openapi: 3.0.2 servers: - url: '' - url: '' info: title: MEC Radion Network Information API version: 2.1.1 description: The ETSI MEC ISG MEC012 Radio Network Information API license: name: BSD-3-Clause url: '' contact: email: externalDocs: description: ETSI GS MEC012 Radio Network Information API, V2.1.1 url: '' tags: - name: layer2_meas - name: plmn_info - name: rabInfo - name: s1_bearer_info - name: subscriptions paths: /queries/rab_info: x-etsi-ref: 7.3.2 get: description: >- Gets information on existing E-RABs that are associated with a specific mobile edge application instance operationId: rab_infoGET tags: - rabInfo x-etsi-ref: parameters: - $ref: '#/components/parameters/Query.AppInsId' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/Query.CellId' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/Query.UeIpv4Address' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/Query.UeIpv6Address' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/Query.NatedIpAddress' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/Query.GtpTeId' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/Query.ErabId' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/Query.Qci' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/Query.ErabMbrDl' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/Query.ErabMbrUl' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/Query.ErabGbrDl' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/Query.ErabGbrUl' responses: '200': description: Successful response to rab_info request content: application/json: schema: type: object required: - RabInfo properties: RabInfo: $ref: '#/components/schemas/RabInfo' example: RabInfo: timeStamp: seconds: 1577836800 nanoSeconds: 0 appInId: '01' requestId: '01' cellUserInfo: ecgi: plmn: mcc: '001' mnc: '01' cellId: '0x800000A' ueInfo: associateId: null type: '1' value: erabInfo: erabId: 10 erabQosParameters: qci: 7 qosInformation: erabMbrDl: 10 erabMbrUl: 10 erabGbrDl: 10 erabGbrUl: 10 '400': description: Bad Request content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: ProblemDetails: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ProblemDetails' '401': description: Unauthorized content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: ProblemDetails: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ProblemDetails' '403': description: Forbidden content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: ProblemDetails: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ProblemDetails' '404': description: Not Found content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: ProblemDetails: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ProblemDetails' '406': description: Not Acceptable content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: ProblemDetails: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ProblemDetails' '429': description: Too Many Requests content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: ProblemDetails: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ProblemDetails' x-swagger-router-controller: Default /queries/plmn_info: x-etsi-ref: 7.4.2 get: description: >- Gets the information on Mobile Network(s). operationId: plmn_infoGET tags: - plmn_info x-etsi-ref: parameters: - $ref: '#/components/parameters/Query.AppInsIdArr' responses: '200': description: Successful response to rab_info request content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: PlmnInfo: $ref: '#/components/schemas/PlmnInfo' example: PlmnInfo: timeStamp: seconds: 1577836800 nanoSeconds: 0 appInId: '01' ecgi: plmn: mcc: '001' mnc: '01' cellId: '0x800000A' '400': description: Bad Request content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: ProblemDetails: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ProblemDetails' '401': description: Unauthorized content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: ProblemDetails: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ProblemDetails' '403': description: Forbidden content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: ProblemDetails: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ProblemDetails' '404': description: Not Found content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: ProblemDetails: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ProblemDetails' '406': description: Not Acceptable content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: ProblemDetails: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ProblemDetails' '429': description: Too Many Requests content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: ProblemDetails: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ProblemDetails' x-swagger-router-controller: Default /queries/s1_bearer_info: x-etsi-ref: 7.5.2 get: description: >- Gets information on existing E-RABs that are associated with a specific mobile edge application instance. Queries information about the S1 bearer(s). operationId: s1_bearer_infoGET tags: - s1_bearer_info x-etsi-ref: parameters: - $ref: '#/components/parameters/Query.TempUeId' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/Query.UeIpv4Address' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/Query.UeIpv6Address' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/Query.NatedIpAddress' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/Query.GtpTeId' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/Query.CellId' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/Query.ErabIdArr' responses: '200': description: Successful response to s1_bearer_info request content: application/json: schema: type: object required: - S1BearerInfo properties: S1BearerInfo: $ref: '#/components/schemas/S1BearerInfo' example: S1BearerInfo: timeStamp: seconds: 1577836800 nanoSeconds: 0 s1UeInfo: - tempUeId: mmec: '0' mtmsi: '1234' associateId: - type: '1' value: - type: '3' value: ecgi: plmn: mcc: '001' mnc: '01' cellId: '0x800000A' s1BearerInfoDetailed: - erabId: 1 s1EnbInfo: ipAddress: tunnelId: '1111' sGwInfo: ipAddress: tunnelId: '2222' - tempUeId: mmec: '0' mtmsi: '1234' associateId: type: '1' value: ecgi: plmn: mcc: '001' mnc: '01' cellId: '0x800000B' s1BearerInfoDetailed: - erabId: 2 s1EnbInfo: ipAddress: tunnelId: '3333' sGwInfo: ipAddress: tunnelId: '4444' '400': description: Bad Request content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: ProblemDetails: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ProblemDetails' '401': description: Unauthorized content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: ProblemDetails: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ProblemDetails' '403': description: Forbidden content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: ProblemDetails: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ProblemDetails' '404': description: Not Found content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: ProblemDetails: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ProblemDetails' '406': description: Not Acceptable content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: ProblemDetails: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ProblemDetails' '429': description: Too Many Requests content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: ProblemDetails: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ProblemDetails' x-swagger-router-controller: Default /queries/layer2_meas: x-etsi-ref: 7.5a.1 get: description: >- Gets information on existing E-RABs that are associated with a specific mobile edge application instance. Queries information about the S1 bearer(s). operationId: layer2_meas_infoGET tags: - layer2_meas x-etsi-ref: 7.5a.3.1 parameters: - $ref: '#/components/parameters/Query.AppInsId' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/Query.CellId' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/Query.UeIpv4Address' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/Query.UeIpv6Address' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/Query.NatedIpAddress' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/Query.GtpTeId' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/Query.DlGbrPrbUsageCell' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/Query.UlGbrPrbUsageCell' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/Query.DlNongbrPrbUsageCell' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/Query.UlNongbrPrbUsageCell' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/Query.DlTotalPrbUsageCell' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/Query.UlTotalPrbUsageCell' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/Query.ReceivedDedicatedPreamblesCell' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/Query.ReceivedRandomlySelectedPreamblesLowRangeCell' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/Query.ReceivedRandomlySelectedPreamblesHighRangeCell' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/Query.NumberOfActiveUeDlGbrCell' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/Query.NumberOfActiveUeUlGbrCell' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/Query.NumberOfActiveUeDlNongbrCell' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/Query.NumberOfActiveUeUlNongbrCell' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/Query.DlGbrPdrCell' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/Query.UlGbrPdrCell' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/Query.DlNongbrPdrCell' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/Query.UlNongbrPdrCell' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/Query.DlGbrDelayUe' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/Query.UlGbrDelayUe' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/Query.DlNongbrDelayUe' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/Query.UlNongbrDelayUe' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/Query.DlGbrPdrUe' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/Query.UlGbrPdrUe' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/Query.DlNongbrPdrUe' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/Query.UlNongbrPdrUe' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/Query.DlGbrThroughputUe' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/Query.UlGbrThroughputUe' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/Query.DlNongbrThroughputUe' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/Query.UlNongbrThroughputUe' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/Query.DlGbrDataVolumeUe' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/Query.UlGbrDataVolumeUe' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/Query.DlNongbrDataVolumeUe' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/Query.UlNongbrDataVolumeUe' responses: '200': description: Successful response to s1_bearer_info request content: application/json: schema: type: object required: - S1BearerInfo properties: S1BearerInfo: $ref: '#/components/schemas/S1BearerInfo' example: S1BearerInfo: timeStamp: seconds: 1577836800 nanoSeconds: 0 s1UeInfo: - tempUeId: mmec: '0' mtmsi: '1234' associateId: - type: '1' value: - type: '3' value: ecgi: plmn: mcc: '001' mnc: '01' cellId: '0x800000A' s1BearerInfoDetailed: - erabId: 1 s1EnbInfo: ipAddress: tunnelId: '1111' sGwInfo: ipAddress: tunnelId: '2222' - tempUeId: mmec: '0' mtmsi: '1234' associateId: type: '1' value: ecgi: plmn: mcc: '001' mnc: '01' cellId: '0x800000B' s1BearerInfoDetailed: - erabId: 2 s1EnbInfo: ipAddress: tunnelId: '3333' sGwInfo: ipAddress: tunnelId: '4444' '400': description: Bad Request content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: ProblemDetails: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ProblemDetails' '401': description: Unauthorized content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: ProblemDetails: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ProblemDetails' '403': description: Forbidden content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: ProblemDetails: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ProblemDetails' '404': description: Not Found content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: ProblemDetails: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ProblemDetails' '406': description: Not Acceptable content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: ProblemDetails: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ProblemDetails' '429': description: Too Many Requests content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: ProblemDetails: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ProblemDetails' x-swagger-router-controller: Default /subscriptions: x-etsi-ref: 7.6.2 get: description: >- The GET method is used to request information about the subscriptions for this requestor. Upon success, the response contains entity body with the list of links to the subscriptions that are present for the requestor. operationId: SubscriptionLinkList_subscriptionsGET tags: - subscriptions x-etsi-ref: parameters: - name: subscription_type in: query required: false description: Query parameter to filter on a specific subscription type. schema: enum: - cell_change # Cell Change - rab_est # RAB # Establishment - rab_mod # RAB Modification - rab_rel # RAB Release - meas_rep_ue # UE Measurement Report - nr_meas_rep_ue # 5G UE Measurement Report - timing_advance_ue # UE Timing Advance - ca_reconf # Carrier Aggregation Reconfig - s1_bearer # S1 Bearer Notification responses: '200': description: >- Response body contains the list of links to requestors subscriptions. content: application/json: schema: type: object required: - SubscriptionLinkList properties: SubscriptionLinkList: $ref: '#/components/schemas/SubscriptionLinkList' example: SubscriptionLinkList: _links: self: '' subscription: - href: >- subscriptionType: CELL_CHANGE - href: >- subscriptionType: MEAS_TIMING_ADVANCE '400': description: Bad Request content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: ProblemDetails: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ProblemDetails' '401': description: Unauthorized content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: ProblemDetails: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ProblemDetails' '403': description: Forbidden content: application/json: schema: type: object required: - ProblemDetails properties: ProblemDetails: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ProblemDetails' '404': description: Not Found content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: ProblemDetails: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ProblemDetails' '406': description: Not Acceptable content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: ProblemDetails: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ProblemDetails' '429': description: Too Many Requests content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: ProblemDetails: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ProblemDetails' x-swagger-router-controller: Default post: description: >- The POST method is used to create a new subscription to Radio Network Information notifications. Upon success, the response contains entity body describing the created subscription. operationId: SubscriptionLinkList_subscriptionsPOST tags: - subscriptions x-etsi-ref: requestBody: description: >- The entity body in the request contains data type of the specific RNI event subscription that is to be created, where the data type options are listed below and defined in clauses 6.3.2 through 6.3.9 and in 6.3.11. required: true content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/NotificationSubscription' responses: '201': description: >- Created Indicates successful resource creation, where the resource URI shall be returned in the HTTP Location header field. In the returned NotificationSubscription structure, the created subscription is described using the appropriate data type from the list below and as defined in clauses 6.3.2 through 6.3.9 and in 6.3.11. content: application/json: schema: oneOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/CellChangeSubscription' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/RabEstSubscription' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/RabModSubscription' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/RabRelSubscription' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/MeasRepUeSubscription' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/NrMeasRepUeSubscription' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/MeasTaSubscription' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/CaReConfSubscription' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/S1BearerSubscription' '400': description: Bad Request content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: ProblemDetails: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ProblemDetails' '401': description: Unauthorized content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: ProblemDetails: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ProblemDetails' '403': description: Forbidden content: application/json: schema: type: object required: - ProblemDetails properties: ProblemDetails: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ProblemDetails' '404': description: Not Found content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: ProblemDetails: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ProblemDetails' '406': description: Not Acceptable content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: ProblemDetails: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ProblemDetails' '415': description: Not Acceptable content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: ProblemDetails: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ProblemDetails' '422': description: Not Acceptable content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: ProblemDetails: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ProblemDetails' '429': description: Too Many Requests content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: ProblemDetails: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ProblemDetails' /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}: x-etsi-ref: 7.8.2 get: description: >- The GET method is used to retrieve information about this subscription. Upon success, the response contains entity body with the data type describing the subscription. operationId: IndividualSubscription_subscriptionsGET tags: - subscriptions x-etsi-ref: parameters: - $ref: '#/components/parameters/Path.subscrId' responses: '200': description: >- OK Upon success, a response body containing data type describing the specific RNI event subscription is returned. The allowed data types for subscriptions are defined in clauses 6.3.2 through 6.3.9 and in 6.3.11. content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/NotificationSubscription' '400': description: Bad Request content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: ProblemDetails: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ProblemDetails' '401': description: Unauthorized content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: ProblemDetails: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ProblemDetails' '403': description: Forbidden content: application/json: schema: type: object required: - ProblemDetails properties: ProblemDetails: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ProblemDetails' '404': description: Not Found content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: ProblemDetails: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ProblemDetails' '406': description: Not Acceptable content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: ProblemDetails: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ProblemDetails' '429': description: Too Many Requests content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: ProblemDetails: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ProblemDetails' put: description: >- The PUT method is used to update the existing subscription. PUT method in this case has "replace" semantics. Upon successful operation, the target resource is updated with new Data Type received within the message body of the PUT request. operationId: IndividualSubscription_subscriptionsPUT tags: - subscriptions x-etsi-ref: parameters: - $ref: '#/components/parameters/Path.subscrId' requestBody: description: >- New