module an-telemetry { yang-version "1.1"; namespace "urn:an:yang:an-telemetry"; prefix "an-telemetry"; import an-inet-types { prefix an-inet; } import an-telemetry-types { prefix an-telemetry-types; } description "Data model which creates the configuration for the telemetry systems and functions on the device. This file is modified from openconfig-telemetry.yang, the original author of openconfig-telemetry.yang is OpenConfig, OpenConfig holds the copyright of the original work. openconfig-telemetry.yang is licensed under the Apache License 2.0, For details, please refer to and"; revision "2020-09-22"; grouping telemetry-top { description "Top level grouping for telemetry configuration and operational state data"; container telemetry-system { description "Top level configuration and state for the device's telemetry system."; container sensor-groups { description "Top level container for sensor-groups."; list sensor-group { key "sensor-group-id"; description "List of telemetry sensory groups on the local system, where a sensor grouping represents a resuable grouping of multiple paths and exclude filters."; leaf sensor-group-id { type leafref { path "../config/sensor-group-id"; } description "Reference to the name or identifier of the sensor grouping"; } container config { description "Configuration parameters relating to the telemetry sensor grouping"; uses telemetry-sensor-group-config; } container state { config false; description "State information relating to the telemetry sensor group"; uses telemetry-sensor-group-config; } container sensor-paths { description "Top level container to hold a set of sensor paths grouped together"; list sensor-path { key "path"; description "List of paths in the model which together comprise a sensor grouping. Filters for each path to exclude items are also provided."; leaf path { type leafref { path "../config/path"; } description "Reference to the path of interest"; } container config { description "Configuration parameters to configure a set of data model paths as a sensor grouping"; uses telemetry-sensor-path-config; } container state { config false; description "Configuration parameters to configure a set of data model paths as a sensor grouping"; uses telemetry-sensor-path-config; } } } } } container destination-groups { description "Top level container for destination group configuration and state."; list destination-group { key "group-id"; description "List of destination-groups. Destination groups allow the reuse of common telemetry destinations across the telemetry configuration. An operator references a set of destinations via the configurable destination-group-identifier. A destination group may contain one or more telemetry destinations"; leaf group-id { type leafref { path "../config/group-id"; } description "Unique identifier for the destination group"; } container config { description "Top level config container for destination groups"; leaf group-id { type string; description "Unique identifier for the destination group"; } } container state { config false; description "Top level state container for destination groups"; leaf group-id { type string; description "Unique identifier for destination group"; } } container destinations { description "The destination container lists the destination information such as IP address and port of the telemetry messages from the network element."; list destination { key "destination-address destination-port"; description "List of telemetry stream destinations"; leaf destination-address { type leafref { path "../config/destination-address"; } description "Reference to the destination address of the telemetry stream"; } leaf destination-port { type leafref { path "../config/destination-port"; } description "Reference to the port number of the stream destination"; } container config { description "Configuration parameters relating to telemetry destinations"; uses telemetry-stream-destination-config; } container state { config false; description "State information associated with telemetry destinations"; uses telemetry-stream-destination-config; } } } } } container subscriptions { description "This container holds information for both persistent and dynamic telemetry subscriptions."; container persistent-subscriptions { description "This container holds information relating to persistent telemetry subscriptions. A persistent telemetry subscription is configued locally on the device through configuration, and is persistent across device restarts or other redundancy changes."; list persistent-subscription { key "name"; description "List of telemetry subscriptions. A telemetry subscription consists of a set of collection destinations, stream attributes, and associated paths to state information in the model (sensor data)"; leaf name { type leafref { path "../config/name"; } description "Reference to the identifier of the subscription itself. The id will be the handle to refer to the subscription once created"; } container config { description "Config parameters relating to the telemetry subscriptions on the local device"; uses telemetry-subscription-name-config; uses telemetry-local-source-address-config; uses telemetry-qos-marking-config; uses telemetry-stream-protocol-config; uses telemetry-stream-encoding-config; } container state { config false; description "State parameters relating to the telemetry subscriptions on the local device"; uses telemetry-subscription-name-config; uses