module an-telemetry-types { yang-version "1.1"; namespace "urn:an:yang:an-telemetry-types"; prefix "an-telemetry-types"; description "This module defines type and identities used by the access network telemetry model. This file is modified from openconfig-telemetry.yang, the original author of openconfig-telemetry.yang is OpenConfig, OpenConfig holds the copyright of the original work. openconfig-telemetry.yang is licensed under the Apache License 2.0, For details, please refer to and"; revision "2020-09-22"; identity DATA_ENCODING_METHOD { description "Base identity for supported encoding for configuration and operational state data"; } identity ENC_XML { base DATA_ENCODING_METHOD; description "XML encoding"; } identity ENC_JSON_IETF { base DATA_ENCODING_METHOD; description "JSON encoded based on IETF draft standard"; reference "draft-ietf-netmod-yang-json"; } identity ENC_PROTO3 { base DATA_ENCODING_METHOD; description "Protocol buffers v3"; reference ""; } identity STREAM_PROTOCOL { description "Base identity for a telemetry stream protocol"; } identity STREAM_SSH { base "STREAM_PROTOCOL"; description "Telemetry stream is carried over a SSH connection"; } identity STREAM_GRPC { base "STREAM_PROTOCOL"; description "Telemetry stream is carried over via the gRPC framework"; } identity STREAM_UDP { base "STREAM_PROTOCOL"; description "Telemetry stream is carried over via the UDP framework"; } identity STREAM_JSON_RPC { base "STREAM_PROTOCOL"; description "Telemetry stream is carried via the JSON-RPC framework"; } identity STREAM_THRIFT_RPC { base "STREAM_PROTOCOL"; description "Telemetry stream is carried via the Apache Thrift framework"; } identity STREAM_WEBSOCKET_RPC { base "STREAM_PROTOCOL"; description "Telemetry stream is carried by the WebSocket framework"; } // typedef statements }