/* ETSI GS MEC 029 Fixed Access Information API ETSI GS MEC 029 Fixed Access Information API described using OpenAPI. The version of the OpenAPI document: 2.1.1 Contact: cti_support@etsi.org Generated by OpenAPI Generator: https://openapi-generator.tech */ syntax = "proto3"; package mec029; import public "models/cp_info.proto"; import public "models/pon_info.proto"; import public "models/problem_details.proto"; service OpticalNetworkInfoService { rpc OpticalNetworkInfoGET (OpticalNetworkInfoGETRequest) returns (OpticalNetworkInfoGETResponse); } message OpticalNetworkInfoGETRequest { // Comma separated list of customer premises information repeated CpInfo customer_premises_info = 1; // Comma separated list of optical system identifiers. repeated string pon_ysid = 2; // Comma separated list of optical network unit identifiers. repeated string onu_id = 3; } message OpticalNetworkInfoGETResponse { repeated PonInfo data = 1; }