RnisAPI_TypesAndValues.ttcn 15 KB
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 * @desc The ETSI MEC ISG MEC012 Radio Network Information API described using OpenAPI
 * @see http://www.etsi.org/deliver/etsi_gs/MEC/001_099/012/01.01.01_60/gs_mec012v010101p.pdf
module RnisAPI_TypesAndValues {
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  // JSON
  import from JSON all;
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  // LibCommon
  import from LibCommon_BasicTypesAndValues all;
   * @desc Problem Details for HTTP APIs
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   * @member type_ A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 that identifies the problem type
   * @member title A short, human-readable summary of the problem type
   * @member status The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem
   * @member detail A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem
   * @member instance A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem
   * @see IETF RFC 7807 Clause 3.  The Problem Details JSON Object
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  type record ProblemDetails {
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    JSON.String type_,
    JSON.String title,
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    UInt32 status,
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    JSON.String detail,
    JSON.String instance
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  } with {
    variant (type_) "name as 'type'";

   * @desc 
   * @member timeStamp
   * @member appInsId
   * @member ecgi
  type record PlmnInfo {
    TimeStamp timeStamp optional,
    AppInsId appInsId,
    Ecgi ecgi

   * @desc 
   * @member timeStamp
   * @member appInsId
   * @member requestId
   * @member cellUserInfo
  type record RabInfo {
    TimeStamp timeStamp optional,
    AppInsId appInsId,
    RequestId requestId,
    CellUserInfo cellUserInfo optional

   * @desc 
   * @member timeStamp
   * @member appInsId
   * @member ecgi
  type record S1BearerInfo {
    TimeStamp timeStamp optional,
    S1UeInfo s1UeInfo

   * @desc The information on users per cell
   * @member tempUeId
   * @member associateId
   * @member ecgi
   * @member s1BearerInfoDetailed
  type record S1UeInfo {
   TempUeId tempUeId,
   AssociateId associateId optional,
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   Ecgis ecgi,
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   S1BearerInfoDetailed s1BearerInfoDetailed

   * @desc Information on UEs in the specific cell
   * @member erabId The element that uniquely identifies a S1 bearer for a specific UE, as defined in ETSI TS 136 413
   * @member s1EnbInfo
   * @member sGwInfo
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  type record S1BearerInfoDetailed_ {
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    ErabId erabId,
    S1EnbInfo s1EnbInfo,
    SGwInfo sGwInfo
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  type record of S1BearerInfoDetailed_ S1BearerInfoDetailed;
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  type UInt32 ErabId;

   * @desc 
   * @member mmec MMEC as defined in ETSI TS 136 413
   * @member mtmsi M-TMSI as defined in ETSI TS 136 413
  type record TempUeId {
    Mmec mmec,
    Mtmsi mtmsi

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  type JSON.String Mmec;
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  type JSON.String Mtmsi;
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   * @desc 
   * @member ipAddress eNB transport layer address of this S1 bearer
   * @member tunnelId eNB GTP-U TEID of this S1 bearer
  type record S1EnbInfo {
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    JSON.String ipAddress,
    JSON.String tunnelId
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   * @desc 
   * @member ipAddress SGW transport layer address of this S1 bearer
   * @member tunnelId SGW GTP-U TEID of this S1 bearer
  type record SGwInfo {
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    JSON.String ipAddress,
    JSON.String tunnelId
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   * @desc
   * @member seconds The seconds part of the time. Time is defined as Unix-time since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 UTC
   * @member nanoSeconds The nanoseconds part of the time. Time is defined as Unix-time since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 UTC
  type record TimeStamp {
    UInt32 seconds,
    UInt32 nanoSeconds

   * @desc Unique identifier for the mobile edge application instance",
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  type JSON.String AppInsId;
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   * @desc Unique identifier allocated by the Mobile Edge application for the  Information request
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  type JSON.String RequestId;
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   * @desc The information on users per cell
   * @member ecgi 
   * @member ueInfo
  type record CellUserInfo {
    Ecgi ecgi,
    UeInfo ueInfo

   * @desc E-UTRAN CelI Global Identifier as defined in 3GPP TS 36.413
   * @member ecgi 
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   * @member cellId 
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  type record Ecgi {
    Plmn plmn,
    CellId cellId
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  type record of Ecgi Ecgis;
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   * @desc E-UTRAN CelI Global Identifier as defined in 3GPP TS 36.413
   * @member mcc The Mobile Country Code part of PLMN Identity as defined in 3GPP TS 36.413
   * @member mnc The Mobile Network Code part of PLMN Identity as defined in 3GPP TS 36.413
  type record Plmn {
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    JSON.String mcc,
    JSON.String mnc
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   * @desc The E-UTRAN Cell Identity as a bit string (size (28)), as defined in 3GPP TS 36.413
  type record of octetstring CellId;

