''[Documentation] robot --outputdir ./outputs ./SRV/UETAG/PlatUeIdentity.robot ... Test Suite to validate UE Identity Tag (UETAG) operations. *** Settings *** Resource environment/variables.txt Resource ../../../GenericKeywords.robot Library REST ${MEO_SCHEMA}://${MEO_HOST}:${MEO_PORT} ssl_verify=false Library BuiltIn Library OperatingSystem Library MockServerLibrary *** Test Cases *** TC_MEC_MEC010p2_MEO_PKGM_001_OK [Documentation] ... Check that MEO creates a new App Package when requested ... ETSI GS MEC 010-2 2.0.10, clause ... ETSI GS MEC 010-2 2.0.10, Table (OnboardedAppPkgInfo) ... ETSI GS MEC 010-2 2.0.10, Table (AppPkg) [Tags] PIC_APP_PACKAGE_MANAGEMENT INCLUDE_UNDEFINED_SCHEMAS Post Request to create new App Package Resource AppPkg Check HTTP Response Status Code Is 201 Check HTTP Response Body Json Schema Is OnboardedAppPkgInfos Check HTTP Response Header Contains Location Check Result Contains ${response} appName ${APP_PKG_NAME} Check Result Contains ${response} appDVersion ${APP_PKG_VERSION} Check Result Contains ${response} checksum ${CHECKSUM} Check Result Contains ${response} operationalState ${OPERATIONAL_STATE} Check Result Contains ${response} usageState ${USAGE_STATE} TC_MEC_MEC010p2_MEO_PKGM_001_BR [Documentation] ... Check that MEO creates a new App Package when requested ... ETSI GS MEC 010-2 2.0.10, clause ... ETSI GS MEC 010-2 2.0.10, Table (AppPkg) [Tags] PIC_APP_PACKAGE_MANAGEMENT INCLUDE_UNDEFINED_SCHEMAS Post Request to create new App Package Resource MalformedAppPkg Check HTTP Response Status Code Is 400 TC_MEC_MEC010p2_MEO_PKGM_002_OK [Documentation] TP_MEC_MEO_PKGM_002_OK ... Check that MEO returns the list of App Packages when requested ... ETSI GS MEC 010-2 2.0.10, clause ... ETSI GS MEC 010-2 2.0.10, Table (OnboardedAppPkgInfo) [Tags] PIC_APP_PACKAGE_MANAGEMENT INCLUDE_UNDEFINED_SCHEMAS GET all APP Packages Check HTTP Response Status Code Is 200 Check HTTP Response Body Json Schema Is OnboardedAppPkgInfos Check Result Contains ${response} appPkgId ${ON_BOARDED_APP_PKG_ID} Check Result Contains ${response} appDId ${APPD_ID} TC_MEC_MEC010p2_MEO_PKGM_002_BR [Documentation] TP_MEC_MEO_PKGM_002_BR ... Check that MEO responds with an error when it receives ... a malformed request for retrieving the list of existing App Packages ... ETSI GS MEC 010-2 2.0.10, clause [Tags] PIC_APP_PACKAGE_MANAGEMENT INCLUDE_UNDEFINED_SCHEMAS GET all APP Packages with filters ${MALFORMED_FILTER_NAME} ${FILTER_VALUE} Check HTTP Response Status Code Is 400 TC_MEC_MEC010p2_MEO_PKGM_003_OK [Documentation] TP_MEC_MEO_PKGM_003_OK ... Check that MEO returns the list of App Packages when requested ... ETSI GS MEC 010-2 2.0.10, clause ... ETSI GS MEC 010-2 2.0.10, Table (OnboardedAppPkgInfo) [Tags] PIC_APP_PACKAGE_MANAGEMENT INCLUDE_UNDEFINED_SCHEMAS GET an APP Package identified by ${ON_BOARDED_APP_PKG_ID} Check HTTP Response Status Code Is 200 Check HTTP Response Body Json Schema Is OnboardedAppPkgInfo Check Result Contains ${response} appPkgId ${ON_BOARDED_APP_PKG_ID} Check Result Contains ${response} appDId ${APPD_ID} TC_MEC_MEC010p2_MEO_PKGM_003_NF [Documentation] TP_MEC_MEO_PKGM_003_NF ... Check that MEO responds with an error when it receives ... a request for retrieving a App Package referred with a wrong ID ... ETSI GS MEC 010-2 2.0.10, clause ... ETSI GS MEC 010-2 2.0.10, Table (OnboardedAppPkgInfo) [Tags] PIC_APP_PACKAGE_MANAGEMENT INCLUDE_UNDEFINED_SCHEMAS GET an APP Package identified by ${NON_EXISTENT_APP_PKG_ID} Check HTTP Response Status Code Is 404 TC_MEC_MEC010p2_MEO_PKGM_004_OK [Documentation] TP_MEC_MEO_PKGM_004_OK ... Check that MEO deletes an App Package when requested ... ETSI GS MEC 010-2 2.0.10, clause [Tags] PIC_APP_PACKAGE_MANAGEMENT