*** Settings *** Documentation ... A test suite for validating Radio Node Location Lookup (RLOCLOOK) operations. Resource ../../GenericKeywords.robot Resource environment/variables.txt Library REST ${SCHEMA}://${HOST}:${PORT} ssl_verify=false Library OperatingSystem Default Tags TC_MEC_SRV_RLOCLOOK *** Test Cases *** TC_MEC_SRV_ZOINFOLOOK_001_OK [Documentation] ... TO BE COMPLETED [Tags] PIC_MEC_PLAT PIC_SERVICES INCLUDE_UNDEFINED_SCHEMAS Get the zones info location list Check HTTP Response Status Code Is 200 Check HTTP Response Body Json Schema Is ZoneList TC_MEC_SRV_ZOINFOLOOK_002_OK [Documentation] ... TO BE CMPLETED [Tags] PIC_MEC_PLAT PIC_SERVICES Get the zone info location ${ZONE_ID} Check HTTP Response Status Code Is 200 Check HTTP Response Body Json Schema Is ZoneInfo Should Be Equal As Strings ${response['body']['zoneInfo']['zoneId']} ${ZONE_ID} TC_MEC_SRV_ZOINFOLOOK_002_NF [Documentation] ... TO BE CMPLETED [Tags] PIC_MEC_PLAT PIC_SERVICES Get the zone info location ${NON_EXISTENT_ZONE_ID} Check HTTP Response Status Code Is 404 *** Keywords *** Get the zone info location [Arguments] ${zoneId} Set Headers {"Accept":"application/json"} Set Headers {"Authorization":"${TOKEN}"} Get ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/queries/zones/${zoneId} ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} Get the zones info location list Set Headers {"Accept":"application/json"} Set Headers {"Authorization":"${TOKEN}"} Get ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/queries/zones ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output}