   * @desc Information on UEs in the specific cell
   * @member associateId
   * @member erabInfo
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  type record UeInfo_ {
    AssociateId associateId optional,
    ErabQosParameters erabInfo
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  type record of UeInfo_ UeInfo;
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   * @desc Information on UEs in the specific cell
   * @member type Numeric value (0-255) corresponding to specified type of identifier
   * @member value Value for the identifier
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  type record AssociateId_ {
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    AssociateId_type type_,
    UInt32 value_
  } with {
    variant (type_) "name as 'type'";
    variant (value_) "name as 'value'";
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  type record of AssociateId_ AssociateId;
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   * @desc Numeric value (0-255) corresponding to specified type of identifier
  type enumerated AssociateId_type {
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   * @desc 
   * @member qci QoS Class Identifier as defined in TS 23.401
   * @member qci_information 
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  type record ErabQosParameter {
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    UInt32 qci,
    QosInformation qci_information
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  type record of ErabQosParameter ErabQosParameters;

   * @desc QoS Class Identifier as defined in TS 23.401
  type UInt32 Qci;
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   * @desc 
   * @member erabGbrDl This IE indicates the maximum downlink E-RAB Bit Rate as defined in TS 23.401 for this bearer
   * @member erabGbrUl This IE indicates the maximum uplink E-RAB Bit Rate as defined in TS 23.401 for this bearer
   * @member erabGbrDl This IE indicates the guaranteed  downlink E-RAB Bit Rate as defined in TS 23.401 for this bearer
   * @member erabMbrUl This IE indicates the guaranteed  uplink E-RAB Bit Rate as defined in TS 23.401 for this bearer
  type enumerated QosInformation {
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   * @desc 
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   * @member links
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   * @member subscription 
  type record SubscriptionLinkList {
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    Link links,
    Subscription subscription optional
  } with {
    variant (links) "name as '_links'";
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   * @desc 
   * @member callbackReference 
   * @member filterCriteria 
   * @member expiryDeadline 
  type record MeasRepUeSubscriptionPost {
    CallbackReference callbackReference,
    FilterCriteriaAssocTri filterCriteria,
    TimeStamp expiryDeadline optional

   * @desc
   * @member callbackReference
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   * @member links
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   * @member filterCriteria
   * @member expiryDeadline
  type record MeasRepUeSubscription {
    CallbackReference callbackReference,
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    Link links,
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    FilterCriteriaAssocTri filterCriteria,
    TimeStamp expiryDeadline optional
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  } with {
    variant (links) "name as '_links'";
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   * @desc
   * @member callbackReference
   * @member eventType
   * @member s1BearerSubscriptionCriteria
   * @member expiryDeadline
  type record S1BearerSubscriptionPost {
    CallbackReference callbackReference,
    EventType eventType,
    S1BearerSubscriptionCriteria s1BearerSubscriptionCriteria,
    TimeStamp expiryDeadline optional

   * @desc
   * @member callbackReference
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   * @member links
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   * @member s1BearerSubscriptionCriteria
   * @member expiryDeadline
  type record S1BearerSubscription {
    CallbackReference callbackReference,
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    Link links,
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    S1BearerSubscriptionCriteria s1BearerSubscriptionCriteria,
    TimeStamp expiryDeadline optional
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  } with {
    variant (links) "name as '_links'";
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   * @desc
   * @member callbackReference
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   * @member links
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   * @member filterCriteria
  type record RabEstSubscription {
    CallbackReference callbackReference,
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    Link links,
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    FilterCriteriaAssocQci filterCriteria
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  } with {
    variant (links) "name as '_links'";
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   * @desc
   * @member callbackReference
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   * @member links
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   * @member filterCriteria
   * @member expiryDeadline
  type record RabEstSubscriptionPost {
    CallbackReference callbackReference,
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    Link links,
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    FilterCriteriaAssocQci filterCriteria,
    TimeStamp expiryDeadline optional
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  } with {
    variant (links) "name as '_links'";
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   * @desc
   * @member callbackReference
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   * @member links
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   * @member filterCriteria
   * @member expiryDeadline
  type record RabModSubscription {
    CallbackReference callbackReference,
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    Link links,
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    FilterCriteriaAssocQci filterCriteria,
    TimeStamp expiryDeadline optional
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  } with {
    variant (links) "name as '_links'";
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   * @desc
   * @member callbackReference
   * @member filterCriteria
   * @member expiryDeadline
  type record RabModSubscriptionPost {
    CallbackReference callbackReference,
    FilterCriteriaAssocQci filterCriteria,
    TimeStamp expiryDeadline optional

   * @desc
   * @member callbackReference
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   * @member links
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   * @member filterCriteria
   * @member expiryDeadline
  type record RabRelSubscription {
    CallbackReference callbackReference,
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    Link links,
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    FilterCriteriaAssocQci filterCriteria,
    TimeStamp expiryDeadline optional
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  } with {
    variant (links) "name as '_links'";
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   * @desc
   * @member callbackReference
   * @member filterCriteria
   * @member expiryDeadline
  type record RabRelSubscriptionPost {
    CallbackReference callbackReference,
    FilterCriteriaAssocQci filterCriteria,
    TimeStamp expiryDeadline optional

