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 *  @author   STF 435
 *  @version  $Id$
 *	@desc     This module defines MSRP Templates for message, header, and 
 *            structured types. <br>
 *            Note that any changes made to the definitions in this module
 *            may be overwritten by future releases of this library
 *            End users are encouraged to contact the distributers of this  
 *            module regarding their modifications or additions
 *  @remark   Any additions to the templates shall follow the design rules
 *            and always modify base templates only;
 *            Existing templates shall not be changed or removed -
 *            change requests shall be made to
module LibMsrp_Templates {
    // LibMsrp
    import from LibMsrp_TypesAndValues all;
     * @desc Declaration of constants used by templates
    group constants {
        group codes {
             * @desc 200 status OK
             * @see RFC 4975 - Clause 10.1
            const StatusCode c_OKCode := 200;
             * @desc 400 status Bad request
             * @see RFC 4975 - Clause 10.2
            const StatusCode c_BadRequestCode := 400;
             * @desc 403 status Forbidden
             * @see RFC 4975 - Clause 10.3
            const StatusCode c_ForbiddenCode := 403;
             * @desc 408 status Request Time-out
             * @see RFC 4975 - Clause 10.4
            const StatusCode c_RequestTimeoutCode := 408;
             * @desc 413 status Request Entity Too Large
             * @see RFC 4975 - Clause 10.5
            const StatusCode c_RequestEntityTooLargeCode := 413;
             * @desc 415 status Unsupported Media Type
             * @see RFC 4975 - Clause 10.6
            const StatusCode c_UnsupportedMediaTypeCode := 415;
             * @desc 423 status Locked
             * @see RFC 4975 - Clause 10.7
            const StatusCode c_LockedCode := 423;
             * @desc 481 status Call/Transaction Does Not Exist
             * @see RFC 4975 - Clause 10.8
            const StatusCode c_CallTransactionDoesNotExistCode := 481;
             * @desc 501 status Not Implemented
             * @see RFC 4975 - Clause 10.9
            const StatusCode c_NotImplementedCode := 501;
             * @desc 506 status Variant also negotiates
             * @see RFC 4975 - Clause 10.10
            const StatusCode c_VariantNegotiatesCode := 506;
        } // End of group codes
        group comments {
             * @desc Comment for 200 status
             * @see RFC 4975 - Clause 10.1
            const charstring c_OKComment := "OK";
             * @desc Comment for 400 Bad request
             * @see RFC 4975 - Clause 10.2
            const charstring c_BadRequestComment := "Bad request";
             * @desc Comment for 403 Forbidden
             * @see RFC 4975 - Clause 10.3
            const charstring c_ForbiddenComment := "Forbidden";
             * @desc Comment for 408 Request Time-out
             * @see RFC 4975 - Clause 10.4
            const charstring c_RequestTimeoutComment := "Request Time-out";
             * @desc 413 status Request Entity Too Large
             * @see RFC 4975 - Clause 10.5
            const charstring c_RequestEntityTooLargeComment := "Request Entity Too Large";
             * @desc 415 status Unsupported Media Type
             * @see RFC 4975 - Clause 10.6
            const charstring c_UnsupportedMediaTypeComment := "Unsupported Media Type";
             * @desc 423 status Locked
             * @see RFC 4975 - Clause 10.7
            const charstring c_LockedComment := "Locked";
             * @desc 481 status Call/Transaction Does Not Exist
             * @see RFC 4975 - Clause 10.8
            const charstring c_CallTransactionDoesNotExistComment := "Call/Transaction Does Not Exist";
             * @desc 501 status Not Implemented
             * @see RFC 4975 - Clause 10.9
            const charstring c_NotImplementedComment := "Not Implemented";
             * @desc 506 status Variant also negotiates
             * @see RFC 4975 - Clause 10.10
            const charstring c_VariantNegotiatesComment := "Variant also negotiates";
        } // End of group comments
    } // End of group constants
     * @desc Start and End line descriptions
    group delimiterLines {
         * @desc Generic receive template for SEND start request line 
        template MsrpRequestLine mw_RequestLine_SEND_any := {
            tagMsrp := e_MSRP, 
            transactionID := ?, 
            method := SEND_E
        } // End of template mw_RequestLine_SEND_any
        template MsrpRequestLine mw_RequestLine_REPORT_any := {
            tagMsrp := e_MSRP, 
            transactionID := ?, 
            method := REPORT_E
        } // End of template mw_RequestLine_SEND_any
         * @desc Generic receive template for RECEIVE start response line 
        template MsrpResponseLine mw_ResponseLine_any := {
            tagMsrp := e_MSRP, 
