotificationSubscription m_srv_avail_notif_subscription( in template (value) SerAvailabilityNotificationSubscription_CallbackReference p_callbackReference, in template (omit) Self p_links := omit, in template (omit) ServiceInfo p_filteringCriteria := omit ) := { subscriptionType := "SerAvailabilityNotificationSubscription", callbackReference := p_callbackReference, links := p_links, filteringCriteria := p_filteringCriteria } // End of template m_srv_avail_notif_subscription template (omit) SerAvailabilityNotificationSubscription m_srv_avail_notif_subscription_invalid( in template (value) SerAvailabilityNotificationSubscription_CallbackReference p_callbackReference, in template (omit) Self p_links := omit, in template (omit) ServiceInfo p_filteringCriteria := omit ) modifies m_srv_avail_notif_subscription := { subscriptionType := "InvalidSerAvailabilityNotificationSubscription" } // End of template m_srv_avail_notif_subscription_invalid template SerAvailabilityNotificationSubscription mw_srv_avail_notif_subscription( template (present) SerAvailabilityNotificationSubscription_CallbackReference p_callbackReference := ?, template Self p_links := *, template ServiceInfo p_filteringCriteria := * ) := { subscriptionType := "SerAvailabilityNotificationSubscription", callbackReference := p_callbackReference, links := p_links, filteringCriteria := p_filteringCriteria } // End of template mw_srv_avail_notif_subscription template (omit) TimingCaps m_timing_caps( in template (omit) TimeStamp p_timeStamp, in template (omit) NtpServersList p_ntpServers := omit, in template (omit) TimingCaps_PtpMastersList p_ptpMasters := omit ) := { timeStamp := p_timeStamp, ntpServers := p_ntpServers, ptpMasters := p_ptpMasters } // End of template m_timing_caps template TimingCaps mw_timing_caps( template TimeStamp p_timeStamp := *, template NtpServersList p_ntpServers := *, template TimingCaps_PtpMastersList p_ptpMasters := * ) := { timeStamp := p_timeStamp, ntpServers := p_ntpServers, ptpMasters := p_ptpMasters } // End of template mw_timing_caps template (value) CurrentTime m_current_time( in template (value) Seconds p_seconds, in template (value) NanoSeconds p_nanoSeconds, in template (value) TimeSourceStatus p_timeSourceStatus := TRACEABLE ) := { seconds := p_seconds, nanoSeconds := p_nanoSeconds, timeSourceStatus := p_timeSourceStatus } // End of template m_current_time template (present) CurrentTime mw_current_time( template (present) Seconds p_seconds := ?, template (present) NanoSeconds p_nanoSeconds := ?, template (present) TimeSourceStatus p_timeSourceStatus := TRACEABLE ) := { seconds := p_seconds, nanoSeconds := p_nanoSeconds, timeSourceStatus := p_timeSourceStatus } // End of template mw_current_time template (value) TrafficRule m_traffic_rule( in TrafficRule_Id p_trafficRuleId, in TrafficRule_FilterType p_filterType := FLOW, in TrafficRule_Priority p_priority := 1, in TrafficFilterList p_trafficFilter := {}, in TrafficRule_Action p_action_ := FORWARD_AS_IS, in TrafficRule_State p_state := ACTIVE ) := { trafficRuleId := p_trafficRuleId, filterType := p_filterType, priority := p_priority, trafficFilter := p_trafficFilter, action_ := p_action_, dstInterface := omit, state := p_state } // End of template m_traffic_rule template (present) TrafficRule mw_traffic_rule( template (present) TrafficRule_Id p_trafficRuleId := ?, template (present) TrafficRule_FilterType p_filterType := ?, template (present) TrafficRule_Priority p_priority := ?, template (present) TrafficFilterList p_trafficFilter := ?, template (present) TrafficRule_Action p_action_ := ?, template (present) TrafficRule_State p_state := ? ) := { trafficRuleId := p_trafficRuleId, filterType := p_filterType, priority := p_priority, trafficFilter := p_trafficFilter, action_ := p_action_, dstInterface := *, state := p_state } // End of template mw_traffic_rule } // End of module AppEnablementAPI_Templates