DiameterRfRo_Templates.ttcn 3.93 KB
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 *  @author   STF 490
 *  @version  $Id: DiameterRfRo_Templates.ttcn 74 2015-02-05 17:15:11Z pintar $
 *  @desc     This module defines RfRo Diameter Templates for message, header, and
 *            structured types. <br>
 *            Note that any changes made to the definitions in this module
 *            may be overwritten by future releases of this library
 *            End users are encouraged to contact the distributers of this
 *            module regarding their modifications or additions
 *            Note that usage of encvalue command (codec function) returns bitstring 
 *            length of the message or AVP with padding bytes. Therefore this function 
 *            is not used on the first level where length of one single AVP can be 
 *            calculated with lengthof function. It shall be used only on message level 
 *            or in case where one AVP is group of other AVPs (ex. m_subsesEnforcementInfo_Operation_MultiBBERFact_AnGw). 
 *  @remark   Any additions to the templates shall follow the design rules
 *            and always modify base templates only;

module DiameterRfRo_Templates {

    import from LibCommon_BasicTypesAndValues {type UInt32, UInt24;};
    import from LibDiameter_Types_Base_AVPs all;
    import from LibDiameter_Types_S9_AVPs all;//TODO remove or use Rf/Ro
    import from LibDiameter_Types_Gx_AVPs all;//TODO remove or use Rf/Ro
    import from LibDiameter_TypesAndValues all;
    import from LibDiameter_Templates all;
    import from DiameterRfRo_PIXITS all;
    import from LibDiameter_Types_Rx_AVPs all;//TODO remove or use Rf/Ro

    group SubFields{
    } //end group SubFields

    group HeaderFieldTemplates {
		template AVP_Header mw_aVP_HeaderVid_Vbit1Mbit0 ( AVP_Code p_avpCode, template (present) AVP_Vendor_ID p_avpVid ) := {
			aVP_Code 	:= p_avpCode,
			aVP_flags 	:= mw_avpFlags_VMbits('1'B, '0'B),
			aVP_len 	:= ?,
			aVP_vid		:= p_avpVid
        template AVP_Header mw_aVP_HeaderVid_Vbit1Mbit1 ( AVP_Code p_avpCode, template (present) AVP_Vendor_ID p_avpVid ) := {
            aVP_Code 	:= p_avpCode,
            aVP_flags 	:= mw_avpFlags_VMbits('1'B, '1'B),
            aVP_len 	:= ?,
            aVP_vid		:= p_avpVid
        group DummyAVPHeaders{
        } //end group DummyAVPHeaders
        group SpecificAVPHeaders {
          	group sendingTemplatesForAVPs{

          	}//end group sendingTemplatesForAVPs
          	group awaitingTemplatesForAVPs{

			}//end group awaitingTemplatesForAVPs
        } //end group SpecificAVPHeaders
    } //end group HeaderFieldTemplates

    /** Message templates for ACR, ACA, CCR, CCA.... methods  */
    group RfRoMessageTemplates {
        group RfRobase_templates {
            group RfRobasic_request_templates_send {

            } // end group RfRobasic_request_templates_send
            group RfRobasic_request_templates_receive {

            }//end group RfRobasic_request_templates_receive
            group RfRobasic_answer_templates_send {

            }//end group RfRobasic_answer_templates_send
            group RfRobasic_answer_templates_receive {

            }//end group RfRobasic_answer_templates_receive
        }//end group RfRoMessageTemplates
        group RfRomodified_templates {
            group RfRomodified_request_templates_send {
            } //     end group RfRomodified_request_templates_send
            group RfRomodified_request_templates_receive {

            } //     end group RfRomodified_request_templates_receive
            group RfRomodified_answer_templates_send {

            } //     end group RfRomodified_answer_templates_send
            group RfRomodified_answer_templates_receive {

        	} // end group RfRomodified_answer_templates_receive
    	} //end group RfRomodified_templates
	} //end group RfRoMessageTemplates
}//end module DiameterRfRo_Templates