INCLUDE_UNDEFINED_SCHEMAS Delete an individual APP Package identified by ${ON_BOARDED_APP_PKG_ID} Check HTTP Response Status Code Is 204 Check HTTP Response Body is Empty TC_MEC_MEC010p2_MEO_PKGM_004_NF [Documentation] TP_MEC_MEO_PKGM_004_NF ... Check that MEO responds with an error when it receives ... a request for deleting an App Package referred with a wrong ID ... ETSI GS MEC 010-2 2.0.10, clause [Tags] PIC_APP_PACKAGE_MANAGEMENT INCLUDE_UNDEFINED_SCHEMAS Delete an individual APP Package identified by ${NON_EXISTENT_APP_PKG_ID} Check HTTP Response Status Code Is 404 TC_MEC_MEC010p2_MEO_PKGM_005_OK [Documentation] TP_MEC_MEO_PKGM_005_OK ... Check that MEO changes the status of an App Package from INITIAL_OP_STATE with an operation of type OPERATION_VALUE when requested, with the following possible combinations: ... - ENABLED, DISABLE ... - DISABLED, ENABLE ... - DELETION_PENDING, ABORT ... ETSI GS MEC 010-2 2.0.10, clause [Tags] PIC_APP_PACKAGE_MANAGEMENT INCLUDE_UNDEFINED_SCHEMAS Update Operational State for an APP Package ${ON_BOARDED_APP_PKG_ID} ${OPERATION_VALUE} Check HTTP Response Status Code Is 200 Check HTTP Response Body is Empty TC_MEC_MEC010p2_MEO_PKGM_005_BR [Documentation] TP_MEC_MEO_PKGM_005_BR ... Check that MEO sends an error when it receives a malformed request to modify the operational state of an application package ... ETSI GS MEC 010-2 2.0.10, clause [Tags] PIC_APP_PACKAGE_MANAGEMENT INCLUDE_UNDEFINED_SCHEMAS Update Operational State for an APP Package ${ON_BOARDED_APP_PKG_ID} WRONG_OP_VALUE Check HTTP Response Status Code Is 400 TC_MEC_MEC010p2_MEO_PKGM_005_NF [Documentation] TP_MEC_MEO_PKGM_005_NF ... Check that MEO responds with an error when it receives a request for updating an App Package referred with a wrong ID ... ETSI GS MEC 010-2 2.0.10, clause [Tags] PIC_APP_PACKAGE_MANAGEMENT INCLUDE_UNDEFINED_SCHEMAS Update Operational State for an APP Package ${NON_EXISTENT_APP_PKG_ID} ${OPERATION_VALUE} Check HTTP Response Status Code Is 404 TC_MEC_MEC010p2_MEO_PKGM_006_OK [Documentation] TP_MEC_MEO_PKGM_006_OK ... Check that MEO returns the Application Descriptor contained on a on-boarded Application Package when requested ... ETSI GS MEC 010-2 2.0.10, clause [Tags] PIC_APP_PACKAGE_MANAGEMENT INCLUDE_UNDEFINED_SCHEMAS Get an AppD from App Package identified by ${ON_BOARDED_APP_PKG_ID} Check HTTP Response Status Code Is 200 Check HTTP Response Contain Header with value Content-Type ${ACCEPTED_CONTENT_TYPE} TC_MEC_MEC010p2_MEO_PKGM_006_NF [Documentation] TP_MEC_MEO_PKGM_006_NF ... Check that MEO responds with an error when it receives a request to retrieve an application descriptor referred with a wrong app package ID ... ETSI GS MEC 010-2 2.0.10, clause [Tags] PIC_APP_PACKAGE_MANAGEMENT INCLUDE_UNDEFINED_SCHEMAS Get an AppD from App Package identified by ${NON_EXISTENT_APP_PKG_ID} Check HTTP Response Status Code Is 404 TC_MEC_MEC010p2_MEO_PKGM_007_OK [Documentation] TP_MEC_MEO_PKGM_007_OK ... Check that MEO service sends a Application Package Subscription when requested ... ETSI GS MEC 010-2 2.0.10, clause ... ETSI GS MEC 010-2 2.0.10, Table (AppPkgSubscription) ... ETSI GS MEC 010-2 2.0.10, Table (AppPkgSubscriptionInfo) [Tags] PIC_APP_PACKAGE_MANAGEMENT INCLUDE_UNDEFINED_SCHEMAS Send a request for a subscription AppPkgSubscription Check HTTP Response Status Code Is 201 Check HTTP Response Body Json Schema Is AppPkgSubscriptionInfo Check Result Contains ${response} subscriptionType ON_BOARDING Check Result Contains ${response} callbackUri ${CALLBACK_URI} TC_MEC_MEC010p2_MEO_PKGM_007_BR [Documentation] TP_MEC_MEO_PKGM_007_BR ... Check that MEO service sends an error when it receives a malformed request for creating a new