diff --git a/102657/RDMessage.asn b/102657/RDMessage.asn
index f3d98ebaea2cc85514b8e80bbd2693710513d61a..a2032d69c497d7a4c5183dc7857702f696cbecfd 100644
--- a/102657/RDMessage.asn
+++ b/102657/RDMessage.asn
@@ -2269,6 +2269,176 @@ NetworkAccessRecord::= CHOICE
+EdgeComputingRecord ::= CHOICE
+ edgeComputingSubscriber [1] EdgeComputingSubscriber,
+ edgeComputingApplicationBillingDetails [2] EdgeComputingApplicationBillingDetails,
+ edgeComputingApplicationUsage [3] EdgeComputingApplicationUsage,
+ edgeComputingDevice [4] EdgeComputingDevice
+-- ==============================
+-- Definitions of Edge Computing Subscriber Data
+-- ==============================
+EdgeComputingSubscriber ::= SEQUENCE
+ subscriberID [1] EdgeComputingSubscriberID OPTIONAL,
+ -- unique identifier for this subscriber, i.e., EECID
+ genericSubscriberInfo [2] GenericSubscriberInfo OPTIONAL,
+ -- generic personal information about this subscriber
+ edgeComputingSubscriberInfo [3] UTF8String OPTIONAL,
+ subscribedEdgeComputingApplications [4] SEQUENCE OF SubscribedEdgeComputingApplications OPTIONAL
+ -- a subscriber may have more than one edge computing applications listed against them
+EdgeComputingSubscriberID ::= UTF8String
+ -- unique identifier for this subscriber, i.e., EECID
+SubscribedEdgeComputingApplications ::= SEQUENCE
+ edgeComputingApplicationID [1] UTF8String OPTIONAL,
+ -- Unique identifier for this application within the edge ASP
+ providerID [2] UTF8String OPTIONAL,
+ -- Unique identifier for the edge ASP
+ timespan [3] TimeSpan OPTIONAL,
+ -- Start and end data, if applicable, of the subscription
+ registeredIdentifiers [4] SEQUENCE OF UTF8String OPTIONAL,
+ -- The set of identifiers registered for this application
+ edgeComputingApplicationType [5] UTF8String OPTIONAL,
+ installationAddress [6] AddressInformation OPTIONAL,
+ -- installation address, if different from the registered address
+ connectionDate [7] GeneralizedTime OPTIONAL,
+ -- Date the subscriber was actually connected
+ -- (May differ from the start of subscription)
+ lineStatus [11] UTF8String OPTIONAL,
+ -- Edge ASP-specific description of current line status,
+ -- e.g. "Active", "Ceased", etc.
+ paymentDetails [12] PaymentDetails OPTIONAL,
+ subscriptionType [13] SubscriptionType OPTIONAL,
+ -- Describes the nature of the subscription
+ deliveryAddress [14] AddressInformation OPTIONAL,
+ resellerAddress [15] AddressInformation OPTIONAL,
+ otherAddresses [16] SEQUENCE OF OtherAddress OPTIONAL,
+ orderTime [17] GeneralizedTime OPTIONAL,
+ -- Time when the subscribed edge computing application was ordered by the user
+ allocatedDeviceIDs [18] SEQUENCE OF EdgeComputingDeviceID OPTIONAL,
+ paymentTransactions [19] SEQUENCE OF EdgeComputingApplicationBillingRecords OPTIONAL
+-- =================================
+-- Definitions of Edge Computing Application Usage Data
+-- =================================
+EdgeComputingApplicationUsage ::= SEQUENCE
+ subscriberID [1] EdgeComputingSubscriberID OPTIONAL,
+ communicationTime [2] TimeSpan OPTIONAL,
+ -- Time and duration of the edge computing application session.
