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# MEC Testing Framework in TTCN-3 - - GS 032-3
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## Introduction
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This repositories contains the test specifications and test adapter code for MEC API Conformance Testing in TTCN-3, GS 032-2/3.

More information and download of the standard at
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For more information on ETSI ISG Multi-access Edge Computing (MEC), visit
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## Contact information
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Email at `cti_support` at `etsi` dot `org`.
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## License
Unless specified otherwise, the content of this repository and the files contained are released under the BSD-3-Clause license.
See the attached LICENSE file or visit

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## Standard links
- Multi-access Edge Computating standards, accessible [here](
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## RFC links
- RFC 7159 - The JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) Data Interchange Format, accessible [here](

NOTE All draft can be found in the 'IETF XML Registry', accessible [here](
## STFs/TTFs

The following STFs were or are currently involved in the evolutions of the ETSI MEC protocols project:
- STF 569, STF 625, TTF T012

The ETSI MEC protocols project builds and tests regularly on the following platforms:
  - Linux (Ubuntu)
  - Windows ([Cygwin x64](, [Npcap SDK x64]( and [OpenSSL-Windows x64]( are required)
Note: The [OpenSSL]( version >= 1.1.1 is also required.

## Installation

The MEC Testing Framework project builds and tests regularly on the following platforms:

  - Linux (Ubuntu)

Note: The [OpenSSL]( version > 1.1.x is also required.

### How to do it?

They are two different methods:
- Using [Vagrant](
- Using [Docker](

How to choose one of these methods is depending of your host system.

NOTE: In all case, if you want to setup an continuous integration process (e.g. Jenkins), Docker is the best choice. 

#### The host system is Windows
The both methods require a virtual machine. You can use either VirtualBox or WMware.
In this case, the easiest way is to use Vagrant.

#### The host system is Linux
Vagrant requires a virtual machine. You can use either VirtualBox or WMware.
Docker does not need a virtual machine, so it is the more efficant way.

### Using TITAN compiler on a Docker image

In this configuration, TITAN compiler is located on a Docker image and the sources and the outputs are located on the host.

Pre-requisites on your host machine:
Procedure on the host machine:
- Open a Terminal
- Clone the ETSI MEC Test System
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$ git clone --recurse-submodules --branch devel
$ cd ./gs032p3-ttcn-test-suite/titan-test-system-framework/
$ git checkout devel
$ cd ./ttcn/LibHttp
$ ln -sf

- Apply patches

$ cd ../../..
$ cp ./ttcn/patch_lib_common_titan/ ./ttcn/LibCommon/
$ cp ./ttcn/patch_lib_common_titan/ttcn/*.ttcn ./ttcn/LibCommon/ttcn
- From the ETSI MEC Test System root directory, build the Docker image executing the following commands:
$ cd ./virtualization/docker
$ docker build --no-cache --tag alpine-mec -f Dockerfile --force-rm .
$ docker images
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REPOSITORY              TAG       IMAGE ID       CREATED          SIZE
alpine-mec              latest    dafa00e36515   23 seconds ago   623MB
alpine                  latest    49176f190c7e   13 days ago      7.05MB

To check that TITAN is well installed, execute the following command:

$ ./ version
To build the MEC Test Suite, execute the following command:
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$ ./ build Mec_Location
Possble other options are 'clean' to remove all the build outputs or 'rebuild' to force a build of the Test Suite after a 'clean'.

To retrieve the list of the available test cases, execute the following command:
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$ ./ list Mec_Location
Before to execute the MEC Test Suite, prepare, edit and update the configuration file:
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$ ln -sf ../../etc/AtsXxx/AtsXxx_yyy.cf_ ../../etc/AtsXxx/AtsXxx.cfg # e.g. ln -sf ../../etc/AtsMec_Location/AtsMec_Location_Sandbox.cf_ ../../etc/AtsMec_Location/AtsMec_Location.cfg
$ vi ../../etc/AtsXxx/AtsXxx.cfg # To update it, e.g. vi ../../etc/AtsMec_Location/AtsMec_Location.cfg
To execute the MEC Test Suite, execute the following command:

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$ ./ run Mec_Location

- The MEC Test System is listening on port 30181
- Updating the file etc/AtsXxx/AtsXxx.cfg is about (e.g. etc/AtsMec_Location/AtsMec_Location.cfg):
. Selecting the test(s) to be executed
. Updating value of PICs and PIXITs
. Updating HTTP port setting

### Using development Docker image

In this configuration, the TITAN compiler, the sources and the outputs are located on the Docker image.

