/* Copyright (c) ETSI 2019. This software is subject to copyrights owned by ETSI. Non-exclusive permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to copy, reproduce and amend this file under the following conditions: It is provided "as is", without warranty of any kind, expressed or implied. ETSI shall never be liable for any claim, damages, or other liability arising from its use or inability of use.This permission does not apply to any documentation associated with this file for which ETSI keeps all rights reserved. The present copyright notice shall be included in all copies of whole or part of this file and shall not imply any sub-license right. */ Package TP_GX { import all from Sip_Common; import all from Diameter_Common; Test Purpose { TP Id TP_GX_PCRF_CCA_01 //TP_EPC_7001_03 and TP_EPC_7001_04 from TS 103 029 V5.1.1 Test objective "Verify that IUT when receives CC-Request for PCC Rules sends a CC-Answer in case of attachment procedure." Reference "TS 129 212 [9], clauses 4.5.1 (item 1) and 4a.5.1 (item 1)" Config Id CF_VxLTE_INT PICS Selection NONE Initial conditions with { the UE_A entity isNotAttachedTo the EPC_A and the UE_A entity isNotRegisteredTo the IMS_A } Expected behaviour ensure that { when { the EPC_PGW_A entity sends an CCR containing CC_Request_Type_AVP indicating value INITIAL_REQUEST Subscription_Id_AVP containing Subscription_Id_Type_AVP indicating value END_USER_IMSI;, IP_CAN_Type_AVP RAT_Type_AVP Called_Station_Id_AVP PDN_Connection_Id_AVP Framed_IP_Address_AVP "or" Framed_IP6_IP_Address_AVP Bearer_Usage_AVP indicating value IMS_SIGNALLING QoS_Information_AVP APN_Aggregate_Max_Requested_Bandwidth_UL_AVP APN_Aggregate_Max_Requested_Bandwidth_DL_AVP Bearer_Identifier_AVP Default_EPS_Bearer_QoS_AVP containing QoS_Class_Identifier_AVP indicating value '5' Allocation_Retention_Priority_AVP containing Priority_Level_AVP Pre_emption_Capablity_AVP Pre_emption_Vulnerability_AVP;;; to the EPC_PCRF_A entity } then { the EPC_PCRF_A entity sends the CCA containing Result_Code_AVP indicating value DIAMETER_SUCCESS QoS_Information_AVP containing APN_Aggregate_Max_Requested_Bandwidth_UL_AVP APN_Aggregate_Max_Requested_Bandwidth_DL_AVP Bearer_Identifier_AVP;, Default_EPS_Bearer_QoS_AVP containing QoS_Class_Identifier_AVP indicating value '5' Allocation_Retention_Priority_AVP containing Priority_Level_AVP Pre_emption_Capablity_AVP Pre_emption_Vulnerability_AVP;;; to the EPC_PGW_A entity } } } // End of TP_GX_PCRF_CCA_01 Test Purpose { TP Id TP_GX_PCRF_CCA_02 //TP_EPC_7004_01 and TP_EPC_7004_02 from TS 103 029 V5.1.1 Test objective "Verify that IUT when receives CC-Request for PCC Rules sends a CC-Answer in case of detachment procedure." Reference "TS 129 212 [9], clauses 4.5.1 (item 1) and 4a.5.1 (item 1)" Config Id CF_VxLTE_INT PICS Selection NONE Initial conditions with { the UE_A entity isNotAttachedTo the EPC_A and the UE_A entity isNotRegisteredTo the IMS_A } Expected behaviour ensure that { when { the EPC_PGW_A entity sends an CCR containing CC_Request_Type_AVP indicating value TERMINATION_REQUEST; to the EPC_PCRF_A entity } then { the EPC_PCRF_A entity sends the CCA containing Result_Code_AVP indicating value DIAMETER_SUCCESS; to the EPC_PGW_A entity } } } // End of TP_GX_PCRF_CCA_02 Test Purpose { TP Id TP_GX_PCRF_CCA_03 //TP_EPC_7004_06 and TP_EPC_7004_02 from TS 103 029 V5.1.1 Test objective "Verify that IUT when receives CC-Request for session release sends a CC-Answer in case of detachment procedure." Reference "TS 129 212 [9], clauses 4.5.7" Config Id CF_VxLTE_INT PICS Selection NONE Initial conditions with { the UE_A entity isAttachedTo the EPC_A and the UE_A entity isNotRegisteredTo the IMS_A } Expected behaviour ensure that { when { the EPC_PGW_A entity