AtsImsIot_Emergency.ttcn 242 KB
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					if (f_checkVxLteRequiredMonitorInterface({PX_SIP_GMA_INTERFACENAME,
						var SipMessage v_sip;


						// map/connect component ports
						f_cf_adapter_up ( );
						f_cf_user_up ( v_ueA );
						f_cf_user_up ( v_psap );

						// Preamble
						f_mtc_userRegistration(v_ueA, v_userInfoA);
							f_mtc_userRegistration(v_psap, v_infoPsap);
						} else {
							// TODO Check OPTIONS from PSAP to E-CSCF

						// Test body
						f_mtc_check_TP_GM_PCSCF_NGC_INVITE_01(vc_vxlte_monitor_components.gmA, -, v_sip); // INVITE Event 1
						f_mtc_check_TP_GM_PCSCF_ECO_100Trying_01(vc_vxlte_monitor_components.gmA, -, v_sip);

						//Rx/Gx exchange after INVITE (SDP) was received at P-CSCF
						f_mtc_check_TP_RX_PCSCF_AAR_03(vc_vxlte_monitor_components.rx);// Event 2
						f_mtc_check_TP_GX_PCRF_RAR_01(vc_vxlte_monitor_components.gx, true); // Event 3
						f_mtc_check_TP_GX_PGW_RAA_02(vc_vxlte_monitor_components.gx);  // Event 4
						f_mtc_check_TP_RX_PCRF_AAA_02(vc_vxlte_monitor_components.rx); // Event 5
						f_mtc_check_TP_RX_PCSCF_RAA_01(vc_vxlte_monitor_components.rx);// Events 7,8
						f_mtc_check_TP_GX_PCRF_CCA_01(vc_vxlte_monitor_components.gx); // Events 6,9

						f_mtc_check_TP_MW_PCSCF_NGC_INVITE_01(vc_vxlte_monitor_components.mwPE, -, v_sip); // Event 10
						f_mtc_check_TP_MW_PCSCF_ECO_100Trying_01(vc_vxlte_monitor_components.mwPE, -, v_sip);

						f_mtc_check_TP_MM_ECSCF_NGC_INVITE_01(vc_vxlte_monitor_components.mmB_PSAP, -, v_sip); // Event 11
						f_mtc_check_TP_MM_ECSCF_ECO_100Trying_01(vc_vxlte_monitor_components.mmB_PSAP, -, v_sip);

						// 183 Session Progress
						f_mtc_check_TP_MM_ECSCF_ECO_183SESSION_PROGRESS_01(vc_vxlte_monitor_components.mmB_PSAP, -, v_sip); // 183 In Progress Event 12
						f_mtc_check_TP_MW_PCSCF_ECO_183SESSION_PROGRESS_01(vc_vxlte_monitor_components.mwPE, -, v_sip); // Event 13
						f_mtc_check_TP_GM_PCSCF_183SESSION_PROGRESS_01(vc_vxlte_monitor_components.gmA, -, v_sip); // Event 18

						//Rx/Gx exchange after 183(SDP) was received at P-CSCF
						f_mtc_check_TP_RX_PCSCF_AAR_04(vc_vxlte_monitor_components.rx);// Event 14
						f_mtc_check_TP_GX_PCRF_RAR_01(vc_vxlte_monitor_components.gx, true); // Event 15
						f_mtc_check_TP_GX_PGW_RAA_02(vc_vxlte_monitor_components.gx);  // Event 16
						f_mtc_check_TP_RX_PCRF_AAA_02(vc_vxlte_monitor_components.rx); // Event 17

						f_mtc_check_TP_MM_ECSCF_ECO_180RINGING_01(vc_vxlte_monitor_components.mmB_PSAP, -, v_sip); // 180 Ringing – Event 20
						f_mtc_check_TP_MW_PCSCF_ECO_180RINGING_01(vc_vxlte_monitor_components.mwPE, -, v_sip); // Event 21
						f_mtc_check_TP_GM_PCSCF_180RINGING_01(vc_vxlte_monitor_components.gmA, -, v_sip); // Event 22

						f_mtc_userCheckRinging(v_psap); // Event 19
						f_mtc_userCheckPeerIsRinging(v_ueA); // Event 19
						f_mtc_userAnswerCall(v_psap); // Event 26

						f_mtc_check_TP_MM_ECSCF_ECO_200OK_01(vc_vxlte_monitor_components.mmB_PSAP, -, v_sip); // 200 OK Event 23
						f_mtc_check_TP_MW_PCSCF_ECO_200OK_01(vc_vxlte_monitor_components.mwPE, -, v_sip); // Event 24
						f_mtc_check_TP_GM_PCSCF_200OK_01(vc_vxlte_monitor_components.gmA, -, v_sip); // Event 25

						f_mtc_check_TP_GM_PCSCF_ACK_01(vc_vxlte_monitor_components.gmA, -, v_sip); // ACK Event 26 
						f_mtc_check_TP_MW_PCSCF_ECO_ACK_01(vc_vxlte_monitor_components.mwPE, -, v_sip); // Event 27
						f_mtc_check_TP_MM_ECSCF_ECO_ACK_01(vc_vxlte_monitor_components.mmB_PSAP, -, v_sip); // ACK – Event 28

						f_mtc_userCheckCallEstablished(v_ueA); // Event 29
						f_mtc_userCheckCallEstablished(v_psap); // Event 29

						// Postamble

						//unmap/disconnect component ports
						f_cf_user_down ( v_psap );
						f_cf_user_down ( v_ueA );
						setverdict (inconc,"At least one required monitor interface SHALL be selected! Check PIXITs")
					f_cf_adapter_down ( );

				} // End of TC TD_VoLTE_NGC_INT_INI_01

				group f_TD_VoLTE_NGC_INT_INI_01 {

					function f_mtc_check_precond_TD_VoLTE_NGC_INT_INI_01() runs on ImsTestCoordinator {
						log("If the test case fails, please check the preconditions");
						// TODO Add real code to check pre-conditions
					 } // End of function f_mtc_check_precond_TD_VoLTE_NGC_INT_INI_01

