/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2000-2018 Ericsson Telecom AB * * XSD to TTCN-3 Translator version: CRL 113 200/6 R4A * * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html *******************************************************************************/ // // File: http_www_opengis_net_pidflo_1_0.ttcn // Description: // References: // Rev: // Prodnr: // Updated: Tue Jul 3 08:58:44 2018 // Contact: http://ttcn.ericsson.se // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Generated from file(s): // - GML-pidf-lo-shape.xsd // /* xml version = "1.0" */ // /* targetnamespace = "http://www.opengis.net/pidflo/1.0" */ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Modification header(s): //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Modified by: // Modification date: // Description: // Modification contact: //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// module http_www_opengis_net_pidflo_1_0 { import from XSD all; import from http_www_opengis_net_gml all; /* This document defines geodetic shape types for PIDF-LO. Copyright (c) 2007,2009 Open Geospatial Consortium. To obtain additional rights of use, visit http://www.opengeospatial.org/legal/ . */ type CircleType Circle with { variant "name as 'Circle'"; variant "element"; }; type record CircleType { NCNameList axisLabels optional, XSD.String gid optional, Id id optional, XSD.PositiveInteger srsDimension optional, XSD.AnyURI srsName optional, NCNameList uomLabels optional, CenterGroup centerGroup, LengthType radius } with { variant "name as uncapitalized"; variant (axisLabels) "attribute"; variant (gid) "attribute"; variant (id) "attribute"; variant (srsDimension) "attribute"; variant (srsName) "attribute"; variant (uomLabels) "attribute"; }; type EllipseType Ellipse with { variant "element"; }; type record EllipseType { NCNameList axisLabels optional, XSD.String gid optional, Id id optional, XSD.PositiveInteger srsDimension optional, XSD.AnyURI srsName optional, NCNameList uomLabels optional, CenterGroup centerGroup, LengthType semiMajorAxis, LengthType semiMinorAxis, AngleType orientation } with { variant (axisLabels) "attribute"; variant (gid) "attribute"; variant (id) "attribute"; variant (srsDimension) "attribute"; variant (srsName) "attribute"; variant (uomLabels) "attribute"; }; type ArcBandType ArcBand with { variant "element"; }; type record ArcBandType { NCNameList axisLabels optional, XSD.String gid optional, Id id optional, XSD.PositiveInteger srsDimension optional, XSD.AnyURI srsName optional, NCNameList uomLabels optional, CenterGroup centerGroup, LengthType innerRadius, LengthType outerRadius, AngleType startAngle, AngleType openingAngle } with { variant (axisLabels) "attribute"; variant (gid) "attribute"; variant (id) "attribute"; variant (srsDimension) "attribute"; variant (srsName) "attribute"; variant (uomLabels) "attribute"; }; type PrismType Prism with { variant "element"; }; type record PrismType { NCNameList axisLabels optional, XSD.String gid optional, Id id optional, XSD.PositiveInteger srsDimension optional, XSD.AnyURI srsName optional, NCNameList uomLabels optional, SurfacePropertyType base, LengthType height } with { variant (axisLabels) "attribute"; variant (gid) "attribute"; variant (id) "attribute"; variant (srsDimension) "attribute"; variant (srsName) "attribute"; variant (uomLabels) "attribute"; }; type SphereType Sphere with { variant "element"; }; type record SphereType { NCNameList axisLabels optional, XSD.String gid optional, Id id optional, XSD.PositiveInteger srsDimension optional, XSD.AnyURI srsName optional, NCNameList uomLabels optional, CenterGroup centerGroup, LengthType radius } with { variant (axisLabels) "attribute"; variant (gid) "attribute"; variant (id) "attribute"; variant (srsDimension) "attribute"; variant (srsName) "attribute"; variant (uomLabels) "attribute"; }; type EllipsoidType Ellipsoid with { variant "element"; }; type record EllipsoidType { NCNameList axisLabels optional, XSD.String gid optional, Id id optional, XSD.PositiveInteger srsDimension