diff --git a/scripts/update_mec_project.bash b/scripts/update_mec_project.bash
index 6af611696a0e704487dfa1a88adb317b0117c217..720e72fd4dfc0f244c49706edde0ecb7d3ff2203 100755
--- a/scripts/update_mec_project.bash
+++ b/scripts/update_mec_project.bash
@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ do
 # Update libraries & CC files
-TTCN_3_LIB_LIST='LibMec LibMec/LocationAPI LibMec/UEidentityAPI LibMec/RnisAPI LibMec/BwManagementAPI LibHttp LibCommon'
+TTCN_3_LIB_LIST='LibMec LibMec/Ams LibMec/AppEna LibMec/AppLCM LibMec/BwManagementAPI LibMec/FixedAccessInformationAPI LibMec/Grant LibMec/LocationAPI LibMec/MeoPkgm LibMec/MepmPkgm LibMec/RnisAPI  LibMec/UEAppInterfaceAPI LibMec/UEidentityAPI LibHttp LibCommon'
 for i in ${TTCN_3_LIB_LIST}
     if [ ! -d ${TTCN_3_DST_PATH}/$i ]
diff --git a/ttcn/LibIts b/ttcn/LibIts
index 25c8a9e788ccd0fb17ef38dbf12b1a7e9a6c0085..3c0c0de3330be31a4a670518770d7ef20dacf245 160000
--- a/ttcn/LibIts
+++ b/ttcn/LibIts
@@ -1 +1 @@
-Subproject commit 25c8a9e788ccd0fb17ef38dbf12b1a7e9a6c0085
+Subproject commit 3c0c0de3330be31a4a670518770d7ef20dacf245
diff --git a/ttcn/patch_lib_common_titan/LibCommon_BasicTypesAndValues.ttcn b/ttcn/patch_lib_common_titan/LibCommon_BasicTypesAndValues.ttcn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5758c7c1bf17a5520726718f0e66d24cd846af22
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ttcn/patch_lib_common_titan/LibCommon_BasicTypesAndValues.ttcn
@@ -0,0 +1,247 @@
+ *  @author   ETSI
+ *  @version  $URL$
+ *            $Id$
+ *  @desc     A collection of basic type and value definitions which may be 
+ *            useful in the implementation of any TTCN-3 test suite. <br><br>
+ *  @remark   End users should be aware that any changes made to the  in
+ *            definitions this module may be overwritten in future releases.
+ *            End users are encouraged to contact the distributers of this  
+ *            module regarding their modifications or additions so that future 
+ *            updates will include your changes.
+ *  @copyright  ETSI Copyright Notification
+ *                No part may be reproduced except as authorized by written permission.
+ *                The copyright and the foregoing restriction extend to reproduction in all media.
+ *                All rights reserved.
+ *
+ */
+ module LibCommon_BasicTypesAndValues {
+  /** 
+   *  @remark Number in subtype name always indicates encoding length 
+   *          in _bits_
+   */
+  group unsignedIntegerDefintions {
+    const integer c_uInt1Max := 1;
+    const integer c_uInt2Max := 3;
+    const integer c_uInt3Max := 7;
+    const integer c_uInt4Max := 15;
+    const integer c_uInt5Max := 31;
+    const integer c_uInt6Max := 63;
+    const integer c_uInt7Max := 127;
+    const integer c_uInt8Max := 255;
+    const integer c_uInt9Max := 511;
+    const integer c_uInt10Max := 1023;
+    const integer c_uInt11Max := 2047;
+    const integer c_uInt12Max := 4095;
+    const integer c_uInt13Max := 8191;
+    const integer c_uInt14Max := 16383;
+    const integer c_uInt15Max := 32767;
+    const integer c_uInt16Max := 65535;
+    const integer c_uInt17Max := 131071;
+    const integer c_uInt18Max := 262143;
+    const integer c_uInt19Max := 524287;
+    const integer c_uInt20Max := 1048575;
+    const integer c_uInt21Max := 2097151;
+    const integer c_uInt22Max := 4194303;
+    const integer c_uInt23Max := 8388607;
+    const integer c_uInt24Max := 16777215;
+    const integer c_uInt25Max := 33554431;