telemetry-subscription-config; uses telemetry-subscription-state; uses telemetry-local-source-address-config; uses telemetry-qos-marking-config; uses telemetry-stream-protocol-config; uses telemetry-stream-encoding-config; } container sensor-profiles { description "A sensor profile is a set of sensor groups or individual sensor paths which are associated with a telemetry subscription. This is the source of the telemetry data for the subscription to send to the defined collectors."; list sensor-profile { key "sensor-group"; description "List of telemetry sensor groups used in the subscription"; leaf sensor-group { type leafref { path "../config/sensor-group"; } description "Reference to the telemetry sensor group name"; } container config { description "Configuration parameters related to the sensor profile for a subscription"; uses telemetry-sensor-profile-config; } container state { config false; description "State information relating to the sensor profile for a subscription"; uses telemetry-sensor-profile-config; } } } container destination-groups { description "A subscription may specify destination addresses. If the subscription supplies destination addresses, the network element will be the initiator of the telemetry streaming, sending it to the destination(s) specified. If the destination set is omitted, the subscription preconfigures certain elements such as paths and sample intervals under a specified subscription ID. In this case, the network element will NOT initiate an outbound connection for telemetry, but will wait for an inbound connection from a network management system. It is expected that the network management system connecting to the network element will reference the preconfigured subscription ID when initiating a subscription."; list destination-group { key "group-id"; description "Identifier of the previously defined destination group"; leaf group-id { type leafref { path "../config/group-id"; } description "The destination group id references a configured group of destinations for the telemetry stream."; } container config { description "Configuration parameters related to telemetry destinations."; leaf group-id { type leafref { path "../../../../../../../destination-groups" + "/destination-group/group-id"; } description "The destination group id references a reusable group of destination addresses and ports for the telemetry stream."; } } container state { config false; description "State information related to telemetry destinations"; leaf group-id { type leafref { path "../../../../../../../destination-groups" + "/destination-group/group-id"; } description "The destination group id references a reusable group of destination addresses and ports for the telemetry stream."; } } } } } } container dynamic-subscriptions { description "This container holds information relating to dynamic telemetry subscriptions. A dynamic subscription is typically configured through an RPC channel, and does not persist across device restarts, or if the RPC channel is reset or otherwise torn down."; list dynamic-subscription { key "id"; config false; description "List representation of telemetry subscriptions that are configured via an inline RPC, otherwise known as dynamic telemetry subscriptions."; leaf id { type leafref { path "../state/id"; } description "Reference to the identifier of the subscription itself. The id will be the handle to refer to the subscription once created"; } container state { config false; description "State information relating to dynamic telemetry subscriptions."; uses telemetry-subscription-config; uses telemetry-stream-destination-config; uses telemetry-stream-frequency-config; uses telemetry-heartbeat-config; uses telemetry-suppress-redundant-config; uses telemetry-qos-marking-config; uses telemetry-stream-protocol-config; uses telemetry-stream-encoding-config; } container sensor-paths { description "Top level container to hold a set of sensor paths grouped together"; list sensor-path { key "path"; description "List of paths in the model which together comprise a sensor grouping. Filters for each path to exclude items are also provided."; leaf path { type leafref { path "../state/path"; } description "Reference to the path of interest"; } container state { config false; description "State information for a dynamic subscription's paths of interest"; uses telemetry-sensor-path-config; } } } } } } } } // identity statements // typedef statements // grouping statements grouping telemetry-sensor-path-config { description "Configuration parameters relating to the grouping of data model paths comprising a sensor grouping"; leaf path { type string; description "Path to a section of operational state of interest (the sensor)."; } leaf exclude-filter { type string; description "Filter to exclude certain values out of the state values"; //May not be necessary. Could remove. } } grouping telemetry-heartbeat-config { description "Configuration parameters relating to the heartbeat of the telemetry subscription"; leaf heartbeat-interval { type uint64; description "Maximum time interval in seconds that may pass between updates from a device to a telemetry collector. If this interval expires, but there is no updated data to send (such as if suppress_updates has been configured), the device must send a telemetry message to the collector."; } } grouping telemetry-suppress-redundant-config { description "Configuration parameters relating to suppression of