NotificationSubscription is included as entity body of the request. The allowed data types for subscriptions are defined in clauses 6.3.2 through 6.3.9 and in 6.3.11. required: true content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/NotificationSubscription' responses: '200': description: Successful subscription to response to cell change notifications content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/NotificationSubscription' '400': description: Bad Request content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: ProblemDetails: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ProblemDetails' '401': description: Unauthorized content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: ProblemDetails: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ProblemDetails' '403': description: Forbidden content: application/json: schema: type: object required: - ProblemDetails properties: ProblemDetails: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ProblemDetails' '404': description: Not Found content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: ProblemDetails: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ProblemDetails' '406': description: Not Acceptable content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: ProblemDetails: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ProblemDetails' '412': description: Precondition failed content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: ProblemDetails: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ProblemDetails' '422': description: Unprocessable Entity content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: ProblemDetails: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ProblemDetails' example: ProblemDetails: type: '' title: Too many targets status: '422' detail: The target area for the request is considered too large instance: '/' '429': description: Too Many Requests content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: ProblemDetails: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ProblemDetails' delete: description: Method to delete a subscription operationId: CellChange_subscriptionsSubscrIdDELETE tags: - subscriptions x-etsi-ref: parameters: - $ref: '#/components/parameters/Path.subscrId' responses: '204': description: No Content x-swagger-router-controller: Default components: parameters: Path.subscrId: name: subscriptionId in: path description: >- Subscription Id, specifically the "self" returned in the subscription request required: true schema: type: string format: uri Query.AppInsId: name: app_ins_id in: query description: Application instance identifier required: false schema: type: string Query.AppInsIdArr: name: app_ins_id in: query description: Application instance identifier required: true schema: type: array items: type: string Query.UeIpv4Address: name: ue_ipv4_address in: query description: Comma separated list of IE IPv4 addresses as defined for the type for AssociateId required: false schema: type: array items: type: string Query.UeIpv6Address: name: ue_ipv6_address in: query description: Comma separated list of IE IPv6 addresses as defined for the type for AssociateId required: false schema: type: array items: type: string Query.NatedIpAddress: name: nated_ip_address in: query description: Comma separated list of IE NATed IP addresses as defined for the type for AssociateId required: false schema: type: array items: type: string Query.GtpTeId: name: gtp_teid in: query description: Comma separated list of GTP TEID addresses as defined for the type for AssociateId required: false schema: type: array items: type: string Query.CellId: name: cell_id in: query description: >- E-UTRAN Cell Identity as a bit string (size (28)), as defined in ETSI TS 136 413 required: false schema: type: array items: type: string Query.ErabGbrDl: name: erab_gbr_dl in: query description: Guaranteed downlink E-RAB Bit Rate as defined in ETSI TS 123 401 required: false schema: type: integer format: uint32 Query.ErabGbrUl: name: erab_gbr_ul in: query description: Guaranteed uplink E-RAB Bit Rate as defined in ETSI TS 123 401 required: false schema: type: integer format: uint32 Query.ErabId: name: erab_id in: query description: E-RAB identifier required: false schema: type: integer format: uint32 Query.ErabIdArr: name: erab_id in: query description: E-RAB identifier required: false schema: type: array items: type: integer format: uint32 Query.ErabMbrDl: name: erab_mbr_dl in: query description: Maximum downlink E-RAB Bit Rate as defined in ETSI TS 123 401 required: false schema: type: integer format: uint32 Query.ErabMbrUl: name: erab_mbr_ul in: query description: Maximum uplink E-RAB Bit Rate as defined in ETSI TS 123 401 required: false schema: type: integer format: uint32 Query.Qci: name: qci in: query description: QoS Class Identifier as defined in ETSI TS 123 401 required: false schema: type: integer format: uint32 Query.TempUeId: name: temp_ue_id in: query description: >- The temporary identifier allocated for the specific UE as defined in ETSI TS 136 413 required: false schema: type: array items: type: string Query.DlGbrPrbUsageCell: name: dl_gbr_prb_usage_cell in: query description: >- It indicates the PRB usage for downlink GBR traffic, as defined in ETSI TS 136 314 [i.11] and ETSI TS 136 423 [i.12]. required: false schema: type: integer minimum: 0 maximum: 100 Query.UlGbrPrbUsageCell: name: ul_gbr_prb_usage_cell in: query description: >- It indicates (in percentage) the PRB usage for uplink GBR traffic, as defined in ETSI TS 136 314 [i.11] and ETSI TS 136 423 [i.12]. required: false schema: type: integer minimum: 0 maximum: 100 Query.DlNongbrPrbUsageCell: name: dl_nongbr_prb_usage_cell in: query description: >- It indicates (in percentage) the PRB usage for downlink non GBR traffic, as defined in ETSI TS 136 314 [i.11] and ETSI TS 136 423 [i.12]. required: false schema: type: integer minimum: 0 maximum: 100 Query.UlNongbrPrbUsageCell: name: ul_nongbr_prb_usage_cell in: query description: >- It indicates (in percentage) the PRB usage for uplink non GBR traffic, as defined in ETSI TS 136 314 [i.11] and ETSI TS 136 423 [i.12]. required: false schema: type: integer minimum: 0 maximum: 100 Query.DlTotalPrbUsageCell: name: dl_total_prb_usage_cell in: query description: >- It indicates (in percentage) the PRB usage for total downlink traffic, as defined in ETSI TS 136 314 [i.11] and ETSI TS 136 423 [i.12]. required: false schema: type: integer minimum: 0 maximum: 100 Query.UlTotalPrbUsageCell: name: ul_total_prb_usage_cell in: query description: >- It indicates (in percentage) the PRB usage for total uplink traffic, as defined in ETSI TS 136 314 [i.11] and ETSI TS 136 423 [i.12]. required: false schema: type: integer minimum: 0 maximum: 100 Query.ReceivedDedicatedPreamblesCell: name: received_dedicated_preambles_cell in: query description: >- It indicates (in percentage) the received dedicated preamples, as defined in ETSI TS 136 314 [i.11]. required: false schema: type: integer minimum: 0 maximum: 100 Query.ReceivedRandomlySelectedPreamblesLowRangeCell: name: received_ randomly_selecte _preambles_low_range_cell in: query description: >- It indicates (in percentage) the received randomly selected preambles in the low range, as defined in ETSI TS 136 314 [i.11]. required: false schema: type: integer minimum: 0 maximum: 100 Query.ReceivedRandomlySelectedPreamblesHighRangeCell: name: received_ randomly_selected_preambles_high_range_cell in: query description: >- It indicates (in percentage) the received randomly selected preambles in the high range, as defined in ETSI TS 136 314 [i.11]. required: false schema: type: integer minimum: 0 maximum: 100 Query.NumberOfActiveUeDlGbrCell: name: number_of_active_ue_dl_gbr_cell in: query description: >- It indicates the number of active UEs with downlink GBR traffic, as defined in ETSI TS 136 314 [i.11]. required: false schema: type: integer Query.NumberOfActiveUeUlGbrCell: name: number_of_active_ue_ul_gbr_cell in: query description: >- It indicates the number of active UEs with uplink GBR traffic, as defined in ETSI TS 136 314 [i.11]. required: false schema: type: integer Query.NumberOfActiveUeDlNongbrCell: name: number_of_active_ue_dl_nongbr_cell in: query description: >- It indicates the number of active UEs with downlink non-GBR traffic, as defined in ETSI TS 136 314 [i.11]. required: false schema: type: integer Query.NumberOfActiveUeUlNongbrCell: name: number_of_active_ue_ul_nongbr_cell in: query description: >- It indicates the number of active UEs with uplink non-GBR traffic, as defined in ETSI TS 136 314 [i.11]. required: false schema: type: integer Query.DlGbrPdrCell: name: dl_gbr_pdr_cell in: query description: >- It indicates the packet discard rate in percentage of the downlink GBR traffic in a cell, as defined in ETSI TS 136 314 [i.11]. required: false schema: type: integer minimum: 0 maximum: 100 Query.UlGbrPdrCell: name: ul_gbr_pdr_cell in: query description: >- It indicates the packet discard rate in percentage of the uplink GBR traffic in a cell, as defined in ETSI TS 136 314 [i.11]. required: false schema: type: integer minimum: 0 maximum: 100 Query.DlNongbrPdrCell: name: dl_nongbr_pdr_cell in: query description: >- It indicates the packet discard rate in percentage of the downlink non-GBR traffic in a cell, as defined in ETSI TS 136 314 [i.11]. required: false schema: type: integer minimum: 0 maximum: 100 Query.UlNongbrPdrCell: name: ul_nongbr_pdr_cell in: query description: >- It indicates the packet discard rate in percentage of the uplink non-GBR traffic in a cell, as defined in ETSI TS 136 314 [i.11]. required: false schema: type: integer minimum: 0 maximum: 100 Query.DlGbrDelayUe: name: dl_gbr_delay_ue in: query description: >- It indicates the packet delay of the downlink GBR traffic of a UE, as defined in ETSI TS 136 314 [i.11]. required: false schema: type: integer Query.UlGbrDelayUe: name: ul_gbr_delay_ue in: query description: >- It indicates the packet delay of the uplink GBR traffic of a UE, as defined in ETSI TS 136 314 [i.11]. required: false schema: type: integer Query.DlNongbrDelayUe: name: dl_nongbr_delay_ue in: query description: >- It indicates the