cell_change_notification.proto 1.37 KB
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Michel Roy committed
  ETSI GS MEC 012 - Radio Network Information API
  The ETSI MEC ISG MEC012 Radio Network Information API described using OpenAPI.
  The version of the OpenAPI document: 2.1.1
  Generated by OpenAPI Generator: https://openapi-generator.tech

syntax = "proto3";

package mec012;

import public "models/associate_id.proto";
import public "models/cell_change_notification_temp_ue_id.proto";
import public "models/ecgi.proto";
import public "models/time_stamp.proto";

message CellChangeNotification {

  // 0 to N identifiers to associate the event for a specific UE or flow.
  repeated AssociateId associateId = 1;

  // Indicate the status of the UE handover procedure. Values are defined as following: 1 = IN_PREPARATION. 2 = IN_EXECUTION. 3 = COMPLETED. 4 = REJECTED. 5 = CANCELLED.
  enum HoStatusEnum {
    _1_IN_PREPARATION = 0;
    _2_IN_EXECUTION = 1;
    _3_COMPLETED = 2;
    _4_REJECTED = 3;
    _5_CANCELLED = 4;

  HoStatusEnum hoStatus = 2;

  // Shall be set to \"CellChangeNotification\".
  string notificationType = 3;

  // E-UTRAN Cell Global Identifier of the source cell.
  Ecgi srcEcgi = 4;

  CellChangeNotificationTempUeId tempUeId = 5;

  // Time stamp.
  TimeStamp timeStamp = 6;

  // E-UTRAN Cell Global Identifier of the target cell. NOTE: Cardinality N is valid only in case of statuses IN_PREPARATION, REJECTED and CANCELLED.
  repeated Ecgi trgEcgi = 7;
