/* ETSI GS MEC 029 Fixed Access Information API ETSI GS MEC 029 Fixed Access Information API described using OpenAPI. The version of the OpenAPI document: 2.1.1 Generated by OpenAPI Generator: https://openapi-generator.tech */ syntax = "proto3"; package mec029; import public "models/device_info_device_status.proto"; import public "models/download_diagnostics.proto"; import public "models/ip_ping_diagnostics.proto"; import public "models/time_stamp.proto"; import public "models/trace_route_diagnostics.proto"; import public "models/upload_diagnostics.proto"; message DeviceInfo { // Typically, the serial number of the device. This value shall remain fixed over the lifetime of the device, including across firmware updates. repeated string deviceId = 1; DeviceInfoDeviceStatus deviceStatus = 2; DownloadDiagnostics downloadDiagnostics = 3; // Information (typically the serial number) to identify an Internet Gateway Device through which the customer premises device is connected. This value shall remain fixed over the lifetime of the device, including across firmware updates. repeated string gwId = 4; // The time in seconds that the IP interface has been connected. int32 iPConnectionUpTime = 5; IPPingDiagnostics iPPingDiagnostics = 6; TimeStamp timeStamp = 7; // Total number of IP payload bytes received since the device was last restarted. int32 totalBytesReceived = 8; // Total number of IP payload bytes sent since the device was last restarted. int32 totalBytesSent = 9; // Total number of packets received since the device was last restarted. int32 totalPacketsReceived = 10; // Total number of packets sent since the device was last restarted. int32 totalPacketsSent = 11; TraceRouteDiagnostics traceRouteDiagnostics = 12; // Time in seconds since the device was last restarted. int32 upTime = 13; UploadDiagnostics uploadDiagnostics = 14; }