variables.txt 1.81 KB
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*** Variables ***
# Generic variables
${MEO_SCHEMA}                   http
${MEO_PORT}                     8081
${response}                         {}
${TOKEN}                            Basic YWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuc2VzYW1l
${apiName}        apmi
${apiVersion}     v1

# Specific variables
${APP_PKG_NAME}                     APP_PKG_NAME        // Should be the same as in AppPkg.json
${APP_PKG_VERSION}                  APP_PKG_VERSION     // Should be the same as in AppPkg.json
${CHECKSUM}                         CHECKSUM            // Should be the same as in AppPkg.json
${OPERATIONAL_STATE}                OPERATIONAL_STATE   // Should be the same as in AppPkg.json
${USAGE_STATE}                      USAGE_STATE         // Should be the same as in AppPkg.json
${ON_BOARDED_APP_PKG_ID}            5abe4782-2c70-4e47-9a4e-0ee3a1a0fd1f
${APPD_ID}                          e0deee2b-6e50-4f33-ab09-8bf0585025d3
${MALFORMED_FILTER_NAME}            operationalStatus    // Should be operationalState
${FILTER_VALUE}                     NOT_IN_USE
${OPERATION_VALUE}                  DISABLE

${ACCEPTED_CONTENT_TYPE}            text/plain           // Should refer to the type of AppD 
${SUBSCRIPTION_ID}                  e0deee2b-6e50-4f33-ab09-8bf0585025d3

${SUBSCRIPTION_TYPE}                MobilityProcedureSubscription

# Notifications variables
${MOCK_SERVER_JAR}    ../../../bin/mockserver-netty-5.5.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar

${callback_port}    9091
${callback_endpoint}    /amsi/subscriptions
${callback_endpoint_error}    /subs_404
${total_polling_time}   2 min
${polling_interval}     10 sec