ip_ping_diagnostics.proto 1.91 KB
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piscione committed
  ETSI GS MEC 029 Fixed Access Information API
  ETSI GS MEC 029 Fixed Access Information API described using OpenAPI.
  The version of the OpenAPI document: 2.1.1
  Contact: cti_support@etsi.org
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  Generated by OpenAPI Generator: https://openapi-generator.tech

syntax = "proto3";

package mec029;

import public "models/ip_ping_diagnostics_diagnostics_state.proto";
option java_outer_classname = "IpPingDiagnosticsProto";
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piscione committed

message IPPingDiagnostics {

  // Result parameter indicating the average response time in milliseconds over all repetitions with successful responses of the most recent ping test.  If there were no successful responses, this value shall be zero.
  int32 average_response_time = 1;
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  // Size of the data block in bytes to be sent for each ping.
  int32 data_block_size = 2;
  IPPingDiagnosticsDiagnosticsState diagnostics_state = 3;
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  // Result parameter indicating the number of failed pings in the most recent ping test.
  int32 failure_count = 4;
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  // Host name or address of the host to ping.
  string host = 5;

  // Result parameter indicating the maximum response time in milliseconds over all repetitions with successful responses of the most recent ping test.  If there were no successful responses, this value shall be zero.
  int32 maximum_response_time = 6;
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  // Result parameter indicating the minimum response time in milliseconds over all repetitions with successful responses of the most recent ping test.  If there were no successful responses, this value shall be zero.
  int32 minimum_response_time = 7;
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piscione committed

  // Number of repetitions of the ping test to perform before reporting the results.
  int32 number_of_repetitions = 8;
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  // Result parameter indicating the number of successful pings (those in which a successful response was received prior to the timeout) in the most recent ping test.
  int32 success_count = 9;
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piscione committed

  // Timeout in milliseconds for the ping test.
  int32 timeout = 10;