packet delay of the downlink non-GBR traffic of a UE, as defined in ETSI TS 136 314 [i.11]. required: false schema: type: integer Query.UlNongbrDelayUe: name: ul_nongbr_delay_ue in: query description: >- It indicates the packet delay of the uplink non-GBR traffic of a UE, as defined in ETSI TS 136 314 [i.11]. required: false schema: type: integer Query.DlGbrPdrUe: name: dl_gbr_pdr_ue in: query description: >- It indicates the packet discard rate in percentage of the downlink GBR traffic of a UE, as defined in ETSI TS 136 314 [i.11]. required: false schema: type: integer minimum: 0 maximum: 100 Query.UlGbrPdrUe: name: ul_gbr_pdr_ue in: query description: >- It indicates the packet discard rate in percentage of the uplink GBR traffic of a UE, as defined in ETSI TS 136 314 [i.11]. required: false schema: type: integer minimum: 0 maximum: 100 Query.DlNongbrPdrUe: name: dl_nongbr_pdr_ue in: query description: >- It indicates the packet discard rate in percentage of the downlink non-GBR traffic of a UE, as defined in ETSI TS 136 314 [i.11]. required: false schema: type: integer minimum: 0 maximum: 100 Query.UlNongbrPdrUe: name: ul_nongbr_pdr_ue in: query description: >- It indicates the packet discard rate in percentage of the uplink non-GBR traffic of a UE, as defined in ETSI TS 136 314 [i.11]. required: false schema: type: integer minimum: 0 maximum: 100 Query.DlGbrThroughputUe: name: dl_gbr_throughput_ue in: query description: >- It indicates the scheduled throughput of the downlink GBR traffic of a UE, as defined in ETSI TS 136 314 [i.11]. required: false schema: type: integer Query.UlGbrThroughputUe: name: ul_gbr_throughput_ue in: query description: >- It indicates the scheduled throughput of the uplink GBR traffic of a UE, as defined in ETSI TS 136 314 [i.11]. required: false schema: type: integer Query.DlNongbrThroughputUe: name: dl_nongbr_throughput_ue in: query description: >- It indicates the scheduled throughput of the downlink non-GBR traffic of a UE, as defined in ETSI TS 136 314 [i.11]. required: false schema: type: integer Query.UlNongbrThroughputUe: name: ul_nongbr_throughput_ue in: query description: >- It indicates the scheduled throughput of the uplink non-GBR traffic of a UE, as defined in ETSI TS 136 314 [i.11]. required: false schema: type: integer Query.DlGbrDataVolumeUe: name: dl_gbr_data_volume_ue in: query description: >- It indicates the data volume of the downlink GBR traffic of a UE, as defined in ETSI TS 136 314 [i.11]. required: false schema: type: integer Query.UlGbrDataVolumeUe: name: ul_gbr_data_volume_ue in: query description: >- It indicates the data volume of the uplink GBR traffic of a UE, as defined in ETSI TS 136 314 [i.11]. required: false schema: type: integer Query.DlNongbrDataVolumeUe: name: dl_nongbr_data_volume_ue in: query description: >- It indicates the data volume of the downlink non-GBR traffic of a UE, as defined in ETSI TS 136 314 [i.11]. required: false schema: type: integer Query.UlNongbrDataVolumeUe: name: ul_nongbr_data_volume_ue in: query description: >- It indicates the data volume of the uplink non-GBR traffic of a UE, as defined in ETSI TS 136 314 [i.11]. required: false schema: type: integer schemas: AssociateId: properties: type: description: 'Numeric value (0-255) corresponding to specified type of identifier as following: 0 = reserved. 1= UE_IPv4_ADDRESS. 2 = UE_IPV6_ADDRESS. 3 = NATED_IP_ADDRESS. 4 = GTP_TEID.' enum: - SEE_DESCRIPTION type: string x-etsi-mec-cardinality: '1' x-etsi-mec-origin-type: Enum value: description: Value for the identifier. type: string x-etsi-mec-cardinality: '1' x-etsi-mec-origin-type: String required: - type - value type: object x-etsi-ref: 6.5.4 CaReConfNotification: properties: associateId: description: 0 to N identifiers to associate the event for a specific UE or flow. items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AssociateId' type: array x-etsi-mec-cardinality: 0..N x-etsi-mec-origin-type: AssociateId carrierAggregationMeasInfo: description: This parameter can be repeated to contain information of all the carriers assign for Carrier Aggregation up to M. type: object x-etsi-mec-cardinality: 0..M x-etsi-mec-origin-type: Structure (inlined) ecgi: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Ecgi' description: E-UTRAN CelI Global Identifier. x-etsi-mec-cardinality: '1' x-etsi-mec-origin-type: Ecgi notificationType: description: Shall be set to "CaReConfNotification". type: string x-etsi-mec-cardinality: '1' x-etsi-mec-origin-type: String secondaryCellAdd: description: '' items: type: object type: array x-etsi-mec-cardinality: 0..N x-etsi-mec-origin-type: Structure (inlined) secondaryCellRemove: description: '' items: type: object type: array x-etsi-mec-cardinality: 0..N x-etsi-mec-origin-type: Structure (inlined) timeStamp: $ref: '#/components/schemas/TimeStamp' description: Time stamp. x-etsi-mec-cardinality: 0..1 x-etsi-mec-origin-type: TimeStamp required: - notificationType - ecgi type: object x-etsi-ref: 6.4.8 CaReConfSubscription: properties: _links: description: Hyperlink related to the resource. This shall be only included in the HTTP responses and in HTTP PUT requests. type: object x-etsi-mec-cardinality: 0..1 x-etsi-mec-origin-type: Structure (inlined) callbackReference: description: URI selected by the service consumer to receive notifications on the subscribed RNIS information. This shall be included both in the request and in response. format: uri type: string x-etsi-mec-cardinality: '1' x-etsi-mec-origin-type: URI expiryDeadline: $ref: '#/components/schemas/TimeStamp' description: Time stamp. x-etsi-mec-cardinality: 0..1 x-etsi-mec-origin-type: TimeStamp filterCriteriaAssoc: description: List of filtering criteria for the subscription. Any filtering criteria from below, which is included in the request, shall also be included in the response. type: object x-etsi-mec-cardinality: '1' x-etsi-mec-origin-type: Structure (inlined) subscriptionType: description: Shall be set to "CaReconfSubscription". type: string x-etsi-mec-cardinality: '1' x-etsi-mec-origin-type: String required: - subscriptionType - callbackReference - filterCriteriaAssoc type: object x-etsi-ref: 6.3.8 CellChangeNotification: properties: associateId: description: 0 to N identifiers to associate the event for a specific UE or flow. items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AssociateId' type: array x-etsi-mec-cardinality: 0..N x-etsi-mec-origin-type: AssociateId hoStatus: description: 'Indicate the status of the UE handover procedure. Values are defined as following: 1 = IN_PREPARATION. 2 = IN_EXECUTION. 3 = COMPLETED. 4 = REJECTED. 5 = CANCELLED.' enum: - SEE_DESCRIPTION type: string x-etsi-mec-cardinality: '1' x-etsi-mec-origin-type: Enum notificationType: description: Shall be set to "CellChangeNotification". type: string x-etsi-mec-cardinality: '1' x-etsi-mec-origin-type: String srcEcgi: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Ecgi' description: E-UTRAN CelI Global Identifier of the source cell. x-etsi-mec-cardinality: '1' x-etsi-mec-origin-type: Ecgi tempUeId: description: The temporary identifier allocated for the specific UE as defined below. type: object x-etsi-mec-cardinality: 0..1 x-etsi-mec-origin-type: Structure (inlined) timeStamp: $ref: '#/components/schemas/TimeStamp' description: Time stamp. x-etsi-mec-cardinality: 0..1 x-etsi-mec-origin-type: TimeStamp trgEcgi: description: 'E-UTRAN CelI Global Identifier of the target cell. NOTE: Cardinality N is valid only in case of statuses IN_PREPARATION, REJECTED and CANCELLED.' items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Ecgi' type: array x-etsi-mec-cardinality: 1..N x-etsi-mec-origin-type: Ecgi required: - notificationType - srcEcgi - trgEcgi - hoStatus type: object x-etsi-ref: 6.4.2 CellChangeSubscription: properties: _links: description: Hyperlink related to the resource. This shall be only included in the HTTP responses and in HTTP PUT requests. type: object x-etsi-mec-cardinality: 0..1 x-etsi-mec-origin-type: Structure (inlined) callbackReference: description: URI selected by the service consumerto receive notifications on the subscribed RNIS information. This shall be included both in the request and in response. format: uri type: string x-etsi-mec-cardinality: '1' x-etsi-mec-origin-type: URI expiryDeadline: $ref: '#/components/schemas/TimeStamp' description: Time stamp. x-etsi-mec-cardinality: 0..1 x-etsi-mec-origin-type: TimeStamp filterCriteriaAssocHo: description: List of filtering criteria for the subscription. Any filtering criteria from below, which is included in the request, shall also be included in the response. type: object x-etsi-mec-cardinality: '1' x-etsi-mec-origin-type: Structure (inlined) subscriptionType: description: Shall be set to "CellChangeSubscription". type: string x-etsi-mec-cardinality: '1' x-etsi-mec-origin-type: String required: - subscriptionType - callbackReference - filterCriteriaAssocHo type: object x-etsi-ref: 6.3.2 CellId: description: String representing the E-UTRAN Cell Identity. Encoded as a bit string (size (28)) as defined in ETSI TS 136 413 [i.3]. type: string Ecgi: properties: cellId: $ref: '#/components/schemas/CellId' description: E-UTRAN CelI Global Identifier. x-etsi-mec-cardinality: '1' x-etsi-mec-origin-type: CellId plmn: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Plmn' description: Public Land Mobile Network Identity. x-etsi-mec-cardinality: '1' x-etsi-mec-origin-type: Plmn required: - plmn - cellId type: object x-etsi-ref: 6.5.6 Enum: type: string ExpiryNotification: properties: _links: description: List of hyperlinks related to the resource. type: object x-etsi-mec-cardinality: '1' x-etsi-mec-origin-type: Structure (inlined) expiryDeadline: $ref: '#/components/schemas/TimeStamp' description: Time stamp. x-etsi-mec-cardinality: '1' x-etsi-mec-origin-type: TimeStamp timeStamp: $ref: '#/components/schemas/TimeStamp' description: Time stamp. x-etsi-mec-cardinality: 0..1 x-etsi-mec-origin-type: TimeStamp required: - _links - expiryDeadline type: object x-etsi-ref: 6.4.9 L2Meas: properties: cellInfo: description: The per cell measurement information as defined below. items: type: object properties: dl_gbr_prb_usage_cell: description: It indicates the PRB usage for downlink GBR traffic, as defined in ETSI TS 136 314 [i.11] and ETSI TS 136 423 [i.12]. type: integer x-etsi-mec-cardinality: 0..1 x-etsi-mec-origin-type: Integer (0..100) dl_nongbr_prb_usage_cell: description: "It indicates (in percentage) the PRB usage for downlink\ \ non-GBR traffic, as defined in ETSI TS\_136\_314 [i.11] and ETSI\ \ TS\_136 423 [i.12]." type: integer x-etsi-mec-cardinality: 0..1 x-etsi-mec-origin-type: Integer (0..100) ecgi: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Ecgi' description: E-UTRAN CelI Global Identifier. x-etsi-mec-cardinality: '1' x-etsi-mec-origin-type: Ecgi ul_gbr_prb_usage_cell: description: "It indicates (in percentage) the PRB usage for uplink\ \ GBR traffic, as defined in ETSI TS\_136\_314\_[i.11] and ETSI TS\_\ 136 423 [i.12]." type: integer x-etsi-mec-cardinality: 0..1 x-etsi-mec-origin-type: Integer (0..100) ul_nongbr_prb_usage_cell: description: "It indicates (in percentage) the PRB usage for uplink\ \ non-GBR traffic, as defined in ETSI TS\_136\_314 [i.11] and ETSI\ \ TS\_136 423 [i.12]." type: integer x-etsi-mec-cardinality: 0..1 x-etsi-mec-origin-type: Integer (0..100) required: - ecgi type: array x-etsi-mec-cardinality: 0..N x-etsi-mec-origin-type: Structure (inlined) cellUEInfo: description: The per cell per UE layer 2 measurements information as defined below. items: type: object type: array x-etsi-mec-cardinality: 0..N x-etsi-mec-origin-type: Structure (inlined) dl_gbr_data_volume_ue: description: It indicates the data volume of the downlink GBR traffic of a UE, as defined in ETSI TS 136 314 [i.11]. type: integer x-etsi-mec-cardinality: 0..1 x-etsi-mec-origin-type: Integer dl_gbr_pdr_cell: description: It indicates the packet discard rate in percentage of the downlink GBR traffic in a cell, as defined in ETSI TS 136 314 [i.11]. type: integer x-etsi-mec-cardinality: 0..1 x-etsi-mec-origin-type: Integer (0..100) dl_gbr_pdr_ue: description: It indicates the packet discard rate in percentage of the downlink GBR traffic of a UE, as defined in ETSI TS 136 314 [i.11]. type: integer x-etsi-mec-cardinality: 0..1 x-etsi-mec-origin-type: Integer (0..100) dl_gbr_throughput_ue: description: It indicates the scheduled throughput of the downlink GBR traffic of a UE, as defined in ETSI TS 136 314 [i.11]. type: integer x-etsi-mec-cardinality: 0..1 x-etsi-mec-origin-type: Integer dl_nongbr_data_volume_ue: description: "It indicates the data volume of the downlink non-GBR traffic\ \ of a UE, as defined in ETSI TS\_136\_314\_[i.11]." type: integer x-etsi-mec-cardinality: 0..1 x-etsi-mec-origin-type: Integer dl_nongbr_pdr_cell: description: It indicates the packet discard rate in percentage of the downlink non-GBR traffic in a cell, as defined in ETSI TS 136 314 [i.11]. type: integer x-etsi-mec-cardinality: 0..1 x-etsi-mec-origin-type: Integer (0..100) dl_nongbr_pdr_ue: description: It indicates the packet discard rate in percentage of the downlink nonGBR traffic of a UE, as defined in ETSI TS 136 314 [i.11]. type: integer x-etsi-mec-cardinality: 0..1 x-etsi-mec-origin-type: Integer (0..100) dl_nongbr_throughput_ue: description: It indicates the scheduled throughput of the downlink nonGBR traffic of a UE, as defined in ETSI TS 136 314 [i.11]. type: integer x-etsi-mec-cardinality: 0..1 x-etsi-mec-origin-type: Integer number_of_active_ue_dl_gbr_cell: description: It indicates the number of active UEs with downlink GBR traffic, as defined in ETSI TS 136 314 [i.11]. type: integer x-etsi-mec-cardinality: 0..1 x-etsi-mec-origin-type: Integer number_of_active_ue_dl_nongbr_cell: description: "It indicates the number of active UEs with downlink non-GBR\ \ traffic, as defined in ETSI TS\_136\_314 [i.11]." type: integer x-etsi-mec-cardinality: 0..1 x-etsi-mec-origin-type: Integer number_of_active_ue_ul_gbr_cell: description: It indicates the number of active UEs with uplink GBR traffic, as defined in ETSI TS 136 314 [i.11]. type: integer x-etsi-mec-cardinality: 0..1 x-etsi-mec-origin-type: Integer number_of_active_ue_ul_nongbr_cell: description: "It indicates the number of active UEs with uplink non-GBR\ \ traffic, as defined in ETSI TS\_136\_314\_[i.11]." type: integer x-etsi-mec-cardinality: 0..1 x-etsi-mec-origin-type: Integer received_dedicated_preambles_cell: description: It indicates (in percentage) the received dedicated preamples, as defined in ETSI TS 136 314 [i.11]. type: integer x-etsi-mec-cardinality: 0..1 x-etsi-mec-origin-type: Integer (0..100) received_randomly_selected _preambles_high_range_cell: description: It indicates (in percentage) the received randomly selected preambles in the high range, as defined in ETSI TS 136 314 [i.11]. type: integer x-etsi-mec-cardinality: 0..1 x-etsi-mec-origin-type: Integer (0..100) received_randomly_selected _preambles_low_range_cell: description: It indicates (in percentage) the received randomly selected preambles in the low range, as defined in ETSI TS 136 314 [i.11]. type: integer x-etsi-mec-cardinality: 0..1 x-etsi-mec-origin-type: Integer (0..100) timestamp: $ref: '#/components/schemas/TimeStamp' description: Time stamp. x-etsi-mec-cardinality: 0..1 x-etsi-mec-origin-type: TimeStamp ul_gbr_data_volume_ue: description: It indicates the data volume of the uplink GBR traffic of a UE, as defined in ETSI TS 136 314 [i.11]. type: integer x-etsi-mec-cardinality: 0..1 x-etsi-mec-origin-type: Integer ul_gbr_pdr_cell: description: It indicates the packet discard rate in percentage of the uplink GBR traffic in a cell, as defined in ETSI TS 136 314 [i.11]. type: integer x-etsi-mec-cardinality: 0..1 x-etsi-mec-origin-type: Integer (0..100) ul_gbr_pdr_ue: description: It indicates the packet discard rate in percentage of the uplink GBR traffic of a UE, as defined in ETSI TS 136 314 [i.11]. type: integer x-etsi-mec-cardinality: 0..1 x-etsi-mec-origin-type: Integer (0..100) ul_gbr_throughput_ue: description: It indicates the scheduled throughput of the uplink GBR traffic of a UE, as defined in ETSI TS 136 314 [i.11]. type: integer x-etsi-mec-cardinality: 0..1 x-etsi-mec-origin-type: Integer ul_nongbr_data_volume_ue: description: It indicates the data volume of the uplink non-GBR traffic of a UE, as defined in ETSI TS 136 314 [i.11]. type: integer x-etsi-mec-cardinality: 0..1 x-etsi-mec-origin-type: Integer ul_nongbr_pdr_cell: description: It indicates the packet discard rate in percentage of the uplink non-GBR traffic in a cell, as defined in ETSI TS 136 314 [i.11]. type: integer x-etsi-mec-cardinality: 0..1 x-etsi-mec-origin-type: Integer (0..100) ul_nongbr_pdr_ue: description: It indicates the packet discard rate in percentage of the uplink nonGBR traffic of a UE, as defined in ETSI TS 136 314 [i.11]. type: integer x-etsi-mec-cardinality: 0..1 x-etsi-mec-origin-type: Integer (0..100) ul_nongbr_throughput_ue: description: It indicates the scheduled throughput of the uplink non-GBR traffic of a UE, as defined in ETSI TS 136 314 [i.11]. type: integer x-etsi-mec-cardinality: 0..1 x-etsi-mec-origin-type: Integer ul_total_prb_usage_cell: description: "It indicates (in percentage) the PRB usage for total uplink\ \ traffic, as defined in ETSI TS\_136\_314\_[i.11] and ETSI TS\_136\_\ 423 [i.12]." type: integer x-etsi-mec-cardinality: 0..1 x-etsi-mec-origin-type: Integer (0..100) type: object x-etsi-ref: 6.2.4a LinkType: properties: href: description: URI referring to a resource format: uri type: string x-etsi-mec-cardinality: '1' x-etsi-mec-origin-type: URI required: - href type: object x-etsi-ref: 6.5.2 LocalityTypes: type: string MeasQuantityResultsNr: properties: rsrp: description: "Reference Signal Received Power as defined in ETSI TS\_138\ \ 331 [i.13]." type: integer x-etsi-mec-cardinality: 0..1 x-etsi-mec-origin-type: Uint8 rsrq: description: Reference Signal Received Quality as defined in ETSI TS 138 331 [i.13]. type: integer x-etsi-mec-cardinality: 0..1 x-etsi-mec-origin-type: Uint8 sinr: description: Reference Signal to Interference & Noise Ratio as defined in ETSI TS 138 331 [i.13]. type: integer x-etsi-mec-cardinality: 0..1 x-etsi-mec-origin-type: Uint8 type: object x-etsi-ref: 6.5.11 MeasRepUeNotification: items: properties: associateId: description: 0 to N identifiers to associate the event for a specific UE or flow. items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AssociateId' type: array x-etsi-mec-cardinality: 0..N x-etsi-mec-origin-type: AssociateId carrierAggregationMeasInfo: description: This parameter can be repeated to contain information of all the carriers assign for Carrier Aggregation up to M. type: object x-etsi-mec-cardinality: 0..M x-etsi-mec-origin-type: Structure (inlined) ecgi: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Ecgi' description: E-UTRAN CelI Global Identifier of the Primary serving Cell (PCell), as defined in ETSI TS 136 331 [i.7]. x-etsi-mec-cardinality: '1' x-etsi-mec-origin-type: Ecgi eutranNeighbourCellMeasInfo: description: This parameter can be repeated to contain information of all the neighbouring cells up to N. items: type: object type: array x-etsi-mec-cardinality: 0..N x-etsi-mec-origin-type: Structure (inlined) heightUe: description: Indicates height of the UE in meters relative to the sea level as defined in ETSI TS 136.331 [i.7]. type: integer x-etsi-mec-cardinality: 0..1 x-etsi-mec-origin-type: Int newRadioMeasInfo: description: 5G New Radio secondary serving cells measurement information. items: type: object type: array x-etsi-mec-cardinality: 0..N x-etsi-mec-origin-type: Structure (inlined) newRadioMeasNeiInfo: description: Measurement quantities concerning the 5G NR neighbours. items: type: object type: array x-etsi-mec-cardinality: 0..N x-etsi-mec-origin-type: Structure (inlined) notificationType: description: Shall be set to "MeasRepUeNotification". type: string x-etsi-mec-cardinality: '1' x-etsi-mec-origin-type: String rsrp: description: "Reference Signal Received Power as defined in ETSI TS\_\ 136 214 [i.5]." type: integer x-etsi-mec-cardinality: '1' x-etsi-mec-origin-type: Uint8 rsrpEx: description: Extended Reference Signal Received Power, with value mapping defined in ETSI TS 136 133 [i.16]. type: integer x-etsi-mec-cardinality: 0..1 x-etsi-mec-origin-type: