/* ETSI GS MEC 028 - WLAN Access Information API The ETSI MEC ISG MEC028 WLAN Access Information API described using OpenAPI The version of the OpenAPI document: 2.1.1 Generated by OpenAPI Generator: https://openapi-generator.tech */ syntax = "proto3"; package mec028; message EdmgCapabilities { // A-MPDU parameters as defined in draft IEEE P802.11/D4.0 [i.11] int32 ampdu_parameters = 1; int32 reserved = 2; // Supported MCS as defined in draft IEEE P802.11/D4.0 [i.11] int32 supported_mcs = 3; // Training parameters as defined in draft IEEE P802.11/D4.0 [i.11] int32 trn_parameters = 4; }