module ApplicationPackageLifecycleAndOperationGrantingAPI_TypesAndValues { // JSON import from JSON all; // LibCommon import from LibCommon_BasicTypesAndValues all; // LibMec import from LibMec_TypesAndValues all; // LibMec_EdgePlatformApplicationEnablementAPI import from EdgePlatformApplicationEnablementAPI_TypesAndValues all; // LibMec_ApplicationMobilityServiceAPI import from ApplicationMobilityServiceAPI_TypesAndValues all; group application_descriptor_information_model { /** * @desc An application Descriptor (AppD) is a part of application package, and describes application requirements and rules required by application provider * @member appDid Identifier of this MEC application descriptor. This attribute shall be globally unique * @member appName Name to identify the MEC application * @member appProvider Provider of the application and of the AppD * @member appSoftVersion Identifies the version of software of the MEC application * @member appDVersion Identifies the version of the application descriptor * @member mecVersion Identifies version(s) of MEC system compatible with the MEC application described in this version of the AppD * @member appInfoName Human readable name for the MEC application * @member appDescription Human readable description of the MEC application * @member virtualComputeDescriptor Describes CPU and memory requirements, as well as optional additional requirements, such as disk and acceleration related capabilities, of the virtualisation container used to realize this MEC application * @member swImageDescriptor Describes the descriptors of the software image to be used by the virtualisation container used to realize this MEC application * @member appExtCpd Describes external interface(s) exposed by this MEC application * @member appServiceRequired Describes services a MEC application requires to run * @member appServiceOptional Describes services a MEC application may use if available * @member appServiceProduced Describes services a MEC application is able to produce to the platform or other MEC applications * @member appFeatureRequired Describes features a MEC application requires to run * @member appFeatureOptional Describes features a MEC application may use if available * @member transportDependencies Transports, if any, that this application requires to be provided by the platform * @member appTrafficRule Describes traffic rules the MEC application requires * @member appDNSRule Describes DNS rules the MEC application requires * @member appLatency Describes the maximum latency tolerated by the MEC application * @member terminateAppInstanceOpConfig Configuration parameters for the Terminate application instance operation * @member changeAppInstanceStateOpConfig Configuration parameters for the change application instance state operation * @member userContextTransferCapability If the application supports the user context transfer capability * @member appNetworkPolicy It represents the application network policy of carrying the application traffic * @see ETSI GS MEC 010-2 Clause */ type record AppD { JSON.String appDId, JSON.String appName, JSON.String appProvider, JSON.String appSoftVersion, JSON.String appDVersion, JSON.String mecVersion, JSON.String appInfoName optional, JSON.String appDescription, VirtualComputeDescriptor virtualComputeDescriptor, SwImageDescriptor virtualStorageDescriptor optional, AppExternalCpd appExtCpd optional, ServiceDependency appServiceRequired optional, ServiceDependency appServiceOptional optional, ServiceDescriptor appServiceProduced optional, FeatureDependency appFeatureRequired optional, FeatureDependency appFeatureOptional optional, TransportDependency transportDependencies optional, TrafficRuleDescriptor appTrafficRule optional, DNSRuleDescriptor appDNSRule optional, LatencyDescriptor appLatency optional, TerminateAppInstanceOpConfig terminateAppInstanceOpConfig optional, ChangeAppInstanceStateOpConfig changeAppInstanceStateOpConfig optional, UserContextTransferCapability userContextTransferCapability optional, AppNetworkPolicy appNetworkPolicy optional } /** * @desc The VirtualComputeDescriptor data type supports the specification of requirements related to virtual compute resources * @member * @see ETSI GS MEC 010-2 Clause Type: VirtualComputeDescriptor */ type record VirtualComputeDescriptor { // FIXME shall follow the definition in clause of ETSI GS NFV‑IFA 011 [0], with the following consideration: } /** * @desc The SwImageDescriptor data type describes the software image of a MEC application * @member * @see ETSI GS MEC 010-2 Clause Type: SwImageDescriptor */ type record SwImageDescriptor { // FIXME shall follow the definition in clause of ETSI GS NFV‑IFA 011 [0], with the following consideration: } /** * @desc The VirtualStorageDescriptor data type describes the virtual storage required by a MEC application * @member * @see ETSI GS MEC 010-2 Clause Type: VirtualStorageDescriptor */ type record VirtualStorageDescriptor { // FIXME shall follow the definition in clause of ETSI GS NFV‑IFA 011 [0], with the following consideration: } /** * @desc The AppExternalCpd data type supports the specification of MEC application requirements related to external connection point * @member virtualNetworkInterfaceRequirements Specifies requirements on a virtual network interface realizing the CPs instantiated from this CPD * @see ETSI GS MEC 010-2 Clause Type: AppExternalCpd */ type record AppExternalCpd { VirtualNetworkInterfaceRequirements virtualNetworkInterfaceRequirements optional } type record VirtualNetworkInterfaceRequirement { // FIXME For the definition of the VirtualNetworkInterfaceRequirements, please refer to clause of ETSI GS NFV-IFA 011 [0]. For the definition of Cpd, please refer to clause of ETSI GS NFV-IFA 011 [0] } type record length(1..infinity) of VirtualNetworkInterfaceRequirement VirtualNetworkInterfaceRequirements; /** * @desc The ServiceDescriptor data type describes a MEC service produced by a service-providing MEC applicationt * @member serName The name of the service, for example, RNIS, LocationService, etc * @member serCategory A Category reference of the service, defined in ETSI GS MEC 011 [17]i.0 * @member version The version of the service * @member transportsSupported Indicates transports and serialization formats supported made available to the service-consuming application * @see ETSI GS MEC 010-2 Clause Type: ServiceDescriptor */ type record ServiceDescriptor { JSON.String serName, CategoryRef serCategory optional, JSON.String version, TransportsSupported transportsSupported optional } /** * @desc Indicates transports and serialization formats supported made available to the service-consuming application * @member transport Information about the transport in this binding * @member serializers Information about the serializers in this binding, as defined in the SerializerType type in ETSI GS MEC 011 [17]i.0 * @see ETSI GS MEC 010-2 Clause Type: ServiceDescriptor */ type record TransportsSupported { TransportDescriptor transport, SerializerType serializers } /** * @desc The FeatureDependency data type supports the specification of requirements of a MEC application related to a feature of MEC platform * @member featureName The name of the feature, for example, UserApps, UEIdentity, etc * @member version The version of the feature * @see ETSI GS MEC 010-2 Clause Type: FeatureDependency */ type record FeatureDependency { JSON.String featureName, JSON.String version } /** * @desc The TrafficRuleDescriptor data type describes traffic rules related to a MEC application * @member trafficRuleId Identifies the traffic rule * @member filterType Definition of filter type: per FLOW or PACKET * @member priority Priority of this traffic rule within the range 0 to 255. If traffic rule conflicts, the one with higher priority take precedence * @member trafficFilter The filter used to identify specific flow/packets that need to be handled by the MEC host * @member action_ Identifies the action of the MEC host data plane, when a packet matches the trafficFilter * @member dstInterface Describes the destination interface information * @see ETSI GS MEC 010-2 Clause Type: TrafficRuleDescriptor */ type record TrafficRuleDescriptor { JSON.String trafficRuleId, FilterType filterType, integer priority, TrafficFilter trafficFilter, Action action_, InterfaceDescriptor dstInterface optional } with { variant (action_) "name as 'action'"; } type enumerated FilterType { FLOW, PACKET } with { variant "JSON: as number" } type enumerated Action { DROP, FORWARD_DECAPSULATED, FORWARD_AS_IS, PASSTHROUGH, DUPLICATED_DECAPSULATED, DUPLICATE_AS_IS } with { variant "JSON: as number" } /** * @desc The TrafficFilter data type supports the specification of MEC application requirements related to traffic rules * @member srcAddress