*** Settings *** Documentation ... A test suite for validating Application Service Availability Query (APPSAQ) operations. Resource ../../resources.robot Default Tags TP_MEC_SRV_APPSAQ *** Variables *** *** Test Cases *** Get the available MEC services for a given application instance [Documentation] ... Check that the IUT responds with a list of available MEC services ... for a given application instance when queried by a MEC Application ... ... Reference ETSI GS MEC 011 V2.0.8, clause ... OpenAPI https://forge.etsi.org/gitlab/mec/gs011-app-enablement-api/blob/master/Mp1.yaml#/definitions/ServiceInfo [Tags] TP_MEC_SRV_APPSAQ_001_OK TP_MEC_SRV_APPSAQ_BV Given the Plaform IUT has a MEC Application instantiated Log MEC 011, clause 5.2.5 # When the Plaform IUT entity receives a vGET for /mec_service_mgmt/v1/applications/${APP_INSTANCE_ID}/services When the Plaform IUT entity receives a vGET for /${APP_INSTANCE_ID}/services Log MEC 011, clause Then the Plaform IUT sends a response 200 ServiceInfoList MEC Applications sends incorrect parameters in request [Documentation] ... Check that the IUT responds with an error when ... a request with incorrect parameters is sent by a MEC Application ... ... Reference ETSI GS MEC 011 V2.0.8, clause [Tags] TP_MEC_SRV_APPSAQ_001_BR TP_MEC_SRV_APPSAQ_BI Given the Plaform IUT has a MEC Application instantiated Log MEC 011, clause 5.2.5 Log Wrong parameter name should trigger an error response. # When the Plaform IUT entity receives a vGET for /mec_service_mgmt/v1/applications/${APP_INSTANCE_ID}/services?instance_id=some_instance_id When the Plaform IUT entity receives a vGET for /${APP_INSTANCE_ID}/services?instance_id=some_instance_id Log MEC 011, clause Then the Plaform IUT sends a response 400 ProblemDetails New MEC Applications service registration [Documentation] ... Check that the IUT notifies the authorised relevant (subscribed) application ... instances when a new service for a given application instance is registered ... ... Reference ETSI GS MEC 011 V2.0.8, clause [Tags] TP_MEC_SRV_APPSAQ_002_OK TP_MEC_SRV_APPSAQ_BV Given the Plaform IUT has a MEC Application instantiated # TODO where does the __some_service__ data comes from? Given a MEC Application subscribed to service notifications for __some_service__ Log MEC 011, clause 5.2.4 Log Wrong parameter name should trigger an error response. # TODO where does the __some_data__ comes from? # When the Plaform IUT entity receives a vPOST for /mec_service_mgmt/v1/applications/${APP_INSTANCE_ID}/services When the Plaform IUT entity receives a vPOST for /${APP_INSTANCE_ID}/services __some_data__ ServiceInfo Log MEC 011, clause Then the Plaform IUT sends a response 201 ServiceInfo And the Plaform IUT response header parameter Location __location__ Log MEC 011, clause 6.4.2 And the Plaform IUT sends a notification message to the subscribed MEC Applications with ServiceAvailabilityNotification