# Overview
This guide explains how to make comments on other people's CRs using the Forge.
# Before you start
Before you start, you will need:
* To have [logged in to the Forge](How-To/Log-in)
* To be a [member of the project](How-To/Join-a-project)
# Find the Merge Request you want to comment on
To make a comment on someone else's CR, the easiest place to start is the Merge Request page for that CR. There are a number of different ways you can find it:
* If the CR author is correctly following the [Forge procedures](Process/CR-Process), then a link to the Merge Request should be in the coversheet of the CR.
* Alternatively, go to the [Merge Requests page](https://forge.etsi.org/rep/li/schemas-definitions/-/merge_requests) and look for the one you are interested in.
# Go to the "Changes" view
Near the top of the Merge Request page, you will find four tabs - "Overview", "Commits", "Pipelines" and "Changes". Click on "Changes".

# Create a comment
Within the changes, find the specific line or lines that you want to comment on. Hover over the line numbers to the left of the code, and you will see a speech bubble icon appear. This allows you to create a comment on the lines you've select. Click on it!

If you want to comment on multiple lines, click-and-hold and then drag over the lines you want to comment on, as the tooltip says.
# Write your comment
You should now see a text box where you can write your comment. There is full support for markdown, so you comment can include bold, italics, tables, links and lists.
Even better, your comment can include concrete proposals for changes which the CR author can accept with the click of a button (see the next step).

# (Optional) Propose a change
One of the buttons on the toolbar is "insert suggestion". This allows you to propose a change directly to the code. If the MR owner agrees, they can apply it by simply clicking a button, and your proposal will be automatically added as a commit to their branch without either of you having to do anything extra. That makes it a super-helpful way of proposing changes!

When you click the button, it will create a "suggestion" block with the line(s) you're commenting on in it. You can make your changes directly to the code in this block, and it will appear as a suggestion.

# Finalise your change
Once you are happy, click "Add Comment Now". This will add the comment to the MR, and will be visible on the Merge Request page.
# Comment or accept other people's changes!
Now the comment is visible, other people can add to the discussion by replying to it. They can make further proposals using the "suggestion" button too, if they want.
If you are the CR author, and you find a suggestion you want to accept as-is, you can simply click the "Apply suggestion" button.

This will automatically make the change as a commit to your branch. Automated testing will run on the new commit to check that it works. Since this adds a new commit to your branch, you will also need to update your CR coversheet with the latest commit hash. |