Uint8 rsrq: description: Reference Signal Received Quality as defined in ETSI TS 136 214 [i.5]. type: integer x-etsi-mec-cardinality: '1' x-etsi-mec-origin-type: Uint8 rsrqEx: description: Extended Reference Signal Received Quality, with value mapping defined in ETSI TS 136 133 [i.16]. type: integer x-etsi-mec-cardinality: 0..1 x-etsi-mec-origin-type: Uint8 sinr: description: "Reference Signal \"Signal to Interference plus Noise Ratio\"\ , with value mapping defined in ETSI TS\_136\_133\_[i.16]." type: integer x-etsi-mec-cardinality: 0..1 x-etsi-mec-origin-type: Uint8 timeStamp: $ref: '#/components/schemas/TimeStamp' description: Time stamp. x-etsi-mec-cardinality: 0..1 x-etsi-mec-origin-type: TimeStamp trigger: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Trigger' description: Corresponds to a specific E-UTRAN UE Measurement Report trigger. x-etsi-mec-cardinality: '1' x-etsi-mec-origin-type: Trigger type: object required: - notificationType - ecgi - rsrp - rsrq - trigger type: object x-etsi-ref: 6.4.6 MeasRepUeSubscription: properties: _links: description: Hyperlink related to the resource. This shall be only included in the HTTP responses and in HTTP PUT requests. type: object x-etsi-mec-cardinality: 0..1 x-etsi-mec-origin-type: Structure (inlined) callbackReference: description: URI selected by the service consumer to receive notifications on the subscribed RNIS information. This shall be included both in the request and in response. format: uri type: string x-etsi-mec-cardinality: '1' x-etsi-mec-origin-type: URI expiryDeadline: $ref: '#/components/schemas/TimeStamp' description: Time stamp. x-etsi-mec-cardinality: 0..1 x-etsi-mec-origin-type: TimeStamp filterCriteriaAssocTri: description: List of filtering criteria for the subscription. Any filtering criteria from below, which is included in the request, shall also be included in the response. type: object x-etsi-mec-cardinality: '1' x-etsi-mec-origin-type: Structure (inlined) subscriptionType: description: Shall be set to "MeasRepUeSubscription". type: string x-etsi-mec-cardinality: '1' x-etsi-mec-origin-type: String required: - subscriptionType - callbackReference - filterCriteriaAssocTri type: object x-etsi-ref: 6.3.6 MeasTaNotification: properties: associateId: description: 0 to N identifiers to associate the event for a specific UE or flow. items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AssociateId' type: array x-etsi-mec-cardinality: 0..N x-etsi-mec-origin-type: AssociateId ecgi: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Ecgi' description: E-UTRAN CelI Global Identifier. x-etsi-mec-cardinality: '1' x-etsi-mec-origin-type: Ecgi notificationType: description: Shall be set to "MeasTaNotification". type: string x-etsi-mec-cardinality: '1' x-etsi-mec-origin-type: String timeStamp: $ref: '#/components/schemas/TimeStamp' description: Time stamp. x-etsi-mec-cardinality: 0..1 x-etsi-mec-origin-type: TimeStamp timingAdvance: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Uint32' description: The timing advance as defined in ETSI TS 136 214 [i.5]. x-etsi-mec-cardinality: '1' x-etsi-mec-origin-type: Uint32 required: - notificationType - ecgi - timingAdvance type: object x-etsi-ref: 6.4.7 MeasTaSubscription: properties: _links: description: Hyperlink related to the resource. This shall be only included in the HTTP responses and in HTTP PUT requests. type: object x-etsi-mec-cardinality: 0..1 x-etsi-mec-origin-type: Structure (inlined) callbackReference: description: URI selected by the service consumer to receive notifications on the subscribed RNIS information. This shall be included both in the request and in response. format: uri type: string x-etsi-mec-cardinality: '1' x-etsi-mec-origin-type: URI expiryDeadline: $ref: '#/components/schemas/TimeStamp' description: Time stamp. x-etsi-mec-cardinality: 0..1 x-etsi-mec-origin-type: TimeStamp filterCriteriaAssoc: description: List of filtering criteria for the subscription. Any filtering criteria from below, which is included in the request, shall also be included in the response. type: object x-etsi-mec-cardinality: '1' x-etsi-mec-origin-type: Structure (inlined) "subscriptionType\t": description: Shall be set to "MeasTaSubscription". type: string x-etsi-mec-cardinality: '1' x-etsi-mec-origin-type: String required: - "subscriptionType\t" - callbackReference - filterCriteriaAssoc type: object x-etsi-ref: 6.3.7 NotificationSubscription: description: >- The entity body in the request contains data type of the specific RNI event subscription that is to be created, where the data type options are listed below and defined in clauses 6.3.2 through 6.3.9 and in 6.3.11: - CellChangeSubscription - RabEstSubscription - RabModSubscription - RabRelSubscription - MeasRepUeSubscription - NrMeasRepUeSubscription - MeasTaSubscription - CaReconfSubscription - S1BearerSubscription type: object oneOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/CellChangeSubscription' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/RabEstSubscription' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/RabModSubscription' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/RabRelSubscription' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/MeasRepUeSubscription' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/NrMeasRepUeSubscription' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/MeasTaSubscription' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/CaReConfSubscription' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/S1BearerSubscription' NRcgi: properties: nrcellId: $ref: '#/components/schemas/NrCellId' description: NR CelI Global Identifier. x-etsi-mec-cardinality: '1' x-etsi-mec-origin-type: NrCellId plmn: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Plmn' description: Public Land Mobile Network Identity. x-etsi-mec-cardinality: '1' x-etsi-mec-origin-type: Plmn required: - plmn - nrcellId type: object x-etsi-ref: 6.5.7 NrCellId: description: String representing the NR Cell Identity. Encoded as a bit string (size (36)) as defined in ETSI TS 138 423 [i.17]. NrMeasRepUeNotification: items: properties: associateId: description: 0 to N identifiers to associate the event for a specific UE or flow. items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AssociateId' type: array x-etsi-mec-cardinality: 0..N x-etsi-mec-origin-type: AssociateId eutraNeighCellMeasInfo: description: This parameter can be repeated to contain measurement information of all the neighbouring cells up to N. It shall not be included if nrNeighCellMeasInfo is included. items: type: object type: array x-etsi-mec-cardinality: 0..N x-etsi-mec-origin-type: Structure (inlined) notificationType: description: Shall be set to "NrMeasRepUeNotification". type: string x-etsi-mec-cardinality: '1' x-etsi-mec-origin-type: String nrNeighCellMeasInfo: description: This parameter can be repeated to contain measurement information of all the neighbouring cells up to N. It shall not be included if eutraNeighCellMeasInfo is included. items: type: object type: array x-etsi-mec-cardinality: 0..N x-etsi-mec-origin-type: Structure (inlined) servCellMeasInfo: description: This parameter can be repeated to contain information of all the serving cells up to N. items: type: object properties: nrcgi: $ref: '#/components/schemas/NRcgi' description: NR CelI Global Identifier. x-etsi-mec-cardinality: '1' x-etsi-mec-origin-type: NRcgi sCell: description: Measurement information relating to this serving cell. properties: measQuantityResultsCsiRsCell: $ref: '#/components/schemas/MeasQuantityResultsNr' description: Measurement quantity results relating to the Channel State Information Reference Signal. x-etsi-mec-cardinality: 0..1 x-etsi-mec-origin-type: MeasQuantityResultsNr measQuantityResultsSsbCell: $ref: '#/components/schemas/MeasQuantityResultsNr' description: Measurement quantity results relating to the Synchronization Signal Block. x-etsi-mec-cardinality: 0..1 x-etsi-mec-origin-type: MeasQuantityResultsNr type: object x-etsi-mec-cardinality: '1' x-etsi-mec-origin-type: Structure (inlined) required: - nrcgi - sCell type: array x-etsi-mec-cardinality: 0..N x-etsi-mec-origin-type: Structure (inlined) timeStamp: $ref: '#/components/schemas/TimeStamp' description: Time stamp. x-etsi-mec-cardinality: 0..1 x-etsi-mec-origin-type: TimeStamp triggerNr: $ref: '#/components/schemas/TriggerNr' description: Corresponds to a specific 5G UE Measurement Report trigger. x-etsi-mec-cardinality: '1' x-etsi-mec-origin-type: TriggerNr type: object required: - notificationType - triggerNr type: object x-etsi-ref: 6.4.11 NrMeasRepUeSubscription: properties: _links: description: Hyperlink related to the resource. This shall be only included in the HTTP responses and in HTTP PUT requests. type: object x-etsi-mec-cardinality: 0..1 x-etsi-mec-origin-type: Structure (inlined) callbackReference: description: URI selected by the service consumer to receive notifications on the subscribed RNIS information. This shall be included both in the request and in response. format: uri type: string x-etsi-mec-cardinality: '1' x-etsi-mec-origin-type: URI expiryDeadline: $ref: '#/components/schemas/TimeStamp' description: Time stamp. x-etsi-mec-cardinality: 0..1 x-etsi-mec-origin-type: TimeStamp filterCriteriaNrMrs: description: List of filtering criteria for the subscription. Any filtering criteria from below, which is included in the request, shall also be included in the response. type: object x-etsi-mec-cardinality: '1' x-etsi-mec-origin-type: Structure (inlined) "subscriptionType\t": description: Shall be set to "NrMeasRepUeSubscription". type: string x-etsi-mec-cardinality: '1' x-etsi-mec-origin-type: String required: - "subscriptionType\t" - callbackReference - filterCriteriaNrMrs type: object x-etsi-ref: 6.3.11 Plmn: properties: mcc: description: The Mobile Country Code part of PLMN Identity as defined in ETSI TS 136 413 [i.3]. type: string x-etsi-mec-cardinality: '1' x-etsi-mec-origin-type: String mnc: description: The Mobile Network Code part of PLMN Identity as defined in ETSI TS 136 413 [i.3]. type: string x-etsi-mec-cardinality: '1' x-etsi-mec-origin-type: String required: - mcc - mnc type: object x-etsi-ref: 6.5.5 PlmnInfo: properties: appInstanceId: description: Unique identifier for the MEC application instance. type: string x-etsi-mec-cardinality: '1' x-etsi-mec-origin-type: String plmn: description: Public Land Mobile Network Identity. items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Plmn' minItems: 1 type: array x-etsi-mec-cardinality: 1..N x-etsi-mec-origin-type: Plmn timeStamp: $ref: '#/components/schemas/TimeStamp' description: Time stamp. x-etsi-mec-cardinality: 0..1 x-etsi-mec-origin-type: TimeStamp required: - appInstanceId - plmn type: object x-etsi-ref: 6.2.2 ProblemDetails: type: object properties: type: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Problem.type' title: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Problem.title' status: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Problem.status' detail: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Problem.detail' instance: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Problem.instance' Problem.type: type: string format: uri description: >- A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 that identifies the problem type Problem.title: type: string description: >- A short, human-readable summary of the problem type Problem.status: type: integer format: uint32 description: >- The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem Problem.detail: type: string description: >- A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem Problem.instance: type: string format: uri description: >- A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem RabEstNotification: properties: associateId: description: '0 to N identifiers to bind the event for a specific UE or flow. ' items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AssociateId' type: array x-etsi-mec-cardinality: 0..N x-etsi-mec-origin-type: AssociateId ecgi: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Ecgi' description: E-UTRAN CelI Global Identifier. x-etsi-mec-cardinality: '1' x-etsi-mec-origin-type: Ecgi erabId: description: The attribute that uniquely identifies a Radio Access bearer for specific UE as defined in ETSI TS 136 413 [i.3]. type: integer x-etsi-mec-cardinality: '1' x-etsi-mec-origin-type: Integer erabQosParameters: description: QoS parameters for the E-RAB as defined below. properties: qci: description: QoS Class Identifier as defined in ETSI TS 123 401 [i.4]. type: integer x-etsi-mec-cardinality: '1' x-etsi-mec-origin-type: Integer required: - qci type: object x-etsi-mec-cardinality: 0..1 x-etsi-mec-origin-type: Structure (inlined) notificationType: description: Shall be set to "RabEstNotification". type: string x-etsi-mec-cardinality: '1' x-etsi-mec-origin-type: String tempUeId: description: 'The temporary identifier allocated for the specific UE as defined below. ' type: object x-etsi-mec-cardinality: 0..1 x-etsi-mec-origin-type: Structure (inlined) timeStamp: $ref: '#/components/schemas/TimeStamp' description: Time stamp. x-etsi-mec-cardinality: 0..1 x-etsi-mec-origin-type: TimeStamp required: - notificationType - ecgi - erabId type: object x-etsi-ref: 6.4.3 RabEstSubscription: properties: _links: description: Hyperlink related to the resource. This shall be only included in the HTTP responses and in HTTP PUT requests. type: object x-etsi-mec-cardinality: 0..1 x-etsi-mec-origin-type: Structure (inlined) callbackReference: description: URI selected by the service consumer to receive notifications on the subscribed RNIS information. This shall be included both in the request and in response. format: uri type: string x-etsi-mec-cardinality: '1' x-etsi-mec-origin-type: URI expiryDeadline: $ref: '#/components/schemas/TimeStamp' description: Time stamp. x-etsi-mec-cardinality: 0..1 x-etsi-mec-origin-type: TimeStamp filterCriteriaQci: description: List of filtering criteria for the subscription. Any filtering criteria from below, which is included in the request, shall also be included in the response. type: object x-etsi-mec-cardinality: '1' x-etsi-mec-origin-type: Structure (inlined) subscriptionType: description: Shall be set to "RabEstSubscription". type: string x-etsi-mec-cardinality: '1' x-etsi-mec-origin-type: String required: - subscriptionType - callbackReference - filterCriteriaQci type: object x-etsi-ref: 6.3.3 RabInfo: items: properties: appInstanceId: description: Unique identifier for the MEC application instance. type: string x-etsi-mec-cardinality: '1' x-etsi-mec-origin-type: String cellUserInfo: description: The information on users per cell as defined below. items: properties: ecgi: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Ecgi' description: E-UTRAN CelI Global Identifier. x-etsi-mec-cardinality: '1' x-etsi-mec-origin-type: Ecgi ueInfo: description: Information on UEs in the specific cell as defined below. items: properties: associateId: description: 0 to N identifiers to associate the event for a specific UE or flow. items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AssociateId' type: array x-etsi-mec-cardinality: 0..N x-etsi-mec-origin-type: AssociateId erabInfo: description: Information on E-RAB as defined below. items: type: object properties: erabId: description: The attribute that uniquely identifies a Radio Access bearer for specific UE as defined in ETSI TS 136 413 [i.3]. type: integer x-etsi-mec-cardinality: '1' x-etsi-mec-origin-type: Integer erabQosParameters: description: QoS parameters for the E-RAB as defined below. type: object x-etsi-mec-cardinality: 0..1 x-etsi-mec-origin-type: Structure (inlined) required: - erabId type: array x-etsi-mec-cardinality: 1..N x-etsi-mec-origin-type: Structure (inlined) type: object required: - erabInfo type: array x-etsi-mec-cardinality: 1..N x-etsi-mec-origin-type: Structure (inlined) type: object required: - ecgi - ueInfo type: array x-etsi-mec-cardinality: 0..N x-etsi-mec-origin-type: Structure (inlined) requestId: description: Unique identifier allocated by the service consumer for the RAB Information request. type: string x-etsi-mec-cardinality: '1' x-etsi-mec-origin-type: String timeStamp: $ref: '#/components/schemas/TimeStamp' description: Time stamp. x-etsi-mec-cardinality: 0..1 x-etsi-mec-origin-type: TimeStamp type: object required: - appInstanceId - requestId type: object x-etsi-ref: 6.2.3 RabModNotification: properties: associateId: description: '0 to N identifiers to bind the event for a specific UE or flow. ' items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AssociateId' type: array x-etsi-mec-cardinality: 0..N x-etsi-mec-origin-type: AssociateId ecgi: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Ecgi' description: E-UTRAN CelI Global Identifier. x-etsi-mec-cardinality: '1' x-etsi-mec-origin-type: Ecgi erabId: description: The attribute that uniquely identifies a Radio Access bearer for specific UE as defined in ETSI TS 136 413 [i.3]. type: integer x-etsi-mec-cardinality: '1' x-etsi-mec-origin-type: Integer erabQosParameters: description: The QoS parameters for the E-RAB as defined below. properties: qci: description: QoS Class Identifier as defined in ETSI TS 123 401 [i.4]. type: integer x-etsi-mec-cardinality: '1' x-etsi-mec-origin-type: Integer required: - qci type: object x-etsi-mec-cardinality: 0..1 x-etsi-mec-origin-type: Structure (inlined) notificationType: description: Shall be set to "RabModNotification". type: string x-etsi-mec-cardinality: '1' x-etsi-mec-origin-type: String timeStamp: $ref: '#/components/schemas/TimeStamp' description: Time stamp. x-etsi-mec-cardinality: 0..1 x-etsi-mec-origin-type: TimeStamp required: - notificationType - ecgi - erabId type: object x-etsi-ref: 6.4.4 RabModSubscription: properties: _links: description: Hyperlink related to the resource. This shall be only included in the HTTP responses and in HTTP PUT requests. type: object x-etsi-mec-cardinality: 0..1 x-etsi-mec-origin-type: Structure (inlined) callbackReference: description: URI selected by the service consumer to receive notifications on the subscribed RNIS information. This shall be included both in the request and in response. format: uri type: string x-etsi-mec-cardinality: '1' x-etsi-mec-origin-type: URI expiryDeadline: $ref: '#/components/schemas/TimeStamp' description: Time stamp. x-etsi-mec-cardinality: 0..1 x-etsi-mec-origin-type: TimeStamp filterCriteriaQci: description: List of filtering criteria for the subscription. Any filtering criteria from below, which is included in the request, shall also be included in the response. type: object x-etsi-mec-cardinality: '1' x-etsi-mec-origin-type: Structure (inlined) subscriptionType: description: Shall be set to "RabModSubscription". type: string x-etsi-mec-cardinality: '1' x-etsi-mec-origin-type: String required: - subscriptionType - callbackReference - filterCriteriaQci type: object x-etsi-ref: 6.3.4 RabRelNotification: properties: associateId: description: 0 to N identifiers to bind the event for a specific UE or flow as defined below. items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AssociateId' type: array x-etsi-mec-cardinality: 0..N x-etsi-mec-origin-type: AssociateId ecgi: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Ecgi' description: E-UTRAN CelI Global Identifier. x-etsi-mec-cardinality: '1' x-etsi-mec-origin-type: Ecgi erabReleaseInfo: description: The release information for the E-RAB as defined below. type: object x-etsi-mec-cardinality: '1' x-etsi-mec-origin-type: Structure (inlined) notificationType: description: Shall be set to "RabRelNotification". type: string x-etsi-mec-cardinality: '1' x-etsi-mec-origin-type: String timeStamp: $ref: '#/components/schemas/TimeStamp' description: Time stamp. x-etsi-mec-cardinality: 0..1 x-etsi-mec-origin-type: TimeStamp required: - notificationType - ecgi - erabReleaseInfo type: object x-etsi-ref: 6.4.5 RabRelSubscription: properties: _links: description: Hyperlink related to the resource. This shall be only included in the HTTP responses and in HTTP PUT requests. type: object x-etsi-mec-cardinality: 0..1 x-etsi-mec-origin-type: Structure (inlined) callbackReference: description: URI selected by the service consumer to receive notifications on the subscribed RNIS information. This shall be included both in the request