Commits (2)
......@@ -13,71 +13,79 @@ module AtsSccas_PIXITS {
modulepar {
/** @desc boolean for SUT working mode due to
boolean PX_SCCAS__ := true;
charstring PX_ACTF_MGMT_URI := "";
charstring PX_ACTF_URI := "";
charstring PX_ICSI_URI := "";
SipUrl PX_SCCAS_URI := {scheme := "c_sipScheme", components := {sip := {userInfo := omit, hostPort := {host := "",portField := c_defaultSipPort}}}};
group SUT {
// TODO - SUT_UE1 PIXITS to be removed
group SUT_UE1 {
/** @desc charstring for SUT - PCSCF1 IP address to exchange SIP messages - connection point for UE1
modulepar charstring PX_IMS_SUT_PCSCF1_IPADDR := "";
/** @desc integer for SUT - PCSCF1 port number to exchange SIP messages - connection point for UE1
modulepar integer PX_IMS_SUT_PCSCF1_PORT := 5060;
/** @desc charstring for SUT/PCSCF1 domain - connection point for UE1
modulepar charstring PX_IMS_SUT_PCSCF1_HOME_DOMAIN := "";
/** @desc charstring for IP address used by the TS to exchange media streams for UE1
modulepar charstring PX_IMS_SUT_UE1_BEARER_IPADDR := "";
// /** @desc boolean for SUT working mode due to
// */
// boolean PX_SCCAS__ := true;
/** @desc charstring for identity of the tester UE1 local domain
/** @desc charstring for ATCF management URI in Contact header field
modulepar charstring PX_IMS_SUT_UE1_HOME_DOMAIN := "";
charstring PX_ATCF_MGMT_URI := "";
/** @desc charstring for identity of the tester UE1 local user
/** @desc charstring for ATCF URI in Contact header field
modulepar charstring PX_IMS_SUT_UE1_PUBLIC_USER := "alice-06";
charstring PX_ATCF_URI := "";
/** @desc charstring for RFC 2617 clause 3-2-2 username of UE1:
* The name of user in the specified realm
/** @desc charstring for ICSI URI in Contact header field
modulepar charstring PX_IMS_SUT_UE1_PRIVAT_USERNAME := "alice-06";
charstring PX_ICSI_URI := "";
/** @desc charstring for RFC 2617 clause 3-2-2-2 passwd of UE1: A known shared secret, the password of user of the specified username
/** @desc charstring for SCCAS URI in PAssertedID header field
modulepar charstring PX_IMS_SUT_UE1_PRIVAT_PASSWD := "alice-05@1234";
SipUrl PX_SCCAS_URI := {scheme := "c_sipScheme", components := {sip := {userInfo := omit, hostPort := {host := "",portField := c_defaultSipPort}}}};
/** @desc charstring for RFC 2617 clause 3-2-1 qop options of UE1:
* Quoted string of one or more tokens indicating the "quality of protection" values supported by the server; the
* value "auth" indicates authentication; the value "auth-int" indicates authentication with integrity protection.
modulepar charstring PX_IMS_SUT_UE1_QOP := "auth";
/** @desc charstring for home(SUT) REGISTRAR domain of UE1
modulepar charstring PX_IMS_SUT_UE1_REGISTRAR := "";
group SUT {
/** @desc charstring for UE1 display name
modulepar charstring PX_IMS_SUT_UE1_DISPLAY := "";
} // End of group SUT_UE1
// // TODO - SUT_UE1 PIXITS to be removed
// group SUT_UE1 {
// /** @desc charstring for SUT - PCSCF1 IP address to exchange SIP messages - connection point for UE1
// */
// modulepar charstring PX_IMS_SUT_PCSCF1_IPADDR := "";
// /** @desc integer for SUT - PCSCF1 port number to exchange SIP messages - connection point for UE1
// */
// modulepar integer PX_IMS_SUT_PCSCF1_PORT := 5060;
// /** @desc charstring for SUT/PCSCF1 domain - connection point for UE1
// */
// modulepar charstring PX_IMS_SUT_PCSCF1_HOME_DOMAIN := "";
// /** @desc charstring for IP address used by the TS to exchange media streams for UE1
// */
// modulepar charstring PX_IMS_SUT_UE1_BEARER_IPADDR := "";
// /** @desc charstring for identity of the tester UE1 local domain
// */
// modulepar charstring PX_IMS_SUT_UE1_HOME_DOMAIN := "";
// /** @desc charstring for identity of the tester UE1 local user
// */
// modulepar charstring PX_IMS_SUT_UE1_PUBLIC_USER := "alice-06";
// /** @desc charstring for RFC 2617 clause 3-2-2 username of UE1:
// * The name of user in the specified realm
// */
// modulepar charstring PX_IMS_SUT_UE1_PRIVAT_USERNAME := "alice-06";
// /** @desc charstring for RFC 2617 clause 3-2-2-2 passwd of UE1: A known shared secret, the password of user of the specified username
// */
// modulepar charstring PX_IMS_SUT_UE1_PRIVAT_PASSWD := "alice-05@1234";
// /** @desc charstring for RFC 2617 clause 3-2-1 qop options of UE1:
// * Quoted string of one or more tokens indicating the "quality of protection" values supported by the server; the
// * value "auth" indicates authentication; the value "auth-int" indicates authentication with integrity protection.
