FROM alpine:latest # Install dependencies RUN apk update && \ apk add --no-cache autoconf automake sudo make git g++ diffutils expect openssl-dev libxml2-dev libxml2-utils libxslt-dev libtool ncurses-dev jsoncpp-dev readline-dev flex bison perl libexecinfo-dev bash libedit libedit-dev lksctp-tools lksctp-tools-dev libpcap-dev # Create user and sudouser RUN \ addgroup -g 1000 etsi && \ adduser -S -D -u 1000 -G etsi -h /home/etsi -s /bin/bash etsi && \ echo "etsi:etsi" | chpasswd && \ echo "etsi ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL" >> /etc/sudoers || exit 1 USER etsi # Setup Hosts file at the boot time RUN \ echo 'sudo sh -c "cp /etc/hosts /etc/append && (echo \" $HOSTNAME\"; cat /etc/append) > /etc/hosts"' >> /home/etsi/.bashrc \ echo 'sh' >> /home/etsi/.bashrc || exit 1 # Clone OSIP WORKDIR /home/etsi RUN \ mkdir -p frameworks dev tmp && cd frameworks \ && cd ${HOME}/frameworks \ && git clone ./osip \ && cd osip \ && ./ \ && ./configure --prefix=/home/etsi \ && make && make install \ && cd - || exit 1 # Clone Titan RUN git clone || exit 1 WORKDIR /home/etsi/frameworks/titan.core/ # Setup ENV variables ENV TTCN3_DIR=/home/etsi/frameworks/titan.core/Install ENV PATH=$TTCN3_DIR/bin:$PATH \ LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$TTCN3_DIR/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH # Set flags RUN \ echo "ALPINE_LINUX=yes" > Makefile.personal && \ echo "TTCN3_DIR=$TTCN3_DIR" >> Makefile.personal && \ echo "JNI=no" >> Makefile.personal && \ echo "GUI=no" >> Makefile.personal && \ echo "DEBUG=no" >> Makefile.personal || exit 1 # Build Titan RUN \ sed --in-place 's/LINUX_LIBS := -lxml2/LINUX_LIBS := -lxml2 -lpthread/g' ./core/Makefile && \ make install && make clean || exit 1 WORKDIR /home/etsi/dev EXPOSE 443/tcp EXPOSE 5060/udp EXPOSE 5061/udp ENTRYPOINT /home/yann/dev/cise/virtualization/docker/