				} // End of group f_TD_VoLTE_NGC_INT_INI_01
				 * @desc To demonstrate the if an IMS emergency call of the (automatically or manually) initiated eCall type of emergency service has been established,
				 *       the attempt by the PSAP to request transfer of an updated MSD shall be answered.
				 * @see ETSI TS 103 795-2 Clause    MSD update during NG eCall
				testcase TD_VoLTE_NGC_INT_INF_01_01() runs on ImsTestCoordinator system IotSystemInterface {
					var IotEquipmentUser v_ueA  := f_cf_create_IotEquipmentUser ( c_userUE_A_emergency );
					var IotEquipmentUser v_psap := f_cf_create_IotEquipmentUser ( c_psap );
					var ImsUserInfo v_userInfoA := f_getImUser ( PX_EUT_A_EMERGENCY );
					var ImsUserInfo v_infoPsap  := f_getImUser ( PX_PSAP );

					//Check required monitor interfaces due to TD
					if (f_checkVxLteRequiredMonitorInterface({PX_SIP_GMA_INTERFACENAME,
						var SipMessage v_sip;


						// map/connect component ports
						f_cf_adapter_up ( );
						f_cf_user_up ( v_ueA );
						f_cf_user_up ( v_psap );

						// Preamble
						f_mtc_userRegistration(v_ueA, v_userInfoA);
							f_mtc_userRegistration(v_psap, v_infoPsap);
						} else {
							// TODO Check OPTIONS from PSAP to E-CSCF
						f_mtc_userInitiateCall (v_ueA, v_infoPsap); // Event 1

						// Test body
						//Send INFO
						f_mtc_check_TP_MM_ECSCF_NGC_INFO_01(vc_vxlte_monitor_components.mwS_PSAP, -, v_sip); // INFO Event 1
						f_mtc_check_TP_MW_PCSCF_NGC_INFO_01(vc_vxlte_monitor_components.mwPE, -, v_sip); // INFO Event 6
						f_mtc_check_TP_GM_PCSCF_NGC_INFO_01(vc_vxlte_monitor_components.gmA, -, v_sip); // INFO Event 7
						//Receive INFO 
						f_mtc_check_TP_GM_PCSCF_NGC_INFO_02(vc_vxlte_monitor_components.gmA, -, v_sip); // INFO Event 8
						f_mtc_check_TP_MW_PCSCF_NGC_INFO_02(vc_vxlte_monitor_components.mwPE, -, v_sip); // INFO Event 9
						f_mtc_check_TP_MM_ECSCF_NGC_INFO_02(vc_vxlte_monitor_components.mwS_PSAP, -, v_sip); // INFO Event 10

						// Postamble

						//unmap/disconnect component ports
						f_cf_user_down ( v_psap );
						f_cf_user_down ( v_ueA );
						setverdict (inconc,"At least one required monitor interface SHALL be selected! Check PIXITs")
					f_cf_adapter_down ( );

				} // End of TC TD_VoLTE_NGC_INT_INF_01_01
			testcase TD_VoLTE_NGC_INT_INF_01_02() runs on ImsTestCoordinator system IotSystemInterface {
					var IotEquipmentUser v_ueA  := f_cf_create_IotEquipmentUser ( c_userUE_A_emergency );
					var IotEquipmentUser v_psap := f_cf_create_IotEquipmentUser ( c_psap );
					var ImsUserInfo v_userInfoA := f_getImUser ( PX_EUT_A_EMERGENCY );
					var ImsUserInfo v_infoPsap  := f_getImUser ( PX_PSAP );

					//Check required monitor interfaces due to TD
					if (f_checkVxLteRequiredMonitorInterface({PX_SIP_GMA_INTERFACENAME,
						var SipMessage v_sip;


						// map/connect component ports
						f_cf_adapter_up ( );
						f_cf_user_up ( v_ueA );
						f_cf_user_up ( v_psap );

						// Preamble
						f_mtc_userRegistration(v_ueA, v_userInfoA);
							f_mtc_userRegistration(v_psap, v_infoPsap);
						} else {
							// TODO Check OPTIONS from PSAP to E-CSCF
						f_mtc_userInitiateCall (v_ueA, v_infoPsap); // Event 1

						// Test body
						//Send INFO
						f_mtc_check_TP_MX_ECSCF_NGC_INFO_01(vc_vxlte_monitor_components.mwS_PSAP, -, v_sip); // INFO Event 3
						f_mtc_check_TP_MW_PCSCF_NGC_INFO_01(vc_vxlte_monitor_components.mwPE, -, v_sip); // INFO Event 6 
						f_mtc_check_TP_GM_PCSCF_NGC_INFO_01(vc_vxlte_monitor_components.gmA, -, v_sip); // INFO Event 7
						//Receive INFO 
						f_mtc_check_TP_GM_PCSCF_NGC_INFO_02(vc_vxlte_monitor_components.gmA, -, v_sip); // INFO Event 8  TODO
						f_mtc_check_TP_MW_PCSCF_NGC_INFO_02(vc_vxlte_monitor_components.mwPE, -, v_sip); // INFO Event 9  TODO
						f_mtc_check_TP_MX_ECSCF_NGC_INFO_02(vc_vxlte_monitor_components.mwS_PSAP, -, v_sip); // INFO Event 11

						// Postamble

						//unmap/disconnect component ports
						f_cf_user_down ( v_psap );
						f_cf_user_down ( v_ueA );
						setverdict (inconc,"At least one required monitor interface SHALL be selected! Check PIXITs")
					f_cf_adapter_down ( );

				} // End of TC TD_VoLTE_NGC_INT_INF_01_02
				testcase TD_VoLTE_NGC_INT_INF_01_03() runs on ImsTestCoordinator system IotSystemInterface {
					var IotEquipmentUser v_ueA  := f_cf_create_IotEquipmentUser ( c_userUE_A_emergency );
					var IotEquipmentUser v_psap := f_cf_create_IotEquipmentUser ( c_psap );
					var ImsUserInfo v_userInfoA := f_getImUser ( PX_EUT_A_EMERGENCY );
					var ImsUserInfo v_infoPsap  := f_getImUser ( PX_PSAP );

					//Check required monitor interfaces due to TD
					if (f_checkVxLteRequiredMonitorInterface({PX_SIP_GMA_INTERFACENAME,
						var SipMessage v_sip;


						// map/connect component ports
						f_cf_adapter_up ( );
						f_cf_user_up ( v_ueA );
						f_cf_user_up ( v_psap );