            transactionID := ?, 
            statusCode := ?, 
            comment := * 
        } // End of template mw_ResponseLine_any
        template MsrpResponseLine mw_ResponseLine_success 
        modifies mw_ResponseLine_any := { 
            statusCode := c_OKCode, 
            comment := c_OKComment 
        } // End of template mw_ResponseLine_success
         * @desc Receive template for SEND/RECEIVE end line, assuming that message are small enought to prevent chunk 
        template EndLine mw_EndLine_noMore := {
            transactionID := ?, 
            continuationFlag := e_endMessage // No chunk
        } // End of template mw_EndLine_noMore
    } // End of group delimiterLines
     * @see RFC 4975 - Clause 5.2. MSRP Addressing 
    group msrpAddressing {
         * @desc Dummy send template for MsrpURI used by ToPath
         * @ see RFC 4975 - Figure 2: Example MSRP Exchange
         * <pre>msrp://;tcp</pre>
        template (value) MsrpURI m_msrpURIs_ToPath_Dummy := { 
            scheme := { 
                scheme := e_SCHEME 
            authority := {
                userinfo := omit,
                host := "",
                portNumber := 12763
            sessionID := "kjhd37s2s20w2a", 
            transport := "tcp", 
            uriParams := omit 
        } // End of template m_msrpURIs_ToPath_Dummy
         * @desc Dummy send template for MsrpURI used by FromPath
         * @ see RFC 4975 - Figure 2: Example MSRP Exchange
         * <pre>msrp://;tcp</pre>
        template (value) MsrpURI m_msrpURIs_FromPath_Dummy := { 
            scheme := { 
                scheme := e_SCHEME 
            authority := {
                userinfo := omit,
                host := "",
            	portNumber := 7654
            sessionID := "jshA7weztas", 
            transport := "tcp", 
            uriParams := omit 
        } // End of template m_msrpURIs_FromPath_Dummy
         * @desc Dummy send template for ToPath
         * @ see RFC 4975 - Figure 2: Example MSRP Exchange
         * <pre>msrp://;tcp</pre>
        template (value) ToPath m_msrpToPath_Dummy := { 
            headerName := TO_PATH_E, 
            msrpURIs := { 
        } // End of template m_msrpToPath_Dummy
         * @desc Dummy send template for FromPath
         * @ see RFC 4975 - Figure 2: Example MSRP Exchange
         * <pre>msrp://;tcp</pre>
        template (value) FromPath m_msrpFromPath_Dummy := { 
            headerName := FROM_PATH_E, 
            msrpURIs := { 
        } // End of template m_msrpFromPath_Dummy
        template ToPath mw_toPath(in template (present) MsrpURI p_path) := {
            headerName := TO_PATH_E,
            msrpURIs := {
        } // End of template mw_toPath
        template FromPath mw_fromPath(in template (present) MsrpURI p_path) := {
            headerName := FROM_PATH_E,
            msrpURIs := {
        } // End of template mw_fromPath
    } // End of group msrpAddressing
    group msrpHeaders {
         * @desc Dummy send template for MessageID
         * @ see RFC 4975 - Figure 2: Example MSRP Exchange
         * <pre>Message-ID: 87652491</pre>
        template (value) MessageID m_msrpMessageID_Dummy := {
            headerName := MESSAGE_ID_E, 
            messageId := "87652491" 
        } // End of template m_msrpMessageID_Dummy
         * @desc Dummy send template for ByteRange
         * @ see RFC 4975 - Figure 2: Example MSRP Exchange
         * <pre>Byte-Range: 1-25/25</pre>
        template (value) ByteRange m_msrpByteRange_Dummy := { 
            headerName := BYTE_RANGE_E, 
            startValue := 1, 
            endValue := { intValue := 25 }, 
            totalValue := { intValue := 25 } 
        } // End of template m_msrpByteRange_Dummy
        template Headers mw_Headers_any := {
            toPath := ?, 
            fromPath := ?, 
            headers := * 
        } // End of template mw_Headers_any
        template Headers mw_Headers_toPath_FromPath(
            in template ToPath p_toPath,
            in template FromPath p_fromPath
        ) modifies mw_Headers_any := {
            toPath := p_toPath,
            fromPath := p_fromPath
        } // End of template mw_Headers_toPath_FromPath
    } // End of group msrpHeaders
    group msrpContent {
         * @desc Dummy send template for ContentStuff
         * @ see RFC 4975 - Figure 2: Example MSRP Exchange
         * <pre>
         * Content-Type: text/plain
         * Hey Bob, are you there?
         * </pre>
        template (value) ContentStuff m_msrpContentStuff_Dummy := {
            mimeHeaders := omit, 
            contentType := { 
                headerName := CONTENT_TYPE_E, 
                mediaType := { 
                    mediaType := "text", 
                    subType := "plain", 
                    genParams := omit 
                } // End of 'mediaType' field
            }, // End of 'contentType' field
            data := char2oct("Hey Bob, are you there?")