// */
// modulepar charstring PX_IMS_SUT_UE1_QOP := "auth";
// /** @desc charstring for home(SUT) REGISTRAR domain of UE1
// */
// modulepar charstring PX_IMS_SUT_UE1_REGISTRAR := "";
// /** @desc charstring for UE1 display name
// */
// modulepar charstring PX_IMS_SUT_UE1_DISPLAY := "";
// } // End of group SUT_UE1
// TODO - SUT_SCSCF PIXITS to be removed when will be replaced in ATS code with TS SCSCF
group SUT_SCSCF {
......@@ -88,14 +96,14 @@ module AtsSccas_PIXITS {
/** @desc integer for SUT/S-CSCF port number to exchange SIP messages
modulepar integer PX_IMS_SUT_SCSCF_PORT := 5060;
/** @desc charstring for SUT/S-CSCFdomain
modulepar charstring PX_IMS_SUT_SCSCF_HOME_DOMAIN := "";
/** @desc charstring for SUT/S-CSCF globally used realm name of IUT S-CSCF
modulepar charstring PX_IMS_SUT_SCSCF_REALM := "realm.scscf";
// /** @desc charstring for SUT/S-CSCFdomain
// */
// modulepar charstring PX_IMS_SUT_SCSCF_HOME_DOMAIN := "";
// /** @desc charstring for SUT/S-CSCF globally used realm name of IUT S-CSCF
// */
// modulepar charstring PX_IMS_SUT_SCSCF_REALM := "realm.scscf";
} // End of group SUT_SCSCF
//used for AS, TAS, SCC-AS
......@@ -127,7 +135,7 @@ module AtsSccas_PIXITS {
modulepar integer PX_IMS_TS_UE1_PORT := 5060;
/** @desc charstring for home(TS) REGISTRAR domain
/** @desc charstring for home(TS) REGISTRAR domain for UE1
modulepar charstring PX_IMS_TS_UE1_REGISTRAR := "";
......@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ module AtsSccas_Steps {
vc_sdp_local.origin.user_name := PX_IMS_SUT_UE1_PUBLIC_USER;
vc_sdp_local.origin.user_name := PX_IMS_TS_UE1_PUBLIC_USER;
vc_sdp_local.origin.session_id := "2890844526";
vc_sdp_local.origin.session_version := "2890842807";
vc_sdp_local.origin.addr := "";
......@@ -168,13 +168,13 @@ module AtsSccas_Steps {
vc_userprofile.currIpaddr := PX_IMS_TS_UE1_IPADDR;
vc_userprofile.contactPort := PX_IMS_TS_UE1_PORT;
vc_userprofile.contactIpaddr := PX_IMS_TS_UE1_IPADDR;
vc_userprofile.bearerIpaddr := PX_IMS_SUT_UE1_BEARER_IPADDR;
vc_userprofile.homeDomain := PX_IMS_SUT_UE1_HOME_DOMAIN;
vc_userprofile.publUsername := PX_IMS_SUT_UE1_PUBLIC_USER;
vc_userprofile.qop := PX_IMS_SUT_UE1_QOP;
vc_userprofile.privUsername := PX_IMS_SUT_UE1_PRIVAT_USERNAME;
vc_userprofile.passwd := PX_IMS_SUT_UE1_PRIVAT_PASSWD;
vc_userprofile.registrarDomain := PX_IMS_SUT_UE1_REGISTRAR;
vc_userprofile.bearerIpaddr := PX_IMS_TS_UE1_BEARER_IPADDR;
vc_userprofile.homeDomain := PX_IMS_TS_UE1_HOME_DOMAIN;
vc_userprofile.publUsername := PX_IMS_TS_UE1_PUBLIC_USER;