						// Preamble
						f_mtc_userRegistration(v_ueA, v_userInfoA);
							f_mtc_userRegistration(v_psap, v_infoPsap);
						} else {
							// TODO Check OPTIONS from PSAP to E-CSCF
						f_mtc_userInitiateCall (v_ueA, v_infoPsap); // Event 1

						// Test body
						//Send INFO
						f_mtc_check_TP_MI_ECSCF_NGC_INFO_01(vc_vxlte_monitor_components.mwS_PSAP, -, v_sip); // INFO Event 5
						f_mtc_check_TP_MW_PCSCF_NGC_INFO_01(vc_vxlte_monitor_components.mwPE, -, v_sip); // INFO Event 6 
						f_mtc_check_TP_GM_PCSCF_NGC_INFO_01(vc_vxlte_monitor_components.gmA, -, v_sip); // INFO Event 7
						//Receive INFO 
						f_mtc_check_TP_GM_PCSCF_NGC_INFO_02(vc_vxlte_monitor_components.gmA, -, v_sip); // INFO Event 8  TODO
						f_mtc_check_TP_MW_PCSCF_NGC_INFO_02(vc_vxlte_monitor_components.mwPE, -, v_sip); // INFO Event 9  TODO
						f_mtc_check_TP_MI_ECSCF_NGC_INFO_02(vc_vxlte_monitor_components.mwS_PSAP, -, v_sip); // INFO Event 13

						// Postamble

						//unmap/disconnect component ports
						f_cf_user_down ( v_psap );
						f_cf_user_down ( v_ueA );
						setverdict (inconc,"At least one required monitor interface SHALL be selected! Check PIXITs")
					f_cf_adapter_down ( );

				} // End of TC TD_VoLTE_NGC_INT_INF_01_03

				group f_TD_VoLTE_NGC_INT_INF_01 {

					function f_mtc_check_precond_TD_VoLTE_NGC_INT_INF_01() runs on ImsTestCoordinator {
						log("If the test case fails, please check the preconditions");
						// TODO Add real code to check pre-conditions
					 } // End of function f_mtc_check_precond_TD_VoLTE_NGC_INT_INI_01

				} // End of group f_TD_VoLTE_NGC_INT_INF_01_01
barakatr's avatar
barakatr committed
		} // End of group EmergencySessionEmergencyBearerOperations
         * @see ETSI TS 103 795-2 Clause 5.5    Emergency Network Detachment
        group EmergencyNetworkDetachment {

            group EmergencySessionDetachment {
                 * @desc    To demonstrate UE initiated network emergency detachment (IP-CAN session termination) for a UE that has not yet emergency registered to the IMS or for UE that has been emergency registered to the IMS
                 * @see ETSI TS 103 795-2 Clause 5.5.1    UE Emergency  Network Detachment (with/without Emergency Registration)
                testcase TC_VoLTE_ECO_INT_DTC_01 ( ) runs on ImsTestCoordinator system IotSystemInterface {

                    var IotEquipmentUser v_ueA    := f_cf_create_IotEquipmentUser ( c_userUE_A );
                    var ImsUserInfo v_userInfoA    := f_getImUser ( PX_EUT_A );

                    //Check required monitor interfaces due to TD
                    if (f_checkVxLteRequiredMonitorInterface({PX_DIAMETER_GX_INTERFACENAME})){

                        // map/connect component ports
                        f_cf_adapter_up ( );
                        f_cf_user_up ( v_ueA );

barakatr's avatar
barakatr committed
                        f_mtc_userRadioEnabled ( v_ueA, true, true ); // UE-A trigger an initial network_attachment by enabling radio interface of its mobile
                        f_mtc_userRadioEnabled ( v_ueA, false, true );
barakatr's avatar
barakatr committed
                        // test body
                        // Check that user A starts initial network attachment
                        f_mtc_check_TP_GX_PCRF_EMC_CCA_01(vc_vxlte_monitor_components.gx, false);//f_mtc_check_TP_GX_PCRF_ECO_CCA_02 ( vc_vxlte_monitor_components.gx, false ); // Check (CCA – Event 3)


                        //unmap/disconnect component ports
                        f_cf_user_down ( v_ueA );
                        f_cf_adapter_down ( );
                        setverdict (inconc,"At least one required monitor interface SHALL be selected! Check PIXITs")
                } // End of TC TC_VoLTE_ECO_INT_DTC_01

                 * @desc    To demonstrate UE initiated emergency network detachment (emergency IP-CAN session termination) for a UE that is emergency registered to IMS and also has active emergency session
                 * @see ETSI TS 103 795-2 Clause 5.5.2    UE Emergency Network Detachment with Previously Established Emergency Registration & Emergency Session
                 * @remark This is option 1: PSAP is in IMS A network
                testcase TC_VoLTE_ECO_INT_DTC_02_01 ( ) runs on ImsTestCoordinator system IotSystemInterface {

                    var IotEquipmentUser v_ueA    := f_cf_create_IotEquipmentUser ( c_userUE_A_emergency );
                    var IotEquipmentUser v_psap := f_cf_create_IotEquipmentUser ( c_psap );
                    var ImsUserInfo v_userInfoA := f_getImUser ( PX_EUT_A_EMERGENCY );
                    var ImsUserInfo v_infoPsap  := f_getImUser ( PX_PSAP );

                    //Check required monitor interfaces due to TD
                    if (f_checkVxLteRequiredMonitorInterface({PX_SIP_GMA_INTERFACENAME,
                                                              PX_SIP_MM_B_PSAP_INTERFACENAME // E-CSCCF -> PSAP
                        var SipMessage v_sip;


                        // map/connect component ports
                        f_cf_adapter_up ( );
                        f_cf_user_up ( v_ueA );

                        // Preamble
                        f_mtc_userRegistration(v_ueA, v_userInfoA);
                        if (PX_PSAP_REGISTERED) {
                            f_mtc_userRegistration(v_psap, v_infoPsap);
                        } else {
                            // TODO Check OPTIONS from PSAP to E-CSCF
                        f_mtc_userInitiateCall (v_ueA, v_infoPsap); // Event 1

                        // Test body
                        f_mtc_check_TP_GM_PCSCF_ECO_BYE_01(vc_vxlte_monitor_components.gmA, -, v_sip); // Event 2

