''[Documentation] robot --outputdir ../../../outputs ./TrafficManagement.robot ... Test Suite to validate Bandwidth Management API (BWA) operations. *** Settings *** Resource environment/variables.txt Resource ../../../pics.txt Resource ../../../GenericKeywords.robot Library REST ${SCHEMA}://${HOST}:${PORT} ssl_verify=false Library OperatingSystem ##GET on ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/bw_allocations *** Test Cases *** TP_MEC_MEC015_SRV_TM_001_OK [Documentation] ... Check that the IUT responds with the list of configured bandwidth allocations when queried by a MEC Application ... Reference ETSI GS MEC 015 V2.1.1, clause ... Reference https://forge.etsi.org/rep/mec/gs015-bandwith-mgmt-api/blob/master/BwManagementApi.json Retrieve the list of configured bandwidth allocations Check HTTP Response Status Code Is 200 Check HTTP Response Body Json Schema Is BwInfo FOR ${bwInfo} IN @{response['body']} ${passed} Run Keyword And Return Status Should Be Equal As Strings ${bwInfo['appInsId']} ${APP_INSTANCE_ID} Exit For Loop If ${passed} END Should Be True ${passed} TP_MEC_MEC015_SRV_TM_002_OK [Documentation] ... Check that the IUT responds with a configured bandwidth allocation when queried by a MEC Application ... Reference ETSI GS MEC 015 V2.1.1, clause ... Reference https://forge.etsi.org/rep/mec/gs015-bandwith-mgmt-api/blob/master/BwManagementApi.json Retrieve the list of configured bandwidth using filter ${CORRECT_FILTER} ${APP_INSTANCE_ID} Check HTTP Response Status Code Is 200 Check HTTP Response Body Json Schema Is BwInfo FOR ${bwInfo} IN @{response['body']} ${passed} Run Keyword And Return Status Should Be Equal As Strings ${bwInfo['appInsId']} ${APP_INSTANCE_ID} Exit For Loop If ${passed} END Should Be True ${passed} TP_MEC_MEC015_SRV_TM_002_BR [Documentation] ... Check that the IUT responds with an error when a request with incorrect parameters is sent by a MEC Application ... Reference ETSI GS MEC 015 V2.1.1, clause ... Reference https://forge.etsi.org/rep/mec/gs015-bandwith-mgmt-api/blob/master/BwManagementApi.json Retrieve the list of configured bandwidth using filter ${BAD_FILTER} ${APP_INSTANCE_ID} Check HTTP Response Status Code Is 400 TP_MEC_MEC015_SRV_TM_002_NF [Documentation] ... Check that the IUT responds with an error when a request with an unknown resource URI is sent by a MEC Application ... Reference ETSI GS MEC 015 V2.1.1, clause ... Reference https://forge.etsi.org/rep/mec/gs015-bandwith-mgmt-api/blob/master/BwManagementApi.json Retrieve the list of configured bandwidth using filter ${CORRECT_FILTER} ${NON_EXISTENT_APP_INSTANCE_ID} Check HTTP Response Status Code Is 404 ##POST on ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/bw_allocations TP_MEC_MEC015_SRV_TM_003_OK_01 [Documentation] ... Check that the IUT responds with a registration and initialisation approval for the requested bandwidth requirements sent by a MEC Application ... ETSI GS MEC 015 V2.1.1, clause ... Reference https://forge.etsi.org/rep/mec/gs015-bandwith-mgmt-api/blob/master/BwManagementApi.json Register Bandwidth Management Service Application specific BwInfoApplicationSpecific TP_MEC_MEC015_SRV_TM_003_OK_02 [Documentation] ... Check that the IUT responds with a registration and initialisation approval for the requested bandwidth requirements sent by a MEC Application ... ETSI GS MEC 015 V2.1.1, clause ... Reference https://forge.etsi.org/rep/mec/gs015-bandwith-mgmt-api/blob/master/BwManagementApi.json Register Bandwidth Management Service Session specific BwInfoSessionSpecific TP_MEC_MEC015_SRV_TM_003_BR_01 [Documentation] ... Check that the IUT responds with an error when a request with incorrect parameters is sent by a MEC Application ... ETSI GS MEC 015 V2.1.1, clause ... Reference https://forge.etsi.org/rep/mec/gs015-bandwith-mgmt-api/blob/master/BwManagementApi.json Register Bandwidth Management Service with incorrect parameters BwInfo_BR TP_MEC_MEC015_SRV_TM_003_BR_02 [Documentation] ... Check that the IUT responds with an error when a request with incorrect parameters is sent by a MEC Application ... ETSI GS MEC 015 V2.1.1, clause ... Reference https://forge.etsi.org/rep/mec/gs015-bandwith-mgmt-api/blob/master/BwManagementApi.json