optional, XSD.AnyURI srsName optional, NCNameList uomLabels optional, CenterGroup centerGroup, LengthType semiMajorAxis, LengthType semiMinorAxis, LengthType verticalAxis, AngleType orientation } with { variant (axisLabels) "attribute"; variant (gid) "attribute"; variant (id) "attribute"; variant (srsDimension) "attribute"; variant (srsName) "attribute"; variant (uomLabels) "attribute"; }; type union CenterGroup { Pos pos, PointProperty pointProperty } with { variant "untagged"; variant (pos) "namespace as 'http://www.opengis.net/gml' prefix 'gml'"; variant (pointProperty) "namespace as 'http://www.opengis.net/gml' prefix 'gml'"; }; type union Object_group { XSD.AnyType object, GML_group gML } with { variant "untagged"; variant (object) "name as '_Object'"; variant (object) "form as qualified"; variant (object) "abstract"; variant (gML) "name as '_GML'"; }; type union GML_group { AbstractGMLType gML, Geometry_group geometry } with { variant "untagged"; variant (gML) "name as '_GML'"; variant (gML) "form as qualified"; variant (gML) "abstract"; variant (geometry) "name as '_Geometry'"; }; type record GeometryPropertyType { Geometry_group geometry } with { variant (geometry) "name as '_Geometry'"; }; type record GeometryArrayPropertyType { record of Geometry_group geometry_list } with { variant (geometry_list) "untagged"; variant (geometry_list[-]) "name as '_Geometry'"; }; type union Geometry_group { AbstractGeometryType geometry, GeometricPrimitive_group geometricPrimitive, Ring_group ring } with { variant "untagged"; variant (geometry) "name as '_Geometry'"; variant (geometry) "form as qualified"; variant (geometry) "abstract"; variant (geometricPrimitive) "name as '_GeometricPrimitive'"; variant (ring) "name as '_Ring'"; }; type union GeometricPrimitive_group { AbstractGeometricPrimitiveType geometricPrimitive, Curve_group curve, Point point, Solid_group solid, Surface_group_1 surface } with { variant "untagged"; variant (geometricPrimitive) "name as '_GeometricPrimitive'"; variant (geometricPrimitive) "form as qualified"; variant (geometricPrimitive) "abstract"; variant (curve) "name as '_Curve'"; variant (point) "name as capitalized"; variant (solid) "name as '_Solid'"; variant (surface) "name as '_Surface'"; }; type SolidType Solid with { variant "element"; }; type record SolidType { NCNameList axisLabels optional, XSD.String gid optional, Id id optional, XSD.PositiveInteger srsDimension optional, XSD.AnyURI srsName optional, NCNameList uomLabels optional, SurfacePropertyType exterior optional } with { variant (axisLabels) "attribute"; variant (gid) "attribute"; variant (id) "attribute"; variant (srsDimension) "attribute"; variant (srsName) "attribute"; variant (uomLabels) "attribute"; }; type union Solid_group { AbstractSolidType solid, Ellipsoid ellipsoid, Prism prism, Solid solid_1, Sphere sphere } with { variant "untagged"; variant (solid) "name as '_Solid'"; variant (solid) "form as qualified"; variant (solid) "abstract"; variant (ellipsoid) "name as capitalized"; variant (prism) "name as capitalized"; variant (solid_1) "name as 'Solid'"; variant (sphere) "name as capitalized"; }; type SurfacePropertyType SurfaceProperty with { variant "name as uncapitalized"; variant "element"; }; type record SurfacePropertyType { Surface_group_1 surface } with { variant (surface) "name as '_Surface'"; }; type union Surface_group_1 { AbstractSurfaceType surface, ArcBand arcBand, Circle circle, Ellipse ellipse, Polygon polygon, Surface_group surface_1 } with { variant "untagged"; variant (surface) "name as '_Surface'"; variant (surface) "form as qualified"; variant (surface) "abstract"; variant (arcBand) "name as capitalized"; variant (circle) "name as capitalized"; variant (ellipse) "name as capitalized"; variant (polygon) "name as capitalized"; variant (surface_1) "name as 'Surface'"; }; } with { encode "XML"; variant "namespace as 'http://www.opengis.net/pidflo/1.0' prefix 'gs'"; variant "controlNamespace 'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance' prefix 'xsi'"; variant "elementFormQualified"; }