An IP address or a range of IP addresses * @member dstAddress A IP address or a range of IP addresses * @member srcPort A port or a range of ports * @member dstPort A port or a range of ports * @member protocol Specify the protocol of the traffic filter * @member tag Used for tag based traffic rule * @member uri An URI label, in application layer * @member packetLabel A customized packet label in network layer, as defined by the owner of the MEC platform, is used to filter the traffic * @member srcTunnelAddressUsed for GTP tunnel based traffic rule * @member tgtTunnelAddress Used for GTP tunnel based traffic rule * @member srcTunnelPort Used for GTP tunnel based traffic rule * @member qCI Used to match all packets that have the same QCI * @member dSCP Used to match all IPv4 packets that have the same DSCP * @member tC Used to match all IPv6 packets that have the same TC * @see ETSI GS MEC 010-2 Clause Type: TrafficFilter */ type record TrafficFilter { JSON.String srcAddress optional, JSON.String dstAddress optional, JSON.String srcPort optional, JSON.String dstPort optional, JSON.String protocol optional, JSON.String tag optional, JSON.String uri optional, JSON.String packetLabel optional, JSON.String srcTunnelAddress optional, JSON.String tgtTunnelAddress optional, JSON.String srcTunnelPort optional, JSON.String dstTunnelPort optional, integer qCI optional, integer dSCP optional, integer tC optional } /** * @desc The InterfaceDescriptor data type describes an interface of a MEC application * @member interfaceType Type of interface * @member tunnelInfo Included only if the destination address type is tunnel * @member srcMACAddress The source address identifies the MAC address of the interface * @member dstMACAddress The destination address identifies the MAC address of the destination * @see ETSI GS MEC 010-2 Clause Type: InterfaceDescriptor */ type record InterfaceDescriptor { InterfaceType interfaceType, TunnelInfo tunnelInfo optional, JSON.String srcMACAddress optional, JSON.String dstMACAddress optional } type enumerated InterfaceType { TUNNEL, MAC, IP } with { variant "JSON: as number" } /** * @desc The TunnelInfo data type supports the specification of MEC application requirements related to traffic rules * @member tunnelType Type of tunnel * @member tunnelDstAddress Destination address of the tunnel * @member tunnelSrcAddress Source address of the tunnel * @member tunnelSpecificData Parameters specific to the tunnel * @see ETSI GS MEC 010-2 Clause Type: TunnelInfo */ type record TunnelInfo { TunnelType tunnelType, JSON.String tunnelDstAddress, JSON.String tunnelSrcAddress, JSON.String tunnelSpecificData optional } type enumerated TunnelType { GTP_U, GRE } with { variant "JSON: as number" } /** * @desc The DNSRuleDescriptor data type describes DNS rules associated with a MEC application * @member dnsRuleId Identifies the DNS Rule * @member domainName FQDN of the DNS rule * @member ipAddressType Specifies the IP address type * @member ttl Time-to-live value * @see ETSI GS MEC 010-2 Clause Type: DNSRuleDescriptor */ type record DNSRuleDescriptor { JSON.String dnsRuleId, JSON.String domainName, JSON.String ipAddressType, IpAddress ipAddress, integer ttl optional } /** * @desc The LatencyDescriptor data type describes latency requirements for a MEC application * @member maxLatency The value of the maximum latency in nano seconds tolerated by the MEC application * @see ETSI GS MEC 010-2 Clause Type: LatencyDescriptor */ type record LatencyDescriptor { UInt32 maxLatency } /** * @desc The TerminateAppInstanceOpConfig data type supports the specification of MEC application requirements related to terminate application instance operation configuration * @member * @see ETSI GS MEC 010-2 Clause Type: TerminateAppInstanceOpConfig */ type record TerminateAppInstanceOpConfig { // FIXME shall follow the definition in clause of ETSI GS NFV‑IFA 011 [0]. } /** * @desc The ChangeAppInstanceStateOpConfig data type supports the specification of MEC application requirements related to change application instance state operation configuration * @member * @see ETSI GS MEC 010-2 Clause Type: ChangeAppInstanceStateOpConfig */ type record ChangeAppInstanceStateOpConfig { // FIXME shall follow the definition in clause of ETSI GS NFV‑IFA 011 [0]. } /** * @desc The ServiceDependency data type supports the specification of requirements of a service-consuming MEC application related to a MEC service * @member serName The name of the service * @member serCategory A Category reference of the service * @member version The version of the service * @member serTransportDependencies Indicates transport and serialization format dependencies of consuming the service * @member requestedPermissions * @see ETSI GS MEC 010-2 Clause Type: ServiceDependency */ type record ServiceDependency { JSON.String serName, CategoryRef serCategory optional, JSON.String version, TransportDependency serTransportDependencies optional, JSON.String requestedPermissions optional } /** * @desc The TransportDependency data type supports the specification of requirements of a MEC application related to supported transport bindings (each being a combination of a transport with one or more serializers) * @member transport Information about the transport in this transport binding * @member serializers Information about the serializers in this transport binding, as defined in the SerializerType type in ETSI GS MEC 011 [17]i.0 * @member labels Set of labels that allow to define groups of transport bindings * @see ETSI GS MEC 010-2 Clause Type: TransportDependency */ type record TransportDependency { TransportDescriptor transport, SerializerType serializers, Labels labels } type record length(1..infinity) of JSON.String Labels; /** * @desc The TransportDescriptor data type describes a transport * @member name The name of this transport * @member description Human-readable description of this transport * @member type_ Type of the transport, as defined in the TransportTypes type in ETSI GS MEC 011 [17]i.0 * @member protocol The name of the protocol used. Shall be set to "HTTP" for a REST API * @member version The version of the protocol used * @member security Information about the security used by the transport in ETSI GS MEC 011 [17]i.0 * @member implSpecificInfo Additional implementation specific details of the transport * @see ETSI GS MEC 010-2 Clause Type: TransportDescriptor */ type record TransportDescriptor { JSON.String name, JSON.String description optional, TransportTypes type_, JSON.String protocol, JSON.String version, SecurityInfo security, JSON.String implSpecificInfo optional } /** * @desc This data type represents the information of user context transfer capability of application * @member statefulApplication If the application is stateful, this attribute shall be set to true * @member userContextTransferSupport This attribute shall be present if the application is stateful and shall be absent otherwise * @see ETSI GS MEC 010-2 Clause Type: UserContextTransferCapability */ type record UserContextTransferCapability { JSON.Bool statefulApplication, JSON.Bool userContextTransferSupport optional } /** * @desc This data type represents the network policy in the application instantiation and operation * @member steeredNetwork This attribute provides an option for the application to specify a type of network to carry the application traffic * @member steeredNetwork Provides an option for the application to specify a type of network to carry the application traffic * @see ETSI GS MEC 010-2 Clause Type: AppNetworkPolicy */ type record AppNetworkPolicy { SteeredNetwork steeredNetwork } /** * @desc Provides an option for the application to specify a type of network to carry the application traffic * @member cellularNetwork The application prefers to a cellular network to carry its traffic * @member wi_fiNetwork The application prefers to a Wi-Fi network to carry its traffic * @member fixedAccessNetwork The application prefers to a fixed access network to carry its traffic * @see ETSI GS MEC 010-2 Clause Type: AppNetworkPolicy */ type record SteeredNetwork { JSON.Bool cellularNetwork optional, JSON.Bool wi_fiNetwork optional, JSON.Bool fixedAccessNetwork optional } with { variant (wi_fiNetwork) "name as 'wi-fiNetwork'"; } } // End of group application_descriptor_information_model group application_lifecycle_management_information_model { /** * @desc The LocationConstraints data type supports the specification of MEC application requirements related to MEC application deployment location constraints * @member countryCode The two-letter ISO 3166 [0] country code in capital letters * @member civicAddressElement Zero or more elements comprising the civic address * @member area Geographic area * @see ETSI GS MEC 010-2 Clause Type: LocationConstraints */ type record LocationConstraints { JSON.String countryCode optional, CivicAddressElement civicAddressElement optional, Polygon area optional } type record CivicAddressElement { integer caType, JSON.String caValue } type record Geometry { JSON.String type_, Coordinates coordinates } with { variant (type_) "name as 'type'"; } type record of JSON.Number Coordinate; type record of Coordinate Coordinates; type record Property { JSON.String key, JSON.String value_ } with { variant (value_) "name as 'value'"; } type record of Property Properties; type record Polygon { JSON.String type_, Geometry geometry, Properties properties, JSON.String this_ } with { variant (type_) "name as 'type'"; variant (this_) "name as 'this'"; } /** * @desc The data type of CreateAppInstanceRequest represents the parameters for creating a new application instance resource * @member appDId The application descriptor identifier * @member appInstanceName Human-readable name of the application instance to be created * @member appInstanceDescription Human-readable description of the application instance to be created * @member appPlacementInfo Describes the information of selected MEC platform for the application instance to associate * @see ETSI GS MEC 010-2 Clause Type: CreateAppInstanceRequest */ type record CreateAppInstanceRequest { JSON.String appDId, JSON.String appInstanceName optional, JSON.String appInstanceDescription optional, MepInformation appPlacementInfo optional } /** * @desc The data type of AppInstanceInfo represents the parameters of instantiated application instance resources * @member id Identifier of the application instance represented by this data type * @member appInstanceName Name of the application instance * @member appInstanceDescription Human-readable description of the application instance to be created * @member appDId The application descriptor identifier is managed by the application provider to identify the application descriptor in a globally unique way * @member appProvider The onboarded application package provider name * @member appName The onboarded application name * @member appSoftVersion The application software version * @member appDVersion Version of the application descriptor * @member appPkgId Identifier of the onboarded application package * @member vimConnectionInfo Information about VIM connections to be used for managing the resources for the application instance * @member nsInstanceId Identifier of the NS instance created by NFVO in which the MEC application has been instantiated as a VNF instance * @member vnfInstanceId Identifier of the VNF instance created by VNFM that the MEC application has been instantiated as * @member instantiationState Instantiation state of the application instance * @member instantiatedAppState Information specific to an instantiated application. This attribute shall be present if the instantiationState attribute value is INSTANTIATED * @member instantiatedAppState Operational state is applicable in the instantiation state INSTANTIATED * @member _links Links to resources related to this resource * @see ETSI GS MEC 010-2 Clause Type: AppInstanceInfo */ type record AppInstanceInfo { JSON.String id, JSON.String appInstanceName optional, JSON.String appInstanceDescription optional, JSON.String appDId, JSON.String appProvider, JSON.String appName, JSON.String appSoftVersion, JSON.String appDVersion, JSON.String appPkgId, VimConnectionInfo vimConnectionInfo optional, JSON.String nsInstanceId optional, JSON.String vnfInstanceId optional, InstantiationState instantiationState, InstantiatedAppState instantiatedAppState optional, CommunicationInterface communicationInterface optional, Link links } with { variant (links) "name as '_links'"; } type record of AppInstanceInfo AppInstanceInfoList; type record Link { LinkType self_, LinkType instantiate optional, LinkType terminate optional, LinkType operate optional, LinkType configure_platform_for_app optional } with { variant (self_) "name as 'self'"; } type record InstantiatedAppState { OperationalState operationalState optional, LocationInformation appInstLocation optional } type enumerated InstantiationState { INSTANTIATED, NOT_INSTANTIATED } type enumerated OperationalState { STARTED, STOPPED } /** * @desc The data type of AppInstanceInfo represents the parameters of instantiated application instance resources * @member appInstSelectorType * @member appInstances * @member appsFromProviders Match existing application instances, or those created in the future whilst the subscription is active, that belong to applications from certain providers * @see ETSI GS MEC 010-2 Clause Type: AppInstanceSubscriptionFilter */ type record AppInstanceSubscriptionFilter { AppInstSelectorType appInstSelectorType, AppInstances appInstances optional, appsFromProviders appsFromProviders optional } type enumerated AppInstSelectorType { VOID (0), APP_IDENTITY (1), APP_NAME (2), APP_D_ID (3), APP_FROM_PROVIDER (4) } with { variant "JSON: as number" } type record length(1..infinity) of JSON.String AppInstances; /** * @desc Match existing application instances, or those created in the future whilst the subscription is active, that belong to applications from certain providers * @member appProvider Name of the application provider to match * @member appProducts Match application instances that belong to application products with certain product names, from one particular provider * @see ETSI GS MEC 010-2 Clause Type: AppInstanceSubscriptionFilter */ type record AppsFromProvider { JSON.String appProvider, AppProducts appProducts optional } type record length(1..infinity) of AppsFromProvider appsFromProviders; type record AppProduct { JSON.String appName, Versions versions optional } type record length(1..infinity) of AppProduct AppProducts; type record Version { JSON.String appSoftVersion, JSON.String appDVersion optional } type record length(1..infinity) of Version Versions; /** * @desc This data type represents a subscription filter criteria to match an application LCM operation occurrence * @member appInstanceSubscriptionFilter this attribute contains filter criteria that selects one or more application instances on which to receive "LCM operation occurrence" notifications * @member notificationTypes Match particular notification types * @member operationTypes Type of the LCM operation represented by this application instance LCM operation occurrence * @member operationStates Type of the LCM operation state represented by this application instance LCM operation occurrence * @see ETSI GS MEC 010-2 Clause Type: AppLcmOpOccSubscriptionFilter */ type record AppLcmOpOccSubscriptionFilter { AppInstanceSubscriptionFilter appInstanceSubscriptionFilter optional, JSON.String notificationTypes optional, OperationTypes operationTypes optional, OperationStates operationStates optional } type enumerated OperationType { INSTANTIATE, OPERATE, TERMINATE, INVALID_OPERATE // For BI purpose only } type record length(1..infinity) of OperationType OperationTypes; type enumerated OperationState { STARTING, PROCESSING, COMPLETED, FAILED, FAILED_TEMP } type record length(1..infinity) of OperationState OperationStates; /** * @desc This data type represents request parameters of the "Instantiate Application" operation * @member virtualComputeDescriptor Describes CPU and memory requirements, as well as optional additional requirements, such as disk and acceleration related capabilities, of the virtualisatio n container used to realize the application instance to be created * @member virtualStorageDescriptor Defines descriptors of virtual storage resources to be used by the application instance to be created * @member selectedMECHostInfo Describes the information of selected host for the application instance * @member locationConstraints Defines the location constraints for the application instance to be created * @member vimConnectionInfo Information about VIM connections to be used for managing the resources for the application instance, or refer to external/externally-managed virtual links * @member appTermCandsForCoord Provides sets of applications as termination candidate alternatives that the MEO/MEAO shall select from when utilizing the coordinate LCM operation exchange * @see ETSI GS MEC 010-2 Clause Type: InstantiateAppRequest */ type record InstantiateAppRequest { VirtualComputeDescriptor virtualComputeDescriptor optional, VirtualStorageDescriptor virtualStorageDescriptor optional, MECHostInformation selectedMECHostInfo, LocationConstraints locationConstraints optional, VimConnectionInfo vimConnectionInfo optional, AppTermCandsForCoord appTermCandsForCoord optional } /** * @desc This data type represents request parameters of the "Operate Application" operation * @member changeStateTo The desired operational state * @member