vc_userprofile.qop := PX_IMS_TS_UE1_QOP;
vc_userprofile.privUsername := PX_IMS_TS_UE1_PRIVAT_USERNAME;
vc_userprofile.passwd := PX_IMS_TS_UE1_PRIVAT_PASSWD;
vc_userprofile.registrarDomain := PX_IMS_TS_UE1_REGISTRAR;
case (c_userProfile_PCSCFwithHomeUE) { //variant c_userProfile_PCSCFwithHomeUE
//for MIME REGISTER to SCCAS(message originaly exchanged between PCSCF and SCSCF)
......@@ -198,13 +198,13 @@ module AtsSccas_Steps {
vc_userprofile.currIpaddr := PX_IMS_TS_SCSCF_HOME_DOMAIN;
vc_userprofile.contactPort := PX_IMS_TS_SCSCF_PORT;
vc_userprofile.contactIpaddr := PX_IMS_TS_SCSCF_HOME_DOMAIN; //ip address or domain
vc_userprofile.bearerIpaddr := PX_IMS_SUT_UE1_BEARER_IPADDR;
vc_userprofile.homeDomain := PX_IMS_SUT_UE1_HOME_DOMAIN;
vc_userprofile.publUsername := PX_IMS_SUT_UE1_PUBLIC_USER;
vc_userprofile.qop := PX_IMS_SUT_UE1_QOP;
vc_userprofile.privUsername := PX_IMS_SUT_UE1_PRIVAT_USERNAME;
vc_userprofile.passwd := PX_IMS_SUT_UE1_PRIVAT_PASSWD;
vc_userprofile.registrarDomain := PX_IMS_SUT_UE1_REGISTRAR;
vc_userprofile.bearerIpaddr := PX_IMS_TS_UE1_BEARER_IPADDR;
vc_userprofile.homeDomain := PX_IMS_TS_UE1_HOME_DOMAIN;
vc_userprofile.publUsername := PX_IMS_TS_UE1_PUBLIC_USER;
vc_userprofile.qop := PX_IMS_TS_UE1_QOP;
vc_userprofile.privUsername := PX_IMS_TS_UE1_PRIVAT_USERNAME;
vc_userprofile.passwd := PX_IMS_TS_UE1_PRIVAT_PASSWD;
vc_userprofile.registrarDomain := PX_IMS_TS_UE1_REGISTRAR;
} // End of 'select' statement
......@@ -264,8 +264,8 @@ module AtsSccas_Steps {
select(p_user) {
case (c_userProfile_UE1atSUThome) {
p_sipUrl.components.sip.userInfo := {userOrTelephoneSubscriber:=PX_IMS_SUT_UE1_PUBLIC_USER, password:=omit};
p_sipUrl.components.sip.hostPort := {host := PX_IMS_SUT_UE1_HOME_DOMAIN, portField :=omit}
p_sipUrl.components.sip.userInfo := {userOrTelephoneSubscriber:=PX_IMS_TS_UE1_PUBLIC_USER, password:=omit};
p_sipUrl.components.sip.hostPort := {host := PX_IMS_TS_UE1_HOME_DOMAIN, portField :=omit}
// case (c_userProfile_UE2atSUThome) {
// p_sipUrl.components.sip.userInfo := {userOrTelephoneSubscriber:=PX_IMS_SUT_UE2_PUBLIC_USER, password:=omit};
......@@ -276,8 +276,8 @@ module AtsSccas_Steps {
// p_sipUrl.components.sip.hostPort := {host := PX_IMS_SUT_EMERGENCY_HOME_DOMAIN, portField :=omit}
// }
case (c_serviceProfile_SUBSCRIBER) {
p_sipUrl.components.sip.userInfo := { userOrTelephoneSubscriber := PX_IMS_SUT_UE1_PUBLIC_USER, password := omit};
p_sipUrl.components.sip.hostPort := {host := PX_IMS_SUT_UE1_HOME_DOMAIN, portField :=omit}