and in response. format: uri type: string x-etsi-mec-cardinality: '1' x-etsi-mec-origin-type: URI expiryDeadline: $ref: '#/components/schemas/TimeStamp' description: Time stamp. x-etsi-mec-cardinality: 0..1 x-etsi-mec-origin-type: TimeStamp filterCriteriaQci: description: List of filtering criteria for the subscription. Any filtering criteria from below, which is included in the request, shall also be included in the response. type: object x-etsi-mec-cardinality: '1' x-etsi-mec-origin-type: Structure (inlined) subscriptionType: description: Shall be set to "RabRelSubscription". type: string x-etsi-mec-cardinality: '1' x-etsi-mec-origin-type: String required: - "subscriptionType\t" - callbackReference - filterCriteriaQci type: object x-etsi-ref: 6.3.5 ResultsPerCsiRsIndexList: properties: csiRsIndex: description: '' type: integer x-etsi-mec-cardinality: '1' x-etsi-mec-origin-type: Uint8 csiRsResults: $ref: '#/components/schemas/MeasQuantityResultsNr' description: '' x-etsi-mec-cardinality: 0..1 x-etsi-mec-origin-type: MeasQuantityResultsNr resultsPerCsiRsIndex: description: '' type: object x-etsi-mec-cardinality: "0\u2026P" x-etsi-mec-origin-type: Structure (inline) required: - csiRsIndex type: object x-etsi-ref: 6.5.10 ResultsPerSsbIndexList: properties: resultsPerSsbIndex: description: '' type: object x-etsi-mec-cardinality: 0..P x-etsi-mec-origin-type: Structure (inline) ssbIndex: description: '' type: integer x-etsi-mec-cardinality: '1' x-etsi-mec-origin-type: Uint8 ssbResults: $ref: '#/components/schemas/MeasQuantityResultsNr' description: '' x-etsi-mec-cardinality: 0..1 x-etsi-mec-origin-type: MeasQuantityResultsNr required: - ssbIndex type: object x-etsi-ref: 6.5.9 RsIndexResults: properties: resultsCsiRsIndexes: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ResultsPerCsiRsIndexList' description: Beam level measurement results based on CSI-RS related measurements. x-etsi-mec-cardinality: '1' x-etsi-mec-origin-type: ResultsPerCsiRsIndexList resultsSsbIndexes: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ResultsPerSsbIndexList' description: Beam level measurement results based on SS/PBCH related measurements. x-etsi-mec-cardinality: '1' x-etsi-mec-origin-type: ResultsPerSsbIndexList required: - resultsSsbIndexes - resultsCsiRsIndexes type: object x-etsi-ref: 6.5.8 S1BearerInfo: properties: s1UeIffo: description: 1..N properties: associateId: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AssociateId' description: 1..N x-etsi-mec-cardinality: AssociateId x-etsi-mec-origin-type: AssociateId ecgi: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Ecgi' description: 1..N x-etsi-mec-cardinality: Ecgi x-etsi-mec-origin-type: Ecgi s1BearerInfoDetailed: description: 1..N properties: erabId: description: >- The attribute that uniquely identifies a S1 bearer for a specific UE, as defined in ETSI TS 136 413 [i.3]. type: integer x-etsi-mec-cardinality: 1 x-etsi-mec-origin-type: Integer enbInfo: description: S1 bearer information on eNB properties: ipAddress: type: string description: >- eNB transport layer address of this S1 bearer. tunnelId: type: string description: >- eNB GTP-U TEID of this S1 bearer. required: - ipAddress - tunnelId sGwInfo: properties: ipAddress: type: string description: >- SGW transport layer address of this S1 bearer. tunnelId: type: string description: >- SGW GTP-U TEID of this S1 bearer. required: - ipAddress - tunnelId required: - erabId - enbInfo type: object x-etsi-mec-cardinality: Structure (inlined) x-etsi-mec-origin-type: Structure (inlined) tempUeId: description: 0..1 properties: mmec: description: '1' type: string x-etsi-mec-cardinality: String x-etsi-mec-origin-type: String mtmsi: description: '1' type: string x-etsi-mec-cardinality: String x-etsi-mec-origin-type: String required: - mmec - mtmsi type: object x-etsi-mec-cardinality: Structure (inlined) x-etsi-mec-origin-type: Structure (inlined) required: - tempUeId - associateId - ecgi - s1BearerInfoDetailed type: object x-etsi-mec-cardinality: Structure (inlined) x-etsi-mec-origin-type: Structure (inlined) timeStamp: $ref: '#/components/schemas/TimeStamp' description: 0..1 x-etsi-mec-cardinality: TimeStamp x-etsi-mec-origin-type: TimeStamp required: - s1UeInfo type: object x-etsi-ref: 6.2.4 S1BearerNotification: properties: notificationType: description: Shall be set to "S1BearerNotification". type: string x-etsi-mec-cardinality: '1' x-etsi-mec-origin-type: String s1Event: description: The subscribed event that triggered this notification in S1BearerSubscription. enum: - SEE_DESCRIPTION type: string x-etsi-mec-cardinality: '1' x-etsi-mec-origin-type: Enum s1UeInfo: description: Information on specific UE that matches the criteria in S1BearerSubscription as defined below. items: properties: associateId: description: 0 to N identifiers to associate the information for a specific UE or flow. items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AssociateId' type: array x-etsi-mec-cardinality: 0..N x-etsi-mec-origin-type: AssociateId ecgi: description: E-UTRAN CelI Global Identifier. items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Ecgi' type: array x-etsi-mec-cardinality: 1..N x-etsi-mec-origin-type: Ecgi s1BearerInfo: description: S1 bearer information as defined below. items: type: object type: array x-etsi-mec-cardinality: 1..N x-etsi-mec-origin-type: Structure (inlined) tempUeId: description: The temporary identifier allocated for the specific UE as defined below. properties: mmec: description: MMEC as defined in ETSI TS 136 413 [i.3]. type: string x-etsi-mec-cardinality: '1' x-etsi-mec-origin-type: String mtmsi: description: M-TMSI as defined in ETSI TS 136 413 [i.3]. type: string x-etsi-mec-cardinality: '1' x-etsi-mec-origin-type: String required: - mmec - mtmsi type: object x-etsi-mec-cardinality: 0..1 x-etsi-mec-origin-type: Structure (inlined) type: object required: - ecgi - s1BearerInfo type: object x-etsi-mec-cardinality: '1' x-etsi-mec-origin-type: Structure (inlined) timeStamp: $ref: '#/components/schemas/TimeStamp' description: Time stamp. x-etsi-mec-cardinality: 0..1 x-etsi-mec-origin-type: TimeStamp required: - notificationType - s1Event - s1UeInfo type: object x-etsi-ref: 6.4.10 S1BearerSubscription: properties: S1BearerSubscriptionCriteria: description: As defined below. type: object x-etsi-mec-cardinality: '1' x-etsi-mec-origin-type: Structure (inlined) _links: description: Hyperlink related to the resource. This shall be only included in the HTTP responses and in HTTP PUT requests. type: object x-etsi-mec-cardinality: 0..1 x-etsi-mec-origin-type: Structure (inlined) callbackReference: description: URI selected by the service consumer, to receive notifications on the subscribed RNIS information. This shall be included in the request and response. format: uri type: string x-etsi-mec-cardinality: '1' x-etsi-mec-origin-type: URI eventType: description: "Description of the subscribed event. The event is included\ \ both in the request and in the response. \nFor the eventType, the following\ \ values are currently defined:\n0 = RESERVED.\n1 = S1_BEARER_ESTABLISH.\n\ 2 = S1_BEARER_MODIFY.\n3 = S1_BEARER_RELEASE." items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Enum' type: array x-etsi-mec-cardinality: 1..N x-etsi-mec-origin-type: Enum expiryDeadline: $ref: '#/components/schemas/TimeStamp' description: Time stamp. x-etsi-mec-cardinality: 0..1 x-etsi-mec-origin-type: TimeStamp subscriptionType: description: Shall be set to "S1BearerSubscription". type: string x-etsi-mec-cardinality: '1' x-etsi-mec-origin-type: String required: - subscriptionType - callbackReference - eventType - S1BearerSubscriptionCriteria type: object x-etsi-ref: 6.3.9 SerializerTypes: type: string SubscriptionLinkList: properties: _links: description: List of hyperlinks related to the resource. items: properties: self: $ref: '#/components/schemas/LinkType' description: '' x-etsi-mec-cardinality: '1' x-etsi-mec-origin-type: LinkType subscription: description: A link to a subscription. items: type: object properties: href: description: The URI referring to the subscription. format: uri type: string x-etsi-mec-cardinality: '1' x-etsi-mec-origin-type: URI required: - href type: array x-etsi-mec-cardinality: 0..N x-etsi-mec-origin-type: Structure (inlined) type: object required: - self type: object x-etsi-mec-cardinality: '1' x-etsi-mec-origin-type: Structure (inlined) required: - _links type: object x-etsi-ref: 6.3.10 TimeStamp: properties: nanoSeconds: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Uint32' description: The nanoseconds part of the time. Time is defined as Unix-time since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 UTC. x-etsi-mec-cardinality: '1' x-etsi-mec-origin-type: Uint32 seconds: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Uint32' description: The seconds part of the time. Time is defined as Unixtime since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 UTC. x-etsi-mec-cardinality: '1' x-etsi-mec-origin-type: Uint32 required: - seconds - nanoSeconds type: object x-etsi-ref: 6.5.3 TransportTypes: type: string Trigger: description: As defined in Ref ETSI TS 136 331 [i.7] enum: - 0 = NOT_AVAILABLE - 1 = PERIODICAL_REPORT_STRONGEST_CELLS - 2 = PERIODICAL_REPORT_STRONGEST_CELLS_FOR_SON - 3 = PERIODICAL_REPORT_CGI - 4 = INTRA_PERIODICAL_REPORT_STRONGEST_CELLS - 5 = INTRA_PERIODICAL_REPORT_CGI - 10 = EVENT_A1 - 11 = EVENT_A2 - 12 = EVENT_A3 - 13 = EVENT_A4 - 14 = EVENT_A5 - 15 = EVENT_A6 - 20 = EVENT_B1 - 21 = EVENT_B2 - 20 = EVENT_B1-NR - 21 = EVENT_B2-NR - 30 = EVENT_C1 - 31 = EVENT_C2 - 40 = EVENT_W1 - 41 = EVENT_W2 - 42 = EVENT_W3 - 50 = EVENT_V1 - 51 = EVENT_V2 - 60 = EVENT_H1 - 61 = EVENT_H2 type: string TriggerNr: description: The enumeration Trigger represents specified triggers for a 5G UE Measurement Report. Full details can be found in ETSI TS 138 331 [i.13]). enum: - 0 = NOT_AVAILABLE - 1 = NR_PERIODICAL - 2 = NR_CGI - 10 = EVENT_A1 - 11 = EVENT_A2 - 12 = EVENT_A3 - 13 = EVENT_A4 - 14 = EVENT_A5 - 15 = EVENT_A6 - 20 = INTER_RAT_PERIODICAL - 21 = INTER_RAT_CGI - 30 = EVENT_B1 - 31 = EVENT_B2 type: string Uint32: type: number UnsignedInt: type: number VirtualNetworkInterfaceRequirements: type: string