/* ETSI GS MEC 021 Application Mobility Service API ETSI GS MEC 021 Application Mobility Service API described using OpenAPI. The version of the OpenAPI document: 2.1.1 Generated by OpenAPI Generator: https://openapi-generator.tech */ syntax = "proto3"; package mec021; import "google/protobuf/empty.proto"; import public "models/problem_details.proto"; import public "models/registration_info.proto"; service AppMobSerService { rpc AppMobilityServiceByIdDELETE (AppMobilityServiceByIdDELETERequest) returns (google.protobuf.Empty); rpc AppMobilityServiceByIdGET (AppMobilityServiceByIdGETRequest) returns (RegistrationInfo); rpc AppMobilityServiceByIdPUT (AppMobilityServiceByIdPUTRequest) returns (RegistrationInfo); rpc AppMobilityServiceGET (AppMobilityServiceGETRequest) returns (AppMobilityServiceGETResponse); rpc AppMobilityServicePOST (AppMobilityServicePOSTRequest) returns (RegistrationInfo); } message AppMobilityServiceByIdDELETERequest { // Identifier of the created individual application mobility service. string appMobilityServiceId = 1; } message AppMobilityServiceByIdGETRequest { // Identifier of the created individual application mobility service. string appMobilityServiceId = 1; } message AppMobilityServiceByIdPUTRequest { // Identifier of the created individual application mobility service. string appMobilityServiceId = 1; RegistrationInfo registrationInfo = 2; } message AppMobilityServiceGETRequest { // Attribute-based filtering parameters according to ETSI GS MEC 011 string filter = 1; // Include all complex attributes in the response. string allFields = 2; // Complex attributes to be included into the response. See clause 6.18 in ETSI GS MEC 011 string fields = 3; // Complex attributes to be excluded from the response.See clause 6.18 in ETSI GS MEC 011 string excludeFields = 4; // Indicates to exclude the following complex attributes from the response See clause 6.18 in ETSI GS MEC 011 for details. string excludeDefault = 5; } message AppMobilityServiceGETResponse { repeated RegistrationInfo data = 1; } message AppMobilityServicePOSTRequest { // Application mobility service to be created RegistrationInfo registrationInfo = 1; }