# F5G Access Telemetry The project specifies the F5G Access Network Telemetry interfaces and data models. # Relationship to ETSI ISG F5G Work Items The project is agreed as F5G Work Item #16 and can be found in the ETSI ISG F5G work program under reference DGS/F5G-0016Telemetry Models. See [link](https://portal.etsi.org/webapp/WorkProgram/Report_WorkItem.asp?WKI_ID=64320) # How to contribute The process on how to contribute and have the documents and the software contributions in sync are shown in [How to Contritbute](./How\ to\ Contribute/contribution_process_F5G.md) ETSI Forge uses Gitlab to manage submissions to the repository. For more information on setting up your environment and contributing, you may refer to the [ETSI Forge wiki](https://forge.etsi.org/wiki/index.php/Main_Page).