stopType The stop type * @member gracefulStopTimeout The time interval (in seconds) to wait for the application instance to be taken out of service during graceful stop, before stopping the application * @see ETSI GS MEC 010-2 Clause Type: OperateAppRequest */ type record OperateAppRequest { OperationalState changeStateTo, StopType stopType optional, UInt32 gracefulStopTimeout optional } type enumerated StopType { FORCEFUL, GRACEFUL } /** * @desc This data type represents request parameters of the "Terminate Application Request" operation * @member terminationType Indicates whether forceful or graceful termination is requested * @member gracefulTerminationTimeout This attribute is only applicable in case of graceful termination * @see ETSI GS MEC 010-2 Clause Type: TerminateAppRequest */ type record TerminateAppRequest { TerminationType terminationType, UInt32 gracefulTerminationTimeout optional } type StopType TerminationType; /** * @desc The data type represents a subscription to notification of application instance operational state change * @member id Identifier of the subscription to application instance operational state change notification * @member subscriptionType Shall be set to "AppInstanceStateChangeSubscription" * @member appInstanceState Application instance state subscribed to * @member appInstanceSubscriptionFilter Criteria used to select application instances on which to send notifications related to this subscription * @member callbackUri The URI of the endpoint for the subscription related notification to be sent to * @member links Links to resources related to this resource * @see ETSI GS MEC 010-2 Clause Type: AppInstSubscriptionInfo */ type record AppInstSubscriptionInfo { JSON.String id, JSON.String subscriptionType, AppInstanceState appInstanceState optional, AppInstanceSubscriptionFilter appInstanceSubscriptionFilter optional, JSON.AnyURI callbackUri, AppInstSubscriptionInfo_Link links } with { variant (links) "name as '_links'"; } type enumerated AppInstanceState { NOT_INSTANTIATED, STARTED, STOPPED } type record AppInstSubscriptionInfo_Link { LinkType self_ } with { variant (self_) "name as 'self'"; } /** * @desc This data type represents an application instance notification for informing the subscribers about operational state of application instance resources * @member id Identifier of this notification * @member notificationType Discriminator for the different notification types * @member appInstanceState Application instance state * @member subscriptionId Identifier of the subscription related to this notification * @member timeStamp Date and time of the notification generation * @member appInstanceId Identifier of application instance * @member appPkgId Identifier of the onboarded application package * @member appDId The application descriptor identifier identifies the application package and the application descriptor in a globally unique way * @member appInstLocation Location of the MEC application instance * @member links A link to the related subscription * @see ETSI GS MEC 010-2 Clause Type: AppInstNotification */ type record AppInstNotification { JSON.String id, NotificationType notificationType, AppInstanceState appInstanceState optional, JSON.String subscriptionId, TimeStamp timeStamp, JSON.String appInstanceId, JSON.String appPkgId, JSON.String appDId, LocationInformation appInstLocation optional, AppInstNotification_Links links } with { variant (links) "name as '_links'"; } type record AppInstNotification_Links { LinkType subscription } /** * @desc The data type represents the input parameters of "subscription operation" to notification of application lifecycle management for the operational state change of application instance * @member subscriptionType Shall be set to "AppInstanceStateChangeSubscription" * @member callbackUri The URI of the endpoint for the subscription related notification to be sent to * @member appInstanceState Only send notifications for application instances that are in one of the states listed in this attribute * @member appInstanceSubscriptionFilter Criteria used to filter application instances for which to send notifications related to this subscription * @see ETSI GS MEC 010-2 Clause Type: AppInstSubscriptionRequest */ type record AppInstSubscriptionRequest { JSON.String subscriptionType, JSON.AnyURI callbackUri, AppInstanceState appInstanceState optional, AppInstanceSubscriptionFilter appInstanceSubscriptionFilter optional } /** * @desc This data type represents an application lifecycle management operation occurrence * @member id Identifier of the subscription to application LCM operation occurrence notification * @member operationState Operation state * @member stateEnteredTime Date and time when the current state was entered * @member startTime Date and time of the start of the operation * @member lcmOperationType of the actual LCM operation represented by this application instance LCM operation occurrence * @member operationParams Input parameters of the LCM operation * @member isCancelPending If the application LCM operation occurrence operationState is in "PROCESSING" state and the operation is being cancelled, this attribute shall be set to true * @member cancelMode The mode of an cancellation * @member links Link to the application instance that the operation applies to * @see ETSI GS MEC 010-2 Clause Type: AppLcmOpOcc */ type record AppLcmOpOcc { JSON.String id, OperationState operationState, TimeStamp stateEnteredTime, TimeStamp startTime, LcmOperation lcmOperation, OperationParams operationParams optional, JSON.Bool isCancelPending optional, CancelMode cancelMode optional, AppLcmOpOcc_Link links } with { variant (links) "name as '_links'"; } type OperationType LcmOperation; type union OperationParams { InstantiateAppRequest instantiateAppRequest, OperateAppRequest operateAppRequest, TerminateAppRequest terminateAppRequest } type record AppLcmOpOcc_Link { LinkType self_, LinkType appInstance } with { variant (self_) "name as 'self'"; } /** * @desc This data type represents a subscription request to notification of application life cycle management operation occurrence * @member subscriptionType Shall be set to "AppLcmOpOccStateChangeSubscription" * @member callbackUri The URI of the endpoint for the subscription related notification to be sent to * @member appLcmOpOccSubscriptionFilter Subscription filter criteria to match specific application LCM operation occurrences * @see ETSI GS MEC 010-2 Clause Type: AppLcmOpOccSubscriptionRequest */ type record AppLcmOpOccSubscriptionRequest { JSON.String subscriptionType, JSON.AnyURI callbackUri, AppLcmOpOccSubscriptionFilter appLcmOpOccSubscriptionFilter optional } /** * @desc This data type represents a subscription to notifications of application life cycle management operation occurrence * @member id Identifier of this subscription resource * @member subscriptionType Shall be set to "AppLcmOpOccStateChangeSubscription" * @member appLcmOpOccSubscriptionFilter Criteria used to select application LCM operation occurrences on which to send notifications related to this subscription * @member callbackUri The URI of the endpoint for the subscription related notification to be sent to * @member links Links to resources related to this resource * @see ETSI GS MEC 010-2 Clause Type: AppLcmOpOccSubscriptionInfo */ type record AppLcmOpOccSubscriptionInfo { JSON.String id, JSON.String subscriptionType, JSON.AnyURI callbackUri, AppLcmOpOccSubscriptionFilter appLcmOpOccSubscriptionFilter optional, AppLcmOpOccSubscriptionInfo_Link links } with { variant (links) "name as '_links'"; } type record AppLcmOpOccSubscriptionInfo_Link { LinkType self_ } with { variant (self_) "name as 'self'"; } /** * @desc This data type represents a notification related to state changes of an application LCM operation occurrence which informs the subscribers * @member id Identifier of this notification * @member notificationType Discriminator for the different notification types * @member operationType Discriminator for the different notification types * @member operationState Operation state * @member subscriptionId Identifier of the subscription to this notification * @member timeStamp Date and time of the notification generation * @member appLcmOpOccId Identifier of application lifecycle management operation occurrence * @member appInstanceId Identifier of application instance * @member links Links to resources related to this notification * @member links Links to resources related to this resource * @see ETSI GS MEC 010-2 Clause Type: AppLcmOpOccNotification */ type record AppLcmOpOccNotification { JSON.String id, NotificationType notificationType, OperationType operationType, OperationState operationState, JSON.String subscriptionId, TimeStamp timeStamp, JSON.String