sends an CCR containing CC_Request_Type_AVP indicating value TERMINATION_REQUEST; to the EPC_PCRF_A entity } then { the EPC_PCRF_A entity sends the CCA containing Result_Code_AVP indicating value DIAMETER_SUCCESS; to the EPC_PGW_A entity } } } // End of TP_GX_PCRF_CCA_03 Test Purpose { TP Id TP_GX_PCRF_CCA_04 //TP_EPC_8001_06 from TS 103 029 V5.1.1 Test objective "Verify that IUT receives CC-Answer from home PCRF and it sends CC-Answer towards home P-GW." Reference "TS 129 212 [9], clauses 4.5.1 (item 1) and 4a.5.1 (item 1)" Config Id CF_VxLTE_RMI PICS Selection NONE Initial conditions with { the UE_A entity isNotAttachedTo the EPC_B and the UE_A entity isNotRegisteredTo the IMS_A } Expected behaviour ensure that { when { the EPC_PCRF_A entity sends an CCA to the EPC_PCRF_B entity } then { the EPC_PCRF_B entity sends the CCA containing Result_Code_AVP indicating value DIAMETER_SUCCESS QoS_Information_AVP containing APN_Aggregate_Max_Requested_Bandwidth_UL_AVP APN_Aggregate_Max_Requested_Bandwidth_DL_AVP Bearer_Identifier_AVP;, Default_EPS_Bearer_QoS_AVP containing QoS_Class_Identifier_AVP indicating value '5' Allocation_Retention_Priority_AVP containing Priority_Level_AVP Pre_emption_Capablity_AVP Pre_emption_Vulnerability_AVP;;; to the EPC_PGW_B entity } } } // End of TP_GX_PCRF_CCA_04 Test Purpose { TP Id TP_GX_PCRF_CCA_05 //TP_EPC_8004_04 from TS 103 029 V5.1.1 Test objective "Verify that IUT receives CC-Answer from home PCRF and it sends CC-Answer towards home P-GW." Reference "TS 129 212 [9], clauses 4.5.7" Config Id CF_VxLTE_RMI PICS Selection NONE Initial conditions with { the UE_A entity isAttachedTo the EPC_B and the UE_A entity isNotRegisteredTo the IMS_A } Expected behaviour ensure that { when { the EPC_PCRF_A entity sends an CCA to the EPC_PCRF_B entity } then { the EPC_PCRF_B entity sends the CCA containing Result_Code_AVP indicating value DIAMETER_SUCCESS; to the EPC_PGW_B entity } } } // End of TP_GX_PCRF_CCA_05 Test Purpose { TP Id TP_GX_PCRF_CCA_06 Test objective "Verify that IUT when receives CC-Request for session update sends a CC-Answer in case of bearer controle mode selection." Reference "TS 129 212 [9], clauses 4.5.10" Config Id CF_VxLTE_INT PICS Selection NONE Initial conditions with { the UE_A entity isAttachedTo the EPC_A and the UE_A entity isRegisteredTo the IMS_A } Expected behaviour ensure that { when { the EPC_PGW_A entity sends an CCR containing CC_Request_Type_AVP indicating value UPDATE_REQUEST; to the EPC_PCRF_A entity } then { the EPC_PCRF_A entity sends the CCA containing Result_Code_AVP indicating value DIAMETER_SUCCESS; to the EPC_PGW_A entity } } } // End of TP_GX_PCRF_CCA_03 Test Purpose { TP Id TP_GX_PGW_CCR_01 //TP_EPC_7001_03 from TS 103 029 V5.1.1 Test objective "Verify that when IUT is invoked with a create session request the CC-Request is sent towards PCRF." Reference "TS 129 212 [9], clauses 4.5.1 (item 1) and 4a.5.1 (item 1)" Config Id CF_VxLTE_RMI PICS Selection NONE Initial conditions with { the UE_A entity isNotAttachedTo the EPC_B and the UE_A entity isNotRegisteredTo the IMS_A } Expected behaviour ensure that { when { the EPC_PGW_A entity invokes create_session_request } then { the EPC_PGW_B entity sends an CCR containing CC_Request_Type_AVP indicating value INITIAL_REQUEST Subscription_Id_AVP containing Subscription_Id_Type_AVP indicating value END_USER_IMSI;, IP_CAN_Type_AVP RAT_Type_AVP Called_Station_Id_AVP PDN_Connection_Id_AVP Framed_IP_Address_AVP "or" Framed_IP6_IP_Address_AVP Bearer_Usage_AVP indicating value IMS_SIGNALLING QoS_Information_AVP APN_Aggregate_Max_Requested_Bandwidth_UL_AVP APN_Aggregate_Max_Requested_Bandwidth_DL_AVP Bearer_Identifier_AVP Default_EPS_Bearer_QoS_AVP containing QoS_Class_Identifier_AVP indicating