                        //Rx/Gx exchange after BYE was received at P-CSCF
                        f_mtc_check_TP_RX_PCSCF_STR_01(vc_vxlte_monitor_components.rx); // Event 3
                        f_mtc_check_TP_GX_PCRF_RAR_02(vc_vxlte_monitor_components.gx, true); // Event 4
                        f_mtc_check_TP_GX_PGW_RAA_03(vc_vxlte_monitor_components.gx); // Event 5
                        f_mtc_check_TP_RX_PCRF_STA_01(vc_vxlte_monitor_components.rx); // Event 6                       

                        f_mtc_check_TP_MW_PCSCF_ECO_BYE_01(vc_vxlte_monitor_components.mwPE, -, v_sip); // Event 7

                        f_mtc_check_TP_MM_ECSCF_ECO_BYE_01(vc_vxlte_monitor_components.mmB_PSAP, -, v_sip); // Event 8

                        f_mtc_check_TP_MX_ECSCF_ECO_200OK_01(vc_vxlte_monitor_components.mmB_PSAP, -, v_sip); // Event 13
                        f_mtc_check_TP_MW_PCSCF_ECO_200OK_01(vc_vxlte_monitor_components.mwPE, -, v_sip); // Event 18
                        f_mtc_check_TP_GM_PCSCF_200OK_02(vc_vxlte_monitor_components.gmA, -, v_sip); // Event 19

                        f_mtc_check_TP_GX_PCRF_ECO_CCA_02 ( vc_vxlte_monitor_components.gx, false ); // Check (CCA – Event 20)

                        f_mtc_userCheckCallTerminated(v_ueA); // Event 22
                        f_mtc_userCheckCallCancelled(v_psap); // Event 23

                        // Postamble

                        //unmap/disconnect component ports
                        f_cf_user_down ( v_psap );
                        f_cf_user_down ( v_ueA );
                        f_cf_adapter_down ( );
                        setverdict (inconc,"At least one required monitor interface SHALL be selected! Check PIXITs")
                } // End of TC TC_VoLTE_ECO_INT_DTC_02_01

                group f_TC_VoLTE_ECO_INT_DTC_02_01 {

                    function f_mtc_check_precond_TC_VoLTE_ECO_INT_DTC_02_01() runs on ImsTestCoordinator {
                        log("If the test case fails, please check the preconditions");
                     } // End of function f_mtc_check_precond_TC_VoLTE_ECO_INT_DTC_02_01

                } // End of f_TC_VoLTE_ECO_INT_DTC_02_01

                 * @desc    To demonstrate UE initiated emergency network detachment (emergency IP-CAN session termination) for a UE that is emergency registered to IMS and also has active emergency session
                 * @see ETSI TS 103 795-2 Clause 5.5.2    UE Emergency Network Detachment with Previously Established Emergency Registration & Emergency Session
                 * @remark This is option 2: PSAP is not in IMS A network
                testcase TC_VoLTE_ECO_INT_DTC_02_02 ( ) runs on ImsTestCoordinator system IotSystemInterface {

                    var IotEquipmentUser v_ueA    := f_cf_create_IotEquipmentUser ( c_userUE_A_emergency );
                    var IotEquipmentUser v_psap := f_cf_create_IotEquipmentUser ( c_psap );
                    var ImsUserInfo v_userInfoA := f_getImUser ( PX_EUT_A_EMERGENCY );
                    var ImsUserInfo v_infoPsap  := f_getImUser ( PX_PSAP );

                    //Check required monitor interfaces due to TD
                    if (f_checkVxLteRequiredMonitorInterface({PX_SIP_GMA_INTERFACENAME,
                                                              PX_SIP_MW_EB_INTERFACENAME, // E-CSCF -> IBCF
                                                              PX_SIP_IC_INTERFACENAME // IBCF -> IMS_B -> PSAP
                        var SipMessage v_sip;


                        // map/connect component ports
                        f_cf_adapter_up ( );
                        f_cf_user_up ( v_ueA );

                        // Preamble
                        f_mtc_userRegistration(v_ueA, v_userInfoA);
                        if (PX_PSAP_REGISTERED) {
                            f_mtc_userRegistration(v_psap, v_infoPsap);
                        } else {
                            // TODO Check OPTIONS from PSAP to E-CSCF
                        f_mtc_userInitiateCall (v_ueA, v_infoPsap); // Event 1

                        // Test body
                        f_mtc_check_TP_GM_PCSCF_ECO_BYE_01(vc_vxlte_monitor_components.gmA, -, v_sip); // Event 2

                        //Rx/Gx exchange after BYE was received at P-CSCF
                        f_mtc_check_TP_RX_PCSCF_STR_01(vc_vxlte_monitor_components.rx); // (STR – Event 3
                        f_mtc_check_TP_GX_PCRF_RAR_02(vc_vxlte_monitor_components.gx, true); // (RAR – Event 4)
                        f_mtc_check_TP_GX_PGW_RAA_03(vc_vxlte_monitor_components.gx); // (RAA – Event 5)
                        f_mtc_check_TP_RX_PCRF_STA_01(vc_vxlte_monitor_components.rx); // (STA – Event 6)                        

                        f_mtc_check_TP_MW_PCSCF_ECO_BYE_01(vc_vxlte_monitor_components.mwPE, -, v_sip); // Event 7

                        f_mtc_check_TP_MX_ECSCF_ECO_BYE_01(vc_vxlte_monitor_components.mwEB, -, v_sip); // Event 9
                        f_mtc_check_TP_IC_IBCF_ECO_BYE_01(vc_vxlte_monitor_components.ic); // Event 10

                        f_mtc_check_TP_MX_ECSCF_ECO_200OK_01(vc_vxlte_monitor_components.mwEB, -, v_sip); // Event 15
                        f_mtc_check_TP_MW_PCSCF_ECO_200OK_01(vc_vxlte_monitor_components.mwPE, -, v_sip); // Event 18
                        f_mtc_check_TP_GM_PCSCF_200OK_02(vc_vxlte_monitor_components.gmA, -, v_sip); // Event 19

                        f_mtc_check_TP_GX_PCRF_ECO_CCA_02 ( vc_vxlte_monitor_components.gx, false ); // Check (CCA – Event 20)