appInstanceId, AppLcmOpOccNotification_Link links } with { variant (links) "name as '_links'"; } type record AppLcmOpOccNotification_Link { LinkType appInstance, LinkType subscription, LinkType appLcmOpOcc } /** * @desc The data type represents the parameters of MEC host information * @member hostName Human-readable name of MEC host * @member hostId KeyValuePairs * @see ETSI GS MEC 010-2 Clause Type: MECHostInformation */ type record MECHostInformation { JSON.String hostName optional, KeyValuePairs hostId } /** * @desc The VimConnectionInfo data type specifies the connection information of VIM for managing the resources of the application instance * @member id The identifier of the VIM Connection * @member vimId The identifier of the VIM instance * @member vimType Discriminator for the different types of the VIM information * @member interfaceInfo Information about the interface or interfaces to the VIM, if applicable, such as the URI of an interface endpoint to communicate with the VIM * @member accessInfo Authentication credentials for accessing the VIM, and other access-related information such as tenants or infrastructure resource groups * @member extra VIM type specific additional information * @see ETSI GS MEC 010-2 Clause Type: VimConnectionInfo */ type record VimConnectionInfo { JSON.String id, JSON.String vimId optional, JSON.String vimType, KeyValuePairs interfaceInfo optional, KeyValuePairs accessInfo optional, KeyValuePairs extra optional } /** * @desc The data type represents a subscription link list of notification on application lifecycle management * @member links List of hyperlinks related to the resource * @see ETSI GS MEC 010-2 Clause Type: AppInstanceSubscriptionLinkList */ type record SubscriptionLinkList { SubscriptionLinkList_Link links } with { variant (links) "name as '_links'"; } type record SubscriptionLinkList_Link { LinkType self_, SubscriptionLinkList_Link_Subscriptions subscriptions optional } with { variant (self_) "name as 'self'"; } type record SubscriptionLinkList_Link_Subscription { JSON.AnyURI href, AppInstanceSubscriptionType subscriptionType } type record length(1..infinity) of SubscriptionLinkList_Link_Subscription SubscriptionLinkList_Link_Subscriptions; /** * @desc String representing the type of a subscription * @see ETSI GS MEC 010-2 Clause Simple data types */ type JSON.String AppInstanceSubscriptionType; /** * @desc This data type represents the parameters for configuring the MEP to run an application instance * @member appServiceRequired Describes services a MEC application requires to run * @member appServiceOptional Describes services a MEC application may use if available * @member appServiceProduced Describes services a MEC application is able to produce to the platform or other MEC applications * @member appFeatureRequired Describes features a MEC application requires to run * @member transportDependencies Transports, if any, that this application requires to be provided by the platform * @member appTrafficRule Describes traffic rules the MEC application requires * @member appDNSRule Describes DNS rules the MEC application requires * @member appLatency Describes the maximum latency tolerated by the MEC application * @member userContextTransferCapability If the application supports the user context transfer capability, this attribute shall be included * @member appNetworkPolicy If present, it represents the application network policy of carrying the application traffic * @see ETSI GS MEC 010-2 Clause Type: ConfigPlatformForAppRequest */ type record ConfigPlatformForAppRequest { ServiceDependency appServiceRequired optional, ServiceDependency appServiceOptional optional, ServiceDependency appServiceProduced optional, FeatureDependency appFeatureRequired optional, FeatureDependency appFeatureOptional optional, TransportDependency transportDependencies optional, TrafficRuleDescriptor appTrafficRule optional, DNSRuleDescriptor appDNSRule optional, LatencyDescriptor appLatency optional, UserContextTransferCapability userContextTransferCapability optional, AppNetworkPolicy appNetworkPolicy optional } /** * @desc The data type represents the parameters of MEC platform information * @member mepName Human-readable name of MEC platform * @member mepId Deployment-specific identifier of MEC platform * @see ETSI GS MEC 010-2 Clause Type: MepInformation */ type record MepInformation { JSON.String mepName optional, JSON.String mepId optional } /** * @desc The AppTermCandsForCoord data type represents the parameters to provide candidates of applications to terminate in pre-emption situations for LCM coordination exchanges * @member terminationOptions Sets of application options for the MEO/MEAO to select from as candidates for termination * @see ETSI GS MEC 010-2 Clause Type: AppTermCandsForCoord */ type record AppTermCandsForCoord { TerminationOptions terminationOptions } type record TerminationOption { AppInstIdTerminationCands appInstIdTerminationCands } type record length(1..infinity) of JSON.String AppInstIdTerminationCands; type record length(1..infinity) of TerminationOption TerminationOptions; /** * @desc The data type represents the input parameters of "subscription operation" to notification of application instance identifier creation * @member subscriptionType Shall be set to "AppIdentifierCreationSubscription" * @member callbackUri The URI of the endpoint for the subscription related notification to be sent to * @member appInstanceSubscriptionFilter Criteria used to filter application instances for which to send notifications related to this subscription * @see ETSI GS MEC 010-2 Clause Type: AppInstIdCreationSubscriptionRequest */ type record AppInstIdCreationSubscriptionRequest { JSON.String subscriptionType, JSON.AnyURI callbackUri, AppInstanceSubscriptionFilter appInstanceSubscriptionFilter optional } /** * @desc The data type represents a subscription to notification of application instance identifier creation * @member id Identifier of the subscription to application instance operational state change notification * @member subscriptionType Shall be set to "AppIdentifierCreationSubscription" * @member callbackUri The URI of the endpoint for the subscription related notification to be sent to * @member appInstanceSubscriptionFilter Criteria used to select application instances on which to send notifications related to this subscription * @member links Links to resources related to this resource * @see ETSI GS MEC 010-2 Clause Type: AppInstIdCreationSubscriptionInfo */ type record AppInstIdCreationSubscriptionInfo { JSON.String id, JSON.String subscriptionType, JSON.AnyURI callbackUri, AppInstanceSubscriptionFilter appInstanceSubscriptionFilter optional, AppInstIdCreationSubscriptionInfo_Link links } with { variant (links) "name as '_links'"; } type record AppInstIdCreationSubscriptionInfo_Link { LinkType self_ } with { variant (self_) "name as 'self'"; } /** * @desc This data type represents a notification for informing the subscribers about the creation of a new "individual application instance" resource and the associated application instance identifier * @member id Identifier of this notification * @member notificationType Discriminator for the different notification types * @member subscriptionId Identifier of the subscription related to this notification * @member timeStamp Date and time of the notification generation * @member appInstanceId The created application instance Identifier * @member links Links to resources related to this notification * @see ETSI GS MEC 010-2 Clause Type: AppInstanceIdentifierCreationNotification */ type record AppInstanceIdentifierCreationNotification { JSON.String id, NotificationType notificationType, TimeStamp timeStamp, JSON.String appInstanceId, AppInstanceIdentifierCreationNotification_Link links } with { variant (links) "name as '_links'"; } type record AppInstanceIdentifierCreationNotification_Link { LinkType subscription, LinkType appInstance } /** * @desc The data type represents the input parameters of "subscription operation" to notification of application instance identifier deletion * @member subscriptionType Shall be set to "AppIdentifierDeletionSubscription" * @member callbackUri The URI of the endpoint for the subscription related notification to be sent to * @member appInstanceSubscriptionFilter Criteria used to filter application instances for which to send notifications related to this subscription * @see ETSI GS MEC 010-2 Clause Type: AppInstIdDeletionSubscriptionRequest */ type record AppInstIdDeletionSubscriptionRequest { JSON.String subscriptionType, JSON.AnyURI callbackUri, AppInstanceSubscriptionFilter appInstanceSubscriptionFilter optional } /** * @desc The data type represents a subscription to notification of application instance identifier deletion * @member id Identifier