/* ETSI GS MEC 028 - WLAN Access Information API The ETSI MEC ISG MEC028 WLAN Access Information API described using OpenAPI The version of the OpenAPI document: 2.2.1 Generated by OpenAPI Generator: https://openapi-generator.tech */ syntax = "proto3"; package mec028; import public "models/reporting_reason_qo_s_counters.proto"; message StaStatisticsGroup2to9Data { // dot11QosAckFailureCount counter int32 qosAckFailureCount = 1; // dot11QosDiscardedFrameCount counter int32 qosDiscardedFrameCount = 2; // dot11QosFailedCount counter int32 qosFailedCount = 3; // dot11QosFrameDuplicateCount counter int32 qosFrameDuplicateCount = 4; // dot11QosMPDUsReceivedCount counter int32 qosMPDUsReceivedCount = 5; // dot11QosMultipleRetryCount counter int32 qosMultipleRetryCount = 6; // dot11QosRTSFailureCount counter int32 qosRTSFailureCount = 7; // dot11QosRTSSuccessCount counter int32 qosRTSSuccessCount = 8; // dot11QosReceivedFragmentCount counter int32 qosReceivedFragmentCount = 9; // dot11QosRetriesReceivedCount counter int32 qosRetriesReceivedCount = 10; // dot11QosRetryCount counter int32 qosRetryCount = 11; // dot11QosTransmittedFragmentCount counter int32 qosTransmittedFragmentCount = 12; // dot11QosTransmittedFrameCount counter int32 qosTransmittedFrameCount = 13; ReportingReasonQoSCounters reportingReasonQoSCounters = 14; }