AppPkgSubscriptionLinkList.schema.json 1.69 KB
Newer Older
				"description": "'The data type represents a subscription link list of notification on application package management'",
				"type": "object",
				"required": [
				"properties": {
					"_links": {
						"description": "Links to resources related to this resource.",
						"type": "object",
						"required": [
						"properties": {
							"self": {
								"properties": {
									"href": {
										"description": "URI referring to a resource",
										"format": "uri",
										"type": "string",
										"x-etsi-mec-cardinality": "1",
										"x-etsi-mec-origin-type": "URI"
								"required": [
								"type": "object",
								"x-etsi-ref": "6.5.2"
							"subscriptions": {
								"type": "array",
								"items": {
									"description": "'The data type represents the input parameters of \"subscription operation\" to notification of application package management for the onboarding, or operational state change of application package.'",
									"type": "object",
									"required": [
									"properties": {
										"href": {
											"description": "The URI referring to the subscription.",
											"type": "string",
											"format": "uri"
										"subsctiptionType": {
											"description": "'Subscribed notification type'",
											"type": "string",
											"enum": [