        } // End of template m_msrpByteRange_Dummy
        template MediaType mw_mediaType_any := {
            mediaType := ?,
            subType := ?,
            genParams := *
        } // End of template mw_mediaType_any
        template MsrpContentType mw_contentType_any := {
            headerName := CONTENT_TYPE_E,
            mediaType := mw_mediaType_any
        } // End of template mw_contentType_any
        template ContentStuff mw_contentStuff_any := {
            mimeHeaders := *,
            contentType := mw_contentType_any,
            data := ?
        } // End of template mw_contentStuff_any
        template MsrpContentType mw_contentType( 
            in charstring p_mediaType, 
            in charstring p_subType
        ) modifies mw_contentType_any := { 
            headerName := CONTENT_TYPE_E, 
            mediaType := { 
                mediaType := p_mediaType, 
                subType := p_subType, 
                genParams := * 
            } // End of 'mediaType' field
        } // End of template mw_contentType
    } // End of group msrpContent
     * Provides types for MSRP request
     * @see RFC 4975 - Clause 7.1. Constructing Requests
     * @see RFC 4976 - Relay Extensions for the Message Session Relay Protocol (MSRP)
    group msrpRequest {
        group msrpAUTH {
        } // End of group msrpSEND
        group msrpSEND {
             * @desc Dummy send template for SEND request
             * @ see RFC 4975 - Figure 2: Example MSRP Exchange
             * <pre>
             *     MSRP a786hjs2 SEND
             *     To-Path: msrp://;tcp
             *     From-Path: msrp://;tcp
             *     Message-ID: 87652491
             *     Byte-Range: 1-25/25
             *     Content-Type: text/plain
             *     Hey Bob, are you there?
             *     -------a786hjs2$
             *     MSRP a786hjs2 200 OK
             *     To-Path: msrp://;tcp
             *     From-Path: msrp://;tcp
             *     -------a786hjs2$
             * </pre>
            template (value) SEND_request m_msrpSend_Dummy := { 
                startLine := { 
                    tagMsrp := e_MSRP, 
                    transactionID := "a786hjs2", 
                    method := SEND_E 
                }, // End of 'startLine' field 
                headers := { 
                    toPath := m_msrpToPath_Dummy, 
                    fromPath := m_msrpFromPath_Dummy, 
                    headers := { 
Yann Garcia's avatar
Yann Garcia committed
						messageID := m_msrpMessageID_Dummy, 
						successReport := omit,
						failureReport := omit,
Bostjan Pintar's avatar
Bostjan Pintar committed
						byteRange := m_msrpByteRange_Dummy,
Yann Garcia's avatar
Yann Garcia committed
						status := omit,
Bostjan Pintar's avatar
Bostjan Pintar committed
						expires := omit,
                        minExpires := omit,
Yann Garcia's avatar
Yann Garcia committed
						maxExpires := omit,
Bostjan Pintar's avatar
Bostjan Pintar committed
						usePath := omit,
Yann Garcia's avatar
Yann Garcia committed
						wwwAuthenticate := omit,
						authorization := omit,
                        authenticationInfo := omit,
						extHeaders := omit
Bostjan Pintar's avatar
Bostjan Pintar committed
                }, // End of 'headers' field 
                contentStuff := m_msrpContentStuff_Dummy, 
                endLine := { 
                    transactionID := "a786hjs2", 
                    continuationFlag := e_endMessage 
            } // End of template m_msrpSend_Dummy
             * @desc Dummy send template for SEND request
             * @ see RFC 4975 - Figure 2: Example MSRP Exchange
             * <pre>
             *      MSRP a786hjs2 REPORT
             *      To-Path: msrp://;tcp
             *      From-Path: msrp://;tcp
             *      Message-ID: 87652491
             *      Byte-Range: 1-25/25
             *      Status: 000 200 OK
             *      ——-a786hjs2$
             * </pre>
            template (value) SEND_request m_msrpReport_Dummy 
            modifies m_msrpSend_Dummy := { 
                headers := { 
                    toPath := m_msrpToPath_Dummy, 
                    fromPath := m_msrpFromPath_Dummy, 
                    headers := { 
                        messageID := m_msrpMessageID_Dummy, 
                        byteRange := m_msrpByteRange_Dummy 
                } // End of 'headers' field 
            } // End of template m_msrpSend_Dummy
             * @desc Generic receive template for SEND request
            template SEND_request mw_msrpSEND_any := {
                startLine := mw_RequestLine_SEND_any,
                headers := mw_Headers_any,
                contentStuff := mw_contentStuff_any,
                endLine := mw_EndLine_noMore
            } // End of template mw_msrpSEND_any
            template SEND_request mw_msrpSEND_toPath_fromPath_contentType( 
                in template (present) ToPath p_toPath,
                in template (present) FromPath p_fromPath,
                in template (present) MsrpContentType p_contentType
            ) modifies mw_msrpSEND_any := {
