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# HOWTO build docker images

## General imformation

Pre-requisites on your host machine:

- Install [Docker](

#### From Windows host:

- Install [Virtualbox](
- Install any X Server. For example [VcXsrv](

#### From Mac host:

- Install [Virtualbox](
- Install [XQuartz](

#### From Linux host:

- No other requirements

## Build docker image

For Windows host, rename ```build.cmd.a``` and ```run.cmd.a``` to ```build.cmd``` and ```run.cmd``` respectivelly.

Special scrips `````` (or ```build.cmd```) can be executed to automatically build all necessary images.

There are several build stages:

1. Build STF Ubuntu 18.04 image
2. Install Titan from Github
3. Install Eclipse and Titan Eclipse plugin into ~/frameworks/titan
4. Install asn1c into ~/frameworks/asn1c
5. Checkout STF569 sources from ETSI svn repository using default credentials
6. Build ASN.1 recoder library
7. Build certificate generation tool

## Import and build ETSI AtsImsIot project

### Run Docker image

#### From Windows host:

1. Authorize Docker container to interact with the XServer:
Go to the X Server installation directory and add the Docker container ip address to the file ```X0.hosts```:

Execute ```run.cmd``` or launch a command line window and run the command

```docker run -it --net=host -e DISPLAY= AtsImsIot:latest```

NOTE: Modify the IP address in the command for the address of 'VirtualBox Hot-Only Network'.

#### From Linux host:

Execute `````` or launch a command line window and run the command

docker run -it --net=host -e DISPLAY=$DISPLAY \
-v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix AtsImsIot:latest

### Import eclipse project

1. Whithin the docker container, on the linux command prompt type:

   ```eclipse -data ~/dev/Workspace```

   Eclipse IDE shall be shown on the hosts Screen.
   Possible problems:
   - eclipse not found: check the PATH environment variable. It shall contain $HOME/bin path. Otherwise add it:
     ```export PATH=$HOME/bin:$PATH```

2. Run "File -> Import" and import the ```~/dev/AtsImsIot/AtsImsIot.tpd``` file.

   This can take a time, be patient.
   **Do not run build in eclipse**, we don't have enough time.

### Build the project

```cd ~/Workspace/AtsImsIot/bin```


Possible problems:
  - Error in AbstractSocket build: Build it explicitly:
     ```cd ~/Workspace/Abstract_Socket_CNL113384/bin_ssl && make```

### Execute tests
1. Launch eclipse: ```eclipse -data ~/dev/Workspace```
2. Select configuration from the /etc/folder:
 - AtsImsIot.cfg                     - Default ETSI AtsImsIot test suite.
3. Right-click on the configuration file and select **Run As -> TITAN Parallel launcher**