p_sipUrl.components.sip.userInfo := { userOrTelephoneSubscriber := PX_IMS_TS_UE1_PUBLIC_USER, password := omit};
p_sipUrl.components.sip.hostPort := {host := PX_IMS_TS_UE1_HOME_DOMAIN, portField :=omit}
}; // End of 'select' statement
......@@ -334,46 +334,6 @@ module AtsSccas_Steps {
vc_sent_label := { host := PX_IMS_SUT_AS_IPADDR, portField := PX_IMS_SUT_AS_PORT };
// case (c_interfaceProfile_IMS_SUT_IBCF1) { //variant c_interfaceProfile_IMS_SUT_IBCF1
// vc_interfaceprofile.SUTPort := PX_IMS_SUT_IBCF1_PORT;
// vc_interfaceprofile.SUTIpaddr := PX_IMS_SUT_IBCF1_IPADDR;
// vc_interfaceprofile.SUTHomeDomain := PX_IMS_SUT_IBCF1_HOME_DOMAIN;
// }
// case (c_interfaceProfile_IMS_SUT_IBCF2) { //variant c_interfaceProfile_IMS_SUT_IBCF2
// vc_interfaceprofile.SUTPort := PX_IMS_SUT_IBCF2_PORT;
// vc_interfaceprofile.SUTIpaddr := PX_IMS_SUT_IBCF2_IPADDR;
// vc_interfaceprofile.SUTHomeDomain := PX_IMS_SUT_IBCF2_HOME_DOMAIN;
// }
// case (c_interfaceProfile_IMS_SUT_PCSCF1) { //variant c_interfaceProfile_IMS_SUT_PCSCF1
// vc_interfaceprofile.SUTPort := PX_IMS_SUT_PCSCF1_PORT;
// vc_interfaceprofile.SUTIpaddr := PX_IMS_SUT_PCSCF1_IPADDR;
// vc_interfaceprofile.SUTHomeDomain := PX_IMS_SUT_PCSCF1_HOME_DOMAIN;
// }
// case (c_interfaceProfile_IMS_SUT_PCSCF2) { //variant c_interfaceProfile_IMS_SUT_PCSCF2
// vc_interfaceprofile.SUTPort := PX_IMS_SUT_PCSCF2_PORT;
// vc_interfaceprofile.SUTIpaddr := PX_IMS_SUT_PCSCF2_IPADDR;
// vc_interfaceprofile.SUTHomeDomain := PX_IMS_SUT_PCSCF2_HOME_DOMAIN;
// }
// case (c_interfaceProfile_IMS_SUT_PCSCF) { //variant c_interfaceProfile_IMS_SUT_PCSCF
// vc_interfaceprofile.SUTPort := PX_IMS_SUT_PCSCF_PORT;
// vc_interfaceprofile.SUTIpaddr := PX_IMS_SUT_PCSCF_IPADDR;
// vc_interfaceprofile.SUTHomeDomain := PX_IMS_SUT_PCSCF_HOME_DOMAIN;
// }
// case (c_interfaceProfile_IMS_SUT_SCSCF) { //variant c_interfaceProfile_IMS_SUT_SCSCF
// vc_interfaceprofile.SUTPort := PX_IMS_SUT_SCSCF_PORT;
// vc_interfaceprofile.SUTIpaddr := PX_IMS_SUT_SCSCF_IPADDR;
// vc_interfaceprofile.SUTHomeDomain := PX_IMS_SUT_SCSCF_HOME_DOMAIN;
// }
// case (c_interfaceProfile_IMS_SUT_ICSCF) { //variant c_interfaceProfile_IMS_SUT_ICSCF
// vc_interfaceprofile.SUTPort := PX_IMS_SUT_ICSCF_PORT;
// vc_interfaceprofile.SUTIpaddr := PX_IMS_SUT_ICSCF_IPADDR;
// vc_interfaceprofile.SUTHomeDomain := PX_IMS_SUT_ICSCF_HOME_DOMAIN;
// }
// case (c_interfaceProfile_IMS_SUT_MGCF) { //variant c_interfaceProfile_IMS_SUT_MGCF
// vc_interfaceprofile.SUTPort := PX_IMS_SUT_IMGCF_PORT;
// vc_interfaceprofile.SUTIpaddr := PX_IMS_SUT_IMGCF_IPADDR;