                headers := mw_Headers_toPath_FromPath(
                contentStuff := {
                    contentType := p_contentType
            } // End of template mw_msrpSEND_toPath_fromPath_contentType
            template SEND_request mw_msrpREPORT_success modifies mw_msrpSEND_any := {
                startLine := mw_RequestLine_REPORT_any,
                headers := {
                    headers := {
                        messageID := *,
                        successReport := *, 
                        failureReport := *,
                        byteRange := *,
                        status := {
                        	headerName := STATUS_E, 
                            namespace := 0,
                            statusCode := c_OKCode, 
                            comment := c_OKComment
                        }, // End of 'status' field
                        expires := *,
                        minExpires := *,
                        maxExpires := *,
                        usePath := *,
                        wwwAuthenticate := *,
                        authorization := *,
                        authenticationInfo := *,
                        extHeaders := *
                } // End of 'headers' field
            } // End of template mw_msrpREPORT_success
        } // End of group msrpSEND
    } // End of group msrpRequest
    group msrpResponse {
         * @desc Dummy send template for RECEIVE response
         * @ see RFC 4975 - Figure 2: Example MSRP Exchange
        template (value) RECEIVE_response m_msrpResponse_Dummy := {
                startLine := { 
                    tagMsrp := e_MSRP, 
                    transactionID := "a786hjs2", 
                    statusCode := c_OKCode, 
                    comment := c_OKComment
                }, // End of 'startLine' field 
                headers := { 
                    toPath := m_msrpToPath_Dummy, 
                    fromPath := m_msrpFromPath_Dummy,
                    headers := { 
Yann Garcia's avatar
Yann Garcia committed
						messageID := m_msrpMessageID_Dummy,
						successReport := omit,
						failureReport := omit,
Bostjan Pintar's avatar
Bostjan Pintar committed
						byteRange := omit,
Yann Garcia's avatar
Yann Garcia committed
						status := omit,
Bostjan Pintar's avatar
Bostjan Pintar committed
						expires := omit,
						minExpires := omit,
Yann Garcia's avatar
Yann Garcia committed
						maxExpires := omit,
Bostjan Pintar's avatar
Bostjan Pintar committed
						usePath := omit,
Yann Garcia's avatar
Yann Garcia committed
						wwwAuthenticate := omit,
						authorization := omit,
						authenticationInfo := omit,
						extHeaders := omit
Bostjan Pintar's avatar
Bostjan Pintar committed
                }, // End of 'headers' field 
                endLine := { 
                    transactionID := "a786hjs2", 
                    continuationFlag := e_endMessage 
        } // End of template m_msrpResponse_Dummy
        template RECEIVE_response mw_msrpResponse_any := {
            startLine := mw_ResponseLine_any,
            headers := mw_Headers_any,
            endLine := mw_EndLine_noMore
        } // End of template mw_msrpResponse_any
        template RECEIVE_response mw_msrpResponse_success 
        modifies mw_msrpResponse_any := {
            startLine := mw_ResponseLine_success
        } // End of template mw_msrpResponse_success
        template RECEIVE_response mw_msrpResponse_toPath_fromPath( 
            in template (present) ToPath p_toPath, 
            in template (present) FromPath p_fromPath 
        ) modifies mw_msrpResponse_success := {
            headers := { 
                toPath := p_toPath, 
                fromPath := p_fromPath 
            } // End of 'headers' field
        } // End of template mw_msrpResponse_toPath_fromPath
        template RECEIVE_response mw_msrpResponse_toPath_fromPath_with_transferReports( // TODO Check if it it really used
            in template (present) ToPath p_toPath, 
            in template (present) FromPath p_fromPath 
        ) modifies mw_msrpResponse_toPath_fromPath := {
            headers := { 
                headers := {
					messageID := *,
                    successReport := {
                        headerName := SUCCESS_REPORT_E,
                        reportStatus := e_YES
                    failureReport := {
                        headerName := FAILURE_REPORT_E,
                        reportStatus := e_NO
Yann Garcia's avatar
Yann Garcia committed
					byteRange := *,
					status := *,
					expires := *,
					minExpires := *,
					maxExpires := *,
Bostjan Pintar's avatar
Bostjan Pintar committed
					usePath := *,
Yann Garcia's avatar
Yann Garcia committed
					wwwAuthenticate := *,
					authorization := *,
					authenticationInfo := *,
					extHeaders := *
Bostjan Pintar's avatar
Bostjan Pintar committed
                } // End of 'header' field
            } // End of 'headers' field
        } // // End of template mw_msrpResponse_toPath_fromPath_with_transferReports
    } // End of group msrpResponse
} // End of LibMsrp_Templates