/** * @author STF574 * @version $Id$ * @desc This module defines AtsIot Diameter Templates for message, header, and * structured types.
* @remark Any additions to the templates shall follow the design rules * and always modify base templates only; */ module AtsImsIot_Diameter_Templates { //LibCommon import from LibCommon_DataStrings all; import from LibCommon_BasicTypesAndValues all; //LibDiameter import from LibDiameter_TypesAndValues all; import from LibDiameter_Types_Base_AVPs all; import from LibDiameter_Templates all; import from LibDiameter_Steps all; import from LibDiameter_Types_Gx_AVPs all; import from LibDiameter_Types_Rx_AVPs all; import from LibDiameter_Types_CxDx_AVPs all; import from LibDiameter_Types_S6a_AVPs all; import from LibDiameter_Types_S9_AVPs all; group DiameterHeaderFields { group CxHeaderFields{ template Auth_Session_State_AVP mw_authSessionState_noStateMaintained := { aVP_Header := mw_aVP_Header_any_Code(c_auth_Session_State_AVP_Code), aVP_Data := NO_STATE_MAINTAINED_E } template Deregistration_Reason_AVP mw_deregistrationReason := { aVP_Header := mw_aVP_Header_any_Code(c_deregistration_Reason_AVP_Code), reason_Code := ?, reason_Info := *, aVP_Type := * } template Server_Assignment_Type_AVP mw_serverAssignmentType(Srv_Assgmt_Type_Code p_aVP_Data) := { aVP_Header := mw_aVP_Header_any_Code(c_server_Assignment_Type_AVP_Code), aVP_Data := p_aVP_Data } template User_Authorization_Type_AVP mw_userAuthorizationType (User_Authorization_Type_Code p_aVP_Data) := { aVP_Header := mw_aVP_Header_any_Code(c_user_Authorization_Type_AVP_Code), aVP_Data := p_aVP_Data } template Experimental_Result_AVP mw_experimentalResult (Experimental_Result_Type p_avpData) := { aVP_Header := mw_aVP_Header_any_Code(c_experimental_Result_AVP_Code), vendor_Id := ?, experimental_Result_Code := { aVP_Header := mw_aVP_Header_any_Code(c_experimental_Result_Code_AVP_Code), aVP_Data := p_avpData } } } //end group CxHeaderFields group RxHeaderFields{ template Abort_Cause_AVP mw_abortCause(template Abort_Cause_Type p_avpData) := { aVP_Header := mw_aVP_Header_any_Code(c_abort_Cause_AVP_Code), aVP_Data := p_avpData }; template Media_Component_Description_AVP mw_mediaComponentDescription_SubComponentFlowStatusEnabled := { aVP_Header := mw_aVP_Header_any_Code(c_media_Component_Description_AVP_Code), media_Component_Nr := {aVP_Header := ?, aVP_Data := ?}, media_Sub_component := {mw_mediaSubComponent_flowStatusEnabled_flowUsageAfSignalling_SignallingSip}, af_Application_Id := *, media_type := *, max_Requested_Bw_Ul := *, max_Requested_Bw_Dl := *, flow_Status := *, reservation_Priority := *, rs_Bw := *, rr_Bw := *, codec_data := * } template Media_Component_Description_AVP mw_mediaComponentDescription_FlowStatusDisabled := { aVP_Header := mw_aVP_Header_any_Code(c_media_Component_Description_AVP_Code), media_Component_Nr := {aVP_Header := ?, aVP_Data := ?}, media_Sub_component := {mw_mediaSubComponent_FlowDescription}, af_Application_Id := *, media_type := ?, max_Requested_Bw_Ul := *, max_Requested_Bw_Dl := ?, flow_Status := mw_flowStatus(DISABLED_E), reservation_Priority := *, rs_Bw := *, rr_Bw := ?, codec_data := ? } template Media_Component_Description_AVP mw_mediaComponentDescription_FlowStatusEnabledDownlink := { aVP_Header := mw_aVP_Header_any_Code(c_media_Component_Description_AVP_Code), media_Component_Nr := {aVP_Header := ?, aVP_Data := ?}, media_Sub_component := {mw_mediaSubComponent_FlowDescription}, af_Application_Id := *, media_type := ?, max_Requested_Bw_Ul := ?, max_Requested_Bw_Dl := ?, flow_Status := mw_flowStatus(ENABLED_DOWNLINK_E), reservation_Priority := *, rs_Bw := ?, rr_Bw := ?, codec_data := ? } template Media_Component_Description_AVP mw_mediaComponentDescription_FlowStatusEnabledUplink := { aVP_Header := mw_aVP_Header_any_Code(c_media_Component_Description_AVP_Code), media_Component_Nr := {aVP_Header := ?, aVP_Data := ?}, media_Sub_component := {mw_mediaSubComponent_FlowDescription}, af_Application_Id := *, media_type := ?, max_Requested_Bw_Ul := ?, max_Requested_Bw_Dl := ?, flow_Status := mw_flowStatus(ENABLED_UPLINK_E), reservation_Priority := *, rs_Bw := ?, rr_Bw := ?, codec_data := ? } template Media_Component_Description_AVP mw_mediaComponentDescription_FlowStatusEnabled := { aVP_Header := mw_aVP_Header_any_Code(c_media_Component_Description_AVP_Code), media_Component_Nr := {aVP_Header := ?, aVP_Data := ?}, media_Sub_component := {mw_mediaSubComponent_FlowDescription}, af_Application_Id := *, media_type := ?, max_Requested_Bw_Ul := ?, max_Requested_Bw_Dl := ?, flow_Status := mw_flowStatus(ENABLED_E), reservation_Priority := *, rs_Bw := *, rr_Bw := *, codec_data := ? } template Media_Sub_Component_AVP mw_mediaSubComponent_any := { aVP_Header := mw_aVP_Header_any_Code(c_media_Sub_Component_AVP_Code), flow_Number := ?, flow_Description := *, flow_Status := *, flow_Usage := *, max_Requested_Bw_Ul := *, max_Requested_Bw_Dl := *, af_Signalling_Protocol := *, aVP_Type := * } template Media_Sub_Component_AVP mw_mediaSubComponent_FlowDescription modifies mw_mediaSubComponent_any := { flow_Description := ? } template Media_Sub_Component_AVP mw_mediaSubComponent_flowStatusEnabled_flowUsageAfSignalling_SignallingSip modifies mw_mediaSubComponent_any := { flow_Description := ?, flow_Status := mw_flowStatus(ENABLED_E), flow_Usage := mw_flowUsage(AF_SIGNALLING_E), af_Signalling_Protocol := mw_afSignallingProtocolSIP } template AF_Signalling_Protocol_AVP mw_afSignallingProtocolSIP := { aVP_Header := mw_aVP_Header_any_Code(c_aF_Signalling_Protocol_AVP_Code), aVP_Data := SIP_E } template Flow_Status_AVP mw_flowStatus(template (present) Flow_Status_Type p_avpData) := { aVP_Header := mw_aVP_Header_any_Code(c_flow_Status_AVP_Code), aVP_Data := p_avpData } template Flow_Usage_AVP mw_flowUsage(template (present) Flow_Usage_Type p_avpData) := { aVP_Header := mw_aVP_Header_any_Code(c_flow_Usage_AVP_Code), aVP_Data := p_avpData } template Specific_Action_AVP mw_specificAction (template (present) Specific_Action_Type p_avpData) :={ aVP_Header := mw_aVP_Header_any_Code(c_specific_Action_AVP_Code),// aVP_Data := p_avpData } template Service_Info_Status_AVP mw_serviceInfoStatus (template (present) Service_Info_Type p_avpData) :={ aVP_Header := mw_aVP_Header_any_Code(c_service_Info_Status_AVP_Code),// aVP_Data := p_avpData } template Rx_Request_Type_AVP mw_rxRequestType (template (present) Rx_Request_Type p_avpData) :={ aVP_Header := mw_aVP_Header_any_Code(c_rx_Request_Type_AVP_Code),// aVP_Data := p_avpData } template Framed_IP_Address_AVP mw_framedIPAddress (template (present) octetstring p_avpData) :={ aVP_Header := mw_aVP_Header_any_Code(c_framed_IP_Address_AVP_Code),// aVP_Data := p_avpData } } //end group RxHeaderFields group GxHeaderFields{ template CC_Request_Type_AVP mw_cC_Request_Type(CC_Request_Ty_Type p_avpData):= { aVP_Header := mw_aVP_Header_any_Code(c_cC_Request_Type_AVP_Code), aVP_Data := p_avpData } template QoS_Information_AVP mw_qoS_Information := { aVP_Header := mw_aVP_Header_any_Code(c_qoS_Information_AVP_Code), qoS_Class_Identifier := *, max_Requested_Bandwidth_UL := *, max_Requested_Bandwidth_DL := *, guaranteed_Bitrate_UL := *, guaranteed_Bitrate_DL := *, bearer_Identifier := *, allocation_Retention_Priority := *, aPN_Aggregate_Max_Bitrate_UL := *, aPN_Aggregate_Max_Bitrate_DL := *, aVP_Type := * } template QoS_Information_AVP mw_qoS_Information_Audio := { aVP_Header := mw_aVP_Header_any_Code(c_qoS_Information_AVP_Code), qoS_Class_Identifier := mw_QoS_Class_Identifier(QCI_1_E), max_Requested_Bandwidth_UL := ?, max_Requested_Bandwidth_DL := ?, guaranteed_Bitrate_UL := ?, guaranteed_Bitrate_DL := ?, bearer_Identifier := *, allocation_Retention_Priority := ?, aPN_Aggregate_Max_Bitrate_UL := *, aPN_Aggregate_Max_Bitrate_DL := *, aVP_Type := * } template QoS_Information_AVP mw_qoS_Information_Video := { aVP_Header := mw_aVP_Header_any_Code(c_qoS_Information_AVP_Code), qoS_Class_Identifier := mw_QoS_Class_Identifier(QCI_2_E), max_Requested_Bandwidth_UL := ?, max_Requested_Bandwidth_DL := ?, guaranteed_Bitrate_UL := ?, guaranteed_Bitrate_DL := ?, bearer_Identifier := *, allocation_Retention_Priority := ?, aPN_Aggregate_Max_Bitrate_UL := *, aPN_Aggregate_Max_Bitrate_DL := *, aVP_Type := * } template Default_EPS_Bearer_QoS_AVP mw_default_EPS_Bearer_QoS_Class_5 := { aVP_Header := mw_aVP_Header_any_Code(c_default_EPS_Bearer_QoS_AVP_Code), qoS_Class_Identifier := mw_QoS_Class_Identifier(QCI_5_E), allocation_Retention_Priority := mw_allocation_Retention_Priority, aVP_Type := * } template Allocation_Retention_Priority_AVP mw_allocation_Retention_Priority := { aVP_Header := mw_aVP_Header_any_Code(c_allocation_Retention_Priority_AVP_Code), priority_Level := ?, pre_emption_Capability := ?, pre_emption_Vulnerability := ? } template QoS_Class_Identifier_AVP mw_QoS_Class_Identifier(template QoS_Class_Identifier p_avp_Data) := { aVP_Header := mw_aVP_Header_any_Code(c_qoS_Class_Identifier_AVP_Code), aVP_Data := p_avp_Data } template Bearer_Usage_AVP mw_bearer_Usage(Bearer_Usage p_avpData) := { aVP_Header := mw_aVP_Header_any_Code(c_bearer_Usage_AVP_Code), aVP_Data := p_avpData } template Subscription_Id_AVP mw_subscription_Id(template Subscription_Id_Type_AVP p_typeAVP):= { aVP_Header := mw_aVP_Header_any_Code(c_subscription_Id_AVP_Code), subscription_Id_Type := p_typeAVP, subscription_Id_Data := ? } template Subscription_Id_Type_AVP mw_subscription_Id_Type(template Subscription_Id_Ty_Type p_avpData):= { aVP_Header := mw_aVP_Header_any_Code(c_subscription_Id_Type_AVP_Code), aVP_Data := p_avpData } template Charging_Rule_Install_AVP mw_chrgRuleInstall := { aVP_Header := mw_aVP_Header_any_Code(c_charging_Rule_Install_AVP_Code), charging_Rule_Definition := {mw_chrgRuleDefinition_RuleName_Flows_FlowStatus}, charging_Rule_Name := *, charging_Rule_Base_Name := *, bearer_Identifier := *, rule_Activation_Time := *, rule_DeActivation_Time := *, resource_Allocation_Notification := *, charging_Correlation_Indicator := *, aVP_Type := * } template Charging_Rule_Install_AVP mw_chrgRuleInstall_Qos := { aVP_Header := mw_aVP_Header_any_Code(c_charging_Rule_Install_AVP_Code), charging_Rule_Definition := {mw_chrgRuleDefinition_RuleName_Flows_FlowStatus_Qos}, charging_Rule_Name := *, charging_Rule_Base_Name := *, bearer_Identifier := *, rule_Activation_Time := *, rule_DeActivation_Time := *, resource_Allocation_Notification := *, charging_Correlation_Indicator := *, aVP_Type := * } template Charging_Rule_Remove_AVP mw_chrgRuleRemove_Name := { aVP_Header := mw_aVP_Header_any_Code(c_charging_Rule_Remove_AVP_Code), charging_Rule_Name := ?, charging_Rule_Base_Name := *, aVP_Type := * } template Charging_Rule_Definition_AVP mw_chrgRuleDefinition_RuleName_Flows_FlowStatus := { aVP_Header := mw_aVP_Header_any_Code(c_charging_Rule_Definition_AVP_Code), charging_Rule_Name := ?, service_Identifier := *, rating_Group := *, flow_Information := *, flow_Status := mw_flowStatus(ENABLED_E), qoS_Information := *, reporting_Level := *, online := *, offline := *, metering_Method := *, precedence := *, aF_Charging_Identifier := *, flows := {mw_flows}, monitoring_Key := *, aF_Signalling_Protocol := *, sponsor_Identity := *, application_Service_Provider_Identity := *, aVP_Type := * } template Charging_Rule_Definition_AVP mw_chrgRuleDefinition_RuleName_Flows_FlowStatus_Qos modifies mw_chrgRuleDefinition_RuleName_Flows_FlowStatus:= { flow_Information := ?, flow_Status := ?, qoS_Information := (mw_qoS_Information_Audio,mw_qoS_Information_Video) } template Flows_AVP mw_flows := { aVP_Header := mw_aVP_Header_any_Code(c_flows_AVP_Code), media_component_number := {aVP_Header := ?,// aVP_Data := 0 },//Media_Component_Number_AVP flow_Number := *, final_unit_action := * } template User_Equipment_Info_AVP mw_userEquipmentInfo_IMEI:= { aVP_Header := mw_aVP_Header_any_Code(458/*c_User_Equipment_Info_code*/), user_Equipment_Info_Type := {aVP_Header := ?/*459*/, aVP_Data := IMEISV_E/*0*/ }, user_Equipment_Info_Value := ? } } //end group GxHeaderFields group S6aHeaderFields{ template Cancellation_Type_AVP mw_cancellationType(Cancellation_Type_Code p_cancellation_Type) := { aVP_Header := mw_aVP_Header_any_Code(c_cancellation_Type_AVP_Code), cancellation_Type := p_cancellation_Type } // End of template m_cancellationType template Subscription_Data_AVP mw_subscriptionData_emergencyInfo:= { aVP_Header := mw_aVP_Header_any_Code(c_subscription_Data_AVP_Code), aVP_Type := ?