# tlmsp-tools Tools for creating and testing TLMSP (ETSI TS 103 523-2) clients, middleboxes, and servers. * [Overview](#overview) * [Building](#building) + [Dependencies](#dependencies) + [Initial build](#initial-build) + [Update build](#update-build) + [Debug build](#debug-build) * [Running](#running) + [Configuration](#configuration) + [tlmsp-client, tlmsp-mb, tlmsp-server](#tlmsp-client--tlmsp-mb--tlmsp-server) + [apache-httpd](#apache-httpd) + [curl](#curl) ## Overview tlmsp-tools provides several libraries and executables: tlmsp-tools component | Description ------------------------|------------------- tlmsp-client | Client program tlmsp-mb | Middlebox program tlmsp-server | Server program libdemo | Common components for tlmsp-{client, mb, server} libtlmsp-cfg | Library for parsing and accessing UCL-based configuration files libtlmsp-util | Utility routines of interest to multiple TLMSP programs libucl | Local build of libucl, as it isn't available on all platforms
tlmsp-tools also serves to coordinate the building of additional TLMSP-enabled packages:

Additional components | Description ----------------------|--------------------- apache-httpd | Apache httpd version that can serve pages over TLMSP curl | curl version that can fetch pages over TLMSP openssl | OpenSSL modified to support TLMSP; used by apache, curl, and tlmsp-tools ## Building ### Dependencies tlmsp-tools requires: * autotools * clang * libev * libpcre2 * parallel apache-httpd additionally requires: * libexpat * libpcre (old version) On Ubuntu 18.04 LTS, the following obtains all of the necessary pieces: `sudo apt-get install autoconf clang gettext libexpat1-dev libpcre3-dev libpcre2-dev libtool-bin libev-dev parallel pkg-config` ### Initial build ``` # Starting in some , resulting in installation to # /install mkdir tlmsp cd tlmsp git clone git@forge.etsi.org:cyber/tlmsp-tools.git cd tlmsp-tools/build ./build.sh # You will now have # tlmsp/ # install/ # apache-httpd/ # curl/ # openssl/ # tlmsp-tools/ ``` Adjust your `PATH` to include `/tlmsp/install/bin` ahead of any system paths that may contain executables with the same names. Adjust your `LD_LIBRARY_PATH` to include `/tlmsp/install/lib` ahead of any other system paths that may contain libraries with the same names. Set TLMSP_UCL to `/tlmsp/install/share/tlmsp-tools/examples`. Scripts that can be sourced in shell init files to set up the environment as described above are installed in `/tlmsp/install/share/tlmsp-tools`. Self-signed certificates and corresponding private keys (sufficient to satisfy the default requirements for a client, server, and maximum number of middleboxes) are installed under `/etc/pki` and `/etc/pki/private`, respectively. ### Update build After an initial build has been done, the following will pick up all source changes, reconfigure, rebuild, and reinstall. ``` # While in tlmsp-tools/build git pull ./build.sh -u ``` ### Debug build Add '-d' to the build.sh options used in order to configure and build with compiler optimizations disabled, and compiler debug symbols and per-package extra debug mechanisms engaged. ## Running ### Configuration All of the programs obtain their TLMSP-related configuration from a file whose format is described in `tlmsp-tools/libtlmsp-cfg/everything.ucl`. The configuration file defines: * The TLMSP entities * The PKI configuration for each entity * The network topology * The TLMSP contexts being used * The access rights of each middlebox for each context * For tlmsp-client, tlmsp-mb, and tlmsp-server, match-action specifications ('activities') that determine their behavior The following table summarizes the blocks from the configuration file that each program consumes. Program | Contexts | Client | Middleboxes | Server | Activities | Notes :------------|:--------:|:------:|:-----------:|:------:|:----------:|:--------- tlmsp-client | X | X | X | X | X | tlmsp-mb | | | X | X | X | Context and server address details normally obtained from the wire; when transparent middleboxes are configured, the transparency emulation sometimes requires a peek at the server block in the config file. tlmsp-server | X | | X | X | X | apache-httpd | X | | X | | | Server address and PKI config come from the apache configuration curl | X | X | X | X | | Client used only for client address; Server used only for address to validate command line URL
Sample configuration files are installed in `/share/tlmsp-tools/examples`. ### tlmsp-client, tlmsp-mb, tlmsp-server The server and middlebox(es) can be started in any order. The client, of course, needs to be started last. ``` # -P turns on 'presentation' style logging, which narrates the match-action activity in a relatively uncluttered way tlmsp-server -c config.ucl -P ``` ``` # middleboxes require specification of which one in the given config file to run tlmsp-mb -c config.ucl -t mbox1 -P # or which ones tlmsp-mb -c config.ucl -t mbox1 -t mbox2 -P # or all tlmsp-mb -c config.ucl -a -P ``` ``` tlmsp-client -c config.ucl -P ``` Aside from configurable logging, these three programs will print out summary statistics in response to a specific signal. Under FreeBSD, this is SIGINFO, which can be delivered to a process controlling a terminal by using Ctrl+T. Under Linux, one has to resort to `kill -SIGUSR1 ` from another terminal. ### apache-httpd The apache-httpd configuration is installed at `/etc/apache24/httpd.conf` and includes `/etc/apache24/httpd_tlmsp.conf`, which in turn defines two virtual hosts: * One on `localhost:4443` configured to use `${TLMSP_UCL}/apache.ucl` * One on `localhost:4444` configured to use `${TLMSP_UCL}/apache.1mbox.ucl` The apache-httpd TLMSP integration requires the UCL file to define two contexts, one with the tag 'header' and one with the tag 'body', into which it places response headers and bodies, respectively. Pages are served out of `/share/apache24/htdocs` and logs can be found in `/var/logs`. ``` # Start apache in the single-worker, foreground mode httpd -X ``` ``` # If using the server on port 4444, a middlebox will need to be started tlmsp-mb -c ${TLMSP_UCL}/apache.1mbox.ucl -t mbox1 -P ``` ``` # Run tlmsp-client, here against the server on port 4443 tlmsp-client -c ${TLMSP_UCL}/apache.ucl -P # or use curl, again assuming against the server on port 4443 curl --tlmsp ${TLMSP_UCL}/apache.ucl https://localhost:4443 -k -v ``` Either client should successfully fetch the default index.html that installs with apache, which consists of: ```

It works!

``` ### curl The curl TLMSP integration requires the UCL file to define two contexts, one with the tag 'header' and one with the tag 'body', into which it places request headers and bodies, respectively. Also, the server hostname and port indicated in the URL on the command line must match the hostname and port indicated by the server address in the UCL file. curl continues to require an explicit URL in TLMSP mode so that different request paths can be specified without having to edit the UCL file. ``` tlmsp-server -c ${TLMSP_UCL}/curl.ucl -P ``` ``` curl --tlmsp ${TLMSP_UCL}/curl.ucl https://localhost:10254 -k -v ```