{ "properties": { "_links": { "description": "Hyperlink related to the resource. This shall be only included in the HTTP responses and in HTTP PUT requests.", "type": "object", "x-etsi-mec-cardinality": "0..1", "x-etsi-mec-origin-type": "Structure (inlined)" }, "callbackReference": { "description": "URI selected by the service consumer to receive notifications on the subscribed RNIS information. This shall be included both in the request and in response.", "format": "uri", "type": "string", "x-etsi-mec-cardinality": "1", "x-etsi-mec-origin-type": "URI" }, "expiryDeadline": { "properties": { "nanoSeconds": { "type": "number" }, "seconds": { "type": "number" } }, "required": [ "seconds", "nanoSeconds" ], "type": "object", "x-etsi-ref": "6.5.3" }, "filterCriteriaNrMrs": { "description": "List of filtering criteria for the subscription. Any filtering criteria from below, which is included in the request, shall also be included in the response.", "type": "object", "x-etsi-mec-cardinality": "1", "x-etsi-mec-origin-type": "Structure (inlined)" }, "subscriptionType\t": { "description": "Shall be set to \"NrMeasRepUeSubscription\".", "type": "string", "x-etsi-mec-cardinality": "1", "x-etsi-mec-origin-type": "String" } }, "required": [ "subscriptionType\t", "callbackReference", "filterCriteriaNrMrs" ], "type": "object", "x-etsi-ref": "6.3.11" }