Register Bandwidth Management Service with incorrect parameters BwInfo_BR2 TP_MEC_MEC015_SRV_TM_003_BR_03 [Documentation] ... Check that the IUT responds with an error when a request with incorrect parameters is sent by a MEC Application ... ETSI GS MEC 015 V2.1.1, clause ... Reference https://forge.etsi.org/rep/mec/gs015-bandwith-mgmt-api/blob/master/BwManagementApi.json Register Bandwidth Management Service with incorrect parameters BwInfo_BR3 ##GET on ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/bw_allocations/{ALLOCATION_ID} TP_MEC_MEC015_SRV_TM_004_OK [Documentation] ... Check that the IUT responds with the configured bandwidth allocation when queried by a MEC Application ... ETSI GS MEC 015 V2.1.1, clause ... Reference https://forge.etsi.org/rep/mec/gs015-bandwith-mgmt-api/blob/master/BwManagementApi.json Get a bandwidth allocation ${ALLOCATION_ID} Check HTTP Response Status Code Is 200 Check HTTP Response Body Json Schema Is BwInfo Should Be Equal As Strings ${response['body']['appInsId']} ${APP_INSTANCE_ID} TP_MEC_MEC015_SRV_TM_004_NF [Documentation] ... Check that the IUT responds with an error when a request for an unknown URI is sent by a MEC Application ... ETSI GS MEC 015 V2.1.1, clause ... Reference https://forge.etsi.org/rep/mec/gs015-bandwith-mgmt-api/blob/master/BwManagementApi.json Get a bandwidth allocation ${NON_EXISTENT_ALLOCATION_ID} Check HTTP Response Status Code Is 404 ##PUT on ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/bw_allocations/{ALLOCATION_ID} TP_MEC_MEC015_SRV_TM_005_OK [Documentation] ... Check that the IUT updates the requested bandwidth requirements when commanded by a MEC Application ... ETSI GS MEC 015 V2.1.1, clause ... Reference https://forge.etsi.org/rep/mec/gs015-bandwith-mgmt-api/blob/master/BwManagementApi.json ${path} Catenate SEPARATOR= jsons/ BwInfoUpdate.json ${body} Get File ${path} ${json_object}= Evaluate json.loads('''${body}''') json Update a bandwidth allocation ${ALLOCATION_ID} ${body} Check HTTP Response Status Code Is 200 Check HTTP Response Body Json Schema Is BwInfo Should Be Equal As Strings ${response['body']['appInsId']} ${json_object['appInsId']} Should Be Equal As Strings ${response['body']['fixedAllocation']} ${json_object['fixedAllocation']} Should Be Equal As Strings ${response['body']['allocationDirection']} ${json_object['allocationDirection']} TP_MEC_MEC015_SRV_TM_005_BR [Documentation] ... Check that the IUT responds with an error when a request with incorrect parameters is sent by a MEC Application ... ETSI GS MEC 015 V2.1.1, clause ... Reference https://forge.etsi.org/rep/mec/gs015-bandwith-mgmt-api/blob/master/BwManagementApi.json ${path} Catenate SEPARATOR= jsons/ BwInfoUpdate_BR.json ${body} Get File ${path} ${json_object}= Evaluate json.loads('''${body}''') json Update a bandwidth allocation ${ALLOCATION_ID} ${body} Check HTTP Response Status Code Is 400 TP_MEC_MEC015_SRV_TM_005_NF [Documentation] ... Check that the IUT responds with an error when a request sent by a MEC Application doesn't comply with a required condition ... ETSI GS MEC 015 V2.1.1, clause ... Reference https://forge.etsi.org/rep/mec/gs015-bandwith-mgmt-api/blob/master/BwManagementApi.json ${path} Catenate SEPARATOR= jsons/ BwInfoUpdate.json ${body} Get File ${path} ${json_object}= Evaluate json.loads('''${body}''') json Update a bandwidth allocation ${NON_EXISTENT_ALLOCATION_ID} BwInfoUpdate Check HTTP Response Status Code Is 404 ##PATCH on ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/bw_allocations/{ALLOCATION_ID} TP_MEC_MEC015_SRV_TM_006_OK [Documentation] ... Check that the IUT when provided with just the changes (deltas) updates the requested bandwidth requirements when commanded by a MEC Application ... ETSI GS MEC 015 V2.1.1, clause ... https://forge.etsi.org/rep/mec/gs015-bandwith-mgmt-api/blob/master/BwManagementApi.yaml # Preamble Register Bandwidth Management Service Application specific BwInfoApplicationSpecific # Test body ${path} Catenate SEPARATOR= jsons/ BwInfoDeltas.json ${body} Get File ${path} ${json_object}= Evaluate json.loads('''${body}''') json Request a deltas changes ${ALLOCATION_ID} ${body} Check HTTP Response Status Code Is 200 Check HTTP Response Body Json Schema