subscription on AppPackages ... ETSI GS MEC 010-2 2.0.10, clause ... ETSI GS MEC 010-2 2.0.10, Table (AppPkgSubscription) [Tags] PIC_APP_PACKAGE_MANAGEMENT INCLUDE_UNDEFINED_SCHEMAS Send a request for a subscription MalformedAppPkgSubscription Check HTTP Response Status Code Is 400 TC_MEC_MEC010p2_MEO_PKGM_008_OK [Documentation] TP_MEC_MEO_PKGM_008_OK ... Check that MEO service returns the list of Application Package Subscriptions when requested ... ETSI GS MEC 010-2 2.0.10, clause ... ETSI GS MEC 010-2 2.0.10, Table (AppPkgSubscriptionLinkList) [Tags] PIC_APP_PACKAGE_MANAGEMENT INCLUDE_UNDEFINED_SCHEMAS Get all APP Package subscriptions Check HTTP Response Status Code Is 200 Check HTTP Response Body Json Schema Is AppPkgSubscriptionLinkList Check Result Contains ${response} subscriptionId ${SUBSCRIPTION_ID} TC_MEC_MEC010p2_MEO_PKGM_009_OK [Documentation] TP_MEC_MEO_PKGM_009_OK ... Check that MEO service returns an Application Package Subscription when requested ... ETSI GS MEC 010-2 2.0.10, clause ... ETSI GS MEC 010-2 2.0.10, Table (AppPkgSubscriptionInfo) [Tags] PIC_APP_PACKAGE_MANAGEMENT INCLUDE_UNDEFINED_SCHEMAS Get an individual APP Package subscriptions ${SUBSCRIPTION_ID} Check HTTP Response Status Code Is 200 Check HTTP Response Body Json Schema Is AppPkgSubscriptionInfo Check Result Contains ${response} subscriptionId ${SUBSCRIPTION_ID} TC_MEC_MEC010p2_MEO_PKGM_009_NF [Documentation] TP_MEC_MEO_PKGM_009_NF ... Check that MEO service sends an error when it receives a query for a subscription ... on AppPackages with a wrong identifier ... ETSI GS MEC 010-2 2.0.10, clause [Tags] PIC_APP_PACKAGE_MANAGEMENT INCLUDE_UNDEFINED_SCHEMAS Get an individual APP Package subscriptions ${NON_EXISTENT_SUBSCRIPTION_ID} Check HTTP Response Status Code Is 404 TC_MEC_MEC010p2_MEO_PKGM_010_OK [Documentation] TP_MEC_MEO_PKGM_010_OK ... Check that MEO service deletes an Application Package Subscription when requested ... ETSI GS MEC 010-2 2.0.10, clause [Tags] PIC_APP_PACKAGE_MANAGEMENT INCLUDE_UNDEFINED_SCHEMAS Delete an App Package Subscription identified by ${SUBSCRIPTION_ID} Check HTTP Response Status Code Is 204 Check HTTP Response Body is Empty TC_MEC_MEC010p2_MEO_PKGM_010_NF [Documentation] TP_MEC_MEO_PKGM_010_NF ... Check that MEO service sends an error when it receives a deletion request ... for a subscription on AppPackages with a wrong identifier ... ETSI GS MEC 010-2 2.0.10, clause [Tags] PIC_APP_PACKAGE_MANAGEMENT INCLUDE_UNDEFINED_SCHEMAS Delete an App Package Subscription identified by ${NON_EXISTENT_SUBSCRIPTION_ID} Check HTTP Response Status Code Is 404 TC_MEC_MEC010p2_MEO_PKGM_011_OK [Documentation] TP_MEC_MEO_PKGM_011_OK ... Check that the MEO service sends a application package notification ... if the MEO service has an associated subscription and the event is generated ... ETSI GS MEC 010-2 2.0.10, clause ${json}= Get File schemas/AppPkgNotification.schema.json Log Creating mock request and response to handle Application Package Notification &{req}= Create Mock Request Matcher POST ${callback_endpoint} body_type="JSON_SCHEMA" body=${json} &{rsp}= Create Mock Response headers="Content-Type: application/json" status_code=204 Create Mock Expectation ${req} ${rsp} Wait Until Keyword Succeeds ${total_polling_time} ${polling_interval} Verify Mock Expectation ${req} Log Verifying results Verify Mock Expectation ${req} Log Cleaning the endpoint Clear Requests ${callback_endpoint} *** Keywords *** Post Request to create new App Package Resource [Arguments] ${content} Log Creating a new App Package Set Headers {"Accept":"application/json"} Set Headers {"Content-Type":"application/json"} Set Headers {"Authorization":"${TOKEN}"} Post ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/app_packages ${content} allow_redirects=false ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} GET all APP Packages Log Getting all App Packages Set Headers {"Accept":"application/json"} Set Headers {"Content-Type":"application/json"} Set Headers {"Authorization":"${TOKEN}"} Get ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/app_packages ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} GET all APP Packages with filters [Arguments] ${key} ${value} Log Getting all App Packages using filtering parameters Set Headers {"Accept":"application/json"} Set Headers {"Content-Type":"application/json"} Set Headers {"Authorization":"${TOKEN}"} Get ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/app_packages?${key}=${value} ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} GET an APP Package identified by [Arguments] ${value} Log Getting an App Package Set Headers {"Accept":"application/json"} Set Headers {"Content-Type":"application/json"} Set Headers {"Authorization":"${TOKEN}"} Get ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/app_packages/${value} ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} Delete an individual APP Package identified by [Arguments] ${value} Log Removing an App Package Set Headers {"Accept":"application/json"} Set Headers {"Content-Type":"application/json"} Set Headers {"Authorization":"${TOKEN}"} Delete ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/app_packages/${value} ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} Update Operational State for an APP Package [Arguments] ${appPkgId} ${operation} Log Updating an App Package Set Headers {"Accept":"application/json"} Set Headers {"Content-Type":"application/json"} Set Headers {"Authorization":"${TOKEN}"} PUT ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/app_packages/${appPkgId}?appPkgOperation=${operation} ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} Get an AppD from App Package identified by [Arguments] ${appPkgId} Log Getting App descriptor for App Package Set Headers {"Accept":"${ACCEPTED_CONTENT_TYPE}"} Set Headers {"Authorization":"${TOKEN}"} Get ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/app_packages/${appPkgId}/addDId ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} Send a request for a subscription [Arguments] ${content} Log Creating a new subscription Set Headers {"Accept":"application/json"} Set Headers {"Content-Type":"application/json"} Set Headers {"Authorization":"${TOKEN}"} Post ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/subscriptions ${content} ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} Get all APP Package subscriptions Log Getting list of subscriptions Set Headers {"Accept":"application/json"} Set Headers {"Content-Type":"application/json"} Set Headers {"Authorization":"${TOKEN}"} Get ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/subscriptions ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} Get an individual APP Package subscriptions [Arguments] ${subId} Log Getting an individual subscription Set Headers {"Accept":"application/json"} Set Headers {"Content-Type":"application/json"} Set Headers {"Authorization":"${TOKEN}"} Get ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/subscriptions/${subId} ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} Delete an App Package Subscription identified by [Arguments] ${subId} Log Deleting a subscription Set Headers {"Accept":"application/json"} Set Headers {"Content-Type":"application/json"} Set Headers {"Authorization":"${TOKEN}"} Delete ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/subscriptions/${subId} ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output}