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Commit 9bb1545a authored by canterburym's avatar canterburym
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Adding code to generate attachments post-meeting

parent 33eb9211
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2 merge requests!75CI/CD creates attachments,!74Adding code to generate attachments post-meeting
Pipeline #14184 passed
from io import BytesIO
from pathlib import Path
import logging
import zipfile
# For ETSI portal attachments, a single zip archive is created which
# contains:
# - All files in the top-level spec directory
# - A zipfile for each subdirectory, which contains all the files in that subdirectory
# This second step is recursive, so each zip file contains only files and other zipfiles, never subdirectories
# For an explanation as to *why* this is the case, speak to your ETSI technical officer.
# Example: Assuming the files for the portal attachment are of the following form:
# (contents of directory)
# - top_level_file.ext
# - subdirectory_1
# - subdirectory_1_file.ext
# - subdirectory_2
# - subdirectory_2_file.ext
# - TS 102 232-1
# ...then the correct form for ETSI portal attachments is as follows
# which contains:
# - top_level_file.ext
# -
# (which contains)
# - subdirectory_1_file.ext
# -
# (which contains)
# - subdirectory_2_file.ext
def recursively_zip_directory(directory: Path, zipname: str, recursion=0):
f"{'':{recursion * 4}}Packaging contents of {directory} into {zipname}"
buffer = BytesIO()
zip = zipfile.ZipFile(buffer, "a")
for f in directory.iterdir():
if f.is_file():"{'':{recursion * 4}}Adding file: {f}")
elif f.is_dir():
zipname = f.with_suffix(".zip").name"{'':{recursion * 4}}Adding archive: {f}")
recurse_buffer = recursively_zip_directory(f, zipname, recursion + 1)
zip.writestr(zipname, recurse_buffer.getvalue())
return buffer
if __name__ == "__main__":"Creating attachments...")
for directory in Path(".").glob("1*"):
zip_name = f"ts_{}"
zip_buffer = recursively_zip_directory(directory, zip_name)
with open(zip_name, "wb") as f:
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