L2AccessPDU {itu-t(0) identified-organization(4) etsi(0) securityDomain(2) lawfulIntercept(2) li-ps(5) l2Access(4) version8(8)} DEFINITIONS IMPLICIT TAGS ::= BEGIN -- ============================ -- Object Identifier Definition -- ============================ l2AccessPDUObjId RELATIVE-OID ::= {li-ps(5) l2Access(4) version8(8)} l2IRIObjId RELATIVE-OID ::= {l2AccessPDUObjId iRI(1)} l2CCObjId RELATIVE-OID ::= {l2AccessPDUObjId cC(2)} l2IRIOnlyObjId RELATIVE-OID ::= {l2AccessPDUObjId iRIOnly(3)} -- definitions are relative to -- {itu-t(0) identified-organization(4) etsi(0) securityDomain(2) lawfulintercept(2)} -- ========================== -- L2 Communications Contents -- ========================== L2CC ::= SEQUENCE { l2CCObjId [0] RELATIVE-OID, l2CCContents [1] CHOICE { l2TP [1] OCTET STRING, -- The L2TP protocol is used l2F [2] OCTET STRING, -- The L2F protocol is used pPTP [3] OCTET STRING, -- The PPTP protocol is used pPP [4] OCTET STRING, -- The PPP protocol is used ethernet [5] OCTET STRING, -- The ethernet protocol is used ..., l2ATM2684 [6] OCTET STRING, -- The protocol RFC 2684, method "LLC Encapsulation for Bridged Protocols" [16] is used l2FR2427 [7] OCTET STRING, -- The protocol RFC 2427 "Multiprotocol Interconnect over Frame Relay" [18] is used truncatedL2TP [8] L2TruncatedDatagram, -- truncated l2TP[1] truncatedL2F [9] L2TruncatedDatagram, -- truncated l2F[2] truncatedPPTP [10] L2TruncatedDatagram, -- truncated pPTP[3] truncatedPPP [11] L2TruncatedDatagram, -- truncated pPP[4] truncatedEthernet [12] L2TruncatedDatagram, -- truncated ethernet[5] truncatedL2ATM2684 [13] L2TruncatedDatagram, -- truncated l2ATM2684[6] truncatedL2FR2427 [14] L2TruncatedDatagram -- truncated l2FR2427[7] } } L2TruncatedDatagram ::= SEQUENCE { truncatedDatagram [0] OCTET STRING, originalLength [1] INTEGER, ... } -- =================================================== -- Intercept-related information for general L2-Access -- =================================================== L2IRI ::= SEQUENCE { l2IRIObjId [0] RELATIVE-OID, l2IRIContents [1] L2IRIContents, ... } L2IRIContents ::= SEQUENCE { accessEventType [0] AccessEventType, internetAccessType [2] InternetAccessType OPTIONAL, targetNetworkID [5] UTF8String (SIZE (1..128)) OPTIONAL, -- Target network ID (e.g. MAC address, PSTN number, additional information from -- network elements) targetCPEID [6] UTF8String (SIZE (1..128)) OPTIONAL, -- CPEID (e.g. Relay Agent info, computer name) targetLocation [7] UTF8String (SIZE (1..64))OPTIONAL, -- nASPortNumber [8] INTEGER (0..4294967295) OPTIONAL, -- The NAS port number used by the target callBackNumber [9] UTF8String (SIZE (1..20)) OPTIONAL, -- The number used to call-back the target startTime [10] GeneralizedTime OPTIONAL, -- The start date-time of the session or lease endTime [11] GeneralizedTime OPTIONAL, -- The end date-time of the session or lease endReason [12] EndReason OPTIONAL, -- The reason for the session to end octetsReceived [13] INTEGER (0..18446744073709551615) OPTIONAL, -- The number of octets the target received octetsTransmitted [14] INTEGER (0..18446744073709551615) OPTIONAL, -- The number of octets the target transmitted rawAAAData [15] OCTET STRING OPTIONAL, -- Content of the raw AAA record ..., authenticationType [16] AuthenticationType OPTIONAL -- Field used to identify the authentication type to assist with LEMF data validation } AccessEventType ::= ENUMERATED { accessAttempt(0), -- A target requests access to the IAS accessAccept(1), -- IAS access is granted to the target, the session begins accessReject(2), -- IAS access is refused to the target accessFailed(3), -- The accessAttempt timed-out or failed otherwise sessionStart(4), -- A target starts using the IAS; not in use anymore from version 4(4). sessionEnd(5), -- A target stops using the IAS; not in use anymore from version 4(4). interimUpdate(6), -- Intermediate status report on service status or usage unknown(7), ..., startOfInterceptionWithSessionActive(8), -- LI is started on a target who already has an active session accessEnd(9), -- A target stops using the IAS, the session ends. endOfInterceptionWithSessionActive(10) -- LI is ended on a target who still has an active session } InternetAccessType ::= ENUMERATED { undefined(0), dialUp(1), -- IAS via DialUp access xDSL(2), -- IAS via DSL access cableModem(3), -- IAS via Cable access lAN(4), -- IAS via LAN access ..., wirelessLAN(5), -- IAS via Wireless LAN access fTTx(6), -- IAS via Fiber access wIMAX-HIPERMAN(7), -- IAS via WIMAX/HIPERMAN (fixed access) satellite(8) -- IAS via Satellite access -- (when it is not covered by any 3GPP or ETSI mobile Lawful Interception specifications) } EndReason ::= ENUMERATED { undefined(0), regularLogoff(1), -- The target logged off connectionLoss(2), -- The connection was lost connectionTimeout(3), -- The connection timed-out leaseExpired(4), -- The DHCP lease expired ... } AuthenticationType ::= ENUMERATED { unknown(0), -- AAA function for the target service is unknown static(1), -- The target service is assigned a static IP address & no AAA expected radiusAAA(2), -- AAA function for the target service is provided by RADIUS dhcpAAA(3), -- AAA function for the target service is provided by DHCP diameterAAA(4), -- AAA function for the target service is provided by DIAMETER ... } -- ===================================================== -- Intercept-related information for IRI-Only intercepts -- ===================================================== L2IRIOnly ::= SEQUENCE { l2IRIOnlyObjId [0] RELATIVE-OID, l2protocolInformation [2] L2ProtocolInformation, l2AggregatedNbrOfPackets [3] INTEGER OPTIONAL, l2AggregatedNbrOfBytes [4] INTEGER OPTIONAL, ... } L2ProtocolInformation ::= ENUMERATED { l2ProtocolL2tp(1), -- The L2TP protocol is used l2ProtocolL2f(2), -- The L2F protocol is used l2ProtocolPptp(3), -- The PPTP protocol is used l2ProtocolPpp(4), -- The PPP protocol is used ethernetProtocol(5), -- The ethernet protocol is used undefined(6), ..., l2ProtocolATM2684(7), -- The protocol RFC 2684, method "LLC Encapsulation for Bridged Protocols" [16] is used l2ProtocolFR2427(8) -- The protocol RFC2427 "Multiprotocol Interconnect over Frame Relay" [18] is used } END -- end of L2AccessPDU