                        f_mtc_userCheckCallTerminated(v_ueA); // Event 22
                        f_mtc_userCheckCallCancelled(v_psap); // Event 23

                        // Postamble

                        //unmap/disconnect component ports
                        f_cf_user_down ( v_psap );
                        f_cf_user_down ( v_ueA );
                        f_cf_adapter_down ( );
                        setverdict (inconc,"At least one required monitor interface SHALL be selected! Check PIXITs")
                } // End of TC TC_VoLTE_ECO_INT_DTC_02_02

                group f_TC_VoLTE_ECO_INT_DTC_02_02 {

                    function f_mtc_check_precond_TC_VoLTE_ECO_INT_DTC_02_02() runs on ImsTestCoordinator {
                        log("If the test case fails, please check the preconditions");
                     } // End of function f_mtc_check_precond_TC_VoLTE_ECO_INT_DTC_02_02

                } // End of f_TC_VoLTE_ECO_INT_DTC_02_02

                 * @desc    To demonstrate UE initiated emergency network detachment (emergency IP-CAN session termination) for a UE that is emergency registered to IMS and also has active emergency session
                 * @see ETSI TS 103 795-2 Clause 5.5.2    UE Emergency Network Detachment with Previously Established Emergency Registration & Emergency Session
                 * @remark This is option 3: PSAP is in PSTN network
                testcase TC_VoLTE_ECO_INT_DTC_02_03 ( ) runs on ImsTestCoordinator system IotSystemInterface {

                    var IotEquipmentUser v_ueA    := f_cf_create_IotEquipmentUser ( c_userUE_A_emergency );
                    var IotEquipmentUser v_psap := f_cf_create_IotEquipmentUser ( c_psap );
                    var ImsUserInfo v_userInfoA := f_getImUser ( PX_EUT_A_EMERGENCY );
                    var ImsUserInfo v_infoPsap  := f_getImUser ( PX_PSAP );

                    //Check required monitor interfaces due to TD
                    if (f_checkVxLteRequiredMonitorInterface({PX_SIP_GMA_INTERFACENAME,
                                                              PX_SIP_MW_PE_INTERFACENAME, // E-CSCF -> IBCF
                                                              PX_SIP_IC_INTERFACENAME // IBCF -> IMS -> PSAP
                        var SipMessage v_sip;


                        // map/connect component ports
                        f_cf_adapter_up ( );
                        f_cf_user_up ( v_ueA );

                        // Preamble
                        f_mtc_userRegistration(v_ueA, v_userInfoA);
                        if (PX_PSAP_REGISTERED) {
                            f_mtc_userRegistration(v_psap, v_infoPsap);
                        } else {
                            // TODO Check OPTIONS from PSAP to E-CSCF
                        f_mtc_userInitiateCall (v_ueA, v_infoPsap); // Event 1

                        // Test body
                        f_mtc_check_TP_GM_PCSCF_ECO_BYE_01(vc_vxlte_monitor_components.gmA, -, v_sip); // Event 2

                        //Rx/Gx exchange after BYE was received at P-CSCF
                        f_mtc_check_TP_RX_PCSCF_STR_01(vc_vxlte_monitor_components.rx); // (STR – Event 3
                        f_mtc_check_TP_GX_PCRF_RAR_02(vc_vxlte_monitor_components.gx, true); // (RAR – Event 4)
                        f_mtc_check_TP_GX_PGW_RAA_03(vc_vxlte_monitor_components.gx); // (RAA – Event 5)
                        f_mtc_check_TP_RX_PCRF_STA_01(vc_vxlte_monitor_components.rx); // (STA – Event 6)                        

                        f_mtc_check_TP_MW_PCSCF_ECO_BYE_01(vc_vxlte_monitor_components.mwPE, -, v_sip); // Event 7

                        f_mtc_check_TP_MI_ECSCF_ECO_BYE_01(vc_vxlte_monitor_components.mwEB, -, v_sip); // Event 11

                        f_mtc_check_TP_MI_ECSCF_ECO_200OK_01(vc_vxlte_monitor_components.mwEB, -, v_sip); // Event 17
                        f_mtc_check_TP_MW_PCSCF_ECO_200OK_01(vc_vxlte_monitor_components.mwPE, -, v_sip); // Event 18
                        f_mtc_check_TP_GM_PCSCF_200OK_02(vc_vxlte_monitor_components.gmA, -, v_sip); // Event 19

                        f_mtc_check_TP_GX_PCRF_ECO_CCA_02 ( vc_vxlte_monitor_components.gx, false ); // Check (CCA – Event 20)

                        f_mtc_userCheckCallTerminated(v_ueA); // Event 22
                        f_mtc_userCheckCallCancelled(v_psap); // Event 23

                        // Postamble

                        //unmap/disconnect component ports
                        f_cf_user_down ( v_psap );
                        f_cf_user_down ( v_ueA );
                        f_cf_adapter_down ( );
                        setverdict (inconc,"At least one required monitor interface SHALL be selected! Check PIXITs")
                } // End of TC TC_VoLTE_ECO_INT_DTC_02_03

                group f_TC_VoLTE_ECO_INT_DTC_02_03 {

                    function f_mtc_check_precond_TC_VoLTE_ECO_INT_DTC_02_03() runs on ImsTestCoordinator {
                        log("If the test case fails, please check the preconditions");
                     } // End of function f_mtc_check_precond_TC_VoLTE_ECO_INT_DTC_02_03

                } // End of f_TC_VoLTE_ECO_INT_DTC_02_03
            } // End of group EmergencySessionDetachment

        } // End of group EmergencyNetworkDetachment

    } // End of group Interoperability

      * @see ETSI TS 103 795-2 Clause 6    Test Descriptions (Roaming)
    group Roaming {