+    const integer c_uInt26Max := 67108863;
+    const integer c_uInt27Max := 134217727;
+    const integer c_uInt28Max := 268435456;
+    const integer c_uInt29Max := 536870911;
+    const integer c_uInt30Max := 1073741823;
+    const integer c_uInt31Max := 2147483647;
+    const integer c_uInt32Max := 4294967295;
+    const integer c_uInt36Max := 68719476735;
+    const integer c_uInt48Max := 281474976710655;
+    const integer c_uInt52Max := 4503599627370495;
+    const integer c_uInt64Max := 18446744073709551615;
+    type integer  UInt  (0 .. infinity);
+    type integer  UInt1 (0 .. c_uInt1Max) with {variant "unsigned 1 bit"};
+    type integer  UInt2 (0 .. c_uInt2Max) with {variant "unsigned 2 bit"};
+    type integer  UInt3 (0 .. c_uInt3Max) with {variant "unsigned 3 bit"};
+    type integer  UInt4 (0 .. c_uInt4Max) with {variant "unsigned 4 bit"};
+    type integer  UInt5 (0 .. c_uInt5Max) with {variant "unsigned 5 bit"};
+    type integer  UInt6 (0 .. c_uInt6Max) with {variant "unsigned 6 bit"};
+    type integer  UInt7 (0 .. c_uInt7Max) with {variant "unsigned 7 bit"};
+    type integer  UInt8 (0 .. c_uInt8Max) with {variant "unsigned 8 bit"};
+    type integer  UInt9 (0 .. c_uInt9Max) with {variant "unsigned 9 bit"};
+    type integer  UInt10 (0 .. c_uInt10Max) with {variant "unsigned 10 bit"};
+    type integer  UInt11 (0 .. c_uInt11Max) with {variant "unsigned 11 bit"};
+    type integer  UInt12 (0 .. c_uInt12Max) with {variant "unsigned 12 bit"};
+    type integer  UInt13 (0 .. c_uInt13Max) with {variant "unsigned 13 bit"};
+    type integer  UInt14 (0 .. c_uInt14Max) with {variant "unsigned 14 bit"};
+    type integer  UInt15 (0 .. c_uInt15Max) with {variant "unsigned 15 bit"};
+    type integer  UInt16 (0 .. c_uInt16Max) with {variant "unsigned 16 bit"};
+    type integer  UInt17 (0 .. c_uInt17Max) with {variant "unsigned 17 bit"};
+    type integer  UInt18 (0 .. c_uInt18Max) with {variant "unsigned 18 bit"};
+    type integer  UInt19 (0 .. c_uInt19Max) with {variant "unsigned 19 bit"};
+    type integer  UInt20 (0 .. c_uInt20Max) with {variant "unsigned 20 bit"};
+    type integer  UInt21 (0 .. c_uInt21Max) with {variant "unsigned 21 bit"};
+    type integer  UInt22 (0 .. c_uInt22Max) with {variant "unsigned 22 bit"};
+    type integer  UInt23 (0 .. c_uInt23Max) with {variant "unsigned 23 bit"};
+    type integer  UInt24 (0 .. c_uInt24Max) with {variant "unsigned 24 bit"};
+    type integer  UInt25 (0 .. c_uInt25Max) with {variant "unsigned 25 bit"};
+    type integer  UInt26 (0 .. c_uInt26Max) with {variant "unsigned 26 bit"};
+    type integer  UInt27 (0 .. c_uInt27Max) with {variant "unsigned 27 bit"};
+    type integer  UInt28 (0 .. c_uInt28Max) with {variant "unsigned 28 bit"};
+    type integer  UInt29 (0 .. c_uInt29Max) with {variant "unsigned 29 bit"};
+    type integer  UInt30 (0 .. c_uInt30Max) with {variant "unsigned 30 bit"};
+    type integer  UInt31 (0 .. c_uInt31Max) with {variant "unsigned 31 bit"};
+    type integer  UInt32 (0 .. c_uInt32Max) with {variant "unsigned 32 bit"};
+    type integer  UInt36 (0 .. c_uInt36Max) with {variant "unsigned 36 bit"};
+    type integer  UInt48 (0 .. c_uInt48Max) with {variant "unsigned 48 bit"};
+    type integer  UInt52 (0 .. c_uInt52Max) with {variant "unsigned 52 bit"};
+    type integer  UInt64 (0 .. c_uInt64Max) with {variant "unsigned 64 bit"};
+  } // end group unsignedIntegerDefintions
+  /** 
+   * @remark Number in subtype name always indicates encoding length 