Is BwInfoDelta Should Be Equal As Strings ${response['body']['appInsId']} ${json_object['appInsId']} Should Be Equal As Strings ${response['body']['fixedAllocation']} ${json_object['fixedAllocation']} Should Be Equal As Strings ${response['body']['allocationDirection']} ${json_object['allocationDirection']} TP_MEC_MEC015_SRV_TM_006_BR [Documentation] ... Check that the IUT responds with an error when a request with incorrect parameters is sent by a MEC Application ... ETSI GS MEC 015 V2.1.1, clause ... https://forge.etsi.org/rep/mec/gs015-bandwith-mgmt-api/blob/master/BwManagementApi.yaml # Preamble Register Bandwidth Management Service Application specific BwInfoApplicationSpecific # Test body ${path} Catenate SEPARATOR= jsons/ BwInfoDeltas_BR.json ${body} Get File ${path} Request a deltas changes ${ALLOCATION_ID} ${body} Check HTTP Response Status Code Is 400 TP_MEC_MEC015_SRV_TM_006_NF [Documentation] ... Check that the IUT responds with an error when a request for an unknown URI is sent by a MEC Application ... ETSI GS MEC 015 V2.1.1, clause ... https://forge.etsi.org/rep/mec/gs015-bandwith-mgmt-api/blob/master/BwManagementApi.yaml ${path} Catenate SEPARATOR= jsons/ BwInfoDeltas_BR.json ${body} Get File ${path} Request a deltas changes ${NON_EXISTENT_ALLOCATION_ID} ${body} Check HTTP Response Status Code Is 400 ##DELETE on ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/bw_allocations/{ALLOCATION_ID} TP_MEC_MEC015_SRV_TM_007_OK [Documentation] ... Check that the IUT unregisters from the Bandwidth Management Service when commanded by a MEC Application ... ETSI GS MEC 015 V2.1.1, clause ... https://forge.etsi.org/rep/mec/gs015-bandwith-mgmt-api/blob/master/BwManagementApi.yaml Unregister Bandwidth Management Service ${ALLOCATION_ID} Check HTTP Response Status Code Is 204 TP_MEC_MEC015_SRV_TM_007_NF [Documentation] ... Check that the IUT responds with an error when a request for an unknown URI is sent by a MEC Application ... ETSI GS MEC 015 V2.1.1, clause ... https://forge.etsi.org/rep/mec/gs015-bandwith-mgmt-api/blob/master/BwManagementApi.yaml Unregister Bandwidth Management Service ${NON_EXISTENT_ALLOCATION_ID} Check HTTP Response Status Code Is 404 *** Keywords *** Retrieve the list of configured bandwidth allocations Should Be True ${PIC_MEC_PLAT} == 1 Should Be True ${PIC_SERVICES} == 1 Set Headers {"Accept":"application/json"} Set Headers {"Content-Type":"*/*"} Set Headers {"Authorization":"${TOKEN}"} Set Headers {"Content-Length":"0"} GET ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/bw_allocations ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} Retrieve the list of configured bandwidth using filter [Arguments] ${filter} ${value} Should Be True ${PIC_MEC_PLAT} == 1 Should Be True ${PIC_SERVICES} == 1 Set Headers {"Accept":"application/json"} Set Headers {"Content-Type":"*/*"} Set Headers {"Authorization":"${TOKEN}"} Set Headers {"Content-Length":"0"} Get ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/bw_allocations?${filter}=${value} ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} Retrieve a configured bandwidth allocations [Arguments] ${app_instance_id} Should Be True ${PIC_MEC_PLAT} == 1 Should Be True ${PIC_SERVICES} == 1 Set Headers {"Accept":"application/json"} Set Headers {"Content-Type":"*/*"} Set Headers {"Authorization":"${TOKEN}"} Set Headers {"Content-Length":"0"} Get ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/bw_allocations/${app_instance_id} ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} Registration for bandwidth services [Arguments] ${app_instance_id} ${content} Should Be True ${PIC_MEC_PLAT} == 1 Should Be True ${PIC_SERVICES} == 1 Set Headers {"Accept":"application/json"} Set Headers {"Content-Type":"application/json"} Set Headers {"Authorization":"${TOKEN}"} ${file}= Catenate SEPARATOR= jsons/ ${content} .json ${body}= Get File ${file} Post ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/bw_allocations/${app_instance_id} ${body} ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} Get a bandwidth allocation [Arguments] ${allocation_id} Should Be True ${PIC_MEC_PLAT} == 1 Should Be True ${PIC_SERVICES} == 1 Set Headers {"Accept":"application/json"} Set Headers {"Content-Type":"*/*"} Set