+ octetsSent [3] INTEGER OPTIONAL,
+ octetsReceived [4] INTEGER OPTIONAL,
+ reasonCause [5] UTF8String OPTIONAL,
+ -- cause for application session termination
+ qualityOfService [6] QualityOfService OPTIONAL,
+ edgeComputingApplicationID [7] UTF8String OPTIONAL,
+ providerID [8] UTF8String OPTIONAL,
+ cdrNumber [9] UTF8String OPTIONAL, -- as per ASP defined format
+ clientIP [10] IPAddress OPTIONAL,
+ edgeApplicationServersInfo [11] SEQUENCE OF EdgeApplicationServerInfo
+EdgeApplicationServerInfo ::= SEQUENCE
+ edgeApplicationServerID [1] UTF8String OPTIONAL,
+ edgeApplicationServerIP [2] IPAddress OPTIONAL,
+ edgeApplicationServerLocation [3] Location OPTIONAL,
+ edgeApplicationServerVirtualResources [4] EdgeApplicationServerVirtualResources OPTIONAL,
+ serviceContinuity [5] BOOLEAN OPTIONAL
+EdgeApplicationServerVirtualResources ::= SEQUENCE
+ meanVirtualCPUUsage [1] REAL OPTIONAL,
+ meanVirtualMemoryUsage [2] REAL OPTIONAL,
+ meanVirtualDiskUsage [3] REAL OPTIONAL,
+ durationStartTime [4] GeneralizedTime OPTIONAL,
+ durationEndTime [5] GeneralizedTime OPTIONAL
+-- ==============================
+-- Definitions of Edge Computing Billing Data
+-- ==============================
+EdgeComputingApplicationBillingDetails ::= SEQUENCE
+ subscriberID [1] EdgeComputingSubscriberID OPTIONAL,
+ edgeComputingApplicationID [2] UTF8String OPTIONAL,
+ billingAddress [3] ContactDetails OPTIONAL,
+ billingIdentifier [4] EdgeComputingBillingIdentifier OPTIONAL,
+ billingRecords [5] SEQUENCE OF EdgeComputingApplicationBillingRecords OPTIONAL,
+ edgeComputingBillingAddress [6] EdgeComputingBillingAddress OPTIONAL,
+ copyOfBill [7] SEQUENCE OF File OPTIONAL
+EdgeComputingBillingAddress ::= SEQUENCE
+ addressSuppliedTime [1] GeneralizedTime OPTIONAL,
+ name [2] PersonName OPTIONAL,
+ address [3] AddressInformation OPTIONAL
+EdgeComputingBillingIdentifier ::= OCTET STRING
+ -- Used to correlate billing information
+ -- useful if the bill-payer is not the subscriber, e.g. company mobiles
+EdgeComputingApplicationBillingRecords ::= SEQUENCE
+ time [1] GeneralizedTime OPTIONAL,
+ place [2] UTF8String OPTIONAL,
+ amount [3] REAL OPTIONAL,
+ currency [4] UTF8String (SIZE(3)) OPTIONAL,
+ -- as per ISO 4217 [5]
+ method [5] UTF8String OPTIONAL,
+ -- i.e. credit card etc.
+ edgeComputingTransactionID [6] UTF8String OPTIONAL,
+ -- Unique reference for this transaction/billing record
+ -- Details to be defined on a national basis
+ edgeComputingTransactionStatus [7] UTF8String OPTIONAL
+ -- Status of the transaction (i.e. "declined", "succeeded", etc.)
+ -- Details to be defined on a national bases
+-- =======================
+-- Definitions of Edge Computing Device Data
+-- =======================
+EdgeComputingDevice ::= SEQUENCE
+ deviceIDType [1] ENUMERATED
+ -- Type of identifier for telephony device
+ {
+ unknown(0),
+ imei(1),
+ macAddress(2),
+ ...
+ edgeComputingDeviceID [2] EdgeComputingDeviceID OPTIONAL,
+ -- Unique identifier for this device according to type of identifier
+ subscriberID [3] EdgeComputingSubscriberID OPTIONAL
+ -- Identifier for a known user of this equipment.
+ -- Usage of this parameter is subject to national legislation.
+EdgeComputingDeviceID ::= OCTET STRING
+ -- A unique identifier for the edge computing device. For example, the IMEI number
+ -- of a mobile handset
-- =============================================
-- Definitions of Network Access Subscriber Data
-- =============================================
diff --git a/102657/RDMessage.xsd b/102657/RDMessage.xsd
index 39e55512ac79b1e3e6ae8250d6f66738ab25ca8a..caf723bdd92ccfe19b4b8cfe42d9b3f31d8a9a64 100644
--- a/102657/RDMessage.xsd
+++ b/102657/RDMessage.xsd
@@ -3317,4 +3317,189 @@