''[Documentation] robot --outputdir ../../outputs ./RnisSpecificSubscription_BV.robot ... Test Suite to validate RNIS/Subscription (RNIS) operations. *** Settings *** Library OperatingSystem Resource environment/variables.txt Resource ../../pics.txt Resource ../../GenericKeywords.robot Resource resources/RadioNetworkInformationAPI.robot Library REST ${MEC-APP_SCHEMA}://${MEC-APP_HOST}:${MEC-APP_PORT} ssl_verify=false Library String *** Test Cases *** Request RNIS subscription list [Documentation] TC_MEC_SRV_RNIS_011_OK ... Check that the RNIS service sends the list of links to the relevant RNIS subscriptions when requested ... ETSI GS MEC 012 2.1.1, clause ... Reference https://forge.etsi.org/rep/mec/gs012-rnis-api/blob/automatic_generation/RniAPI.yaml#/definitions/SubscriptionLinkList Get RNIS subscription list Check HTTP Response Status Code Is 200 Check HTTP Response Body Json Schema Is SubscriptionLinkList # The following step is faulty in the design, thus it is commented. It is kept since # it is required by the Test Purpose TP_MEC_SRV_RNIS_011_OK # Check Subscription ${response['body']} ${SUBSCRIPTION_VALUE} Create RNIS subscription [Documentation] TC_MEC_SRV_RNIS_012_OK ... Check that the RNIS service creates a new RNIS subscription ... ETSI GS MEC 012 2.1.1, clause ... Reference https://forge.etsi.org/rep/mec/gs012-rnis-api/blob/automatic_generation/RniAPI.yaml Post RNIS subscription request CellChangeSubscriptionRequest Check HTTP Response Status Code Is 201 Check HTTP Response Body Json Schema Is CellChangeSubscription Check CellChangeSubscription ${response['body']} Get an Individual RNIS subscription [Documentation] TC_MEC_SRV_RNIS_013_OK ... Check that the RNIS service sends a RNIS subscription when requested ... ETSI GS MEC 012 2.1.1, clause ... Reference https://forge.etsi.org/rep/mec/gs012-rnis-api/blob/automatic_generation/RniAPI.yaml Get Individual RNIS Subscription Check HTTP Response Status Code Is 200 Check HTTP Response Body Json Schema Is CellChangeSubscriptionRequest Update an Individual RNIS subscription [Documentation] TC_MEC_SRV_RNIS_014_OK ... Check that the RNIS service modifies a RNIS subscription when requested ... ETSI GS MEC 012 2.1.1, clause ... Reference https://forge.etsi.org/rep/mec/gs012-rnis-api/blob/automatic_generation/RniAPI.yaml Update Individual RNIS Subscription Check HTTP Response Status Code Is 200 Check HTTP Response Body Json Schema Is CellChangeSubscriptionRequest Remove an Individual RNIS subscription [Documentation] TC_MEC_SRV_RNIS_015_OK ... Check that the RNIS service deletes a RNIS subscription when requested ... ETSI GS MEC 012 2.1.1, clause ... Reference https://forge.etsi.org/rep/mec/gs012-rnis-api/blob/automatic_generation/RniAPI.yaml Delete Individual RNIS Subscription Check HTTP Response Status Code Is 204 *** Keywords *** Get RNIS subscription list Should Be True ${PIC_RNIS_SPECIFIC_SUBSCRIPTION} == 1 Set Headers {"Accept":"application/json"} Set Headers {"Content-Type":"application/json"} Set Headers {"Authorization":"${TOKEN}"} Set Headers {"Content-Length":"0"} Get ${apiRoot}/rni/${apiVersion}/subscriptions?subscription_type=${SUBSCRIPTION_HREF_VALUE} ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} Post RNIS subscription request [Arguments] ${content} Should Be True ${PIC_RNIS_SPECIFIC_SUBSCRIPTION} == 1 Set Headers {"Accept":"application/json"} Set Headers {"Content-Type":"application/json"} Set Headers {"Authorization":"${TOKEN}"} ${json_file} = Catenate SEPARATOR= jsons/ ${content} .json ${body}= Get File ${json_file} ${body}= Replace String ${body} \${HREF} ${HREF} ${body}= Replace String ${body} \${LINKS_SELF} ${LINKS_SELF} Log ${body} Post ${apiRoot}/rni/${apiVersion}/subscriptions ${body} ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} Get Individual RNIS Subscription Should Be True ${PIC_RNIS_SPECIFIC_SUBSCRIPTION} == 1 Set Headers {"Accept":"application/json"} Set Headers {"Content-Type":"application/json"} Set Headers {"Authorization":"${TOKEN}"} Set Headers {"Content-Length":"0"} Get ${apiRoot}/rni/${apiVersion}/subscriptions/${SUBSCRIPTION_ID} ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} Update Individual RNIS Subscription Should Be True ${PIC_RNIS_SPECIFIC_SUBSCRIPTION} == 1 Set Headers {"Accept":"application/json"} Set Headers {"Content-Type":"application/json"} Set Headers {"Authorization":"${TOKEN}"} ${body} Get File jsons/UpdateCellChangeSubscriptionRequest.json ${body}= Replace String ${body} \${HREF} ${HREF} ${body}= Replace String ${body} \${LINKS_SELF} ${LINKS_SELF} Log ${body} Put ${apiRoot}/rni/${apiVersion}/subscriptions/${SUBSCRIPTION_ID} ${body} ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} Delete Individual RNIS Subscription Should Be True ${PIC_RNIS_SPECIFIC_SUBSCRIPTION} == 1 Set Headers {"Accept":"application/json"} Set Headers {"Content-Type":"application/json"} Set Headers {"Authorization":"${TOKEN}"} Set Headers {"Content-Length":"0"} Delete ${apiRoot}/rni/${apiVersion}/subscriptions/${SUBSCRIPTION_ID} ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output}