value '5' Allocation_Retention_Priority_AVP containing Priority_Level_AVP Pre_emption_Capablity_AVP Pre_emption_Vulnerability_AVP;;; to the EPC_PCRF_B entity } } } // End of TP_GX_PGW_CCR_01 Test Purpose { TP Id TP_GX_PGW_CCR_02 //TP_EPC_8004_01 from TS 103 029 V5.1.1 Test objective "Verify that when IUT is invoked with a delete session request the CC-Request is sent towards PCRF." Reference "TS 129 212 [9], clauses 4.5.7" Config Id CF_VxLTE_RMI PICS Selection NONE Initial conditions with { the UE_A entity isAttachedTo the EPC_B and the UE_A entity isNotRegisteredTo the IMS_A } Expected behaviour ensure that { when { the EPC_PGW_A entity invokes delete_session_request } then { the EPC_PGW_B entity sends an CCR containing CC_Request_Type_AVP indicating value TERMINATION_REQUEST; to the EPC_PCRF_B entity } } } // End of TP_GX_PGW_CCR_02 Test Purpose { TP Id TP_GX_PGW_RAA_01 //TP_EPC_7001_05 and TP_EPC_7001_06 from TS 103 029 V5.1.1 Test objective "IUT successfully processes all mandatory AVPs in an RA-Request received due provision of PCC rules and sends RA-Answer." Reference "TS 129 212 [9], clause 4.5.2" Config Id CF_VxLTE_INT PICS Selection NONE Initial conditions with { the UE_A entity isNotRegisteredTo the IMS_A } Expected behaviour ensure that { when { the EPC_PCRF_A entity sends an RAR containing Charging_Rule_Install_AVP containing Charging_Rule_Definition_AVP containing Charging_Rule_Name_AVP Flows_AVP containing Media_Component_Number_AVP indicating value 0, Flow_Status_AVP indicating value ENABLED;;;; to the EPC_PGW_A entity } then { the EPC_PGW_A entity sends the RAA containing Result_Code_AVP indicating value DIAMETER_SUCCESS; to the EPC_PCRF_A entity } } } // End of TP_GX_PGW_RAA_01 Test Purpose { TP Id TP_GX_PGW_RAA_02 //TP_EPC_7002_03 from TS 103 029 V5.1.1 Test objective "IUT successfully processes an RA-Request received due to the Session Bearer procedure and sends RA-Answer with Result_Code_AVP." Reference "TS 129 212 [9], clause 4.5.2" Config Id CF_VxLTE_INT PICS Selection NONE Initial conditions with { the UE_A entity isAttachedTo the EPC_A and the UE_A entity isRegisteredTo the IMS_A } Expected behaviour ensure that { when { the EPC_PCRF_A entity sends an RAR to the EPC_PGW_A entity } then { the EPC_PGW_A entity sends the RAA containing Result_Code_AVP indicating value DIAMETER_SUCCESS; to the EPC_PCRF_A entity } } } // End of TP_GX_PGW_RAA_02 Test Purpose { TP Id TP_GX_PGW_RAA_03 //TP_7002_18 from TS 103 029 V5.1.1 Test objective "IUT successfully processes an RA-Request received due to the Session Bearer procedure and sends RA-Answer with Result_Code_AVP." Reference "TS 129 212 [9], clause 4.5.2" Config Id CF_VxLTE_INT PICS Selection NONE Initial conditions with { the UE_A entity isAttachedTo the EPC_A and the UE_A entity isRegisteredTo the IMS_A and the UE_A entity previouslyEstablishedCallWith the UE_B } Expected behaviour ensure that { when { the EPC_PCRF_A entity sends an RAR to the EPC_PGW_A entity } then { the EPC_PGW_A entity sends the RAA containing Result_Code_AVP indicating value DIAMETER_SUCCESS; to the EPC_PCRF_A entity } } } // End of TP_GX_PGW_RAA_03 Test Purpose { TP Id TP_GX_PGW_RAA_04 //TP_7002_19 from TS 103 029 V5.1.1 Test objective "IUT successfully processes an RA-Request received due to removal of Session Bearer procedure and sends RA-Answer with Result_Code_AVP." Reference "TS 129 212 [9], clause 4.5.2" Config Id CF_VxLTE_INT PICS Selection NONE Initial conditions with { the UE_A entity isAttachedTo the EPC_A and the UE_A entity isRegisteredTo the IMS_A } Expected behaviour ensure that { when { the EPC_PCRF_A entity sends an RAR containing Charging_Rule_Remove_AVP containing Charging_Rule_Name_AVP;; to the EPC_PGW_A entity } then { the EPC_PGW_A