//emergency_Info := ? FIXME To be reviewed } } //end group S6aHeaderFields group ShHeaderFields{ template User_Identity_AVP mw_userIdentity_publicIdentity(template (present) Public_Identity_AVP p_publicIdentity) := { aVP_Header := mw_aVP_Header_any_Code(c_user_Identity_AVP_Code), public_Identity_AVP := p_publicIdentity, mSISDN_AVP := *, aVP_Type := * } template User_Identity_AVP mw_userIdentity_msisdn(template (present) MSISDN_AVP p_msisdn) := { aVP_Header := mw_aVP_Header_any_Code(c_user_Identity_AVP_Code), public_Identity_AVP := *, mSISDN_AVP := p_msisdn, aVP_Type := * } template Public_Identity_AVP mw_publicIdentity(template (present) UTF8String p_avpData) := { aVP_Header := mw_aVP_Header_any_Code(c_public_Identity_AVP_Code), aVP_Data := p_avpData } } //end group ShHeaderFields group S9HeaderFields{ template Subses_Enforcement_Info_AVP mw_subses_Enforcement_Info(Subsession_Operation_AVP p_subsession_Operation) := { aVP_Header := mw_aVP_Header_any_Code(2201), subsession_Id := ?, subsession_Operation := p_subsession_Operation, aN_GW_Address := *, bearer_Identifier := *, bearer_Operation := *, packet_Filter_Information := *, packet_Filter_Operation := *, qoS_Information := *, framed_IP_Address := *, framed_IPv6_Prefix := *, coA_Information := *, called_Station_Id := *, pDN_Connection_ID := *, bearer_Usage := *, tFT_Packet_Filter_Information := *, online := *, offline := *, result_Code := *, experimental_Result := *, charging_Rule_Report := *, qoS_Rule_Report := *, iP_CAN_Type := *, rat_Type := *, threeGPP_SGSN_MCC_MNC := *, threeGPP_SGSN_Address := *, threeGPP_SGSN_IPv6_Address := *, rAI := *, threeGPP_User_Location_Info := *, threeGPP2_BSID := *, user_CSG_Information := *, default_EPS_Bearer_QoS := *, network_Request_Support := *, routing_Rule_Install := *, routing_Rule_Remove := *, logical_Access_ID := *, physical_Access_ID := *, usage_Monitoring_Information := *, multiple_BBERF_Action := *, event_Trigger := *, access_Network_Charging_Address := *, access_Network_Charging_Id_Gx := *, session_Linking_Indicator := *, aVP_Type := * } template Subsession_Operation_AVP mw_subsession_Operation_AVP (Subsession_Operation_Code p_code):= { aVP_Header := mw_aVP_Header_any_Code(c_subsession_Operation_AVP_Code), subsession_Operation := p_code } template Subses_Decision_Info_AVP mw_subses_Decision_Info_any := { aVP_Header := mw_aVP_Header_any_Code(2200), subsession_Id := ?, aN_GW_Address := *, result_Code := *, experimental_Result := *, charging_Rule_Remove := *, charging_Rule_Install := *, qoS_Rule_Install := *, qoS_Rule_Remove := *, default_EPS_Bearer_QoS := *, usage_Monitoring_Information := *, session_Release_Cause := *, bearer_Control_Mode := *, event_Trigger := *, revalidation_Time := *, online := *, offline := *, qoS_Information := *, aVP_Type := * } template Subses_Decision_Info_AVP mw_subses_Decision_Info_qosInfoAndDefaultEpsBearer modifies mw_subses_Decision_Info_any := { default_EPS_Bearer_QoS := mw_default_EPS_Bearer_QoS_Class_5, qoS_Information := mw_qoS_Information } } //end group S9HeaderFields } //end DiameterHeaderFields group DiameterTemplates { group CxMessageTemplates{ group CxRequestBasicTemplates{ template MAR_MSG mw_MAR_basic modifies mw_MAR_dummy := { header := mw_diameterHeaderReq_dummy(MAR_E, c_applId3GPPCxDx), mAR_Body :={ auth_Application_Id := *, sIP_AOR := *, sIP_Method := * } } template UAR_MSG mw_UAR_basic modifies mw_UAR_dummy := { header := mw_diameterHeaderReq_dummy(UAR_E, c_applId3GPPCxDx), uAR_Body :={ auth_Session_State := mw_authSessionState_noStateMaintained, user_Name := ?, sIP_AOR := *, sIP_Visited_Network_Id := *, sIP_User_Authorization_Type := * } } template RTR_MSG mw_RTR_basic modifies mw_RTR_dummy := { header := mw_diameterHeaderReq_dummy(RTR_E, c_applId3GPPCxDx), rTR_Body :={ auth_Application_Id := *, sIP_Deregistration_Reason := * } } template SAR_MSG mw_SAR_basic modifies mw_SAR_dummy := { header := mw_diameterHeaderReq_dummy(SAR_E, c_applId3GPPCxDx), sAR_Body :={ auth_Application_Id := *, sIP_Server_Assignment_Type := *, sIP_User_Data_Already_Available := * } } } group CxRequestMessageTemplates{ template MAR_MSG mw_MAR(template (present) Public_Identity_AVP p_publicIdentity := ?) modifies mw_MAR_basic := { header := mw_diameterHeaderReq_dummy(MAR_E, c_applId3GPPCxDx), mAR_Body :={ vendor_Specific_Application_Id := ?, auth_Session_State := mw_authSessionState_noStateMaintained, user_Name := ?, public_Identity := p_publicIdentity, sIP_Number_Auth_Items := ?, sIP_Auth_Data_Item := ?, server_Name := ? } } template RTR_MSG mw_RTR modifies mw_RTR_basic := { header := mw_diameterHeaderReq_dummy(RTR_E, c_applId3GPPCxDx), rTR_Body :={ vendor_Specific_Application_Id := ?, auth_Session_State := mw_authSessionState_noStateMaintained, user_Name := ?, deregistration_Reason := mw_deregistrationReason } } template SAR_MSG mw_SAR_Registration(template (present) Public_Identity_AVP p_publicIdentity := ?) modifies mw_SAR_basic := { header := mw_diameterHeaderReq_dummy(SAR_E, c_applId3GPPCxDx), sAR_Body :={ vendor_Specific_Application_Id := ?, auth_Session_State := mw_authSessionState_noStateMaintained, public_Identity := {p_publicIdentity}, server_Name := ?, server_Assignment_Type := mw_serverAssignmentType(REGISTRATION_E), user_Data_Already_Available := ? } } template SAR_MSG mw_SAR_UnregisteredUser(template (present) Public_Identity_AVP p_publicIdentity := ?) modifies mw_SAR_basic := { header := mw_diameterHeaderReq_dummy(SAR_E, c_applId3GPPCxDx), sAR_Body :={ vendor_Specific_Application_Id := ?, auth_Session_State := mw_authSessionState_noStateMaintained, public_Identity := {p_publicIdentity}, server_Name := ?, server_Assignment_Type := mw_serverAssignmentType(UNREGISTERED_USER_E), user_Data_Already_Available := ? } } template SAR_MSG mw_SAR_UserDeregistration(template (present) Public_Identity_AVP p_publicIdentity := ?) modifies mw_SAR_basic := { header := mw_diameterHeaderReq_dummy(SAR_E, c_applId3GPPCxDx), sAR_Body :={ vendor_Specific_Application_Id := ?, auth_Session_State := mw_authSessionState_noStateMaintained, public_Identity := {p_publicIdentity}, server_Name := ?, server_Assignment_Type := mw_serverAssignmentType(USER_DEREGISTRATION_E), user_Data_Already_Available := ? } } template UAR_MSG mw_UAR_Registration(template (present) Public_Identity_AVP p_publicIdentity := ?) modifies mw_UAR_basic := { header := mw_diameterHeaderReq_dummy(UAR_E, c_applId3GPPCxDx), uAR_Body :={ vendor_Specific_Application_Id := ?, auth_Session_State := mw_authSessionState_noStateMaintained, user_Name := ?, public_Identity := p_publicIdentity, visited_Network_Identifier := ?, user_Authorization_Type := mw_userAuthorizationType(REGISTRATION) } } template UAR_MSG mw_UAR(template (present) Public_Identity_AVP p_publicIdentity := ?) modifies mw_UAR_basic := { header := mw_diameterHeaderReq_dummy(UAR_E, c_applId3GPPCxDx), uAR_Body :={ vendor_Specific_Application_Id := ?, auth_Session_State := mw_authSessionState_noStateMaintained, user_Name := ?, public_Identity := p_publicIdentity } } template UAR_MSG mw_UAR_unknownPrivateId(template (present) Public_Identity_AVP p_publicIdentity := ?) modifies mw_UAR_basic := { header := mw_diameterHeaderReq_dummy(UAR_E, c_applId3GPPCxDx), uAR_Body :={ vendor_Specific_Application_Id := ?, auth_Session_State := mw_authSessionState_noStateMaintained, user_Name := ?,//UNKNOWN PRIVATE USER IDENTITY public_Identity := p_publicIdentity } } template UAR_MSG mw_UAR_deRegistration(template (present) Public_Identity_AVP p_publicIdentity := ?) modifies mw_UAR_basic := { header := mw_diameterHeaderReq_dummy(UAR_E, c_applId3GPPCxDx), uAR_Body :={ vendor_Specific_Application_Id := ?, auth_Session_State := mw_authSessionState_noStateMaintained, user_Name := ?, public_Identity := p_publicIdentity, visited_Network_Identifier := ?, user_Authorization_Type := mw_userAuthorizationType(DE_REGISTRATION) } } }// end group CxRequestMessageTemplates group CxAnswertBasicTemplates{ template MAA_MSG mw_MAA_basic modifies mw_MAA_dummy := { header := mw_diameterHeaderAns_dummy(MAA_E, c_applId3GPPCxDx), mAA_Body :={ auth_Application_Id := * } } template RTA_MSG mw_RTA_basic modifies mw_RTA_dummy := { header := mw_diameterHeaderAns_dummy(RTA_E, c_applId3GPPCxDx), rTA_Body :={ auth_Application_Id := * } } template SAA_MSG mw_SAA_basic modifies mw_SAA_dummy := { header := mw_diameterHeaderAns_dummy(SAA_E, c_applId3GPPCxDx), sAA_Body :={ auth_Application_Id := *, vendor_Specific_Application_Id := ?, sIP_User_Data := *, sIP_Accounting_Information := * } } template UAA_MSG mw_UAA_basic modifies mw_UAA_dummy := { header := mw_diameterHeaderAns_dummy(UAA_E, c_applId3GPPCxDx), uAA_Body :={ vendor_Specific_Application_Id := ?, auth_Application_Id := *, experimental_Result := *, supported_Features := *, server_Name := *, server_Capabilities := *, failed := * } } }// end group CxAnswertBasicTemplates group CxAnswertMessageTemplates{ template MAA_MSG mw_MAA modifies mw_MAA_dummy := { header := mw_diameterHeaderAns_dummy(MAA_E, c_applId3GPPCxDx), mAA_Body :={ vendor_Specific_Application_Id := ?, auth_Application_Id := *, auth_Session_State := mw_authSessionState_noStateMaintained, result_Code := mw_resultCode(mw_resultCode_diameterSuccess), experimental_Result := omit, user_Name := ?, sIP_Number_Auth_Items := ?, sIP_Auth_Data_Item := ? } } template RTA_MSG mw_RTA modifies mw_RTA_basic := { header := mw_diameterHeaderAns_dummy(RTA_E, c_applId3GPPCxDx), rTA_Body :={ vendor_Specific_Application_Id := ?, auth_Session_State := mw_authSessionState_noStateMaintained, result_Code := mw_resultCode(mw_resultCode_diameterSuccess) } } template SAA_MSG mw_SAA modifies mw_SAA_basic := { header := mw_diameterHeaderAns_dummy(SAA_E, c_applId3GPPCxDx), sAA_Body :={ vendor_Specific_Application_Id := ?, auth_Session_State := mw_authSessionState_noStateMaintained, result_Code := mw_resultCode(mw_resultCode_diameterSuccess) } } template SAA_MSG mw_SAA_userData modifies mw_SAA_basic := { header := mw_diameterHeaderAns_dummy(SAA_E, c_applId3GPPCxDx), sAA_Body :={ vendor_Specific_Application_Id := ?, auth_Session_State := mw_authSessionState_noStateMaintained, result_Code := mw_resultCode(mw_resultCode_diameterSuccess), user_Data := ?, charging_Information := ? } } template UAA_MSG mw_UAA_diamFirstRegistration modifies mw_UAA_basic := { header := mw_diameterHeaderAns_dummy(UAA_E, c_applId3GPPCxDx), uAA_Body :={ vendor_Specific_Application_Id := ?, auth_Session_State := mw_authSessionState_noStateMaintained, result_Code := omit, experimental_Result := mw_experimentalResult(DIAMETER_FIRST_REGISTRATION_E) } } template UAA_MSG mw_UAA_diamSubsequentRegistration modifies mw_UAA_basic := { header := mw_diameterHeaderAns_dummy(UAA_E, c_applId3GPPCxDx), uAA_Body :={ vendor_Specific_Application_Id := ?, auth_Session_State := mw_authSessionState_noStateMaintained, result_Code := omit, experimental_Result := mw_experimentalResult(DIAMETER_SUBSEQUENT_REGISTRATION_E), server_Name := ?, server_Capabilities := omit } } template UAA_MSG mw_UAA_diamErrorUserUnknown modifies mw_UAA_basic := { header := mw_diameterHeaderAns_dummy(UAA_E, c_applId3GPPCxDx), uAA_Body :={ vendor_Specific_Application_Id := ?, auth_Session_State := mw_authSessionState_noStateMaintained, result_Code := omit, experimental_Result := mw_experimentalResult(DIAMETER_ERROR_USER_UNKNOWN_E), server_Name := omit } } template UAA_MSG mw_UAA_diamSuccess modifies mw_UAA_basic := { header := mw_diameterHeaderAns_dummy(UAA_E, c_applId3GPPCxDx), uAA_Body :={ vendor_Specific_Application_Id := ?, auth_Session_State := mw_authSessionState_noStateMaintained, result_Code := mw_resultCode(mw_resultCode_diameterSuccess), experimental_Result := omit, server_Name := ?, server_Capabilities := omit } } }// end group CxRequestMessageTemplates }//end group CxMessageTemplates group RxMessageTemplates{ group RxRequestBasicTemplates{ template AAR_MSG mw_AAR_basic modifies mw_AAR_dummy := { header := mw_diameterHeaderReq_dummy(AAR_E, c_applIdRx) } template ASR_MSG mw_ASR_basic modifies mw_ASR_dummy := { header := mw_diameterHeaderReq_dummy(ASR_E, c_applIdRx) } template RAR_MSG mw_RAR_basic modifies mw_RAR_dummy := { header := mw_diameterHeaderReq_dummy(RAR_E, c_applIdRx), rAR_Body :={ re_Auth_Request_Type := * } } template STR_MSG mw_STR_basic modifies mw_STR_dummy := { header := mw_diameterHeaderReq_dummy(STR_E, c_applIdRx) } } group RxRequestMessageTemplates{ template AAR_MSG mw_AAR_RequestType_ServiceInfoStatus_FramedIPv4( template (present) Rx_Request_Type_AVP p_rxRequestType := ?, template (present) Service_Info_Status_AVP p_serviceInfoStatus := ?, template (present) Framed_IP_Address_AVP p_framedIPAddress := ?, template (present) Specific_Action_AVP p_specificAction := ? ) modifies mw_AAR_basic := { aAR_Body :={ media_Component_Description := ?, specific_Action := {p_specificAction}, framed_IP_Address := p_framedIPAddress, rx_Request_Type := p_rxRequestType, service_Info_Status := p_serviceInfoStatus //framed_IPv6_Address := *, } } template AAR_MSG mw_AAR_MediaComponent_specificActionLossOfBearer modifies mw_AAR_basic := { aAR_Body :={ media_Component_Description := {mw_mediaComponentDescription_SubComponentFlowStatusEnabled}, specific_Action := {((mw_specificAction(INDICATION_OF_LOSS_OF_BEARER_E))), (?,(mw_specificAction(INDICATION_OF_LOSS_OF_BEARER_E))), (?,?,(mw_specificAction(INDICATION_OF_LOSS_OF_BEARER_E))) }, framed_IP_Address := ? //framed_IPv6_Address := *, } } template AAR_MSG mw_AAR_MediaComponent_mediaComponentDescription_FlowStatusDisabled modifies mw_AAR_basic := { aAR_Body :={ media_Component_Description := {mw_mediaComponentDescription_FlowStatusDisabled}, specific_Action := *, framed_IP_Address := ? //framed_IPv6_Address := *, } } template AAR_MSG mw_AAR_MediaComponent_mediaComponentDescription_FlowStatusEnabledDownlink modifies mw_AAR_basic := { aAR_Body :={ media_Component_Description := {mw_mediaComponentDescription_FlowStatusEnabledDownlink}, specific_Action := *, framed_IP_Address := ? //framed_IPv6_Address := *, } } template AAR_MSG mw_AAR_MediaComponent_mediaComponentDescription_FlowStatusEnabledUplink modifies mw_AAR_basic := { aAR_Body :={ media_Component_Description := {mw_mediaComponentDescription_FlowStatusEnabledUplink}, specific_Action := *, framed_IP_Address := ? //framed_IPv6_Address := *, } } template AAR_MSG mw_AAR_MediaComponent_mediaComponentDescription_FlowStatusEnabled modifies mw_AAR_basic := { aAR_Body :={ media_Component_Description := {mw_mediaComponentDescription_FlowStatusEnabled}, specific_Action := *, framed_IP_Address := ? //framed_IPv6_Address := *, } } template ASR_MSG mw_ASR_abortCause(template (present) Abort_Cause_Type p_avpData) modifies mw_ASR_basic := { aSR_Body :={ abort_cause := mw_abortCause(p_avpData) } } template RAR_MSG mw_RAR_SpecificAction modifies mw_RAR_basic := { rAR_Body :={ specific_Action := ? } } }// end group RxRequestMessageTemplates group RxAnswerBasicTemplates{ template AAA_MSG mw_AAA_basic modifies mw_AAA_dummy := { header := mw_diameterHeaderAns_dummy(AAA_E, c_applIdRx) } template ASA_MSG mw_ASA_basic modifies mw_ASA_dummy := { header := mw_diameterHeaderAns_dummy(ASA_E, c_applIdRx) } template RAA_MSG mw_RAA_basic modifies mw_RAA_dummy := { header := mw_diameterHeaderAns_dummy(RAA_E, c_applIdRx) } template STA_MSG mw_STA_basic modifies mw_STA_dummy := { header := mw_diameterHeaderAns_dummy(STA_E, c_applIdRx) } } group RxAnswertMessageTemplates{ template AAA_MSG mw_AAA_AcceptableService modifies mw_AAA_basic := { aAA_Body :={ result_Code := mw_resultCode(mw_resultCode_diameterSuccess), acceptable_service_info := { media_component_description := {mw_mediaComponentDescription_SubComponentFlowStatusEnabled } }, ip_Can_Type := ?, rat_Type := ? } } template AAA_MSG mw_AAA_resultCode modifies mw_AAA_basic := { aAA_Body :={ result_Code := mw_resultCode(mw_resultCode_diameterSuccess) } } template AAA_MSG mw_AAA_resultCode_mediaCopmonentDescription modifies mw_AAA_basic := { aAA_Body :={ result_Code := mw_resultCode(mw_resultCode_diameterSuccess), acceptable_service_info := { media_component_description := {mw_mediaComponentDescription_SubComponentFlowStatusEnabled } } } } template ASA_MSG mw_ASA_resultCode modifies mw_ASA_basic := { aSA_Body :={ result_Code := mw_resultCode(mw_resultCode_diameterSuccess) } } template RAA_MSG mw_RAA_Rx_resultCode modifies mw_RAA_basic := { rAA_Body :={ result_Code := mw_resultCode(mw_resultCode_diameterSuccess) } } template STA_MSG mw_STA_diamSuccess modifies mw_STA_basic := { sTA_Body :={ result_Code := mw_resultCode(mw_resultCode_diameterSuccess) } } }// end group RxRequestMessageTemplates }//end group RxMessageTemplates group GxMessageTemplates{ group GxRequestBasicTemplates{ template CCR_MSG mw_CCR_basic modifies mw_CCR_dummy := { header := mw_diameterHeaderReq_dummy(CCR_E, c_applIdGx) } template RAR_MSG mw_RAR_Gx_basic modifies mw_RAR_dummy := { header := mw_diameterHeaderReq_dummy(RAR_E, c_applIdGx) } } group GxRequestMessageTemplates{ template CCR_MSG mw_CCR_RequestType(CC_Request_Ty_Type p_avpData) modifies mw_CCR_basic := { cCR_Body :={ cC_Request_Type := mw_cC_Request_Type(p_avpData) } } template CCR_MSG mw_CCR_SubscriberIMSI_qosInformation_class5(CC_Request_Ty_Type p_avpData) modifies mw_CCR_basic := { cCR_Body :={ cC_Request_Type := mw_cC_Request_Type(p_avpData), subscription_Id := {*,mw_subscription_Id(mw_subscription_Id_Type(END_USER_IMSI_E))}, iP_CAN_Type := ?, rat_Type := ?, called_Station_Id := ?, pDN_Connection_ID := *, framed_IP_Address := ?, //framed_IPv6_Prefix := *, //bearer_Usage := mw_bearer_Usage(IMS_SIGNALLING_E), qoS_Information := mw_qoS_Information, default_EPS_Bearer_QoS := mw_default_EPS_Bearer_QoS_Class_5 } } template CCR_MSG mw_CCR_SubscriberIMSI_qosInformation_class5_ES(CC_Request_Ty_Type p_avpData) modifies mw_CCR_basic := { cCR_Body :={ cC_Request_Type := mw_cC_Request_Type(p_avpData), subscription_Id := {*,mw_subscription_Id(mw_subscription_Id_Type(END_USER_IMSI_E))}, iP_CAN_Type := ?, rat_Type := ?, called_Station_Id := ?, pDN_Connection_ID := *, framed_IP_Address := ?, //framed_IPv6_Prefix := *, //bearer_Usage := mw_bearer_Usage(IMS_SIGNALLING_E), qoS_Information := mw_qoS_Information, default_EPS_Bearer_QoS := mw_default_EPS_Bearer_QoS_Class_5 } } template CCR_MSG mw_CCR_SubscriberIMEI_qosInformation_class5_ES(CC_Request_Ty_Type p_avpData) modifies mw_CCR_basic := { cCR_Body :={ cC_Request_Type := mw_cC_Request_Type(p_avpData), //subscription_Id := {*,mw_subscription_Id(mw_subscription_Id_Type(END_USER_IMSI_E))}, user_Equipment_Info := mw_userEquipmentInfo_IMEI, iP_CAN_Type := ?, rat_Type := ?, called_Station_Id := ?, pDN_Connection_ID := *, framed_IP_Address := ?, //framed_IPv6_Prefix := *, //bearer_Usage := mw_bearer_Usage(IMS_SIGNALLING_E), qoS_Information := mw_qoS_Information, default_EPS_Bearer_QoS := mw_default_EPS_Bearer_QoS_Class_5 } } template RAR_MSG mw_RAR_ChargingRuleInstall(template Charging_Rule_Install_AVP p_Charging_Rule_Install) modifies mw_RAR_Gx_basic := { rAR_Body :={ charging_Rule_Install := {p_Charging_Rule_Install} } } template RAR_MSG mw_RAR_ChargingRuleRemove modifies mw_RAR_Gx_basic := { rAR_Body :={ charging_Rule_Remove := {mw_chrgRuleRemove_Name} } } }// end group GxRequestMessageTemplates group GxAnswerBasicTemplates{ template CCA_MSG mw_CCA_basic modifies mw_CCA_dummy := { header := mw_diameterHeaderAns_dummy(CCA_E, c_applIdGx) } template RAA_MSG mw_RAA_Gx_basic modifies mw_RAA_dummy := { header := mw_diameterHeaderAns_dummy(RAA_E, c_applIdGx) } } group GxAnswertMessageTemplates{ template CCA_MSG mw_CCA_resultCode modifies mw_CCA_basic := { cCA_Body :={ result_Code := mw_resultCode(mw_resultCode_diameterSuccess) } } template CCA_MSG mw_CCA_qosInformation_class5 modifies mw_CCA_basic := { cCA_Body :={ result_Code := mw_resultCode(mw_resultCode_diameterSuccess), qoS_Information := {mw_qoS_Information}, default_EPS_Bearer_QoS := mw_default_EPS_Bearer_QoS_Class_5 } } template RAA_MSG mw_RAA_resultCode modifies mw_RAA_Gx_basic := { rAA_Body :={ result_Code := mw_resultCode(mw_resultCode_diameterSuccess) } } }// end group GxRequestMessageTemplates }//end group GxMessageTemplates group S6aMessageTemplates{ group S6aRequestBasicTemplates{ template AIR_MSG mw_AIR_basic modifies mw_AIR_dummy := { header := mw_diameterHeaderReq_dummy(AIR_E, c_applIdS6a) } template CLR_MSG mw_CLR_basic modifies mw_CLR_dummy := { header := mw_diameterHeaderReq_dummy(CLR_E, c_applIdS6a) } template PUER_MSG mw_PUER_basic modifies mw_PUER_dummy := { header := mw_diameterHeaderReq_dummy(PUER_E, c_applIdS6a) } template ULR_MSG mw_ULR_basic modifies mw_ULR_dummy := { header := mw_diameterHeaderReq_dummy(ULR_E, c_applIdS6a) } } group S6aRequestMessageTemplates{ template AIR_MSG mw_AIR modifies mw_AIR_dummy := { aIR_Body :={ user_Name := ?, req_EUTRAN_Auth_Info := ?, visited_PLMN_Id :=? } } template CLR_MSG mw_CLR_cancelation modifies mw_CLR_dummy := { cLR_Body :={ user_Name := ?, cancellation_Type := mw_cancellationType(SUBSCRIPTION_WITHDRAWAL_E), cLR_Flags :=? } } template PUER_MSG mw_PUER_userName modifies mw_PUER_dummy := { pUER_Body :={ user_Name := ?, pUER_Flags :=? } } template ULR_MSG mw_ULR_userName modifies mw_ULR_dummy := { uLR_Body :={ user_Name := ?, ulr_Flags := ?, rat_Type := ?, visited_PLMN_Id := ? } } }// end group S6aRequestMessageTemplates group S6aAnswerBasicTemplates{ template AIA_MSG mw_AIA_basic modifies mw_AIA_dummy := { header := mw_diameterHeaderAns_dummy(AIA_E, c_applIdS6a) } template CLA_MSG mw_CLA_basic modifies mw_CLA_dummy := { header := mw_diameterHeaderAns_dummy(CLA_E, c_applIdS6a) } template PUEA_MSG mw_PUEA_basic modifies mw_PUEA_dummy := { header := mw_diameterHeaderAns_dummy(PUEA_E, c_applIdS6a) } template ULA_MSG mw_ULA_basic modifies mw_ULA_dummy := { header := mw_diameterHeaderAns_dummy(ULA_E, c_applIdS6a) } } group S6aAnswertMessageTemplates{ template AIA_MSG mw_AIA_resultCode modifies mw_AIA_basic := { aIA_Body :={ result_Code := mw_resultCode(mw_resultCode_diameterSuccess), authentication_Info := ? } } template CLA_MSG mw_CLA_resultCode modifies mw_CLA_basic := { cLA_Body :={ result_Code := mw_resultCode(mw_resultCode_diameterSuccess) } } template PUEA_MSG mw_PUEA_resultCode modifies mw_PUEA_basic := { pUEA_Body :={ result_Code := mw_resultCode(mw_resultCode_diameterSuccess) } } template ULA_MSG mw_ULA_resultCode modifies mw_ULA_basic := { uLA_Body :={ result_Code := mw_resultCode(mw_resultCode_diameterSuccess) } } template ULA_MSG mw_ULA_resultCode_flags modifies mw_ULA_basic := { uLA_Body :={ result_Code := mw_resultCode(mw_resultCode_diameterSuccess), ula_Flags := ? } } template ULA_MSG mw_ULA_subsdata_flags modifies mw_ULA_resultCode_flags := { uLA_Body :={ //result_Code := mw_resultCode(mw_resultCode_diameterSuccess), //ula_Flags := ? subscription_Data :=mw_subscriptionData_emergencyInfo } } }// end group S6aRequestMessageTemplates }//end group S6aMessageTemplates group ShMessageTemplates{ group ShRequestMessageTemplates{ template UDR_MSG mw_UDR_userData_publicIdentity(template (present) UTF8String p_avpData) modifies mw_UDR_dummy := { uDR_Body :={ vendor_Specific_Application_Id := ?, auth_Session_State := mw_authSessionState_noStateMaintained, user_Identity := mw_userIdentity_publicIdentity(mw_publicIdentity(p_avpData)), data_Reference := ? } } }// end group ShRequestMessageTemplates group ShAnswertMessageTemplates{ template UDA_MSG mw_UDA_diamSuccess modifies mw_UDA_dummy := { uDA_Body :={ vendor_Specific_Application_Id := ?, auth_Session_State := mw_authSessionState_noStateMaintained, result_Code := mw_resultCode(mw_resultCode_diameterSuccess), user_Data := ? } } }// end group ShRequestMessageTemplates }//end group ShMessageTemplates group S9MessageTemplates{ group S9RequestBasicTemplates{ template AAR_MSG mw_AAR_S9_basic modifies mw_AAR_dummy := { header := mw_diameterHeaderReq_dummy(AAR_E, ?/*TODO c_applIdS9*/) } template ASR_MSG mw_ASR_S9_basic modifies mw_ASR_dummy := { header := mw_diameterHeaderReq_dummy(ASR_E, ?/*TODO c_applIdS9*/) } template CCR_MSG mw_CCR_S9_basic modifies mw_CCR_dummy := { header := mw_diameterHeaderReq_dummy(CCR_E, ?/*TODO c_applIdS9*/) } template STR_MSG mw_STR_S9_basic modifies mw_STR_dummy := { header := mw_diameterHeaderReq_dummy(STR_E, ?/*TODO c_applIdS9*/) } } group S9RequestMessageTemplates{ template ASR_MSG mw_ASR_S9_abortCause(template (present) Abort_Cause_Type p_avpData) modifies mw_ASR_S9_basic := { aSR_Body :={ abort_cause := mw_abortCause(p_avpData) } } template CCR_MSG mw_CCR_S9_Establishment(CC_Request_Ty_Type p_avpData) modifies mw_CCR_S9_basic := { cCR_Body :={ cC_Request_Type := mw_cC_Request_Type(p_avpData), subscription_Id := {*,mw_subscription_Id(mw_subscription_Id_Type(END_USER_IMSI_E))}, iP_CAN_Type := ?, rat_Type := ?, called_Station_Id := ?, pDN_Connection_ID := *, framed_IP_Address := ?, //framed_IPv6_Prefix := *, bearer_Usage := *,//mw_bearer_Usage(IMS_SIGNALLING_E), qoS_Information := mw_qoS_Information, default_EPS_Bearer_QoS := mw_default_EPS_Bearer_QoS_Class_5, subsesion_Enforcement_Info := ? //AXR {mw_subses_Enforcement_Info(mw_subsession_Operation_AVP (ESTABLISHMENT_E))} } } template CCR_MSG mw_CCR_S9_Termination(CC_Request_Ty_Type p_avpData) modifies mw_CCR_S9_basic := { cCR_Body :={ cC_Request_Type := mw_cC_Request_Type(p_avpData), subsesion_Enforcement_Info := ? //AXR {mw_subses_Enforcement_Info(mw_subsession_Operation_AVP (TERMINATION_E))} } } }// end group S9RequestMessageTemplates group S9AnswerBasicTemplates{ template AAA_MSG mw_AAA_S9_basic modifies mw_AAA_dummy := { header := mw_diameterHeaderAns_dummy(AAA_E, ?/*TODO c_applIdS9*/) } template ASA_MSG mw_ASA_S9_basic modifies mw_ASA_dummy := { header := mw_diameterHeaderAns_dummy(ASA_E, ?/*TODO c_applIdS9*/) } template CCA_MSG mw_CCA_S9_basic modifies mw_CCA_dummy := { header := mw_diameterHeaderAns_dummy(CCA_E, ?/*TODO c_applIdS9*/) } template STA_MSG mw_STA_S9_basic modifies mw_STA_dummy := { header := mw_diameterHeaderAns_dummy(STA_E, ?/*TODO c_applIdS9*/) } } group S9AnswertMessageTemplates{ template AAA_MSG mw_AAA_S9_resultCode modifies mw_AAA_S9_basic := { aAA_Body :={ result_Code := mw_resultCode(mw_resultCode_diameterSuccess) } } template AAA_MSG mw_AAA_S9_AcceptableService modifies mw_AAA_S9_basic := { aAA_Body :={ result_Code := mw_resultCode(mw_resultCode_diameterSuccess), acceptable_service_info := { media_component_description := {mw_mediaComponentDescription_SubComponentFlowStatusEnabled } }, ip_Can_Type := ?, rat_Type := ? } } template AAA_MSG mw_AAA_S9_resultCode_mediaCopmonentDescription modifies mw_AAA_S9_basic := { aAA_Body :={ result_Code := mw_resultCode(mw_resultCode_diameterSuccess), acceptable_service_info := { media_component_description := {mw_mediaComponentDescription_SubComponentFlowStatusEnabled } } } } template CCA_MSG mw_CCA_S9_subsessionDecisionAny modifies mw_CCA_S9_basic := { cCA_Body :={ result_Code := mw_resultCode(mw_resultCode_diameterSuccess), subsession_Decision_Info := {mw_subses_Decision_Info_any} } } template CCA_MSG mw_CCA_S9_subsessionDecision_qosInfoAndDefaultEpsBearer modifies mw_CCA_S9_basic := { cCA_Body :={ result_Code := mw_resultCode(mw_resultCode_diameterSuccess), subsession_Decision_Info := {mw_subses_Decision_Info_qosInfoAndDefaultEpsBearer} } } template STA_MSG mw_STA_S9_diamSuccess modifies mw_STA_S9_basic := { sTA_Body :={ result_Code := mw_resultCode(mw_resultCode_diameterSuccess) } } }// end group S9RequestMessageTemplates }//end group S9MessageTemplates } // end group DiameterTemplates group DiameterTemplatesDummy { group dummy_request_templates_receive { template AIR_MSG mw_AIR_dummy := { header := mw_diameterHeaderReq_dummy(AIR_E, ?), session_Id := ?, aIR_Body := mw_AIR_Body_dummy } template AIR_Body_AVP mw_AIR_Body_dummy := { vendor_Specific_Application_Id := *, auth_Session_State := ?, origin_Host := ?, origin_Realm := ?, destination_Host := *, destination_Realm := ?, user_Name := ?, supported_Features := *, req_EUTRAN_Auth_Info := *, req_UTRAN_GERAN_Auth_Info := *, visited_PLMN_Id :=?, proxy_Info := *, route_Record := *, aVP_Type := * } template (present) CLR_MSG mw_CLR_dummy := { header := mw_diameterHeaderReq_dummy ( CLR_E, c_applIdS6a ), session_Id := ?, cLR_Body := mw_CLR_Body_dummy } // End of template mw_CLR_dummy template (present) CLR_Body_AVP mw_CLR_Body_dummy := { vendor_Specific_Application_Id := *, auth_Session_State := ?, origin_Host := ?, origin_Realm := ?, destination_Host := ?, destination_Realm := ?, user_Name := ?, supported_Features := *, cancellation_Type := ?, cLR_Flags := *, proxy_Info := *, route_Record := *, aVP_Type := * } // End of template mw_CLR_Body_dummy template (present) PUER_MSG mw_PUER_dummy := { header := mw_diameterHeaderReq_dummy ( PUER_E, c_applIdS6a ), session_Id := ?, pUER_Body := mw_PUER_Body_dummy } // End of template mw_PUR_dummy template (present) PUER_Body_AVP mw_PUER_Body_dummy := { vendor_Specific_Application_Id := ?, auth_Session_State := ?, origin_Host := ?, origin_Realm := ?, destination_Host := *, destination_Realm := ?, supported_Features := *, user_Name := ?, pUER_Flags := *, proxy_Info := *, route_Record := *, aVP_Type := * } // End of template mw_PUER_Body_dummy template (present) ULR_MSG mw_ULR_dummy := { header := mw_diameterHeaderReq_dummy ( ULR_E, c_applIdS6a ), session_Id := ?, uLR_Body := mw_ULR_Body_dummy } // End of template mw_uLR_dummy template (present) ULR_Body_AVP mw_ULR_Body_dummy := { vendor_Specific_Application_Id := *, auth_Session_State := ?, origin_Host := ?, origin_Realm := ?, destination_Host := *, destination_Realm := ?, user_Name := ?, supported_Features := *, terminal_Information := *, rat_Type := ?, ulr_Flags := ?, ue_SRVCC_Capability := *, visited_PLMN_Id := ?, sgsn_Number := *, homogeneous_Support := *, gmlc_Address := *, active_APN := *, proxy_Info := *, route_Record := *, aVP_Type := * } // End of template mw_ULR_Body_dummy }//end group dummy_request_templates_receive group dummy_response_templates_receive { template AIA_MSG mw_AIA_dummy := { header := mw_diameterHeaderAns_dummy(AIA_E, ?), session_Id := ?, aIA_Body := mw_AIA_Body_dummy } template AIA_Body_AVP mw_AIA_Body_dummy := { vendor_Specific_Application_Id := *, result_Code := ?, experimental_Result := *, error_Diagnostic := *, auth_Session_State := ?, origin_Host := ?, origin_Realm := ?, supported_Features := *, authentication_Info := *, failed := *, proxy_Info := *, route_Record := *, aVP_Type := * } template (present) CLA_MSG mw_CLA_dummy := { header := mw_diameterHeaderAns_dummy ( CLA_E, c_applIdS6a ), session_Id := ?, cLA_Body := mw_CLA_Body_dummy } template (present) CLA_Body_AVP mw_CLA_Body_dummy := { vendor_Specific_Application_Id := *, supported_Features := *, result_Code := *, experimental_Result := *, auth_Session_State := ?, origin_Host := ?, origin_Realm := ?, failed := *, proxy_Info := *, route_Record := *, aVP_Type := * } template (present) PUEA_MSG mw_PUEA_dummy := { header := mw_diameterHeaderAns_dummy ( PUEA_E, c_applIdS6a ), session_Id := ?, pUEA_Body := mw_PUEA_Body_dummy } template (present) PUEA_Body_AVP mw_PUEA_Body_dummy := { vendor_Specific_Application_Id := ?, supported_Features := *, result_Code := *, experimental_Result := *, auth_Session_State := ?, origin_Host := ?, origin_Realm := ?, pUEA_Flags := *, failed := *, proxy_Info := *, route_Record := *, aVP_Type := * } template (present) ULA_MSG mw_ULA_dummy := { header := mw_diameterHeaderAns_dummy ( ULA_E, c_applIdS6a ), session_Id := ?, uLA_Body := mw_ULA_Body_dummy } // End of template mw_ULA_dummy template (present) ULA_Body_AVP mw_ULA_Body_dummy := { vendor_Specific_Application_Id := *, result_Code := *, experimental_Result := *, error_Diagnostic := *, auth_Session_State := ?, origin_Host := ?, origin_Realm := ?, supported_Features := *, ula_Flags := *, subscription_Data := *, failed := *, proxy_Info := *, route_Record := *, aVP_Type := * } // End of template mw_ULA_Body_dummy }//end group dummy_response_templates_receive group AVPCodeConstantsTS129_722 { const integer c_subscription_Data_AVP_Code := 1400; // Ref: table 7.3.1/1 const integer c_terminal_Information_AVP_Code := 1401; // Ref: table 7.3.1/1 const integer c_imei_AVP_Code := 1402; // Ref: table 7.3.1/1 const integer c_software_Version_AVP_Code := 1403; // Ref: table 7.3.1/1 const integer c_qos_Subscribed_AVP_Code := 1404; // Ref: table 7.3.1/1 const integer c_ulr_Flags_AVP_Code := 1405; // Ref: table 7.3.1/1 const integer c_ula_Flags_AVP_Code := 1406; // Ref: table 7.3.1/1 const integer c_visited_PLMN_Id_AVP_Code := 1407; // Ref: table 7.3.1/1 const integer c_requested_EUTRAN_Authentication_Info_AVP_Code := 1408; // Ref: table 7.3.1/1 const integer c_requested_UTRAN_GERAN_Authentication_Info_AVP_Code := 1409; // Ref: table 7.3.1/1 const integer c_number_Of_Requested_Vectors_AVP_Code := 1410; // Ref: table 7.3.1/1 const integer c_re_Synchronization_Info_AVP_Code := 1411; // Ref: table 7.3.1/1 const integer c_immediate_Response_Preferred_AVP_Code := 1412; // Ref: table 7.3.1/1 const integer c_authentication_Info_AVP_Code := 1413; // Ref: table 7.3.1/1 const integer c_e_UTRAN_Vector_AVP_Code := 1414; // Ref: table 7.3.1/1 const integer c_utran_Vector_AVP_Code := 1415; // Ref: table 7.3.1/1 const integer c_geran_Vector_AVP_Code := 1416; // Ref: table 7.3.1/1 const integer c_network_Access_Mode_AVP_Code := 1417; // Ref: table 7.3.1/1 const integer c_hplmn_ODB_AVP_Code := 1418; // Ref: table 7.3.1/1 const integer c_item_Number_AVP_Code := 1419; // Ref: table 7.3.1/1 const integer c_cancellation_Type_AVP_Code := 1420; // Ref: table 7.3.1/1 const integer c_dsr_Flags_AVP_Code := 1421; // Ref: table 7.3.1/1 const integer c_dsa_Flags_AVP_Code := 1422; // Ref: table 7.3.1/1 const integer c_context_Identifier_AVP_Code := 1423; // Ref: table 7.3.1/1 const integer c_subscriber_Status_AVP_Code := 1424; // Ref: table 