+   *         in _bits_
+   */
+  group signedIntegerDefintions {
+    const integer c_int1Min := -1;
+    const integer c_int1Max := 0;
+    const integer c_int2Min := -2;
+    const integer c_int2Max := 1;
+    const integer c_int3Min := -4;
+    const integer c_int3Max := 3;
+    const integer c_int4Min := -8;
+    const integer c_int4Max := 7;
+    const integer c_int5Min := -16;
+    const integer c_int5Max := 15;
+    const integer c_int6Min := -32;
+    const integer c_int6Max := 31;
+    const integer c_int7Min := -64;
+    const integer c_int7Max := 63;
+    const integer c_int8Min := -128;
+    const integer c_int8Max := 127;
+    const integer c_int9Min := -256;
+    const integer c_int9Max := 255;
+    const integer c_int10Min := -512;
+    const integer c_int10Max := 511;
+    const integer c_int11Min := -1024;
+    const integer c_int11Max := 1023;
+    const integer c_int12Min := -2048;
+    const integer c_int12Max := 2047;
+    const integer c_int13Min := -4096;
+    const integer c_int13Max := 4095;
+    const integer c_int14Min := -8192;
+    const integer c_int14Max := 8191;
+    const integer c_int15Min := -16384;
+    const integer c_int15Max := 16383;
+    const integer c_int16Min := -32768;
+    const integer c_int16Max := 32767;
+    const integer c_int17Min := -65536;
+    const integer c_int17Max := 65535;
+    const integer c_int18Min := -131072;
+    const integer c_int18Max := 131071;
+    const integer c_int19Min := -262144;
+    const integer c_int19Max := 262143;
+    const integer c_int20Min := -524288;
+    const integer c_int20Max := 524287;
+    const integer c_int21Min := -1048576;
+    const integer c_int21Max := 1048575;
+    const integer c_int22Min := -2097152;
+    const integer c_int22Max := 2097151;
+    const integer c_int23Min := -4194304;
+    const integer c_int23Max := 4194303;
+    const integer c_int24Min := -8388608;
+    const integer c_int24Max := 8388607;
+    const integer c_int25Min := -16777216;
+    const integer c_int25Max := 16777215;
+    const integer c_int26Min := -33554432;
+    const integer c_int26Max := 33554431;
+    const integer c_int27Min := -67108864;
+    const integer c_int27Max := 67108863;
+    const integer c_int28Min := -134217728;
+    const integer c_int28Max := 134217727;
+    const integer c_int29Min := -268435456;
+    const integer c_int29Max := 268435456;
+    const integer c_int30Min := -536870912;
+    const integer c_int30Max := 536870911;
+    const integer c_int31Min := -1073741824;
+    const integer c_int31Max := 1073741823;
+    const integer c_int32Min := -2147483648;
+    const integer c_int32Max := 2147483647;
+    type integer  Int;
+    type integer  Int1  (c_int1Min .. c_int1Max) with { variant "1 bit, COMP(2scompl)" };
+    type integer  Int2  (c_int2Min .. c_int2Max) with { variant "2 bit, COMP(2scompl)" };
+    type integer  Int3  (c_int3Min .. c_int3Max) with { variant "3 bit, COMP(2scompl)" };
+    type integer  Int4  (c_int4Min .. c_int4Max) with { variant "4 bit, COMP(2scompl)" };
+    type integer  Int5  (c_int5Min .. c_int5Max) with { variant "5 bit, COMP(2scompl)" };
+    type integer  Int6  (c_int6Min .. c_int6Max) with { variant "6 bit, COMP(2scompl)" };
+    type integer  Int7  (c_int7Min .. c_int7Max) with { variant "7 bit, COMP(2scompl)" };
+    type integer  Int8  (c_int8Min .. c_int8Max) with { variant "8 bit, COMP(2scompl)" };
+    type integer  Int9  (c_int9Min .. c_int9Max) with { variant "9 bit, COMP(2scompl)" };