entity sends the RAA containing Result_Code_AVP indicating value DIAMETER_SUCCESS; to the EPC_PCRF_A entity } } } // End of TP_GX_PGW_RAA_04 Test Purpose { TP Id TP_GX_PCRF_RAR_01 //TP_EPC_7002_02 from TS 103 029 V5.1.1 Test objective "When IUT receives AA-Request from P-CSCF successfully sends an RA-Request due to the Session Bearer procedure" Reference "TS 129 212 [9], clause 4.5.2" Config Id CF_VxLTE_INT PICS Selection NONE Initial conditions with { the UE_A entity isAttachedTo the EPC_A and the UE_A entity isRegisteredTo the IMS_A } Expected behaviour ensure that { when { the IMS_P_CSCF_A entity sends an AAR to the EPC_PCRF_A entity } then { the EPC_PCRF_A entity sends the RAR containing Charging_Rule_Install_AVP containing Charging_Rule_Definition_AVP containing Charging_Rule_Name_AVP Flow_Information_AVP containing Flow_Description_AVP Flow_Status_AVP Flows_AVP containing Media_Component_Number_AVP;, QOS_Information_AVP containing QOS_Class_Identifier_AVP indicating value "QCI_1 for voice or QCI_2 for video";, Max_Requested_Bandwidth_UL_AVP Max_Requested_Bandwidth_DL_AVP Guaranteed_Bitrate_UL_AVP Guaranteed_Bitrate_DL_AVP Allocation_Retention_Priority_AVP;;;; to the EPC_PGW_A entity } } } // End of TP_GX_PCRF_RAR_01 Test Purpose { TP Id TP_GX_PCRF_RAR_02 //TP_EPC_7002_17 from TS 103 029 V5.1.1 Test objective "When IUT receives ST-Request from P-CSCF to remove all relevant previously created bearers then IUT sends an RA-Request." Reference "TS 129 212 [9], clause 4.5.2" Config Id CF_VxLTE_INT PICS Selection NONE Initial conditions with { the UE_A entity isAttachedTo the EPC_A and the UE_A entity isRegisteredTo the IMS_A and the UE_A entity previouslyEstablishedCallWith the UE_B } Expected behaviour ensure that { when { the IMS_P_CSCF_A entity sends an STR to the EPC_PCRF_A entity } then { the EPC_PCRF_A entity sends the RAR containing Charging_Rule_Remove_AVP containing Charging_Rule_Name_AVP;; to the EPC_PGW_A entity } } } // End of TP_GX_PCRF_RAR_02 Test Purpose { TP Id TP_GX_PCRF_RAR_03 //TP_EPC_8002_03 from TS 103 029 V5.1.1 Test objective "When IUT receives AA-Answer from home PCRF then IUT sends an RA-Request due to the Session Bearer procedure" Reference "TS 129 212 [9], clause 4.5.2" Config Id CF_VxLTE_RMI PICS Selection NONE Initial conditions with { the UE_A entity isAttachedTo the EPC_B and the UE_A entity isRegisteredTo the IMS_A } Expected behaviour ensure that { when { the EPC_PCRF_A entity sends an AAA to the EPC_PCRF_B entity } then { the EPC_PCRF_B entity sends the RAR containing Charging_Rule_Install_AVP containing Charging_Rule_Definition_AVP containing Charging_Rule_Name_AVP Flow_Information_AVP containing Flow_Description_AVP Flow_Status_AVP Flows_AVP containing Media_Component_Number_AVP;, QOS_Information_AVP containing QOS_Class_Identifier_AVP indicating value "QCI_1 for voice or QCI_2 for video";, Max_Requested_Bandwidth_UL_AVP Max_Requested_Bandwidth_DL_AVP Guaranteed_Bitrate_UL_AVP Guaranteed_Bitrate_DL_AVP Allocation_Retention_Priority_AVP;;;; to the EPC_PGW_A entity } } } // End of TP_GX_PCRF_RAR_03 Test Purpose { TP Id TP_GX_PCRF_RAR_04 //TP_EPC_8002_06 from TS 103 029 V5.1.1 Test objective "When IUT receives ST-Answer from home PCRF then IUT sends an RA-Request." Reference "TS 129 212 [9], clause 4.5.2" Config Id CF_VxLTE_RMI PICS Selection NONE Initial conditions with { the UE_A entity isAttachedTo the EPC_B and the UE_A entity isRegisteredTo the IMS_A } Expected behaviour ensure that { when { the EPC_PCRF_A entity sends an STA to the EPC_PCRF_B entity } then { the EPC_PCRF_B entity sends the RAR containing Charging_Rule_Remove_AVP containing Charging_Rule_Name_AVP;; to the EPC_PGW_A entity } } } // End of TP_GX_PCRF_RAR_04 } // End of Package TP_GX