Pre-requisites on your host machine:
- Install Virtualbox
- Install Docker

Procedure for a Windows host machine:
- On your host machine, open a the Docker Quickstart Terminal
- On your host machine, clone the ETSI MEC Testing Framework project. NOTE that only Docker folder and script file are required
- From the ETSI MEC Testing Framework project root directory, execute the following commands:

$ ./

NOTE The creation and the installations will take some time to achieve
- Start the container

$ ./docker/

- Switch to the next clause (Usage)

### Using Vagrant

Pre-requisites on your host machine:
- Install [Virtualbox](
- Install [Vagrant](
- Install Vagrant plugin vagrant-vbguest
- Credentials to access [ETSI forge](
    - Set the environment variable USERNAME to your ETSI EOL account user name
    - Set the environment variable PASSWORD to your ETSI EOL account password

- On your host machine, open a command line session (PuTTY, DOS window...)
- From the ETSI MEC Testing Framework project, clone the Vagrant folder
- In the file Vagrantfile, modify the tag config.vm.provision replacing <username> & <password> strings by your ETSI credentials
- In the Vagrant folder, execute the following commands:

$ vagrant up --provider virtualbox --provision

NOTE The creation and the installations will take some time to achieve
- Stop vagrant virtual machine

$ vagrant halt

- Update the file 'Vagrantfile' to match with your networks configuration
- Re-start the vagrant virtual machine and log to to the machine

$ vagrant up
$ vagrant ssh

- Switch to the next clause (Usage)

NOTE The user password is vagrant.

### From scratch

- Install Virtualbox

- Install a new Linux Virtual machine (Mint, Debian...)
- Update your system with the latest version of kernel and security packages
- Install the following packages (According to the Linux chosen, the package naming can be different)
- In your home directory, create the following folders: 
    - $HOME/frameworks, 
    - $HOME/dev
    - $HOME/lib
- In $HOME/frameworks, build the following package:
    - asn1c, according the procedure specified [here](
    - Eclipse IDE for C/C++ Developers, according the procedure specified [here](
    - TITAN, according the procedure specified [here](
    - Import the TITAN plugin into your Eclipse IDE, according the procedure specified [here](
- Clone the ETSI MEC Testing Framework project into $HOME/dev folder

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$ git clone --recurse-submodules --branch devel ./gs032p3-ttcn-test-suite
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$ cd /home/etsi/dev/gs032p3-ttcn-test-suite/titan-test-system-framework
$ git checkout devel
$ cd /home/etsi/dev/gs032p3-ttcn-test-suite/titan-test-system-framework/ttcn/LibHttp
$ ln -sf
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$ cd /home/etsi/dev/gs032p3-ttcn-test-suite
$ cp ./ttcn/patch_lib_common_titan/ ./ttcn/LibCommon/
$ cp ./ttcn/patch_lib_common_titan/ttcn/*.ttcn ./ttcn/LibCommon/ttcn
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- Update your default environment with the content of the script $HOME/dev/gs032p3-ttcn-test-suite/scripts/devenv.bash.ubuntu
- Switch to the next clause (Usage)

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# Generate certificates for TLS and MEC security support 

This clause describes how generate certificates desrived from Let's encrypt certificate. These certificate will be used for TS mutual authentication and for MEC Security tests.
- Certficates shall be renewed every 3 months
- The port 80 shall be vailable for standalone validation

- You need to install python and [certbot](

To generate certifcates, execute the following command:

$ export REQUESTS_CA_BUNDLE=$(dirname `python -c "import certifi; print(certifi.where())"`)
$ mkdir -p $HOME/var/ssl
$ sudo certbot certonly --debug --mec-tls-cert --config-dir $HOME/var/ssl --work-dir $HOME/var/ssl  --logs-dir $HOME/var/ssl --standalone --agree-tos --email <your email> -d <your domain> -w $HOME/var/ssl/

<b>NOTE:</b> For testing certificate generation and renewal, use the certbot's --dry-run option.

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# Usage

This clause describes how to compile and execute an Abstract Test Suite.

- Your machine is installed following one of the installation method describes in the previous clause
- Your are logged as 'etsi' or 'vagrant' user

Procedure using Eclipse TITAN:
- Start eclipse using a new workspace, (e.g. with the name workspace_titan)
- Download and follow the steps to install Eclipse plugins for TITAN, accessible [here]{}
- Open the workspace_titan
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- Create a new TITAN project (e.g. gs032p3-ttcn-test-suite)

Procedure in TITAN command line:
- Open several SSH session (PuTTY...)
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- Change to the directory ~/dev/gs032p3-ttcn-test-suite/src/AtsMec/objs
- Build the test suite AtsMec

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$ cd ~/dev/gs032p3-ttcn-test-suite/ && export ATS=AtsMec
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$ make

- Edit the file ../etc/AtsMec.cfg
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- Update the following fields:
    - PICS_HEADER_HOST, the HTTP host header value
    - system.httpPort.params
- To run the test suite, execute the following command:

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$ cd ~/dev/gs032p3-ttcn-test-suite/scripts/
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$ ./run-all.bash

- The log files are located in ../logs folder. You can edit them using any editor or using the Eclipse TITAN log plugins

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# How to Report a Bug

The ETSI MEC Testing Framework project is under constant development, so it is possible that you will
encounter a bug while using it. Please report bugs at cti_support at etsi dot org.