diff --git a/103120/dictionaries/ts_103120_ETSIDictionaryDefinitions.xml b/103120/dictionaries/ts_103120_ETSIDictionaryDefinitions.xml
index 45d63437505c96368e2cf631b995680c7a3f8033..278e2e04df934ac1ae28e43fc2fb37a5222c276e 100644
--- a/103120/dictionaries/ts_103120_ETSIDictionaryDefinitions.xml
+++ b/103120/dictionaries/ts_103120_ETSIDictionaryDefinitions.xml
@@ -149,9 +149,73 @@
- NotSpecified
- The type of case is not specified
+ ChildExploitationOrChildSexualAbuse
+ The case relates to a child exploitation or child sexual abuse investigation
+ Corruption
+ The case relates to a corruption investigation
+ Cybercrime
+ The case relates to a cybercrime investigation
+ Defamation
+ The case relates to a defamation investigation
+ DrugsOrDrugTrafficking
+ The case relates to a drugs or drug trafficking investigation
+ HarassmentOrThreatToPersonalSafety
+ The case relates to a harassment or threat to personal safety investigation
+ HateSpeech
+ The case relates to a hate speech investigation
+ HumanTrafficking
+ The case relates to a human trafficking investigation
+ MissingPerson
+ The case relates to a missing person investigation
+ MoneyLaundering
+ The case relates to a money laundering investigation
+ OtherFinancialCrimeOrFraud
+ The case relates to a financial crime or fraud investigation, other than money laundering
+ SexualAbuseOrExploitation
+ The case relates to a sexual abuse or exploitation investigation, other than those relating to minors
+ Theft
+ The case relates to a theft investigation
+ TerrorismOrThreatToPublicSafety
+ The case relates to a terrorism or threat to public safety investigation
+ ViolenceOrCrimeAgainstAPerson
+ The case relates to a violent crime or crime against a person investigation
+ Other
+ The case relates to an investigation that does not fall under any other type of case
+ NotSpecified
+ The type of case is not specified or not provided by the LEA