Headers {"Authorization":"${TOKEN}"} Get ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/bw_allocations/${allocation_id} ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} Update a bandwidth allocation [Arguments] ${allocation_id} ${body} Should Be True ${PIC_MEC_PLAT} == 1 Should Be True ${PIC_SERVICES} == 1 Set Headers {"Accept":"application/json"} Set Headers {"Content-Type":"application/json"} Set Headers {"Authorization":"${TOKEN}"} Put ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/bw_allocations/${allocation_id} ${body} ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} Request a deltas changes [Arguments] ${allocation_id} ${body} Should Be True ${PIC_MEC_PLAT} == 1 Should Be True ${PIC_SERVICES} == 1 Set Headers {"Accept":"application/json"} Set Headers {"Content-Type":"application/json"} Set Headers {"Authorization":"${TOKEN}"} Patch ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/bw_allocations/${allocation_id} ${body} ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} Register Bandwidth Management Service with incorrect parameters [Arguments] ${content} Should Be True ${PIC_MEC_PLAT} == 1 Should Be True ${PIC_SERVICES} == 1 Set Headers {"Accept":"application/json"} Set Headers {"Content-Type":"application/json"} Set Headers {"Authorization":"${TOKEN}"} ${file}= Catenate SEPARATOR= jsons/ ${content} .json ${body}= Get File ${file} Post ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/bw_allocations ${body} ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} Check HTTP Response Status Code Is 400 Register Bandwidth Management Service Session specific [Arguments] ${content} Should Be True ${PIC_MEC_PLAT} == 1 Should Be True ${PIC_SERVICES} == 1 Set Headers {"Accept":"application/json"} Set Headers {"Content-Type":"application/json"} Set Headers {"Authorization":"${TOKEN}"} ${file}= Catenate SEPARATOR= jsons/ ${content} .json ${body}= Get File ${file} ${json_object}= Evaluate json.loads('''${body}''') json Post ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/bw_allocations ${body} ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} Check HTTP Response Status Code Is 201 Check HTTP Response Body Json Schema Is BwInfo Should Not Be Empty ${response['headers']['Location']} Should Be Equal As Strings ${response['body']['appInsId']} ${json_object['appInsId']} Should Be Equal As Strings ${response['body']['requestType']} ${json_object['requestType']} Should Be Equal As Strings ${response['body']['sessionFilter']} ${json_object['sessionFilter']} Should Be Equal As Strings ${response['body']['fixedAllocation']} ${json_object['fixedAllocation']} Should Be Equal As Strings ${response['body']['allocationDirection']} ${json_object['allocationDirection']} Register Bandwidth Management Service Application specific [Arguments] ${content} Should Be True ${PIC_MEC_PLAT} == 1 Should Be True ${PIC_SERVICES} == 1 Set Headers {"Accept":"application/json"} Set Headers {"Content-Type":"application/json"} Set Headers {"Authorization":"${TOKEN}"} ${file}= Catenate SEPARATOR= jsons/ ${content} .json ${body}= Get File ${file} Post ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/bw_allocations ${body} ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} Check HTTP Response Status Code Is 201 Check HTTP Response Body Json Schema Is BwInfo ${json_object}= Evaluate json.loads('''${body}''') json Should Not Be Empty ${response['headers']['Location']} Should Be Equal As Strings ${response['body']['appInsId']} ${json_object['appInsId']} Should Be Equal As Strings ${response['body']['requestType']} ${json_object['requestType']} Should Be Equal As Strings ${response['body']['fixedAllocation']} ${json_object['fixedAllocation']} Should Be Equal As Strings ${response['body']['allocationDirection']} ${json_object['allocationDirection']} Unregister Bandwidth Management Service [Arguments] ${value} Should Be True ${PIC_MEC_PLAT} == 1 Should Be True ${PIC_SERVICES} == 1 Set Headers {"Accept":"application/json"} Set Headers {"Content-Type":"*/*"} Set Headers {"Authorization":"${TOKEN}"} Delete ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/bw_allocations/${value} ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output}