of the subscription to application instance operational state change notification * @member subscriptionType Shall be set to "AppIdentifierDeletionSubscription" * @member callbackUri The URI of the endpoint for the subscription related notification to be sent to * @member appInstanceSubscriptionFilter Criteria used to select application instances on which to send notifications related to this subscription * @member links Links to resources related to this resource * @see ETSI GS MEC 010-2 Clause Type: AppInstIdDeletionSubscriptionInfo */ type record AppInstIdDeletionSubscriptionInfo { JSON.String id, JSON.String subscriptionType, JSON.AnyURI callbackUri, AppInstanceSubscriptionFilter appInstanceSubscriptionFilter optional, AppInstIdDeletionSubscriptionInfo_Link links } with { variant (links) "name as '_links'"; } type record AppInstIdDeletionSubscriptionInfo_Link { LinkType self_ } with { variant (self_) "name as 'self'"; } /** * @desc This data type represents a notification for informing the subscribers about the deletion of an "individual application instance" resource and the associated application instance identifier * @member id Identifier of this notification * @member notificationType Discriminator for the different notification types * @member subscriptionId Identifier of the subscription related to this notification * @member timeStamp Date and time of the notification generation * @member appInstanceId The deleted application instance Identifier * @member links Links to resources related to this notification * @see ETSI GS MEC 010-2 Clause Type: AppInstanceIdentifierDeletionNotification */ type record AppInstanceIdentifierDeletionNotification { JSON.String id, NotificationType notificationType, JSON.String subscriptionId, TimeStamp timeStamp, JSON.String appInstanceId, AppInstanceIdentifierDeletionNotification_Link links } with { variant (links) "name as '_links'"; } type record AppInstanceIdentifierDeletionNotification_Link { LinkType subscription, LinkType appInstance } /** * @desc The LocationInformation data type represents the location information of the site hosting the MEC application instance * @member countryCode The two-letter ISO 3166 [3] country code in capital letters where an instance is deployed * @member civicAddress Provides the civic address of the site hosting the MEC application instance * @member Geographical position (i.e. latitude and longitude) where an instance is deployed * @see ETSI GS MEC 010-2 Clause Type: LocationInformation */ type record LocationInformation { JSON.String countryCode, CivicAddressElement civicAddress optional, JSON.String geographicalPosition optional } /** * @desc This data type represents the valid modes of cancelling an application LCM operation * @see ETSI GS MEC 010-2 Clause Type: CancelMode */ type StopType CancelMode; } // End of group application_lifecycle_management_information_model group application_package_information_model { /** * @desc The data type CreateAppPkg represents the parameters for creating a new application package resource * @member appPkgName Name of the application package to be onboarded * @member appPkgVersion Version of the application package to be onboarded * @member appProvider The provider's name of the application package to be onboarded * @member checksum Checksum of the onboarded application package * @member userDefinedData User defined data for the application package * @member appPkgPath Address information of the application package * @see ETSI GS MEC 010-2 Clause Type: CreateAppPkg */ type record CreateAppPkg { JSON.String appPkgName, JSON.String appPkgVersion, JSON.String appProvider optional, Checksum checksum, KeyValuePairs userDefinedData optional, JSON.AnyURI appPkgPath } /** * @desc The data type AppPkgInfo represents the parameters for an application package resource * @member id Identifier of the application package resource * @member appDId The application descriptor identifier * @member appProvider The provider's name of the onboarded application package * @member appName Name of the onboarded application * @member appSoftwareVersion Software version of the application. This is updated when there is any change to the software in the onboarded application package * @member appDVersion Version of the application descriptor * @member checksum Checksum of the onboarded application package * @member signingCertificate The singleton signing certificate if it is included as a file in the AppD archive * @member softwareImages Information of application software image in application package * @member additionalArtifacts Additional information of application package artifacts that are not application software images * @member onboardingState Onboarding state of application package * @member operationalState Operational state of the onboarded application package * @member usageState Usage state of the onboarded instance of the application package * @member mecInfo The MEC version that compatible with this application * @member userDefinedData User defined data for the application package * @member onboardingFailureDetails Failure details of current onboarding procedure * @member links Links to resources related to this resource * @see ETSI GS MEC 010-2 Clause Type: AppPkgInfo */ type record AppPkgInfo { JSON.String id, JSON.String appDId, JSON.String appProvider optional, JSON.String appName, JSON.String appSoftwareVersion, JSON.String appDVersion, Checksum checksum, JSON.String signingCertificate optional, AppPkgSWImageInfo softwareImages, AppPkgArtifactInfo additionalArtifacts optional, OnboardingState onboardingState, AppPkgInfo_OperationalState operationalState, UsageState usageState, AppPkgInfo_MecInfo mecInfo, KeyValuePairs userDefinedData optional, ProblemDetails onboardingFailureDetails optional, AppPkgInfo_Links links } with { variant (links) "name as '_links'"; } type record of AppPkgInfo AppPkgInfoList; type record AppPkgSWImageInfo_ { // FIXME The data type of application software image information data model is related to virtualisation method and needs for further study } type record length(1..infinity) of AppPkgSWImageInfo_ AppPkgSWImageInfo; type record AppPkgArtifactInfo { // FIXME The data type of additional information of application package artifacts is not specified in the present document } type enumerated OnboardingState { CREATED, UPLOADING, PROCESSING, ONBOARDED } type enumerated AppPkgInfo_OperationalState { ENABLED, DISABLED, UNKNOWN // Used for BI purpose only } type enumerated UsageState { IN_USE, NOT_IN_USE } type record length(1..infinity) of JSON.String AppPkgInfo_MecInfo; type record AppPkgInfo_Links { LinkType self_, LinkType appD, LinkType appPkgContent, LinkType vnfPkgInfo optional } with { variant (self_) "name as 'self'"; } /** * @desc The data type represents a subscription to notification of application package management for the onboarding, or operational state change of application package * @member id Identifier of the subscription to application package notification * @member subscriptionType Type of subscription * @member callbackUri The URI of the endpoint for the subscription related notification to be sent to * @member links Links to resources related to this resource * @see ETSI GS MEC 010-2 Clause Type: AppPkgSubscriptionInfo */ type record AppPkgSubscriptionInfo { JSON.String id, AppPkgSubscriptionType subscriptionType, JSON.AnyURI callbackUri, AppPkgSubscriptionInfo_Link links } with { variant (links) "name as '_links'"; } type record AppPkgSubscriptionInfo_Link { LinkType self_ } with { variant (self_) "name as 'self'" } /** * @desc The data type represents a subscription link list of notification on application package management * @member links Links to resources related to this resource * @see ETSI GS MEC 010-2 Clause Type: AppPkgSubscriptionLinkList */ type record AppPkgSubscriptionLinkList { AppPkgSubscriptionLinkList_Link links } with { variant (links) "name as '_links'"; } /** * @desc Links to resources related to this resource * @member self_ URI of this resource * @member subscriptions A link list to the subscriptions to an application package * @see ETSI GS MEC 010-2 Clause Type: AppPkgSubscriptionLinkList */ type record AppPkgSubscriptionLinkList_Link { LinkType self_, AppPkgSubscriptionLinkList_Link_Subscriptions subscriptions optional } with { variant (self_) "name as 'self'"; } type record AppPkgSubscriptionLinkList_Link_Subscription { JSON.AnyURI href, AppPkgSubscriptionType subscriptionType } type record length(1..infinity) of AppPkgSubscriptionLinkList_Link_Subscription AppPkgSubscriptionLinkList_Link_Subscriptions; /** * @desc This data type represents an application package management notification for informing the subscribers about onboarding application package resources * @member id Identifier of this