7.3.1/1 const integer c_operator_Determined_Barring_AVP_Code := 1425; // Ref: table 7.3.1/1 const integer c_access_Restriction_Data_AVP_Code := 1426; // Ref: table 7.3.1/1 const integer c_apn_OI_Replacement_AVP_Code := 1427; // Ref: table 7.3.1/1 const integer c_all_APN_Configurations_Included_Indicator_AVP_Code := 1428; // Ref: table 7.3.1/1 const integer c_apn_Configuration_Profile_AVP_Code := 1429; // Ref: table 7.3.1/1 const integer c_apn_Configuration_AVP_Code := 1430; // Ref: table 7.3.1/1 const integer c_eps_Subscribed_QoS_Profile_AVP_Code := 1431; // Ref: table 7.3.1/1 const integer c_vplmn_Dynamic_Address_Allowed_AVP_Code := 1432; // Ref: table 7.3.1/1 const integer c_stn_SR_AVP_Code := 1433; // Ref: table 7.3.1/1 const integer c_alert_Reason_AVP_Code := 1434; // Ref: table 7.3.1/1 const integer c_ambr_AVP_Code := 1435; // Ref: table 7.3.1/1 const integer c_csg_Subscription_Data_AVP_Code := 1436; // Ref: table 7.3.1/1 const integer c_csg_Id_AVP_Code := 1437; // Ref: table 7.3.1/1 const integer c_pdn_GW_Allocation_Type_AVP_Code := 1438; // Ref: table 7.3.1/1 const integer c_expiration_Date_AVP_Code := 1439; // Ref: table 7.3.1/1 const integer c_rat_Frequency_Selection_Priority_ID_AVP_Code := 1440; // Ref: table 7.3.1/1 const integer c_ida_Flags_AVP_Code := 1441; // Ref: table 7.3.1/1 const integer c_pua_Flags_AVP_Code := 1442; // Ref: table 7.3.1/1 const integer c_nor_Flags_AVP_Code := 1443; // Ref: table 7.3.1/1 const integer c_user_Id_AVP_Code := 1444; // Ref: table 7.3.1/1 const integer c_equipment_Status_AVP_Code := 1445; // Ref: table 7.3.1/1 const integer c_regional_Subscription_Zone_Code_AVP_Code := 1446; // Ref: table 7.3.1/1 const integer c_rand_AVP_Code := 1447; // Ref: table 7.3.1/1 const integer c_xres_AVP_Code := 1448; // Ref: table 7.3.1/1 const integer c_autn_AVP_Code := 1449; // Ref: table 7.3.1/1 const integer c_kasme_AVP_Code := 1450; // Ref: table 7.3.1/1 const integer c_kc_AVP_Code := 1453; // Ref: table 7.3.1/1 const integer c_sres_AVP_Code := 1454; // Ref: table 7.3.1/1 const integer c_pdn_Type_AVP_Code := 1456; // Ref: table 7.3.1/1 const integer c_roaming_Restricted_Due_To_Unsupported_Feature_AVP_Code := 1457; // Ref: table 7.3.1/1 const integer c_omc_Id_AVP_Code := 1466; // Ref: table 7.3.1/1 const integer c_gprs_Subscription_Data_AVP_Code := 1467; // Ref: table 7.3.1/1 const integer c_complete_Data_List_Included_Indicator_AVP_Code := 1468; // Ref: table 7.3.1/1 const integer c_pdp_Context_AVP_Code := 1469; // Ref: table 7.3.1/1 const integer c_pdp_Type_AVP_Code := 1470; // Ref: table 7.3.1/1 const integer c_3gpp2_MEID_AVP_Code := 1471; // Ref: table 7.3.1/1 const integer c_specific_APN_Info_AVP_Code := 1472; // Ref: table 7.3.1/1 const integer c_lcs_Info_AVP_Code := 1473; // Ref: table 7.3.1/1 const integer c_gmlc_Number_AVP_Code := 1474; // Ref: table 7.3.1/1 const integer c_lcs_PrivacyException_AVP_Code := 1475; // Ref: table 7.3.1/1 const integer c_ss_Code_AVP_Code := 1476; // Ref: table 7.3.1/1 const integer c_ss_Status_AVP_Code := 1477; // Ref: table 7.3.1/1 const integer c_notification_To_UE_User_AVP_Code := 1478; // Ref: table 7.3.1/1 const integer c_external_Client_AVP_Code := 1479; // Ref: table 7.3.1/1 const integer c_client_Identity_AVP_Code := 1480; // Ref: table 7.3.1/1 const integer c_gmlc_Restriction_AVP_Code := 1481; // Ref: table 7.3.1/1 const integer c_plmn_Client_AVP_Code := 1482; // Ref: table 7.3.1/1 const integer c_service_Type_AVP_Code := 1483; // Ref: table 7.3.1/1 const integer c_serviceTypeIdentity_AVP_Code := 1484; // Ref: table 7.3.1/1 const integer c_mo_LR_AVP_Code := 1485; // Ref: table 7.3.1/1 const integer c_teleservice_List_AVP_Code := 1486; // Ref: table 7.3.1/1 const integer c_ts_Code_AVP_Code := 1487; // Ref: table 7.3.1/1 const integer c_call_Barring_Info_AVP_Code := 1488; // Ref: table 7.3.1/1 const integer c_sgsn_Number_AVP_Code := 1489; // Ref: table 7.3.1/1 const integer c_idr_Flags_AVP_Code := 1490; // Ref: table 7.3.1/1 const integer c_ics_Indicator_AVP_Code := 1491; // Ref: table 7.3.1/1 const integer c_ims_Voice_Over_PS_Sessions_Supported_AVP_Code := 1492; // Ref: table 7.3.1/1 const integer c_homogeneous_Support_of_IMS_Voice_Over_PS_Sessions_AVP_Code := 1493; // Ref: table 7.3.1/1 const integer c_last_UE_Activity_Time_AVP_Code := 1494; // Ref: table 7.3.1/1 const integer c_eps_User_State_AVP_Code := 1495; // Ref: table 7.3.1/1 const integer c_eps_Location_Information_AVP_Code := 1496; // Ref: table 7.3.1/1 const integer c_mme_User_State_AVP_Code := 1497; // Ref: table 7.3.1/1 const integer c_sgsn_User_State_AVP_Code := 1498; // Ref: table 7.3.1/1 const integer c_user_State_AVP_Code := 1499; // Ref: table 7.3.1/1 const integer c_mme_Location_Information_AVP_Code := 1600; // Ref: table 7.3.1/1 const integer c_sgsn_Location_Information_AVP_Code := 1601; // Ref: table 7.3.1/1 const integer c_service_Area_Identity_AVP_Code := 1607; // Ref: table 7.3.1/1 const integer c_geographical_Information_AVP_Code := 1608; // Ref: table 7.3.1/1 const integer c_geodetic_Information_AVP_Code := 1609; // Ref: table 7.3.1/1 const integer c_current_Location_Retrieved_AVP_Code := 1610; // Ref: table 7.3.1/1 const integer c_age_Of_Location_Information_AVP_Code := 1611; // Ref: table 7.3.1/1 const integer c_active_APN_AVP_Code := 1612; // Ref: table 7.3.1/1 const integer c_error_Diagnostic_AVP_Code := 1614; // Ref: table 7.3.1/1 const integer c_ext_PDP_Address_AVP_Code := 1621; // Ref: table 7.3.1/1 const integer c_ue_SRVCC_Capability_AVP_Code := 1615; // Ref: table 7.3.1/1 const integer c_mps_Priority_AVP_Code := 1616; // Ref: table 7.3.1/1 const integer c_vplmn_LIPA_Allowed_AVP_Code := 1617; // Ref: table 7.3.1/1 const integer c_lipa_Permission_AVP_Code := 1618; // Ref: table 7.3.1/1 const integer c_subscribed_Periodic_RAU_TAU_Timer_AVP_Code := 1619; // Ref: table 7.3.1/1 const integer c_ext_PDP_Type_AVP_Code := 1620; // Ref: table 7.3.1/1 const integer c_sipto_Permission_AVP_Code := 1613; // Ref: table 7.3.1/1 const integer c_mdt_Configuration_AVP_Code := 1622; // Ref: table 7.3.1/1 const integer c_job_Type_AVP_Code := 1623; // Ref: table 7.3.1/1 const integer c_event_Threshold_RSRP_AVP_Code := 1629; // Ref: table 7.3.1/1 const integer c_event_Threshold_RSRQ_AVP_Code := 1630; // Ref: table 7.3.1/1 const integer c_relay_Node_Indicator_AVP_Code := 1633; // Ref: table 7.3.1/1 const integer c_mdt_User_Consent_AVP_Code := 1634; // Ref: table 7.3.1/1 const integer c_puer_Flags_AVP_Code := 1635; // Ref: table 7.3.1/1 const integer c_clr_Flags_AVP_Code := 1638; // Ref: table 7.3.1/1 } } }//end module AtsImsIot_Diameter_Templates