syntax = "proto3"; package an_gpon_pm_olt_traffic; message GponPmOltTraffics { message GponPmOltTraffic { //The name of GPON port. string name = 1; //Ethernet frame bytes sent by the GPON port. uint64 port_tx_bytes = 2; //Ethernet frame bytes received by the GPON port. uint64 port_rx_bytes = 3; //Number of Ethernet packets sent by the GPON port. uint64 port_tx_pkt = 4; //Number of Ethernet packets received by the GPON port. uint64 port_rx_pkt = 5; //Packet loss statistics in the downlink queue of the GPON port. uint64 port_tx_discard_pkt = 6; //Number of Ethernet packets (usually packets with errors in the MAC layer) discarded in the receiving direction of the GPON port. uint64 port_rx_discard_pkt = 7; //Number of packets with CRC errors of Ethernet in the receiving direction of the GPON port. uint64 port_rx_crc_error_pkt = 8; //Number of oversized Ethernet packets discarded in the receiving direction of the GPON port. uint64 port_rx_oversized_discard_pkt = 9; //Number of undersized Ethernet packets (packet size is smaller than 64bytes and contains correct CRC) discarded in the receiving direction of the GPON port. uint64 port_rx_undersized_discard_pkt = 10; //Number of Ethernet error packets received by the GPON port. uint64 port_rx_error_pkt = 11; //Average transmit rate of the GPON port. The unit is kbps. uint32 port_tx_rate = 12; //Average receive rate of the GPON port.The unit is kbps. uint32 port_rx_rate = 13; //Peak transmit rate of the GPON port in seconds.The unit is kbps. uint32 port_tx_peak_rate = 14; //Peak receive rate of the GPON port in seconds.The unit is kbps. uint32 port_rx_peak_rate = 15; } repeated gponPmOltTraffic pm_olt_traffic = 1; } message GponPmOltChannelTraffics { message GponPmOltChannelTraffic { //The name of GPON port. string name = 1; //The number of GPON port channel. uint32 channel = 2; //Ethernet frame bytes sent by the GPON port. uint64 port_tx_bytes = 3; //Ethernet frame bytes received by the GPON port. uint64 port_rx_bytes = 4; //Number of Ethernet packets sent by the GPON port. uint64 port_tx_pkt = 5; //Number of Ethernet packets received by the GPON port. uint64 port_rx_pkt = 6; //Packet loss statistics in the downlink queue of the GPON port. uint64 port_tx_discard_pkt = 7; //Number of Ethernet packets (usually packets with errors in the MAC layer) discarded in the receiving direction of the GPON port. uint64 port_rx_discard_pkt = 8; //Number of packets with CRC errors of Ethernet in the receiving direction of the GPON port. uint64 port_rx_crc_error_pkt = 9; //Number of oversized Ethernet packets discarded in the receiving direction of the GPON port. uint64 port_rx_oversized_discard_pkt = 10; //Number of undersized Ethernet packets (packet size is smaller than 64bytes and contains correct CRC) discarded in the receiving direction of the GPON port. uint64 port_rx_undersized_discard_pkt = 11; //Number of Ethernet error packets received by the GPON port. uint64 port_rx_error_pkt = 12; //Average transmit rate of the GPON port. The unit is kbps. uint32 port_tx_rate = 13; //Average receive rate of the GPON port.The unit is kbps. uint32 port_rx_rate = 14; //Peak transmit rate of the GPON port in seconds.The unit is kbps. uint32 port_tx_peak_rate = 15; //Peak receive rate of the GPON port in seconds.The unit is kbps. uint32 port_rx_peak_rate = 16; } repeated GponPmOltChannelTraffic pm_olt_channel_traffic =1; }