notification * @member notificationType Discriminator for the different notification types * @member subscriptionId Identifier of the subscription to this notification * @member timeStamp Date and time of the notification generation * @member appPkgId Identifier of the onboarded application package * @member appDId The application descriptor identifier identifies the application package and the application descriptor in a globally unique way * @member operationalState Operational state of the application package * @member linksLinks to resources related to this notification * @see ETSI GS MEC 010-2 Clause Type: AppPkgNotification */ type record AppPkgNotification { JSON.String id, JSON.String notificationType, JSON.String subscriptionId, TimeStamp timeStamp, JSON.String appPkgId, JSON.String appDId, AppPkgInfo_OperationalState operationalState, AppPkgNotification_Link links } with { variant (links) "name as '_links'"; } type record AppPkgNotification_Link { LinkType subscription } /** * @desc The data type represents the input parameters of "subscription operation" to notification of application package management for the onboarding, or operational state change of application package * @member callbackUri The URI of the endpoint for the subscription related notification to be sent to * @member subscriptionType Type of the subscription * @member appPkgFilter The attribute-based filter is to filter application packages on which the query applies * @see ETSI GS MEC 010-2 Clause Type: AppPkgSubscription */ type record AppPkgSubscription { JSON.AnyURI callbackUri, AppPkgSubscriptionType subscriptionType, AppPkgFilter appPkgFilter optional } /** * @desc The data type represents modifications of the "AppPkgInfo" data type that can be requested to perform "application package operation" * @member New value of the "operationalState" attribute of the "OnboardedAppPkgInfo" structure * @see ETSI GS MEC 010-2 Clause Type: AppPkgInfoModifications */ type record AppPkgInfoModifications { AppPkgInfo_OperationalState operationalState } /** * @desc String representing the type of a subscription * @see ETSI GS MEC 010-2 Clause Simple data types */ type JSON.String AppPkgSubscriptionType; /** * @desc This data type represents subscription filter criteria to match application package * @member appPkgInfoId Match the application package identifier which is allocated by the MEO * @member appDId Match the application descriptor identifier which is allocated by the application provider * @member appProvider Match the provider's name of the onboarded application * @member appName Match the name of the onboarded application * @member appSoftwareVersion Match the software version of the application package * @member appDVersion Match the version of the application descriptor * @member operationalState Match particular operational state of the application package * @member usageState Match particular usage state of the application package * @see ETSI GS MEC 010-2 Clause Type: AppPkgFilter */ type record AppPkgFilter { JSON.String appPkgInfoId optional, JSON.String appDId optional, JSON.String appProvider optional, JSON.String appName optional, JSON.String appSoftwareVersion optional, JSON.String appDVersion optional, AppPkgInfo_OperationalState operationalState optional, UsageState usageState optional } } // End of group application_package_information_model group granting_information_model { /** * @desc This type represents a grant request * @member appInstanceId Identifier of the application instance which this grant request is related to * @member appLcmOpOccId The identifier of the application lifecycle management operation occurrence associated to the GrantRequest * @member appDId Identifier of the AppD that defines the application for which the LCM operation is to be granted * @member operation The lifecycle management operation for which granting is requested * @member addResources List of resource definitions in the AppD for resources to be added by the LCM operation which is related to this grant request, with one entry per resource * @member tempResources List of resource definitions in the AppD for resources to be temporarily instantiated during the runtime of the LCM operation which is related to this grant request * @member removeResources Removed by the LCM operation which is related to this grant request, with one entry per resource * @member updateResources Provides the definitions of resources to be modified by the LCM operation which is related to this grant request, with one entry per resource * @member additionalParams MEPM, specific to the application and the LCM operation * @member links Links to resources related to this request * @see ETSI GS MEC 010-2 Clause 6.2.4 Granting information model */ type record GrantRequest { JSON.String appInstanceId, JSON.String appLcmOpOccId, JSON.String appDId, OperationType operation, ResourceDefinition addResources optional, ResourceDefinition tempResources optional, ResourceDefinition updateResources optional, KeyValuePairs additionalParams optional, GrantRequest_Link links } with { variant (links) "name as '_links'"; } type record GrantRequest_Link { LinkType appLcmOpOcc, LinkType appInstance } /** * @desc This type provides information of an existing or proposed resource used by the application * @member id Identifier of this "ResourceDefinition" structure, unique at least within the scope of the "GrantRequest" structure * @member type_ Type of the resource definition referenced * @member vduId Reference to the related VDU in the AppD applicable to this resource * @member resourceTemplateId Reference to a resource template, i.e. VirtualComputeDescriptor, AppExtCpd, VirtualStorageDescriptor in the AppD * @member resource Resource information for an existing resource * @see ETSI GS MEC 010-2 Clause Type: ResourceDefinition */ type record ResourceDefinition { JSON.String id, ResourceDefinition_Type type_, JSON.String vduId optional, JSON.String resourceTemplateId, ResourceDefinition_Resource resource } type enumerated ResourceDefinition_Type { COMPUTE, VL, STORAGE, LINKPORT } type record ResourceDefinition_Resource { VimConnectionInfo vimConnectionInfo, JSON.String resourceId } /** * @desc This type represents a grant * @member id Identifier of the Grant * @member appInstanceId Identifier of the application instance which this Grant is related to * @member appLcmOpOccId The identifier of the application lifecycle management operation occurrence associated to the Grant * @member vimConnections Provides information regarding VIM connections that are approved to be used by the MEPM to allocate resources, and provides parameters of these VIM connections * @member zones Identifies resource zones where the resources are approved to be allocated by the MEPM * @member zoneGroups Information about groups of resource zones that are related and that the MEO has chosen to fulfil a zoneGroup constraint in the Grant request * @member addResources List of resources that are approved to be added, with one entry per resource * @member tempResources List of resources that are approved to be temporarily instantiated during the runtime of the lifecycle operation, with one entry per resource * @member removeResources List of resources that are approved to be removed, with one entry per resource * @member updateResources List of resources that are approved to be modified, with one entry per resource * @member vimAssets Information about assets for the application that are managed by the MEO in the VIM, such as software images * @member extVirtualLinks Information about external VLs to connect the application instance to * @member MEPM, specific to the application and the LCM operation * @member links Links to resources related to this request * @see ETSI GS MEC 010-2 Clause Type: Grant */ type record Grant { JSON.String id, JSON.String appInstanceId, JSON.String appLcmOpOccId, VimConnectionInfo vimConnections optional, ZoneInfo zones optional, ZoneGroupInfo zoneGroups optional, GrantInfo addResources optional, GrantInfo tempResources optional, GrantInfo removeResources optional, GrantInfo updateResources optional, VimAssets vimAssets optional, ExtVirtualLinkData extVirtualLinks optional, KeyValuePairs additionalParams optional, Grant_Link links } with { variant (links) "name as '_links'"; } type record VimAssets { VimSoftwareImage softwareImages optional } type record Grant_Link { LinkType appLcmOpOcc, LinkType appInstance } /** * @desc This type contains information about a Compute, storage or network resource whose addition/update/deletion was granted * @member resourceDefinitionId Identifier of the related "ResourceDefinition" structure from the related "GrantRequest" structure * @member vimConnectionId Identifier of the VIM connection to be used to manage this