   * @desc
   * @member callbackReference
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   * @member links
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   * @member filterCriteria
   * @member expiryDeadline
  type record CaReConfSubscription {
    CallbackReference callbackReference,
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    Link links,
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    FilterCriteriaAssoc filterCriteria,
    TimeStamp expiryDeadline optional
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  } with {
    variant (links) "name as '_links'";
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   * @desc
   * @member callbackReference
   * @member filterCriteria
   * @member expiryDeadline
  type record CaReConfSubscriptionPost {
    CallbackReference callbackReference,
    FilterCriteriaAssoc filterCriteria,
    TimeStamp expiryDeadline optional

   * @desc
   * @member callbackReference
   * @member filterCriteria
   * @member expiryDeadline
  type record CellChangeSubscriptionPost {
    CallbackReference callbackReference,
    FilterCriteriaAssocHo filterCriteria,
    TimeStamp expiryDeadline optional

   * @desc
   * @member callbackReference
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   * @member links
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   * @member filterCriteria
   * @member expiryDeadline
  type record CellChangeSubscription {
    CallbackReference callbackReference,
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    Link links,
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    FilterCriteriaAssocHo filterCriteria,
    TimeStamp expiryDeadline optional
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  } with {
    variant (links) "name as '_links'";
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   * @desc
   * @member callbackReference
   * @member filterCriteria
   * @member expiryDeadline
  type record MeasTaSubscriptionPost {
    CallbackReference callbackReference,
    FilterCriteriaAssoc filterCriteria,
    TimeStamp expiryDeadline optional

   * @desc
   * @member callbackReference
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   * @member links
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   * @member filterCriteria
   * @member expiryDeadline
  type record MeasTaSubscription {
    CallbackReference callbackReference,
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    Link links,
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    FilterCriteriaAssocHo filterCriteria,
    TimeStamp expiryDeadline optional
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  } with {
    variant (links) "name as '_links'";
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   * @desc URL selected by the Mobile Edge application to receive notifications on the subscribed RNIS information
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  type JSON.String CallbackReference;
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   * @desc List of hyperlinks related to the resource
   * @member self_ URI referring to a resource
  type record Link {
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    LinkType self_
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  } with {
    variant (self_) "name as 'self'";
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   * @desc URI referring to a resource
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  type JSON.AnyURI LinkType;
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   * @desc A link to a subscription
   * @member 
   * @member 
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  type record Subscription_ {
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    LinkType href,
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    SubscriptionType subscriptionType
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  type record of Subscription_ Subscription;
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   * @desc Numeric value corresponding to specified type of subscription
   * @member 
   * @member 
   * @member 
   * @member 
   * @member 
   * @member 
  type enumerated SubscriptionType {
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   * @desc List of filtering criteria for the subscription
   * @member appInsId 
   * @member associateId
   * @member plmn
   * @member cellId
  type record FilterCriteriaAssoc {
    AppInsId appInsId,
    AssociateId associateId,
    Plmn plmn,
    CellId cellId

   * @desc List of filtering criteria for the subscription
   * @member appInsId 
   * @member associateId
   * @member plmn
   * @member cellId
   * @member qci
  type record FilterCriteriaAssocQci {
    AppInsId appInsId,
    AssociateId associateId,
    Plmn plmn,
    CellId cellId,
    Qci qci
   * @desc List of filtering criteria for the subscription
   * @member appInsId 
   * @member associateId
   * @member plmn
   * @member cellId
   * @member hoStatus
  type record FilterCriteriaAssocHo {
    AppInsId appInsId,
    AssociateId associateId,
    Plmn plmn,
    CellId cellId,
    HoStatus hoStatus

   * @desc List of filtering criteria for the subscription
   * @member appInsId 
   * @member associateId
   * @member plmn
   * @member cellId
   * @member trigger
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  type record FilterCriteriaAssocTri {
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    AppInsId appInsId,
    AssociateId associateId,
    Plmn plmn,
    CellId cellId,
    Trigger trigger_
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  } with {
    variant (trigger_) "name as 'trigger'";
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   * @desc List of filtering criteria for the subscription
   * @member appInsId 
   * @member associateId
   * @member plmn
   * @member cellId
   * @member trigger
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  type record S1BearerSubscriptionCriteria {
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    AssociateId associateId,
    Plmn plmn,
    CellId cellId,
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    ErabId erabId
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   * @desc Description of the subscribed to event
  type enumerated HoStatus {
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   * @desc Description of the subscribed event
  type enumerated EventType {
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   * @desc Unique identifier for the mobile edge application instance
  type enumerated Trigger {
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} with {
  encode "JSON"
} // End of module RnisAPI_TypesAndValues