+    type integer  Int10  (c_int10Min .. c_int10Max) with { variant "10 bit, COMP(2scompl)" };
+    type integer  Int11  (c_int11Min .. c_int11Max) with { variant "11 bit, COMP(2scompl)" };
+    type integer  Int12  (c_int12Min .. c_int12Max) with { variant "12 bit, COMP(2scompl)" };
+    type integer  Int13  (c_int13Min .. c_int13Max) with { variant "13 bit, COMP(2scompl)" };
+    type integer  Int14  (c_int14Min .. c_int14Max) with { variant "14 bit, COMP(2scompl)" };
+    type integer  Int15  (c_int15Min .. c_int15Max) with { variant "15 bit, COMP(2scompl)" };
+    type integer  Int16  (c_int16Min .. c_int16Max) with { variant "16 bit, COMP(2scompl)" };
+    type integer  Int17  (c_int17Min .. c_int17Max) with { variant "17 bit, COMP(2scompl)" };
+    type integer  Int18  (c_int18Min .. c_int18Max) with { variant "18 bit, COMP(2scompl)" };
+    type integer  Int19  (c_int19Min .. c_int19Max) with { variant "19 bit, COMP(2scompl)" };
+    type integer  Int20  (c_int20Min .. c_int20Max) with { variant "20 bit, COMP(2scompl)" };
+    type integer  Int21  (c_int21Min .. c_int21Max) with { variant "21 bit, COMP(2scompl)" };
+    type integer  Int22  (c_int22Min .. c_int22Max) with { variant "22 bit, COMP(2scompl)" };
+    type integer  Int23  (c_int23Min .. c_int23Max) with { variant "23 bit, COMP(2scompl)" };
+    type integer  Int24  (c_int24Min .. c_int24Max) with { variant "24 bit, COMP(2scompl)" };
+    type integer  Int25  (c_int25Min .. c_int25Max) with { variant "25 bit, COMP(2scompl)" };
+    type integer  Int26  (c_int26Min .. c_int26Max) with { variant "26 bit, COMP(2scompl)" };
+    type integer  Int27  (c_int27Min .. c_int27Max) with { variant "27 bit, COMP(2scompl)" };
+    type integer  Int28  (c_int28Min .. c_int28Max) with { variant "28 bit, COMP(2scompl)" };
+    type integer  Int29  (c_int29Min .. c_int29Max) with { variant "29 bit, COMP(2scompl)" };
+    type integer  Int30  (c_int30Min .. c_int30Max) with { variant "30 bit, COMP(2scompl)" };
+    type integer  Int31  (c_int31Min .. c_int31Max) with { variant "31 bit, COMP(2scompl)" };
+    type integer  Int32  (c_int32Min .. c_int32Max) with { variant "32 bit, COMP(2scompl)" };
+  } // end group signedIntegerDefintions
+  group zeroedIntegers {
+    const UInt1   c_uInt1Zero := 0;
+    const UInt2   c_uInt2Zero := 0;
+    const UInt3   c_uInt3Zero := 0;
+    const UInt4   c_uInt4Zero := 0;
+    const UInt5   c_uInt5Zero := 0;
+    const UInt6   c_uInt6Zero := 0;
+    const UInt7   c_uInt7Zero := 0;
+    const UInt8   c_uInt8Zero := 0;
+    const UInt10  c_uInt10Zero := 0;
+    const UInt12  c_uInt12Zero := 0;
+    const UInt14  c_uInt14Zero := 0;
+    const UInt16  c_uInt16Zero := 0;
+    const UInt24  c_uInt24Zero := 0;
+    const UInt32  c_uInt32Zero := 0;
+    const UInt48  c_uInt48Zero := 0;
+  }//end group zeroedInt
+  /** 
+   * @remark Number in subtype name always indicates encoding length 
+   *       in _bits_
+   */
+  group booleanDefintions {
+    type boolean  Bool1 with { variant "1 bit" };
+    type boolean  Bool2 with { variant "2 bit" };
+    type boolean  Bool3 with { variant "3 bit" };
+    type boolean  Bool4 with { variant "4 bit" };
+    type boolean  Bool5 with { variant "5 bit" };
+    type boolean  Bool6 with { variant "6 bit" };
+    type boolean  Bool7 with { variant "7 bit" };
+    type boolean  Bool8 with { variant "8 bit" };
+  } // end group booleanDefintions
+} // end module LibCommon_BasicTypesAndValues