// vc_interfaceprofile.SUTHomeDomain := PX_IMS_SUT_IMGCF_HOME_DOMAIN;
// }
//used for AS, TAS, SCC-AS
case (c_interfaceProfile_IMS_SUT_AS) { //variant c_interfaceProfile_IMS_SUT_AS
vc_interfaceprofile.SUTPort := PX_IMS_SUT_AS_PORT;
......@@ -343,7 +343,7 @@ module AtsSccas_TCFunctions {
{"sip-uri", { tokenOrHost := PX_ACTF_MGMT_URI }}
{"sip-uri", { tokenOrHost := PX_ATCF_MGMT_URI }}
......@@ -471,11 +471,11 @@ module AtsSccas_TCFunctions {
v_contact.contactBody.contactAddresses[0].contactParams := { // TODO To be refined during validation
{tokenOrHost := PX_ACTF_MGMT_URI}
{tokenOrHost := PX_ATCF_MGMT_URI}
{tokenOrHost := PX_ACTF_URI}
{tokenOrHost := PX_ATCF_URI}
......@@ -499,7 +499,7 @@ module AtsSccas_TCFunctions {
{"sip-uri", { tokenOrHost := PX_ACTF_MGMT_URI }}
{"sip-uri", { tokenOrHost := PX_ATCF_MGMT_URI }}
})*/, // TODO To be refined during validation
m_contentType(c_sdpApplication), // TODO To be refined during validation
......@@ -588,7 +588,7 @@ module AtsSccas_TCFunctions {
{"sip-uri", { tokenOrHost := PX_ACTF_MGMT_URI }}
{"sip-uri", { tokenOrHost := PX_ATCF_MGMT_URI }}
})*/, // TODO To be refined during validation
m_contentType(c_sdpApplication), // TODO To be refined during validation
......@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ module AtsSccas_TCFunctions_TS124292 {
mw_pChargingVector(-, *), // TODO To be refined during validation - Clause 6.3.2 Initial registration Point 11
......@@ -62,8 +62,8 @@ module AtsSccas_TCFunctions_TS124292 {
mw_Authorization_digest( // Clause 6.3.2 Initial registration Point 4
{"username", {tokenOrHost := PX_IMS_SUT_UE1_PRIVAT_USERNAME}},
{"realm", {tokenOrHost := PX_IMS_SUT_UE1_PUBLIC_USER}},
{"username", {tokenOrHost := PX_IMS_TS_UE1_PRIVAT_USERNAME}},
{"realm", {tokenOrHost := PX_IMS_TS_UE1_PUBLIC_USER}},
{"integrity-protected", {tokenOrHost := "auth-done"}},
{"nonce", {tokenOrHost := ""}}
......@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ module AtsSccas_TCFunctions_TS124292 {
mw_pChargingVector(-, *), // TODO To be refined during validation - Clause 6.3.2 Initial registration Point 11
......@@ -111,8 +111,8 @@ module AtsSccas_TCFunctions_TS124292 {
mw_Authorization_digest( // Clause 6.3.2 Initial registration Point 4
{"username", {tokenOrHost := PX_IMS_SUT_UE1_PRIVAT_USERNAME}},
{"realm", {tokenOrHost := PX_IMS_SUT_UE1_PUBLIC_USER}},
{"username", {tokenOrHost := PX_IMS_TS_UE1_PRIVAT_USERNAME}},
{"realm", {tokenOrHost := PX_IMS_TS_UE1_PUBLIC_USER}},
{"integrity-protected", {tokenOrHost := "auth-done"}},
{"nonce", {tokenOrHost := ""}}