WaiStaInfo.robot 3.56 KB
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piscione's avatar
piscione committed
''[Documentation]   robot --outputdir ../../outputs ./WaiSTAInfo.robot
...    Test Suite to validate WLAN Information API (STA_INFO) operations.

*** Settings ***
Resource    environment/variables.txt
Resource    ../../../pics.txt
Resource    ../../../GenericKeywords.robot
Library     String
Library     OperatingSystem
Library     REST    ${MEC-APP_SCHEMA}://${MEC-APP_HOST}:${MEC-APP_PORT}    ssl_verify=false

*** Test Cases ***
    ...  Check that the IUT responds with the list of Station Point
piscione's avatar
piscione committed
    ...  Reference "ETSI GS MEC 028 2.2.1, clause
    ...  https://forge.etsi.org/rep/mec/gs028-wai-api/blob/v2.1.1/WlanInformationApi.yaml#/schema/StaInfo #Outdated
piscione's avatar
piscione committed
    Should Be True    ${PIC_MEC_SYSTEM} == 1
    Should Be True    ${PIC_SERVICES} == 1
    Retrieve the station information
    Check HTTP Response Status Code Is    200
    Check HTTP Response Body Json Schema Is   StaInfo
    ## Post condition
    FOR    ${staInfo}    IN    @{response['body']}
        ${passed}    Run Keyword And Return Status    Should Be Equal As Strings  ${staInfo['staId']['macId']}    ${MAC_ID}    
        Exit For Loop If    ${passed}
    Should Be True    ${passed}
    ...  Check that the IUT responds with the list of Station Point filtered by the macId provided as query parameter 
piscione's avatar
piscione committed
    ...  Reference "ETSI GS MEC 028 2.2.1, clause
    ...  https://forge.etsi.org/rep/mec/gs028-wai-api/blob/v2.1.1/WlanInformationApi.yaml#/schema/StaInfo #Outdated
piscione's avatar
piscione committed
    Should Be True    ${PIC_MEC_SYSTEM} == 1
    Should Be True    ${PIC_SERVICES} == 1
    Retrieve the station information using filters    ${filter} 
    Check HTTP Response Status Code Is    200
    Check HTTP Response Body Json Schema Is   StaInfo
    ## Post condition
    FOR    ${staInfo}    IN    @{response['body']}
        ${passed}    Run Keyword And Return Status    Should Be Equal As Strings  ${staInfo['staId']['macId']}    ${MAC_ID}    
        Exit For Loop If    ${passed}
    Should Be True    ${passed}

    ...  Check that the IUT responds with an error when a request with incorrect parameters is sent by a MEC Application
piscione's avatar
piscione committed
    ...  ETSI GS MEC 028 2.2.1, clause
    ...  https://forge.etsi.org/rep/mec/gs028-wai-api/blob/v2.1.1/WlanInformationApi.yaml#/schema/StaInfo  #Outdated
piscione's avatar
piscione committed
    Should Be True    ${PIC_MEC_SYSTEM} == 1
    Should Be True    ${PIC_SERVICES} == 1
    Retrieve the station information using filters    ${bad_filter} 
    Check HTTP Response Status Code Is    400
    Check HTTP Response Body Json Schema Is   ProblemDetails
*** Keywords ***
Retrieve the station information
    Should Be True    ${PIC_MEC_SYSTEM} == 1
    Should Be True    ${PIC_SERVICES} == 1
    Set Headers    {"Accept":"application/json"}
    Set Headers    {"Content-Type":"*/*"}
piscione's avatar
piscione committed
    Set Headers    {"Authorization":"${TOKEN}"}
    GET     ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/queries/sta/sta_information
    ${output}=    Output    response
    Set Suite Variable    ${response}    ${output}
Retrieve the station information using filters
    [Arguments]    ${filter}
    Should Be True    ${PIC_MEC_SYSTEM} == 1
    Should Be True    ${PIC_SERVICES} == 1
    Set Headers    {"Accept":"application/json"}
    Set Headers    {"Content-Type":"*/*"}
piscione's avatar
piscione committed
    Set Headers    {"Authorization":"${TOKEN}"}
    GET     ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/queries/sta/sta_information?filter=${filter}
    ${output}=    Output    response
    Set Suite Variable    ${response}    ${output}