         * @see ETSI TS 103 795-2 6.1    Network Attachment
        group NetworkAttachment {

            group UENetworkAttachmentWithUSIM {
                 * @desc    Emergency Network Attachment and Establishment of the Emergency Bearer with USIM.
                 * On successful emergency attachment, the UE/IVS should discover the P-CSCF IP address.
                 * The EPC will create the Emergency Bearers which will allow communication only between the UE and the P-CSCF
                 * and allowed forwarding towards E-CSCF
barakatr's avatar
barakatr committed
                 * @see ETSI TS 103 795-2 6.1.1    UE Emergency Network Attachment with USIM
                 * TS 124 229 [2], clause 9.2.1 and L.2.2.6; TS 129 212 [7], clauses 4.5.15 and 4a.5.12;
                 * TS 129 272 [8], clause (MME shall proceed even if Update Location fails)
                testcase TC_VoLTE_ECO_RMI_ATT_01 ( ) runs on ImsTestCoordinator system IotSystemInterface {

                    var IotEquipmentUser v_ueB    := f_cf_create_IotEquipmentUser ( c_userUE_B );
                    var ImsUserInfo v_userInfoB    := f_getImUser ( PX_EUT_B );

                    //Check required monitor interfaces due to TD
                    if (f_checkVxLteRequiredMonitorInterface({PX_DIAMETER_GX_INTERFACENAME,PX_DIAMETER_S6A_INTERFACENAME})){

                        // map/connect component ports
                        f_cf_adapter_up ( );
                        f_cf_user_up ( v_ueB );

                        // preamble
                        f_mtc_userRadioEnabled ( v_ueB, true, true ); // UE-B trigger an initial network_attachment by enabling radio interface of its mobile
                        // TODO: Check that user B starts initial network attachment
                        f_mtc_check_TP_S6A_MME_ULR_01 ( vc_vxlte_monitor_components.s6a, true ); // Check (ULR – Event 2)
                        f_mtc_check_TP_S6A_HSS_ECO_ULA_01 ( vc_vxlte_monitor_components.s6a); // Check (ULA – Event 3) 
                        f_mtc_check_TP_GX_PCRF_ECO_CCA_01 ( vc_vxlte_monitor_components.gx); // Check (CCR, CCA – Events 4, 5)

                        // postamble
                        f_mtc_userRadioEnabled ( v_ueB, false, true );

                        //unmap/disconnect component ports
                        f_cf_user_down ( v_ueB );
                        f_cf_adapter_down ( );
                        setverdict (inconc,"At least one required monitor interface SHALL be selected! Check PIXITs")
                } // End of TC TC_VoLTE_ECO_RMI_ATT_01
            } // End of group UENetworkAttachmentWithUSIM

            group UENetworkAttachmentWithoutUSIM {
                 * @desc    Emergency Network Attachment and Establishment of the Emergency Bearer without USIM.
                 * On successful emergency attachment, the UE/IVS should discover the P-CSCF IP address.
                 * The EPC will create the Emergency Bearers which will allow communication only between the UE and the P-CSCF
                 * and allowed forwarding towards E-CSCF
barakatr's avatar
barakatr committed
                 * @see ETSI TS 103 795-2 6.1.2    UE Emergency Network Attachment without USIM
                 *  TS 124 229 [2], clause 9.2.1 and L.2.2.6; TS 129 212 [7], clauses 4.5.15 and 4a.5.12;
                 * TS 129 272 [8], clause (MME shall proceed even if Update Location fails)
                testcase TC_VoLTE_EMC_RMI_ATT_02 ( ) runs on ImsTestCoordinator system IotSystemInterface {

                    var IotEquipmentUser v_ueB    := f_cf_create_IotEquipmentUser ( c_userUE_B );
                    var ImsUserInfo v_userInfoB    := f_getImUser ( PX_EUT_B );

                    //Check required monitor interfaces due to TD
                    if (f_checkVxLteRequiredMonitorInterface({PX_DIAMETER_GX_INTERFACENAME,PX_DIAMETER_S6A_INTERFACENAME})){

                        // map/connect component ports
                        f_cf_adapter_up ( );
                        f_cf_user_up ( v_ueB );

                        // preamble
barakatr's avatar
barakatr committed
                        f_mtc_userRadioEnabled ( v_ueB, true, true ); // UE-B trigger an initial network_attachment by enabling radio interface of its mobile
                        // TODO Check that user B starts initial network attachment
                        f_mtc_check_TP_S6A_MME_ULR_01 ( vc_vxlte_monitor_components.s6a, true ); // Check (ULR – Event 2)
                        f_mtc_check_TP_S6A_HSS_ECO_ULA_01 ( vc_vxlte_monitor_components.s6a);        // Check (ULA – Event 3) 
                        f_mtc_check_TP_GX_PCRF_EMC_CCA_01 ( vc_vxlte_monitor_components.gx); // Check (CCR, CCA – Events 4, 5)

                        // postamble
                        f_mtc_userRadioEnabled ( v_ueB, false, true );

                        //unmap/disconnect component ports
                        f_cf_user_down ( v_ueB );
                        f_cf_adapter_down ( );
                        setverdict (inconc,"At least one required monitor interface SHALL be selected! Check PIXITs")
                } // End of TC TC_VoLTE_ECO_RMI_ATT_02
            } // End of group UENetworkAttachmentWithoutUSIM

        } // End of group NetworkAttachment

         * @see ETSI TS 103 795-2 Clause 6.2    IMS Emergency Registration in a visited network
        group IMSEmergencyRegistration {

             * @desc    To attempt initial emergency registration via the established emergency bearer. In this case, the emergency registration is not successful due to not accepted UE credentials. Emergency call can be established without emergency registration.
             * @see ETSI TS 103 795-2 Clause 6.2.1    IMS Emergency Registration - Rejection
             * @remark This is option 1: Emergency registration rejected by the visited network
            testcase TD_VoLTE_ECO_RMI_REG_01_01() runs on ImsTestCoordinator system IotSystemInterface {

                var IotEquipmentUser v_ueA  := f_cf_create_IotEquipmentUser ( c_userUE_A_emergency );
                var ImsUserInfo v_userInfoA := f_getSipUserId ( PX_EUT_A_EMERGENCY );

                //Check required monitor interfaces due to TD
                if (f_checkVxLteRequiredMonitorInterface({PX_SIP_GMA_INTERFACENAME,

                    // map/connect component ports
                    f_cf_adapter_up ( );
                    f_cf_user_up ( v_ueA );

                    // preamble
barakatr's avatar
barakatr committed
                    f_mtc_userRadioEnabled ( v_ueA, true, true ); // UE-A trigger an initial network_attachment by enabling radio interface of its mobile

