/* ETSI GS MEC 029 Fixed Access Information API ETSI GS MEC 029 Fixed Access Information API described using OpenAPI. The version of the OpenAPI document: 2.1.1 Contact: cti_support@etsi.org Generated by OpenAPI Generator: https://openapi-generator.tech */ syntax = "proto3"; package mec029; option java_multiple_files=true; import public "models/cable_line_info_cm_info_cm_status_cm_reg_state.proto"; message CableLineInfoCmInfoCmStatus { CableLineInfoCmInfoCmStatusCmRegState cm_reg_state = 1; // It indicates whether the CM is currently operating in Energy Management DLS Mode. bool em_dls_oper_status = 2; // It indicates whether the CM is currently operating in Energy Management 1x1 Mode. bool energy_mgt1x1_oper_status = 3; // It denotes the MAC Domain interface index of the CM. string if_index = 4; // It denotes the number of times the CM received invalid registration response messages. int32 invalid_reg_rsps = 5; // It denotes the number of times the CM lost synchronization with the downstream channel. int32 lost_syncs = 6; // It denotes the number of times the CM reset or initialized this interface. int32 resets = 7; }