import json import os import logging from pathlib import Path import sys from xmlschema import * from translate import * logging.basicConfig(level = logging.INFO) def build_schema_locations (paths): schema_locations = [] for schemaFile in paths: try: xs = XMLSchema(schemaFile, validation='skip') schema_locations.append((xs.target_namespace, str(Path(schemaFile).resolve()))) logging.debug (" [ {0} -> {1} ]".format(xs.target_namespace, schemaFile)) except XMLSchemaParseError as ex: logging.debug (" [ {0} failed to parse: {1} ]".format(schemaFile, ex)) return schema_locations def get_json(filename): with open(filename) as f: j = json.load(f) return j def convert_ns_to_id (ns): if ns.startswith(''): c = ns.split("/") return f"ts_1{c[3]}{'_' + c[7] if len(c) > 7 else ''}_{c[5]}_{c[6]}" else: return ns.replace("http://","").replace("/","_") def convert_xsd_to_filename (xsd): f = Path(xsd) return'.xsd', '.schema.json') if __name__ == "__main__": if len(sys.argv) < 2: logging.error ("Usage: path_to_config_file") exit(-1) config = get_json(sys.argv[1])"Bulding ns map...") ns_map = {} for location, settings in config['schemas'].items(): xs = XMLSchema(location, validation='skip') ns = xs.target_namespace id = convert_ns_to_id(ns) ns_map[ns] = { "id" : id, "location" : str(Path(location).resolve()) } | settings logging.debug(ns_map)"Building schema locations") schema_locations = [(k, v["location"]) for k,v in ns_map.items()] logging.debug(schema_locations) output_path = Path(config['output']) if not output_path.exists():"Creating output directory") os.mkdir(str(output_path))"Translating schemas...") json_schemas = {} for schema_tuple in schema_locations:" Translating {schema_tuple}") if 'xmldsig' in (schema_tuple[1]): # TODO - work out what to do here" Skipping XML Dsig...") continue js = translate_schema(schema_tuple[1], ns_map, schema_locations) # TODO - Special case, get rid of signature if ns_map[schema_tuple[0]] == 'core.json': js['$defs']['HI1Message']['properties'].pop('Signature') js_path = output_path / convert_xsd_to_filename(schema_tuple[1]) # TODO - Special case - abstract HI1Object if "Core" in schema_tuple[1]: js["$defs"]['ConcreteHI1Object'] = { 'oneOf' : [ {'$ref' : 'ts_103120_Authorisation_2020_09#/$defs/AuthorisationObject'}, {'$ref' : 'ts_103120_Task_2020_09#/$defs/LITaskObject'}, {'$ref' : 'ts_103120_Task_2020_09#/$defs/LDTaskObject'}, {'$ref' : 'ts_103120_Document_2020_09#/$defs/DocumentObject'}, {'$ref' : 'ts_103120_Notification_2016_02#/$defs/NotificationObject'}, {'$ref' : 'ts_103120_Delivery_2019_10#/$defs/DeliveryObject'}, {'$ref' : 'ts_103120_TrafficPolicy_2022_07#/$defs/TrafficPolicyObject'}, ] } json_string = json.dumps(js, indent=2) if "Core" in schema_tuple[1]: json_string = json_string.replace('"$ref": "#/$defs/HI1Object"', '"$ref": "#/$defs/ConcreteHI1Object"') with open(str(js_path), 'w') as f: f.write(json_string) json_schemas[js['$id']] = json.loads(json_string)