                    // Test body
                    f_mtc_check_TP_GM_PCSCF_ECO_REGISTER_04(vc_vxlte_monitor_components.gmA); // Events 1, 8

                    f_mtc_check_TP_RX_PCSCF_ECO_AAR_01(vc_vxlte_monitor_components.rx, true);// Event 2 //true because AAR repeated in next TP
                    f_mtc_check_TP_RX_PCRF_ECO_AAA_01(vc_vxlte_monitor_components.rx); // Event 3
                    f_mtc_check_TP_MW_ICSCF_ECO_REGISTER_04(vc_vxlte_monitor_components.mwPI); // Event 4, 7
                    f_mtc_check_TP_CX_HSS_UAA_03(f_getCxInterface(PX_DIAMETER_CX_SINGLE_INTERFACE));// Event 5, 6

                    // postamble
                    f_PO_user_home_deregistration ( v_ueA );
                    f_mtc_userRadioEnabled ( v_ueA, false, true );

                    //unmap/disconnet component ports
                    f_cf_user_down ( v_ueA );
                    f_cf_adapter_down ( );
                    setverdict (inconc,"At least one required monitor interface SHALL be selected! Check PIXITs");
            } // End of testcase TD_VoLTE_ECO_RMI_REG_01_01

             * @desc    To attempt initial emergency registration via the established emergency bearer. In this case, the emergency registration is not successful due to not accepted UE credentials. Emergency call can be established without emergency registration.
             * @see ETSI TS 103 795-2 Clause 6.2.1    IMS Emergency Registration - Rejection
             * @remark This is option 1: Emergency registration rejected - UE not supporting GIBA
            testcase TD_VoLTE_ECO_RMI_REG_01_02() runs on ImsTestCoordinator system IotSystemInterface {

                var IotEquipmentUser v_ueA  := f_cf_create_IotEquipmentUser ( c_userUE_A_emergency );
                var ImsUserInfo v_userInfoA := f_getSipUserId ( PX_EUT_A_EMERGENCY );

                //Check required monitor interfaces due to TD
                if (f_checkVxLteRequiredMonitorInterface({PX_SIP_GMA_INTERFACENAME,

                    // map/connect component ports
                    f_cf_adapter_up ( );
                    f_cf_user_up ( v_ueA );

                    // preamble
barakatr's avatar
barakatr committed
                    f_mtc_userRadioEnabled ( v_ueA, true, true ); // UE-A trigger an initial network_attachment by enabling radio interface of its mobile

                    // Test body
                    f_mtc_check_TP_GM_PCSCF_ECO_REGISTER_05(vc_vxlte_monitor_components.gmA); // Events 1, 10

                    f_mtc_check_TP_RX_PCSCF_ECO_AAR_01(vc_vxlte_monitor_components.rx, true);// Event 2 //true because AAR repeated in next TP
                    f_mtc_check_TP_RX_PCRF_ECO_AAA_01(vc_vxlte_monitor_components.rx); // Event 3
                    f_mtc_check_TP_MW_ICSCF_ECO_REGISTER_05(vc_vxlte_monitor_components.mwPI); // Event 4, 9

                    f_mtc_check_TP_CX_HSS_UAA_03(f_getCxInterface(PX_DIAMETER_CX_SINGLE_INTERFACE));// Event 5, 6

                    // postamble
                    f_PO_user_home_deregistration ( v_ueA );
                    f_mtc_userRadioEnabled ( v_ueA, false, true );

                    //unmap/disconnet component ports
                    f_cf_user_down ( v_ueA );
                    f_cf_adapter_down ( );
                    setverdict (inconc,"At least one required monitor interface SHALL be selected! Check PIXITs");
            } // End of testcase TD_VoLTE_ECO_RMI_REG_01_02

        } // End of group IMSEmergencyRegistration
         * @see ETSI TS 103 795-3 Clause 6.3    Emergency Session Establishment(Roaming)
        group EmergencySessionEstablishmentRoaming {
		 	* @see ETSI TS 103 795-3 Clause 6.3.1    Roaming UE calling PSAP with emergency registration
			group RoamingUECallingPSAPWithEmergencyRegistration {   
				 * @desc    To demonstrate the establishment of dedicated bearers at the originating EPC due to SIP roaming emergency session establishment within an emergency registration.
				 *          PSAP is located in the IM CN subsystem of IMS A
				 * @see ETSI TS 103 795-2 Clause 6.3.1    Roaming UE calling PSAP with emergency registration
				testcase TD_VoLTE_ECO_RMI_INI_01() runs on ImsTestCoordinator system IotSystemInterface {

					var IotEquipmentUser v_ueB  := f_cf_create_IotEquipmentUser ( c_userUE_B_emergency );
					var IotEquipmentUser v_psap := f_cf_create_IotEquipmentUser ( c_psap );
					var ImsUserInfo v_userInfoB := f_getImUser ( PX_EUT_B_EMERGENCY );
					var ImsUserInfo v_infoPsap  := f_getImUser ( PX_PSAP );

					//Check required monitor interfaces due to TD
					if (f_checkVxLteRequiredMonitorInterface({PX_SIP_GMA_INTERFACENAME,
						var SipMessage v_sip;


						// map/connect component ports
						f_cf_adapter_up ( );
						f_cf_user_up ( v_ueB );
						f_cf_user_up ( v_psap );

						// Preamble
						f_mtc_userRegistration(v_ueB, v_userInfoB);
							f_mtc_userRegistration(v_psap, v_infoPsap);
						} else {
							// TODO Check OPTIONS from PSAP to E-CSCF

						// Test body
						if (not PX_ECALL) {
							f_mtc_check_TP_GM_PCSCF_ECO_INVITE_02(vc_vxlte_monitor_components.gmB, -, v_sip); // INVITE Event 1
						} else {
							f_mtc_check_TP_GM_PCSCF_ECO_INVITE_04(vc_vxlte_monitor_components.gmB, -, v_sip); // INVITE Event 1
						f_mtc_check_TP_GM_PCSCF_ECO_100Trying_01(vc_vxlte_monitor_components.gmB, -, v_sip);