redundant upstream updates"; leaf suppress-redundant { type boolean; description "Boolean flag to control suppression of redundant telemetry updates to the collector platform. If this flag is set to TRUE, then the collector will only send an update at the configured interval if a subscribed data value has changed. Otherwise, the device will not send an update to the collector until expiration of the heartbeat interval."; } } grouping telemetry-sensor-profile-config { description "Configuration parameters relating to the sensor groups used in the sensor profile"; leaf sensor-group { type leafref { path "../../../../../../../sensor-groups/sensor-group" + "/config/sensor-group-id"; } description "Reference to the sensor group which is used in the profile"; } uses telemetry-stream-subscription-config; } grouping telemetry-stream-subscription-config { description "Configuration used when the sensor is a stream based sensor."; uses telemetry-stream-frequency-config; uses telemetry-heartbeat-config; uses telemetry-suppress-redundant-config; } grouping telemetry-qos-marking-config { description "Config parameters relating to the quality of service marking on device generated telemetry packets"; leaf originated-qos-marking { type an-inet:dscp; description "DSCP marking of packets generated by the telemetry subsystem on the network device."; } } grouping telemetry-sensor-group-config { description "Config parameters related to the sensor groups on the device"; leaf sensor-group-id { type string; description "Name or identifier for the sensor group itself. Will be referenced by other configuration specifying a sensor group"; } } grouping telemetry-subscription-config { description "Configuration parameters relating to the telemetry subscription"; leaf id { type uint64; description "System generated identifer of the telemetry subscription."; } } grouping telemetry-subscription-name-config { description "Configuration parameters relating to the configured name of the telemetry subscription. The name is a user configured string value which uniquely identifies the subscription in the configuration database."; leaf name { type string; description "User configured identifier of the telemetry subscription. This value is used primarily for subscriptions configured locally on the network element."; } } grouping telemetry-subscription-state { description "State values for the telemetry subscription"; //TODO add values } grouping telemetry-stream-protocol-config { description "Configuration parameters relating to the transport protocol carrying telemetry data."; leaf protocol { type identityref { base an-telemetry-types:STREAM_PROTOCOL; } description "Selection of the transport protocol for the telemetry stream."; } } grouping telemetry-stream-encoding-config { description "Configuration parameters relating to the encoding of telemetry data to and from the network element. The encoding method controls specifically the wire format of the telemetry data, and also controls which RPC framework may be in use to exchange telemetry data."; leaf encoding { type identityref { base an-telemetry-types:DATA_ENCODING_METHOD; } description "Selection of the specific encoding or RPC framework for telemetry messages to and from the network element."; } } grouping telemetry-stream-destination-config { description "Configuration parameters for the stream destinations"; leaf destination-address { type an-inet:ip-address; description "IP address of the telemetry stream destination"; } leaf destination-port { type uint16; description "Protocol (udp or tcp) port number for the telemetry stream destination"; } } grouping telemetry-stream-frequency-config { description "Config parameters for the frequency of updates to the collector"; leaf sample-interval { type uint64; description " The accuracy of the collected data reported by the device to the collector"; } } grouping telemetry-sensor-specification { description "Config related to creating telemetry sensor groups. A sensor group is a related set of sensor paths and/or filters to exclude items. A group is assigned a reusable identifer, so it can be used in multiple telemetry subscriptions."; list telemetry-sensor-group { key "telemetry-sensor-group-id"; description "List of telemetry sensor groups"; leaf telemetry-sensor-group-id { type string; description "The sensor group identifer is a reusable handle which identifies a single sensor group. It is referenced from the subscription configuration."; } uses telemetry-sensor-paths; } } grouping telemetry-sensor-paths { description "This grouping contains these paths to leaves or containers in the data model which are the sources of telemetry information."; list telemetry-sensor-paths { key "telemetry-sensor-path"; description "A list of sensor paths and exclude filters which comprise a sensor grouping"; leaf telemetry-sensor-path { type string; description "The sensor path is a path to a portion of operational state of interest in the data model"; } } } grouping telemetry-local-source-address-config { description "Config relating to the local source address for telemetry messages"; // TODO: Make this a reference to an interface. leaf local-source-address { type an-inet:ip-address; description "The IP address which will be the source of packets from the device to a telemetry collector destination."; } } // data definition statements uses telemetry-top; // augment statements // rpc statements // notification statements }