description: This method retrieves information about a meService resource. This method is typically used in "service availability query" procedure operationId: ServicesServiceId.GET produces: - application/json responses: 200: description: It is used to indicate nonspecific success. The response body contains a representation of the resource. schema: type: object properties: ServiceInfo: $ref: '#/definitions/ServiceInfo' examples: application/json: ServiceInfo: serInstanceId: ServiceInstance123 serName: ExampleService serCategory: href: catItem1 id: id12345 name: RNI version: version1 version: ServiceVersion1 state: ACTIVE transportId: Rest1 transportInfo: id: TransId12345 name: REST description: REST API type: JSON protocol: HTTP version: '2.0' endpoint: uris: - /meMp1/service/EntryPoint addresses: - host: '' port: '8080' security.mp1: oAuth2Info: grantTypes: OAUTH2_CLIENT_CREDENTIALS tokenEndpoint: /meMp1/security.mp1/TokenEndPoint serializer: JSON 400: description: Bad Request schema: type: object properties: ProblemDetails: $ref: '#/definitions/ProblemDetails' 403: description: Forbidden schema: type: object required: - ProblemDetails properties: ProblemDetails: $ref: '#/definitions/ProblemDetails' 404: description: Not Found schema: type: object properties: ProblemDetails: $ref: '#/definitions/ProblemDetails'