''[Documentation] robot --outputdir ../../outputs ./RnisSpecificSubscription_BV.robot ... Test Suite to validate RNIS/Subscription (RNIS) operations. *** Settings *** Library OperatingSystem Resource environment/variables.txt Resource ../../pics.txt Resource ../../GenericKeywords.robot Resource resources/RadioNetworkInformationAPI.robot Library REST ${MEC-APP_SCHEMA}://${MEC-APP_HOST}:${MEC-APP_PORT} ssl_verify=false Library String *** Test Cases *** TC_MEC_MEC012_SRV_RNIS_011_OK [Documentation] Request RNIS subscription list ... Check that the RNIS service sends the list of links to the relevant RNIS subscriptions when requested ... ETSI GS MEC 012 2.1.1, clause ... Reference https://forge.etsi.org/rep/mec/gs012-rnis-api/blob/automatic_generation/RniAPI.yaml#/definitions/SubscriptionLinkList Get RNIS subscription list Check HTTP Response Status Code Is 200 Check HTTP Response Body Json Schema Is SubscriptionLinkList # The following step is faulty in the design, thus it is commented. It is kept since # it is required by the Test Purpose TP_MEC_SRV_RNIS_011_OK # Check Subscription ${response['body']} ${SUBSCRIPTION_VALUE} TC_MEC_MEC012_SRV_RNIS_012_OK [Documentation] Create RNIS subscription ... Check that the RNIS service creates a new RNIS subscription ... ETSI GS MEC 012 2.1.1, clause ... Reference https://forge.etsi.org/rep/mec/gs012-rnis-api/blob/automatic_generation/RniAPI.yaml Post RNIS subscription request CellChangeSubscriptionRequest Check HTTP Response Status Code Is 201 Check HTTP Response Body Json Schema Is CellChangeSubscription Check CellChangeSubscription ${response['body']} TC_MEC_MEC012_SRV_RNIS_013_OK [Documentation] Get an Individual RNIS subscription ... Check that the RNIS service sends a RNIS subscription when requested ... ETSI GS MEC 012 2.1.1, clause ... Reference https://forge.etsi.org/rep/mec/gs012-rnis-api/blob/automatic_generation/RniAPI.yaml Get Individual RNIS Subscription Check HTTP Response Status Code Is 200 Check HTTP Response Body Json Schema Is CellChangeSubscription TC_MEC_MEC012_SRV_RNIS_014_OK [Documentation] Update an Individual RNIS subscription ... Check that the RNIS service modifies a RNIS subscription when requested ... ETSI GS MEC 012 2.1.1, clause ... Reference https://forge.etsi.org/rep/mec/gs012-rnis-api/blob/automatic_generation/RniAPI.yaml Update Individual RNIS Subscription Check HTTP Response Status Code Is 200 Check HTTP Response Body Json Schema Is CellChangeSubscription TC_MEC_MEC012_SRV_RNIS_015_OK [Documentation] Remove an Individual RNIS subscription ... Check that the RNIS service deletes a RNIS subscription when requested ... ETSI GS MEC 012 2.1.1, clause ... Reference https://forge.etsi.org/rep/mec/gs012-rnis-api/blob/automatic_generation/RniAPI.yaml Delete Individual RNIS Subscription Check HTTP Response Status Code Is 204 *** Keywords *** Get RNIS subscription list Should Be True ${PIC_RNIS_SPECIFIC_SUBSCRIPTION} == 1 Set Headers {"Accept":"application/json"} Set Headers {"Content-Type":"application/json"} Set Headers {"Authorization":"${TOKEN}"} Set Headers {"Content-Length":"0"} Get ${apiRoot}/rni/${apiVersion}/subscriptions?subscription_type=${SUBSCRIPTION_HREF_VALUE} ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} Post RNIS subscription request [Arguments] ${content} Should Be True ${PIC_RNIS_SPECIFIC_SUBSCRIPTION} == 1 Set Headers {"Accept":"application/json"} Set Headers {"Content-Type":"application/json"} Set Headers {"Authorization":"${TOKEN}"} ${json_file} = Catenate SEPARATOR= jsons/ ${content} .json ${body}= Get File ${json_file} ${body}= Replace String ${body} \${HREF} ${HREF} ${body}= Replace String ${body} \${LINKS_SELF} ${LINKS_SELF} Log ${body} Post ${apiRoot}/rni/${apiVersion}/subscriptions ${body} ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} Get Individual RNIS Subscription Should Be True ${PIC_RNIS_SPECIFIC_SUBSCRIPTION} == 1 Set Headers {"Accept":"application/json"} Set Headers {"Content-Type":"application/json"} Set Headers {"Authorization":"${TOKEN}"} Set Headers {"Content-Length":"0"} Get ${apiRoot}/rni/${apiVersion}/subscriptions/${SUBSCRIPTION_ID} ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} Update Individual RNIS Subscription Should Be True ${PIC_RNIS_SPECIFIC_SUBSCRIPTION} == 1 Set Headers {"Accept":"application/json"} Set Headers {"Content-Type":"application/json"} Set Headers {"Authorization":"${TOKEN}"} ${body} Get File jsons/UpdateCellChangeSubscriptionRequest.json ${body}= Replace String ${body} \${HREF} ${HREF} ${body}= Replace String ${body} \${LINKS_SELF} ${LINKS_SELF} Log ${body} Put ${apiRoot}/rni/${apiVersion}/subscriptions/${SUBSCRIPTION_ID} ${body} ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} Delete Individual RNIS Subscription Should Be True ${PIC_RNIS_SPECIFIC_SUBSCRIPTION} == 1 Set Headers {"Accept":"application/json"} Set Headers {"Content-Type":"application/json"} Set Headers {"Authorization":"${TOKEN}"} Set Headers {"Content-Length":"0"} Delete ${apiRoot}/rni/${apiVersion}/subscriptions/${SUBSCRIPTION_ID} ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output}