from compile_asn import * from array import array from encode_33128 import * # this is a sample record of a TS 133 128 "IRIPayload" embedded inside of a PS-PDU # it seems, that the python asn1tools doesnt support the "EXTENSIBILITY IMPLIED" feature that # is used in the 33-128.asn definition - so this record is not decoded when using version 16 of 33-128.asn unless you manually modify the schema. # asn1c seems to have the same issues. This means, the implementations are not forward compatible :-( compiler = getCompilerFor33128() print('***decoding pspdu***') generated = generateIRIPayload() print(compiler.decode('IRIPayload', generated)) #pspdu = foo.decode('PS-PDU', modified_data) #print(pspdu) # is there a way to enable the automatic decoding of the attributes of content type ocetet string but have a "containing" constraint? #print("\n\n***manually decoded 33128 iri***") # FOOIRIPayload is used because of naming clashes and i couldn't get "fixDottedReference" to do the right thing # deps/33128/... was modified for this to work # iri33128 = foo.decode('FOOIRIPayload', pspdu['payload'][1][0]['iRIContents'][1]) # print(pspdu['payload'][1][0]['iRIContents'][1].hex())