resource * @member zoneId Reference to the identifier of the "ZoneInfo" structure in the "Grant" structure defining the resource zone into which this resource is to be placed * @member resourceGroupId Identifier of the "infrastructure resource group", logical grouping of virtual resources assigned to a tenant within an Infrastructure Domain, to be provided when allocating the resource * @see ETSI GS MEC 010-2 Clause Type: GrantInfo */ type record GrantInfo { JSON.String resourceDefinitionId, JSON.String vimConnectionId optional, JSON.String zoneId optional, JSON.String resourceGroupId optional } /** * @desc This type provides information regarding a resource zone * @member id The identifier of this ZoneInfo instance, for the purpose of referencing it from other structures in the "Grant" structure * @member zoneId The identifier of the resource zone, as managed by the resource management layer (typically, the VIM) * @member vimConnectionId Identifier of the connection to the VIM that manages the resource zone * @see ETSI GS MEC 010-2 Clause Type: ZoneInfo */ type record ZoneInfo { JSON.String id, JSON.String zoneId, JSON.String vimConnectionId optional } /** * @desc This type provides information regarding a resource zone group * @member zoneId References of identifiers of "ZoneInfo" structures, each of which provides information about a resource zone that belongs to this group * @see ETSI GS MEC 010-2 Clause Type: ZoneGroupInfo */ type record ZoneGroupInfo { ZoneIds zoneId } type record length(1..infinity) of JSON.String ZoneIds; /** * @desc This type represents an external VL * @member id The identifier of the external VL instance * @member vimConnectionId Identifier of the VIM connection to manage this resource * @member resourceId The identifier of the resource in the scope of the VIM * @member extCps External CPs of the application instance to be connected to this external VL * @member extLinkPorts Externally provided link ports to be used to connect external connection points to this external VL * @see ETSI GS MEC 010-2 Clause Type: ExtVirtualLinkData */ type record ExtVirtualLinkData { JSON.String id, JSON.String vimConnectionId optional, JSON.String resourceId, AppExtCpData extCps, ExtLinkPortData extLinkPorts optional } /** * @desc This type represents an externally provided link port to be used to connect an external connection point to an external VL * @member id Identifier of this link port as provided by the entity that has created the link port * @member resourceHandleReference to the virtualised resource realizing this link port * @see ETSI GS MEC 010-2 Clause Type: ExtLinkPortData */ type record ExtLinkPortData { JSON.String id, ResourceHandle resourceHandle } /** * @desc This type represents the information that allows addressing a virtualised resource that is used by an application instance * @member vimConnectionId Identifier of the VIM connection to manage the resource * @member resourceId Identifier of the resource in the scope of the VIM * @member vimLevelResourceType Type of the resource in the scope of the VIM * @see ETSI GS MEC 010-2 Clause Type: ResourceHandle */ type record ResourceHandle { JSON.String vimConnectionId optional, JSON.String resourceId, JSON.String vimLevelResourceType optional } /** * @desc This type contains a mapping between a software image definition in the AppD and the corresponding software image managed by the MEO in the VIM which is needed during compute resource instantiation * @member vimConnectionId Identifier of the VIM connection to access the software image referenced in this structure * @member appDSoftwareImageId Identifier which references the software image descriptor in the AppD * @member vimSoftwareImageId Identifier of the software image in the resource management layer (i.e. VIM) * @see ETSI GS MEC 010-2 Clause Type: VimSoftwareImage */ type record VimSoftwareImage { JSON.String vimConnectionId optional, JSON.String appDSoftwareImageId, JSON.String vimSoftwareImageId } /** * @desc This type represents configuration information for external CPs created from a CPD * @member cpdId The identifier of the CPD in the AppD * @member cpConfig List of instance data that need to be configured on the CP instances created from the respective CPD * @see ETSI GS MEC 010-2 Clause Type: AppExtCpData */ type record AppExtCpData_ { JSON.String cpdId, AppExtCpConfig cpConfig } type record length(1..infinity) of AppExtCpData_ AppExtCpData; /** * @desc This type represents an externally provided link port or network address information per instance of an external connection point * @member cpInstanceId Identifier of the external CP instance to which this set of configuration parameters is requested to be applied * @member linkPortId Identifier of a pre-configured link port to which the external CP will be associated * @member cpProtocolData Parameters for configuring the network protocols on the link port that connects the CP to a VL * @see ETSI GS MEC 010-2 Clause Type: AppExtCpConfig */ type record AppExtCpConfig_ { JSON.String cpInstanceId optional, JSON.String linkPortId optional, CpProtocolData cpProtocolData optional } type record length(1..infinity) of AppExtCpConfig_ AppExtCpConfig; /** * @desc This type represents network protocol data * @member layerProtocol Identifier of layer(s) and protocol(s) * @member ipOverEthernet Network address data for IP over Ethernet to assign to the extCP instance * @see ETSI GS MEC 010-2 Clause Type: CpProtocolData */ type record CpProtocolData_ { LayerProtocol layerProtocol, IpOverEthernetAddressData ipOverEthernet optional } type record length(1..infinity) of CpProtocolData_ CpProtocolData; type enumerated LayerProtocol { IP_OVER_ETHERNET } /** * @desc This type represents network address data for IP over Ethernet * @member macAddress MAC address * @member ipAddresses List of IP addresses to assign to the CP instance * @see ETSI GS MEC 010-2 Clause Type: IpOverEthernetAddressData */ type record IpOverEthernetAddressData { JSON.String macAddress optional, IpAddresses ipAddresses optional } /** * @desc IP addresses to assign to the CP instance * @member type_ The type of the IP addresses * @member fixedAddresses Fixed addresses to assign (from the subnet defined by "subnetId" if provided) * @member numDynamicAddresses Number of dynamic addresses to assign (from the subnet defined by "subnetId" if provided) * @member addressRange An IP address range to be used, e.g. in case of egress connections * @see ETSI GS MEC 010-2 Clause Type: IpOverEthernetAddressData */ type record IpAddress { IpAddressType type_, FixedAddresses fixedAddresses optional, integer numDynamicAddresses optional, AddressRange addressRange optional } type record length(1..infinity) of IpAddress IpAddresses; type enumerated IpAddressType { IPV4, IPV6 } type record length(1..infinity) of JSON.String FixedAddresses; type record AddressRange { JSON.String minAddress, JSON.String maxAddress, JSON.String subnetId optional } } // End of group granting_information_model group common_information_model { /** * @desc This data type represents a type of link * @member href URI referring to a resource * @see ETSI GS MEC 010-2 Clause Type: LinkType */ type record LinkType { JSON.AnyURI href } /** * @desc This data type represents a list of key-value pairs * @member * @member * @see ETSI GS MEC 010-2 Clause Type: KeyValuePairs */ type record KeyValuePairs { JSON.String key_name, anytype key_value // FIXME To be refined } /** * @desc This data type represents the time stamp as Unix-time since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 UTC * @member seconds The seconds part of the time. Time is defined as Unix-time since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 UTC * @member nanoSeconds The nanoseconds part of the time. Time is defined as Unix-time since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 UTC * @see ETSI GS MEC 010-2 Clause Type: TimeStamp */ type record TimeStamp { Seconds seconds, NanoSeconds nanoSeconds } /** * @desc The seconds part of the Time. Time is defined as Unix-time since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 UTC */ type UInt32 Seconds; /** * @desc The nanoseconds part of the Time. Time is defined as Unix-time since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 UTC */ type UInt32 NanoSeconds; /** * @desc This type represents the checksum of an application package * @member algorithm Name of the algorithm used to generate the checksum, as defined in ETSI GS NFV-SOL 004 [18] * @member hash The hexadecimal value of the checksum * @see ETSI GS MEC 010-2 Clause Type: Checksum */ type record Checksum { JSON.String algorithm, JSON.String hash } } // End of group common_information_model } with { extension "anytype integer, float, boolean, universal charstring"; encode "JSON" }