						//Rx/Gx exchange after INVITE (SDP) was received at P-CSCF
						f_mtc_check_TP_RX_PCSCF_AAR_03(vc_vxlte_monitor_components.rx);// Event 2
						f_mtc_check_TP_GX_PCRF_RAR_01(vc_vxlte_monitor_components.gx, true); // Event 3
						f_mtc_check_TP_GX_PGW_RAA_02(vc_vxlte_monitor_components.gx);  // Event 4
						f_mtc_check_TP_RX_PCRF_AAA_02(vc_vxlte_monitor_components.rx); // Event 5
						f_mtc_check_TP_RX_PCSCF_RAA_01(vc_vxlte_monitor_components.rx);// Events 7,8
						f_mtc_check_TP_GX_PCRF_CCA_01(vc_vxlte_monitor_components.gx); // Events 6,9

						f_mtc_check_TP_MW_PCSCF_ECO_INVITE_02(vc_vxlte_monitor_components.mwPE, -, v_sip); // Event 10
						f_mtc_check_TP_MW_PCSCF_ECO_100Trying_01(vc_vxlte_monitor_components.mwPE, -, v_sip);

						f_mtc_check_TP_MM_ECSCF_ECO_INVITE_01(vc_vxlte_monitor_components.mmB_PSAP, -, v_sip); // Event 11
						f_mtc_check_TP_MM_ECSCF_ECO_100Trying_01(vc_vxlte_monitor_components.mmB_PSAP, -, v_sip);

						// 183 Session Progress
						f_mtc_check_TP_MM_ECSCF_ECO_183SESSION_PROGRESS_01(vc_vxlte_monitor_components.mmB_PSAP, -, v_sip); // 183 In Progress Event 12
						f_mtc_check_TP_MW_PCSCF_ECO_183SESSION_PROGRESS_01(vc_vxlte_monitor_components.mwPE, -, v_sip); // Event 13
						f_mtc_check_TP_GM_PCSCF_183SESSION_PROGRESS_01(vc_vxlte_monitor_components.gmB, -, v_sip); // Event 18

						//Rx/Gx exchange after 183(SDP) was received at P-CSCF
						f_mtc_check_TP_RX_PCSCF_AAR_04(vc_vxlte_monitor_components.rx);// Event 14
						f_mtc_check_TP_GX_PCRF_RAR_01(vc_vxlte_monitor_components.gx, true); // Event 15
						f_mtc_check_TP_GX_PGW_RAA_02(vc_vxlte_monitor_components.gx);  // Event 16
						f_mtc_check_TP_RX_PCRF_AAA_02(vc_vxlte_monitor_components.rx); // Event 17

						f_mtc_check_TP_MM_ECSCF_ECO_180RINGING_01(vc_vxlte_monitor_components.mmB_PSAP, -, v_sip); // 180 Ringing – Event 20
						f_mtc_check_TP_MW_PCSCF_ECO_180RINGING_01(vc_vxlte_monitor_components.mwPE, -, v_sip); // Event 21
						f_mtc_check_TP_GM_PCSCF_180RINGING_01(vc_vxlte_monitor_components.gmB, -, v_sip); // Event 22

						f_mtc_userCheckRinging(v_psap); // Event 19
						f_mtc_userCheckPeerIsRinging(v_ueB); // Event 19

						f_mtc_check_TP_MM_ECSCF_ECO_200OK_01(vc_vxlte_monitor_components.mmB_PSAP, -, v_sip); // 200 OK Event 23
						f_mtc_check_TP_MW_PCSCF_ECO_200OK_01(vc_vxlte_monitor_components.mwPE, -, v_sip); // Event 24
						f_mtc_check_TP_GM_PCSCF_200OK_01(vc_vxlte_monitor_components.gmB, -, v_sip); // Event 25

						f_mtc_check_TP_GM_PCSCF_ACK_01(vc_vxlte_monitor_components.gmB, -, v_sip); // ACK Event 26 
						f_mtc_check_TP_MW_PCSCF_ECO_ACK_01(vc_vxlte_monitor_components.mwPE, -, v_sip); // ACK Event 27
						f_mtc_check_TP_MM_ECSCF_ECO_ACK_01(vc_vxlte_monitor_components.mmB_PSAP, -, v_sip); // ACK – Event 28

						f_mtc_userCheckCallEstablished(v_ueB); // Event 29
						f_mtc_userCheckCallEstablished(v_psap); // Event 29

						// Postamble

						//unmap/disconnect component ports
						f_cf_user_down ( v_psap );
						f_cf_user_down ( v_ueB );
						setverdict (inconc,"At least one required monitor interface SHALL be selected! Check PIXITs")
					f_cf_adapter_down ( );
				} // End of TC TD_VoLTE_ECO_INT_INI_01

				group f_TD_VoLTE_ECO_RMI_INI_01 {

					function f_mtc_check_precond_TD_VoLTE_ECO_RMI_INI_01() runs on ImsTestCoordinator {
						log("If the test case fails, please check the preconditions");
						// TODO Add real code to check pre-conditions
					 } // End of function f_mtc_check_precond_TD_VoLTE_ECO_RMI_INI_01

				} // End of group f_TD_VoLTE_ECO_RMI_INI_01
			} // End of group RoamingUECallingPSAPWithEmergencyRegistration

		 	* @see ETSI TS 103 795-3 Clause 6.3.2    Roaming UE calling PSAP with non-emergency registration
			group RoamingUECallingPSAPWithNonEmergencyRegistration { 
				 * @desc    To demonstrate the establishment of dedicated bearers at the originating EPC due to roaming SIP emergency session establishment within non-emergency registration.
				 *          PSAP is located in the IM CN subsystem of IMS A
				 * @see ETSI TS 103 795-2 Clause    Roaming UE calling PSAP in same network
				testcase TD_VoLTE_ECO_RMI_INI_02() runs on ImsTestCoordinator system IotSystemInterface {

					var IotEquipmentUser v_ueB  := f_cf_create_IotEquipmentUser ( c_userUE_B_emergency );
					var IotEquipmentUser v_psap := f_cf_create_IotEquipmentUser ( c_psap );
					var ImsUserInfo v_userInfoB := f_getImUser ( PX_EUT_B ); //non-emergency registration
					var ImsUserInfo v_infoPsap  := f_getImUser ( PX_PSAP );

					//Check required monitor interfaces due to TD
					if (f_checkVxLteRequiredMonitorInterface({PX_SIP_GMB_INTERFACENAME,