beacon_report.proto 1.97 KB
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  ETSI GS MEC 028 - WLAN Access Information API
  The ETSI MEC ISG MEC028 WLAN Access Information API described using OpenAPI
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  The version of the OpenAPI document: 2.2.1
  Generated by OpenAPI Generator:

syntax = "proto3";

package mec028;

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Michel Roy committed
import public "models/reported_beacon_frame_info.proto";
import public "models/sta_identity.proto";

message BeaconReport {

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  // The Antenna ID field contains the identifying number for the antenna(s) used for this measurement. Antenna ID is defined in section of IEEE 802.11-2016 [8].
  int32 antennaId = 1;

  // Indicates the BSSID of the BSS for which a beacon report has been received.
  string bssid = 2;

  // Channel number where the beacon was received.
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  int32 channel = 3;

  // Measurement ID of the Measurement configuration applied to this Beacon Report.
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  string measurementId = 4;

  // Operating Class field indicates an operating class value as defined in Annex E within IEEE 802.11-2016 [8].
  int32 operatingClass = 5;

  // The Parent TSF field contains the lower 4 octets of the measuring STA's TSF timer value at the start of reception of the first octet of the timestamp field of the reported Beacon, Measurement Pilot, or Probe Response frame at the time the Beacon, Measurement Pilot, or Probe Response frame being reported was received.
  int32 parentTsf = 6;

  // RCPI indicates the received channel power of the Beacon, Measurement Pilot, or Probe Response frame, which is a logarithmic function of the received signal power, as defined in section of IEEE 802.11-2016 [8].
  int32 rcpi = 7;

  ReportedBeaconFrameInfo reportedFrameInfo = 8;
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  // RSNI indicates the received signal-to-noise indication for the Beacon, Measurement Pilot, or Probe Response frame, as described in section of IEEE 802.11-2016 [8].
  int32 rsni = 9;
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  // The SSID subelement indicates the ESS or IBSS for which a beacon report is received.
  string ssid = 10;
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  StaIdentity staId = 11;