No keyword with name '... Check that the IUT responds with the information on a UE Identity tag when queried by a MEC Application' found. TC_MEC_SRV_UETAG_001_OK TP_MEC_SRV_UETAG TP_MEC_SRV_UETAG_001_OK No keyword with name '... Check that the IUT responds with the information on a UE Identity tag when queried by a MEC Application' found. No keyword with name '... Check that the IUT registers a tag (representing a UE) or a list of tags when commanded by a MEC Application' found. TC_MEC_PLAT_UETAG_002_OK TP_MEC_SRV_UETAG TP_MEC_SRV_UETAG_002_OK No keyword with name '... Check that the IUT registers a tag (representing a UE) or a list of tags when commanded by a MEC Application' found. Critical Tests All Tests TP_MEC_SRV_UETAG TP_MEC_SRV_UETAG_001_OK TP_MEC_SRV_UETAG_002_OK PlatUeIdentity