''[Documentation] robot --outputdir ./outputs ./Grant.robot ... Test Suite to validate Grant operations. *** Settings *** Resource environment/variables.txt Resource ../../../GenericKeywords.robot Library REST ${MEO_SCHEMA}://${MEO_HOST}:${MEO_PORT} ssl_verify=false Library OperatingSystem *** Test Cases *** TP_MEC_MEC010p2_MEO_GRANT_001_OK [Documentation] TP_MEC_MEC010p2_MEO_GRANT_001_OK ... Check that MEO sends a synchronous grant response when a grant request is requested ... ETSI GS MEC 010-2 2.2.1, clause ... ETSI GS MEC 010-2 2.2.1, Table (GrantRequest) ... ETSI GS MEC 010-2 2.2.1, Table Note 2 (GrantRequest) ... ETSI GS MEC 010-2 2.2.1, Table (Grant) [Tags] PIC_GRANTS_MANAGEMENT INCLUDE_UNDEFINED_SCHEMAS Create a GRANT request grantRequest Check HTTP Response Status Code Is 201 Check HTTP Response Header Contains Location Check HTTP Response Body Json Schema Is Grant TP_MEC_MEC010p2_MEO_GRANT_001_BR [Documentation] TP_MEC_MEC010p2_MEO_GRANT_001_BR ... Check that MEO responds with an error when it receives a malformed request when a new grant request is performed ... ETSI GS MEC 010-2 2.2.1, clause ... ETSI GS MEC 010-2 2.2.1, Table (Grant) [Tags] PIC_GRANTS_MANAGEMENT INCLUDE_UNDEFINED_SCHEMAS Create a GRANT request grantBadRequest Check HTTP Response Status Code Is 400 TP_MEC_MEC010p2_MEO_GRANT_002_OK [Documentation] TP_MEC_MEC010p2_MEO_GRANT_002_OK ... Check that MEO sends a synchronous grant response when a grant request is requested ... ETSI GS MEC 010-2 2.2.1, clause ... ETSI GS MEC 010-2 2.2.1, Table //GrantRequest ... ETSI GS MEC 010-2 2.2.1, Table [Tags] PIC_GRANTS_MANAGEMENT INCLUDE_UNDEFINED_SCHEMAS Create a GRANT request grantRequest2 Check HTTP Response Status Code Is 201 Check HTTP Response Body Json Schema Is Grant #TP_MEC_MEC010p2_MEO_GRANT_002_BR TODO clarify TPs before implementing this # [Documentation] TP_MEC_MEC010p2_MEO_GRANT_002_BR # ... Check that MEO responds with an error when it receives a malformed request when a new grant request is performed # ... ETSI GS MEC 010-2 2.2.1, clause # ... ETSI GS MEC 010-2 2.2.1, Table (Grant) # [Tags] PIC_GRANTS_MANAGEMENT INCLUDE_UNDEFINED_SCHEMAS # Create a GRANT request grantBadRequest2 # Check HTTP Response Status Code Is 400 TP_MEC_MEC010p2_MEO_GRANT_003_OK [Documentation] TP_MEC_MEC010p2_MEO_GRANT_003_OK ... Check that MEO sends an asynchronous grant response when a grant request is requested ... ETSI GS MEC 010-2 2.2.1, clause ... ETSI GS MEC 010-2 2.2.1, Table (GrantRequest) ... ETSI GS MEC 010-2 2.2.1, Table Note 2 (GrantRequest) ... ETSI GS MEC 010-2 2.2.1, Table (Grant) [Tags] PIC_GRANTS_MANAGEMENT INCLUDE_UNDEFINED_SCHEMAS Create a GRANT request grantRequestAsynchronous Check HTTP Response Status Code Is 202 Check HTTP Response Header Contains Location ##TODO Fix numbering against success case TP_MEC_MEC010p2_MEO_GRANT_003_NF [Documentation] TP_MEC_MEO_GRANT_003_NF ... Check that MEO responds with an error when it receives a request for returning a grant referred with a wrong ID ... ETSI GS MEC 010-2 2.2.1, clause [Tags] PIC_GRANTS_MANAGEMENT INCLUDE_UNDEFINED_SCHEMAS Get an individual grant ${NOT_EXISTING_GRANT_ID} Check HTTP Response Status Code Is 404 TP_MEC_MEC010p2_MEO_GRANT_004_OK [Documentation] TP_MEC_MEC010p2_MEO_GRANT_004_OK ... Check that MEO sends an asynchronous grant response when a grant request is requested ... ETSI GS MEC 010-2 2.2.1, clause ... ETSI GS MEC 010-2 2.2.1, Table (GrantRequest) ... ETSI GS MEC 010-2 2.2.1, Table (Grant) [Tags] PIC_GRANTS_MANAGEMENT INCLUDE_UNDEFINED_SCHEMAS Create a GRANT request grantRequestAsynchronous2 Check HTTP Response Status Code Is 202 Check HTTP Response Header Contains Location TP_MEC_MEC010p2_MEO_GRANT_005_OK [Documentation] TP_MEC_MEC010p2_MEO_GRANT_005_OK ... Check that MEO sends the status of a grant request when a query on a granting ID is performed. ... The process of creating the grant is ongoing, no grant is available yet ... ETSI GS MEC 010-2 2.2.1, clause ... ETSI GS MEC 010-2 2.2.1, Table [Tags] PIC_GRANTS_MANAGEMENT INCLUDE_UNDEFINED_SCHEMAS Get an individual grant ${GRANT_ID_ACCEPTED} Check HTTP Response Status Code Is 202 Check HTTP Response Header Contains Location TP_MEC_MEC010p2_MEO_GRANT_006_OK [Documentation] TP_MEC_MEC010p2_MEO_GRANT_006_OK ... Check that MEO sends the status of a grant request when a query on a granting ID is performed. ... The process of creating the grant is ongoing, no grant is available yet ... ETSI GS MEC 010-2 2.2.1, clause ... ETSI GS MEC 010-2 2.2.1, Table [Tags] PIC_GRANTS_MANAGEMENT INCLUDE_UNDEFINED_SCHEMAS Get an individual grant ${GRANT_ID} Check HTTP Response Status Code Is 200 Check HTTP Response Header Contains Location Check HTTP Response Body Json Schema Is Grant *** Keywords *** Create a GRANT request [Arguments] ${content} Set Headers {"Accept":"application/json"} Set Headers {"Content-Type":"application/json"} Set Headers {"Authorization":"${TOKEN}"} ${file}= Catenate SEPARATOR= jsons/ ${content} .json ${body}= Get File ${file} Post ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/grants ${body} allow_redirects=false ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} Get an individual grant [Arguments] ${grantId} Set Headers {"Accept":"application/json"} Set Headers {"Content-Type":"*/*"} Set Headers {"Authorization":"${TOKEN}"} Get ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/grants/${grantId} allow_redirects=false ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output}